I wake up Naruto world

Chapter 70 The Land of Waves, Grand Strategy

Chapter 70 The Land of Waves, Grand Strategy

(Sorry for being late, three chapters today)

The second son returned to the Land of Fire, accompanied by Yuan Fei Asma, Hatake Kakashi, and Uchiha Shisui.

That's right, the Uchiha ninja that Asma detected before was not Uchiha Itachi who went to the Uzumaki country with Kakashi, but Uchiha Shisui who came directly from Konoha Village.

At this time, Shisui, like Kakashi, is already an elite jnin.

If you add the power of his Sharingan, you can almost walk sideways under the shadow level.

You know, he is only 16 years old now, 2 years younger than Kakashi.

A veritable genius.

Only such a person can sit calmly next to Rabbi Eight-Tails Jinzhu Riki.As for the other party, he couldn't even let go of rapping.

After all, the name of Shisui Shisui has already started in the third Ninja World War, which was 5 years ago.

Not only that, Sharingan also has a natural restraint effect on tailed beasts, even the eight tails in Kirabi's body are not willing to provoke easily.

That night, the two sat together silently like that, not speaking, and the atmosphere was very awkward.

It wasn't until the arrival of Yumuren and Kakashi that Kirabi, who had always been active, was liberated.If you don't come again, the rapper will be driven crazy.

No conflict broke out between the two parties, and they went back to their respective homes and looked for their mothers.

Kakashi and Shisui were going to return to Konoha directly, and they were going to leave after telling Asma.Unexpectedly, another second son appeared in front of them again.

It's just that the second young master at that time was so hypocritical that he was pushed out in a wheelchair.

After some explanations, they decided to stay and wait for the second young master to relax before returning to the Land of Fire together.

At the time of parting, Kaduo, Zabuzhan and Xinghuo all came to see him off.

Xinghuo appeared on the stage as Kaduo's male assistant. Since the female secretary blew himself up a few days ago, Kaduo dismissed all his personal maids.

From then on, he didn't have to act any more, tired.

But from Zabuzhan's point of view, this move is because his lord has been stimulated and no longer trusts women.

If you want to say who has the strongest brain power, you still have to count the ghost brother.

At the scene respectively, Kaduo and the second son had a business exchange, and finally said goodbye.

It was just a formality, but Xinghuo found that there was something wrong with the way Uchiha Shisui looked at him.

That's not the look you should have when you meet for the first time.

Moreover, he is still a little assistant, little transparent.

Even Yuan Fei Asma and Hatake Kakashi didn't look at him more, but Uchiha Shisui kept staring at him.

Later, everyone present noticed Xinghuo because of Zhishui's weird behavior.

And it eventually evolved into a situation where everyone watched him together.

Hey, hey, what are you looking at?

Xinghuo is so depressed, do you have to apply a shielding seal first when you go out in the future?

However, Uchiha Shisui did not explain his behavior, just smiled at him, then turned and left.

The others also looked at him meaningfully, without saying anything, and after saying goodbye to each other, they set off to leave.

Since then, the cooperation between the Cardo Chamber of Commerce and the Fire Nation's business delegation has been successfully concluded, and the Nation of Waves will usher in a new page.

In Xinghuo's plan, this small island will be built as a trading center for the ninja world.

He will also start from here and change the whole world economically.

According to Uzumaki Mito's words, it is to replace the original balance with a larger one.

"Kado, find a bridge builder named Dazna in the Land of Waves, and hire him to build a bridge connecting the Land of Waves and the Land of Fire. All costs will be borne by the Cardo Chamber of Commerce."

"Okay, master." Kado responded respectfully in the sea of ​​consciousness.

"In addition, we need to build a large dock to mass-produce warships for naval warfare. With these warships, we can completely control the entire sea area between the Land of Fire and the Land of Water."

"Master, this is a big project, and the money and resources consumed will be astronomical."

Cardo didn't object to Xinghuo's idea, but just reminded him.

"Take out all the money stored in the national banks of the country of fire, the country of thunder, and the country of water, and use it for the construction of this project and supporting facilities. The money is still useful now, and maybe it will become a bank in a year or two. A scrap of paper."

Kado was startled, the master was planning to make trouble.

"Okay, master, I'll send someone to do it now."

"Keep all the gold. If you have any extra money, you can also exchange it for gold and store it up."

Xinghuo knew in his heart what impact his subsequent operations would have on the economy of the entire ninja world.

It is not impossible for the current monetary system to collapse.

However, collapse is not his purpose, and rebuilding a new system is what he really wants.

"In the future, all merchant ships, fishing boats, and passenger ships in this sea area must stop at the Land of Waves. Only by transiting here can they enter the Land of Fire westward, and go eastward to the Land of Water and overseas islands."

"To achieve this goal, a strong navy is a prerequisite. But in addition, a good business environment and superior living conditions are also essential."

"Therefore, the formulation of trade rules and the construction of various domestic facilities in the Kingdom of Waves also need to be carried out simultaneously."

Kado listened carefully to Xinghuo's narration, and in his mind, a brand new Land of Waves was gradually becoming clear.

Security, stability, prosperity.

There is no doubt that it will become the pearl of the world and the pioneer of world change.

"There are so many things, you can't be busy alone, but fortunately, you have enough soul energy. At this stage, you should always maintain the state of two shadow clones."

"The main body will stay in the country of Waves to preside over the overall situation, the shadow clone No. 1 is permanently stationed in Muye Village, and the shadow clone No. 2 will go back and forth between the five major countries to establish trade routes."

"Good master, but the stall is so big, I'm worried that someone will target it."

Cardo said that the guards were not strong enough.

"It is certain to be targeted. After all, the cake is so big now. If we eat more, others will eat less."

Starfire continued.

"But fortunately, the relationship between the country and ninja villages is not a superior-subordinate relationship. We spend more money and hire ninjas from the five major villages as guards for a long time. In this way, even if there is pressure from the national level, we can temporarily resist it. .”

"As long as we are given some time, these pressures will become a boost in the future."

"I see, master, don't worry. I will definitely do these things according to your will."

"Well, there is one last thing. All the residents of Uzumaki Town will be relocated to the country of Uzumaki. The name of the new town will be Uzumaki Town."

"There is also a young man named Kaisha there. You recruit him into the Cardo Chamber of Commerce and let him be in charge of the business of the Kingdom of Fire in the future."

The reason why Xinghuo has such an arrangement is first to ensure the status of the trade center of the Kingdom of Waves.Therefore, there is no need for the port town of Wobo Town to exist.

In addition, the primitive rainforest of the country of vortex is still expanding, and there must be some unknown reason for this.

Before he finds out these reasons, he doesn't want too many human factors to interfere with it.Therefore, it is imperative to move all ordinary people out.

Even ninjas would not want to go to Uzumaki without ordinary people.After all, ninjas are not gods, they can not eat, drink or sleep.

Moreover, there are also the ruins of Ushio Village and the Namian Hall, so it is better to hide them first.

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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