Chapter 62

Three days passed quickly, and today is the day when the business delegation from the Land of Fire arrived in the Land of Waves.

Kaduo has also gone to the port with a group of senior executives from the Kaduo Chamber of Commerce, preparing to welcome the people from the Land of Fire there.

Accompanying him are the daimyo of Namano country and a large number of officials.

As a puppet daimyo in the actual sense, the dog author didn't even give him a name. Anyway, he is just a tool man, and he will never appear again.

The fundamental reason for this situation is that the social productivity of the derivative world of Naruto is too low. As an island country, limited by resources, the country of Wave cannot be self-sufficient at all.

At the same time, the globalized trade network and rules have not been established, and the superiority of its geographical location cannot be transformed into real benefits.

Therefore, since the founding of the country, the country of Bo has always been attached to the country of fire and accepted the assistance of the country of fire.

As a vassal state, many rights are not available.Things like taxes, armies, and equal diplomatic status.

The Land of Waves daimyo is nominally a daimyo, but no one in the ninja world knows that this daimyo is even inferior to a local official of the Land of Fire in terms of status and power.

This is also the reason why the Cardo Chamber of Commerce wants to obtain the ten-year franchise of the Land of Waves, and the negotiating object is not the daimyo of the Land of Waves, but the business delegation of the Land of Fire.

The above secrets were all told by Kaduo to Xinghuo during these three days.

At this time, the latter was staying in his mansion, doing nothing.

Yes, as soon as Kasha left, his house was taken over by Xinghuo.He also modified the house according to his living habits on the earth.

Originally, it took one month to complete the project, but thanks to the ability to pay money, it was completed in two days.

As for picking up people, he didn't bother to go there for the simple reason that it didn't fit his role as a master behind the scenes.

What he has to do is to collect information, make a judgment, and inform Kaduo of the decision, and the latter will be responsible for implementing it.

Two days ago, Zabuza went to see Yukito, told her relevant information, and proposed cooperation conditions.

To Xinghuo's surprise, Yu Muren agreed without much hesitation, and even looked a little happy, as if he had obtained an unexpected harvest.

Moreover, even if she knew the information that "Konoha already knew that you were in the Land of Nami", she did not choose to leave, and said that she would witness the signing ceremony between the Cardo Chamber of Commerce and the Land of Fire on the spot.

What kind of divine operation is this?Xinghuo has not figured it out until now.

Perhaps the real purpose of Youmuren, Yunyin, and the Kingdom of Thunder is not to stop this cooperation, but to have other plans.

Fortunately, the Land of Fire Daming Mansion also replied.

Said that Muye Village had been notified and asked them to send top-level combat forces to ensure the smooth progress of the cooperation.

Xinghuo didn't know who this so-called top combat power was, could it be Zilaiya?
If so, he has considered transferring the shielding and sealing technique to the other party, maybe he can get one or two S-rank ninjutsu in exchange for it.

After all, lecherous immortals have a strong need for collecting wind.

On the other side, the reply from the country of water has not arrived yet.

This should be the fastest reply, after all, they are all from our own people.But it wasn't until yesterday that Kasha landed in the Land of Water that the reply letter from the Daming Mansion was sent out.

They said that they have expressed their request to the Nation of Fire to strengthen the economic and trade exchanges between the two countries through official channels, and the specific matters will be implemented by the Cardo Chamber of Commerce.

It seems that the water country daimyo is still on guard against his illegitimate son.

This also proves the importance of protons from the side.

Based on the information from all parties, Xinghuo feels that this cooperation should be stable, but it will definitely not be peaceful.

Yun Yin must have other goals, but he doesn't know who it is targeting, whether it is a single event, or the first link of a certain big event, so he can only take one step at a time.

Time passed quickly, and the sky gradually darkened.

Xinghuo set off, left his mansion, and went to Cardo's mansion.There, a welcome dinner and a signing ceremony will be held together.

Cardo Mansion, inside a huge banquet hall.

At this time, many maids and waiters are busy, making final preparations for the welcome dinner.

Many of the ingredients used in the dinner were just caught today. There are fresh seafood from the outer seas, and there are also special products from the Uzumaki country, which are huge animal ingredients.

On a huge dining table in the center of the banquet hall, a huge roasted whole pig was placed.

If Xinghuo was here, he would definitely be able to recognize him, isn't this the second senior brother?

Beside the second senior brother, there is also a huge roast chicken.No, to be precise, it should be a roasted bird.

Xinghuo also knows this guy, it's the one that bullied Xiaoshu in Chapter 1.

Since then, the first three wild animals he encountered during his travels have all become ingredients.

Is this the loss of morality or the distortion of human nature that made him have to enjoy these delicacies.

After a while, the door of the banquet hall was pushed open, and more than 100 people entered in a file.

Naturally, Cardo is at the forefront.

Standing side by side with him is a young man with a handsome appearance, dressed in fine clothes, and with an elegant demeanor.

Xinghuo has already learned the identity of this person through Kaduo, the second son of the fire country daimyo, and also the leader of this trip.

Accompanying him were several nobles from the Fire Nation, and their bodyguards, the guard led by Yuan Fei Asma.

"Your Highness, the second son, your guard captain should be the third Hokage-sama's son."

Under Xinghuo's instruction, Kado focused on the intelligence investigation on the characters in the original story.

"Yes. Like his father, Asma is also an excellent ninja. He is undergoing the assessment of guardian ninja. It is also an experience to accompany me this time."

The Second Young Master's tone was soft, his words were clear, and his words and demeanor exuded a charming charm.

The many little maids on the side were drooling, oh no, staring at them.

"Oh, it's the legendary Guardian Ninja Twelve. I heard that each of them has the level of an elite Jōnin."

"It's exaggerated, it's just hearsay."

Obviously, Second Young Master is very sensitive to these confidential information, and will not be so stupid as to leak it out while chatting.

The two chatted while walking, very relaxed and comfortable.

But Yuan Fei Asma and Tao Di Zaibuzhan behind them were tense, looking ready to go.

I don't know if they are wary of each other or someone else.

Asma has received a message from his father, informing him of the possible appearance of the Ninao Jinchuryuki.

This made him a little anxious. He thought it was just a leisure task for traveling, but he didn't expect to go online with Renzhuli.

Fortunately, it was mentioned in the intelligence that Hatake Kakashi was in the nearby Uzumaki Country and would come to support him, which reassured him a lot.

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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