I wake up Naruto world

Chapter 37 Strategic Conception

Chapter 37 Strategic Conception
With a thought in Xinghuo's mind, two shadow clones appeared on his left and right sides, similar to when he used the clone technique to create phantom clones.

After the two shadow clones appeared, they looked down at themselves, then turned their heads to look at each other, and finally looked at the main body together.

Xinghuo was a little confused, and this scene was really weird.

He discovered that these two goods have self-awareness, of course, that is his consciousness.

In other words, his consciousness is divided into three, located in three different individuals.

The feeling is hard to describe, like running, swimming, and driving at the same time.Not doing three things at the same time, but living three lives at the same time.

What you see, hear, and feel is different.But the reaction to external information is completely consistent.

He can even talk to his clone, which is a wonderful feeling.

Xinghuo was a little intoxicated by this novel experience, and an hour passed before he knew it.

As time went by, he gradually felt a vague sense of weakness.

That kind of weakness is different from physical fatigue and mental exhaustion. It is a sense of emptiness that gradually loses control over the body and gradually loses perception of the world.

Xinghuo experienced this feeling before, when he traveled to this world, he merged with the original owner's body.

At that time, he experienced the whole process from complete nothingness to gradually controlling the body.

Quite the opposite of what is happening now.

Open the personal panel and look at the [Basic Properties] page.

Xinghuo discovered that his soul energy had changed from the original 1200 points to the current 398 (395, 395), a decrease of 12 points from the total amount.

I still remember that Reincarnation Paradise reminded that a person's soul energy is closely related to his soul origin.Then, the reduction of soul energy should also represent the weakness of the soul.

From this moment, Xinghuo had a concrete understanding of the originally very ethereal concept of the soul for the first time.

Without continuing to try to interact with the shadow clone, he lifted the shadow clone technique.

Two balls of white smoke exploded, leaving only his body.

Now, he's going to try it out.If successful, his strategic goals will be fully achieved.

At the same time, he invested a lot of resources to enhance the shadow clone technique and the soul source quality he possessed, and they will also play their greatest role.

Xinghuo took a deep breath and performed the shadow clone technique again.

This time, he carefully felt the whole process of the appearance of the shadow clone.

The first is Chakra, including the Chakra plug-in bag, all divided into two.

These energies gradually form a new shell.But he found that this body was different from the body of the phantom clone, and he had some kind of unknown mark on it, and it was this mark that connected the body with his body.

Then came the soul energy, and it was under the influence of that unknown imprint that his soul energy began to split into two.

Without hesitation, Xinghuo decisively sent a mass of soul source material in the sea of ​​consciousness, along the traction of the unknown imprint, into the newborn body to replace his own soul energy.

The next moment, a shadow clone appeared beside him.

The main body looked at the clone, and the clone also looked at the main body, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

Xinghuo clicked on the personal panel, also on the [Basic Attributes] page, his soul energy has changed to 1188 (12800).

It has to be said that the 128000 points of soul energy in the shadow clone really surprised Xinghuo.

Although he has known for a long time that the source of soul is a very high-end product, but this is a bit exaggerated.

The reason why he didn't choose soul crystallization was mainly because he was worried about the lack of soul energy in it.

This shadow clone will be one of his trump cards and will be separated from him for a long time.So when filling up the soul energy, he directly chose the soul source quality with the largest amount of energy.

Of course, he won't admit it, the main reason is that there is a lot of soul quality, so it doesn't hurt to use it at all.

But fortunately, there were no surprises in the result.Otherwise, it will be a bit of a loss.

The newly appeared shadow clone was no different from the previous shadow clone filled with his own soul energy.

At least, in Xinghuo's sense, that's how it is.

It seems that the soul energy is only used as an energy source, and it is the unknown imprint that really plays a leading role.

The imprint is an eye, Xinghuo thought it was Sharingan at first sight.

However, after he observed carefully, he found that this eye was not so simple.

It was a pattern composed of countless unknown symbols, and the eyes were just the outlines of these symbols piled up together.

Another mystery, another pit, and what the hell is a huge pit.

Xinghuo was a little annoyed, so he put the matter of the imprint aside and didn't care about it anymore.

He has to take care of everything and ask him to guess, so how can there be room for him to play tricks?
Do all the nonsense!

Clicking on the Skills tab, Xinghuo set his sights on "Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (A-level)".

"Skill Description: One of the Five Great Legacy Chakra Refining Techniques"

"Skill effect [-]: Chakra refinement. In the cultivation state, you can quickly refine chakra, and have a certain probability to enter the state of heaven and earth resonance. In this state, the body can independently absorb the energy of the heaven and earth, and use this to improve physical attributes; non-cultivation state You can recover Chakra by yourself; Chakra extraction is related to recovery efficiency and skill level.”

"Skill effect two: Chakra perception."

"Skill effect three: Chakra heals."

The reason why he positioned Shadow Clone as a strategic skill is not unrelated to this skill.

To be more specific, it is related to the newly appeared "Heaven and Earth Resonance State" in the skill effect.

Previously in Namian Hall, in order to fill up his two blue bars, he used Chakra Extraction continuously, not only raising the skill level of "Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (A-level)" to LV2, but also gained Extra 1 point of physical attribute and mental attribute.

From then on, in his heart, there was a plan for the shadow clone to engage in this great cause.

After all, this is a 007 project, and he is afraid that it will be difficult for him to do it.

However, this project is very important and must be launched.

After all, this is currently the only method that he can control independently, risk-free, and obtain physical attributes stably.

You must know that he obtains growth resources now, all relying on the hidden rewards that change the plot.

However, this risk is also great.The butterfly effect, understand.

Maybe one day, Xinghuo wakes up and finds that the world of Naruto has become the world of Ultraman, so what should he do?

Therefore, keeping one hand is naturally quite necessary.

Another point, he is very concerned about.

It is the energy of heaven and earth absorbed in the state of resonance between heaven and earth.

This so-called heaven and earth energy, no matter how he looks at it, he thinks it is natural energy.If not all, it must have something to do with natural energy.

And the natural energy is directly linked to the fairy mode, which has to arouse his great attention.

After all, that's the Immortal mode, a powerful skill in the late stage, standard for Naruto fans.If not, I would be ashamed to say that I am the protagonist.

That is based on these two reasons, Xinghuo wants to build a shadow clone that can exist for a long time to help him extract chakra, help him obtain attribute points, and help him verify whether the energy of the world is natural energy.

Now, he has a shadow clone with up to 128000 points of soul energy, and it is estimated that he will not need to charge it for 10 years.

The only thing to worry about is whether this product will produce a second personality.

However, worry is nothing but worry, Xinghuo will not be timid because of this.As the saying goes, when soldiers come, they will block the water and cover them with soil, so take one step at a time and see one step at a time.

In order to make this 007 project more efficient, he decided to strengthen the "Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (A-level)".

A reminder from the paradise sounded in my head.

"Upgrade skills, Chakra Extraction Vortex Edition (Level A), LV2~LV10, each upgrade requires 100000 Paradise Coins or 1 skill point."

Level one hundred thousand!really!

Although Xinghuo was already prepared in his heart, seeing the expected number actually appeared in front of his eyes still made his liver ache.

He took a deep breath, took out 8 skill points, and raised the "Chakra Extraction Swirl Version (A-level)" to LV10.

He was a little surprised that the expected additional feature selection did not appear.

But in the next second, the notification sound of Reincarnation Paradise directly notified him that he had obtained the additional features of LV10.

"Skill, Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (Level A) has reached LV10, and you have acquired an additional feature of the skill: natural circulation."

"Natural cycle: Refining chakra for a long time will gradually integrate your body into the natural cycle of the world, which will help your physical and spiritual growth."

At a glance, Xinghuo immediately had the urge to complain.

It's fine if you don't let him choose, and give him some rubbish stuff.

What is the difference between this natural cycle and the characteristics that come with the skill? Isn't it all about improving physical and mental attributes?

But when he looked again, he felt something was wrong.

After careful comparison, it is found that the first skill characteristic is that he needs to enter the state of heaven and earth resonance when refining chakra, in order to attract the energy of heaven and earth into the body, thereby improving the physical attributes.

On the other hand, the natural circulation of additional features does not have any preconditions. This seems to be a result and a state after reaching LV10.

Xinghuo closed his eyes and felt for a while, it seemed to be a little different. Is this the so-called integration into the natural cycle?

Well, that is to say, from now on, when he exercises, cultivates, or just grows up normally, he will acquire more physical attributes than before.

Xinghuo didn't care too much about a modest harvest, after all, he was a contractor, and it was impossible for him to grow through cultivation like a native life.

With 10 skill points left, he pondered for a moment, and then put all of them into the enhancement of "Chakra Extraction Swirl Version (A-level)".

Reaching LV20, there was also no option for additional features, and it was also Reincarnation Paradise that notified him that he had obtained an additional feature.

"Skill, Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (Level A) has reached LV20, and you have acquired an additional feature of the skill: natural link."

"Natural link: Chakra can be transmitted between the main body and the clone."

Obviously, "natural link" is a follow-up extension of "natural cycle".

But what Xinghuo didn't expect was that this additional feature was too powerful.

In the original book, after Naruto Uzumaki learned the sage mode, he left several shadow clones to refine the celestial chakra in Mount Miaomu.

However, if his body wants to reclaim these immortal chakras extracted from the avatars, it must first remove these avatars.Then, the energy in the avatar will return to his body through unknown channels.

Obviously, Uzumaki Naruto's "Chakra Extraction Uzumaki Version (A-level)" at that time did not reach LV20, and did not obtain the additional feature of natural link.

Otherwise, he doesn't need to remove the clone at all, and he can obtain the magic chakra refined from the clone.

Of course, it remains to be seen whether Xianju chakra can be transmitted between the main body and the clone like ordinary chakra.

But this feature does help Spark solve a big practical problem.

His strategic shadow clone won't be disarmed easily, at least for quite a long time.

This will inevitably lead to a problem, what should I do if the shadow clone's chakra is full?
Xinghuo's previous plan was to let him release ninjutsu crazily when the clone's chakra was full, use up the chakra, and then continue to refine.

Refine, use up, refine, use up, endless loop.

Yes, the tool people of the 007 project are in this state of existence.

Xinghuo was also worried about how terrifying the second personality born in this state would be, I dare not think about it!
Well now, the avatar only needs to concentrate on refining chakra.As for how to use up Chakra, it is something he should consider on his own.

In this way, Xinghuo will never lack mana, and the combat endurance will be infinitely full.

Thinking of this, he looked at the LV20 "Chakra Extraction Vortex Version (A-level)", and the corners of his mouth couldn't help twitching. The chakra extraction efficiency is really high.

Can refine 1000 chakra points per hour.

The two blue bars of Xinghuo now add up to a total of 5720 chakra points, and it only takes 6 hours to fill up all of them.

The skills he currently possesses, except for the S-level King Kong blockade, have very low chakra consumption.

In other words, in regular battles, he can fight all the time, a perpetual motion machine!

Thinking of this, Xinghuo directed his strategic shadow clone to leave first, heading for the depths of the Vortex Kingdom.

To be continued
(End of this chapter)

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