Chapter 29

Under the night, a red-haired boy was jumping quickly between the trees, jumping up and down like a fire elf.

I have to say that the natural environment of this world is really good, with extremely high forest coverage.

Xinghuo drove all night, and after leaving the ruins of the whirlpool village, he entered this tropical rainforest.

On the way, he ran into some giant wild animals, and after a brief exchange with them, he quickly left, leaving only the wailing and screaming of those cute little animals.

Obviously, Starfire has fully mastered his current physical fitness.He's more of a ninja now than he was when he fought the mollusk duo.

Whether it is running or jumping, there is no longer the sense of blockage before.

Vortex Town, Vortex Town.
Xinghuo muttered to himself, repeating the name of Wobo Town.

In fact, he was just bored, and felt that the name was a bit catchy, and he couldn't stop repeating it a few times.

Similar to Little Apple, it understands everything.

Not long after, he appeared on top of a big tree, which was already the edge of the forest.

The fishy smell of the sea is carried by the sea breeze and hits the face.

Add to this the sound of crashing waves and a seaside town with scattered lights directly ahead.

For a moment, Xinghuo had an illusion, as if he had returned to the earth, to a seaside resort full of memories.

"I don't know how she is now, will she be sad because of my death?"

Shaking his head, he laughed at himself, he was already a person from two worlds, why would he still think about these things.

Leap forward, somersault forward for two and a half weeks, turn 720 degrees, bend body, hug knees, and land firmly.

After the self-healing, Xinghuo galloped towards Wobo Town.

Not far from the outskirts of the town, he found a wide road with four cars running side by side, absolutely no problem.

One end of the road connects to the small town, and the other end extends to the former forest.

But at this time, the road was completely deserted.There is also a sign in the middle of the road that says "Danger Ahead! Stop!"

Xinghuo turned his head, looked back at the rainforest he had just crossed, and thought of those cute little animals.Well, it is indeed dangerous.

However, since it is so dangerous, why should the road be repaired?
This road should have been the main road connecting Uzumaki Village and Uzumaki Town. Later, Uzumaki Village was destroyed, Uzumaki Kingdom was in turmoil, and there were wars, so no one would use this main road.

Xinghuo thought so, but the next moment, he seemed to realize something, and looked back at the dark rainforest again.

The rainforest is huge and very primitive, and he didn't find any traces of artificial creations in it, let alone any roads.

What does this show?

Could it be that this forest didn't exist when there was a road before, but it appeared later?

How is this possible? The trees in this rainforest are tall and have a history of hundreds of years.And those small animals in the rainforest can grow so big
He was startled, as if he had thought of something.

When he first traveled, he thought that the wild animals in the Naruto world were all that big.From the looks of it now, it might just be a special case of the country of vortex.

As for the reason, he didn't know, but presumably the locals should know something.

Regarding the details of this forest, he decided to inquire after entering the town, it shouldn't be too difficult.

The Wobo Town under the night is very quiet, the road paved with bluestone slabs is twisted and twisted, but it is very clean.Perhaps because it is close to the sea and it often rains, the whole town gives him a fresh and transparent feeling.

The houses in the small town are not too big stone houses. The better ones are built with large blocks of stones cut into a uniform pattern, and the worse ones are simply piled up with small stones and clay.

At this time, there was no one on the streets of the town, only a few streetlights at the door of a few houses with hotel signs.

Xinghuo randomly chose a relatively remote hotel far away from the main road, planning to stay first and make plans at dawn the next day.

At the door of the store, he looked up at the street lamp emitting a yellowish light, a little surprised.

The light bulbs are still the same kind of light bulbs, similar to those on the earth, all made of glass.But it is not the filament inside that glows, but a yellowish air mass.

Xinghuo inspected carefully and found that this mass of gaseous matter was actually a mass of Chakra.But somehow, these chakras were imprisoned in this light bulb.

It is also the air mass itself that emits light, so it is used as the light source of the light bulb.

Xinghuo was about to jump up and take out the light bulb, and study it carefully, when a young man's voice came from the store at this time.

"Boy, don't fool around here, get out of here."

Xinghuo remained silent, glanced at the light bulb again, and walked straight into the store.

The store is not big, and his first impression was that he was walking to the set of a costume film.

A few wooden tables and benches surrounding the wooden tables occupy most of the space here.On the inner side, there is a counter, and there is a young man of seventeen or eighteen years old standing behind him, who looks like a waiter from the clothes.

It should be him who spoke just now.

Xinghuo glanced at him and continued to observe the situation here.

There is a door behind the counter, which should be the kitchen.There is also a staircase next to it, leading to the second floor.

There were about ten other lights on the ceiling, which looked identical to the two outside.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to get out, I didn't hear that!"

The young man's voice came again, this time obviously with some anger.

Xinghuo ignored him, just sat down on a bench, took out a detonating amulet from his clothes like pickles and cloth strips, and put it on the table casually.

"I'll tell you." The waiter's voice stopped abruptly.

He didn't seem to have expected the situation in front of him, and after a few seconds of being dazed, he trotted to Xinghuo's side.

Without saying a word, he directly bowed at ninety degrees, and after holding it for three seconds, he dared to raise his head slightly, but still maintained the bowing posture.

"Master Ninja, the villain has no eyes. I offended you just now, so you just let me go as a fart." The voice trembled slightly, very respectful, and also tinged with fear.

Xinghuo was very speechless, the visual sense of this costume drama is too strong.Moreover, what does it mean to let you go as a fart, you are still playing tricks, right?

"Prepare a room for me, and I'm serving some dishes. Also, don't talk nonsense, hurry up and get it." After finishing speaking, he pushed the explosive symbol on the table towards the waiter.

Xinghuo could feel that the young man obviously relaxed after hearing what he said.

"Yes, yes, right away!"

He carefully picked up the detonating talisman on the table, bowed back a few steps, and then trotted into the door behind the counter, and then his slightly impatient voice came again.

"Hurry up and cook, it's Ninja-sama!"

On the other side, in the most advanced hotel in Uzumaki Town, four ninjas were gathering in the same room, discussing matters in a low voice.

They all wear Yunyin forehead protectors on their heads, which is also a configuration of one middle nin and three lower ninjas.

"Captain, the other two teams haven't returned yet, could something be wrong?"

One of the three ninjas asked.

Obviously, they should belong to the same wave as the two Yunyin teams who died in the ruins of Uzumaki Village.

"Something must have happened, otherwise I should have come back long ago."

The Chunin captain had a serious expression and his brows were tightly furrowed.

The task of the team he led was to receive a new batch of Whirlpool survivors in Whirlpool Town and bring them back to Yunyin Village.

This isn't the first time they've taken on this job.

The other two Yunyin teams that cooperated with them had also cooperated before.According to the information he learned before departure, after the two teams handed over the Uzumaki survivors to them, they would stay in the Uzumaki Kingdom for a period of time, as if to investigate the problem of animal gigantism here.

It stands to reason that they will bring people as soon as possible, after all, there are other tasks to be done afterwards.

However, a whole day has passed since the handover time agreed by both parties, and they haven't shown up until now, obviously something went wrong.

Just when the Chunin captain was hesitating whether to lead the team to the ruins of Uzushio Village to find out, a certain chakra device on his body suddenly sounded an alarm.

This is a special signal that will only appear when a vortex bloodline appears near them.

"Captain, are they back?"

The team members were a little excited and looked at the Chunin captain.

But the latter's frown became tighter and tighter.

There is no other reason, only one vortex bloodline was detected.

To be continued
The new plot has been launched, all kinds of tickets and rewards are welcome.Scratching head, silly smile :-D
(End of this chapter)

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