I earn really hard money

Chapter 74 Did University Make You Fall in Love?

Chapter 74 Did University Make You Fall in Love?

PS: Add a new chapter temporarily. Some book friends said that I always write about a woman who doesn't like to read it. Maybe it's because I can't control the rhythm well, but the story is not finished yet. If you don't like it, just skip these chapters...

"How long have you known each other?"

Tian Ziqiong asked curiously.

He Xia took out the key and thought for a while, because the time was very chaotic due to traveling between several worlds, so she said, "It's been a while, I don't remember, about a week or two."

"Oh~~~~" Tian Ziqiong groaned strangely, dragged on a particularly long tone, and looked at He Xia with a look of "I understand".

He Xia took a look at Tian Ziqiong, silently touched the skill of Nv Jianchou in her mind, and felt refreshed, and then the skill icon turned gray, with 9:59 displayed next to it.

Duration is only 10 minutes!
"Warning you not to use micro-expression psychology to interpret my meaning in the future, do you hear me?"

Tian Ziqiong stared blankly at He Xia. She didn't know why, but suddenly she felt that He Xia had become extremely tall. She was so big when she stood in front of her, but her sense of oppression and deterrence suddenly increased, as if even the ground The shadows are all elongated and magnified.

It's like the feeling of doing something wrong when I was a child and facing my father's strict questioning.

"I... I can't do it in the future, why are you attacking me?"

He Xia looked at Tian Ziqiong seriously, and saw that her relaxed and happy expression suddenly froze for a moment, then she opened her mouth slightly, as if she saw someone or something that frightened her, a faint mist appeared in her shining eyes.

She pinched her face and said with a smile: "No, that's how I usually talk, you are the best, reward the big chicken drumsticks later! Ha, the elevator is here!"

He Xia was a little embarrassed, but she didn't expect to scare Tian Ziqiong to tears...

Tian Ziqiong's personality is quite out of the ordinary, a little bit arrogant and a little bit glassy, ​​and her deterrent power is instantly increased by 100%, so it's no wonder if she doesn't cry in fright!
In the elevator, the atmosphere was delicate, Tian Ziqiong stood beside He Xia with her head down like a doormat.

He Xia looked up at the ceiling, muttering in her heart, the female Jianchou skill is easy to use, but it's a pity that she used it too hard for the first time, and it scared the other party to tears. This is a bit awesome...

The two walked into 701, Tian Ziqiong had already adjusted her mood, she took off her shoes and said, "This house is so beautiful, how much is it a month?"

"Six or seven thousand, I forgot the specifics."

He Xia tried it in the elevator, and found that she couldn't turn off Nv Jianchou automatically. He probably had to wait for the time to turn it off automatically. When he spoke, he lowered his tone a little, so as not to scare Tian Ziqiong again, and he couldn't be happy at all after a while. .

"My God, it's so expensive..."

Tian Ziqiong put the shopping bag on the sofa, walked around the coffee table with her bare feet, and looked at the balcony, kitchen and bathroom.

"I ordered takeaway, what would you like to eat?"

He Xia asked.

"Huh? Me, I usually don't eat at night..."

Tian Ziqiong replied weakly, especially afraid of opposing He Xia's meaning.

He Xia shook his head and said: "This is not good, you are too thin, what radical do you think the word thin is? The prefix of the word sick, this is an unhealthy sign, I order you to eat later!"

"Then listen to you..."

Tian Ziqiong nodded hurriedly, feeling like she would be scolded the next second if she didn't agree.

"Well, let's go take a shower, and get new towels for yourself." After finishing speaking, He Xia sat on the sofa and started ordering takeaway.

Knowing that there will be a lot of entertainment in the evening, the dinner must be of a certain quality. It needs to be high in protein, but it should not be heavy on taste. The luxurious Japanese food set meal for two is 880, with light taste, high-quality ingredients and balanced nutrition.

After ordering the takeaway, He Xia also went to take a shower. The bathroom is quite big, and the shower above the head has a large water outlet area. Everything is just right.

After showering, the takeaway arrived. The two sat on the floor on the balcony, eating together with the setting sun, and chatting about the past school. It was an indescribable beauty.

Tian Ziqiong's hair is loose and not blown, and it hangs wetly on her shoulders, full of girlishness, and she has semi-permanent makeup on her face, so there will be no absolute makeup.

"He Xia, you didn't find a girlfriend during college, did you?"

"Is university for you to fall in love? It's a place to study, and you can make money when you have free time, otherwise, how can you live a comfortable life now!" He Xia said nonsense.

Tian Ziqiong really believed it, and said in amazement: "Did you earn your money when you were in college?"

He Xia couldn't stop nodding: "I work [-] jobs, tutoring, delivering food, distributing flyers, posting advertisements, opening locks, cleaning toilets, moving bricks, sheltering helpless girls..."

"Stop, stop..." Tian Ziqiong made a stop gesture: "I have been educated anyway, and I know that there are only 24 hours in a day. How much work can you do? If you don't want to talk, don't talk about it. Why are you talking nonsense?"

"Yes, it will be like this from now on, okay? If you don't want to talk about what I'm asking you, don't tell me, but don't lie to me, let alone make me a fool, okay?"

He Xia brushed Tian Ziqiong's wet hair with her hands, and nodded, a girl who knows how to anesthetize herself is good.

Just when the atmosphere was beautiful, Tian Ziqiong's cell phone rang. She made a face in embarrassment, picked it up and looked at it, and smiled awkwardly: "Hehe, Xu Shaojun's phone..."

"Take it, don't say it's with me."

He Xia raised his hand to signal.

Tian Ziqiong answered the phone obediently: "Hello?"

"Tian Ziqiong, have you eaten yet?"

"Eat, eat, what's the matter?"

"What about you, is it convenient for you to speak?" Xu Shaojun asked mysteriously.

Tian Ziqiong looked at He Xia with panicked eyes, her heart was pounding, and she was afraid that the other party was going to confess something, it would be too embarrassing.

He Xia spread out her hands, motioning for her to continue.

"It's convenient, what's the matter?" Tian Ziqiong said in a difficult way.

Xu Shaojun was staying at home, and suddenly remembered what happened during the day, so he couldn't bear to call Tian Ziqiong, just to ask one thing.

"Well, has He Xia ordered a car yet?"

"Huh..." Tian Ziqiong let out a long breath, secretly thinking that this man was sick, so she made this question so mysterious, she asked He Xia with her eyes, hoping that he would tell her how to answer.

He Xia nodded slightly, he didn't deliberately show off, but it didn't mean he would hide it, just answer generously when asked.

"Ordered, hardtop Continental GT."

"I'll go~~~~~..." The other end of the phone sighed, and then said, "You didn't lie to me, did you? Is this true?"

Tian Ziqiong curled her lips: "You, if you ask me, but you don't believe me, hang up!"

After finishing speaking, he hung up the phone directly, very simply, he had a mediocre impression of Xu Shaojun, but now he is completely bad.

"Let him take a look at the car next time, he will be pissed off, he loves to pretend to be a fool, and he is still small-minded..."

Tian Ziqiong's evaluation of Xu Shaojun is very good.

He Xia nodded approvingly, feeling that this was indeed the case.

Xu Shaojun's phone call was just an episode. After dinner, He Xia suggested to watch a movie. The two of them sat on the bed and watched the movie quietly, slowly building up the atmosphere.

He Xia's thoughts were not on the movie at all. The clingy Tian Ziqiong made him feel needed and depended on, curled up in her arms, like a kitten that was drenched in the rain all night longing to be cared for, which aroused pity.

(End of this chapter)

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