I earn really hard money

Chapter 351 Oops, the magic is gone

The 10-minute flight took just one phone call, and I arrived at Hungerford after flying across the dark countryside of the British suburbs. Of course, Hungerford itself is also located in the countryside.

The area of ​​the castle manor is very large, and the overall renovation work will take a long time to complete, but most of the functional rooms in the castle are already in good shape. If you don’t care about the noise of construction during the day, it can fully meet your daily living needs.

"Mr. He, Miss Green, good evening..."

The housekeeper, Robert, learned in advance that He Xia was going to spend the night in Hungerford, so he brought a few servants over early to make preparations.

The apron is on the east side of the castle. In order to restore the scene of the past, the gas lamps of the past are used along the path. What is more advanced is that there is no need to ignite one by one, and there is a key ignition device.

Walking on the dimly lit path, the castle stands in the distance in the darkness, with little lights on, making it difficult to distinguish the past from the present.

"Love the atmosphere..."

Eva walked on the stone slab, looked towards the direction of the castle and said.

"Do you have the urge to turn into a werewolf when the full moon is in the sky?" He Xia asked with a smile.

Eva looked up at He Xia and said, "Then I'll be the first to eat you!"

How could He Xia give up on such a provocation, and counterattacked: "Don't be so confident, it's not certain who will eat it!"

As a mature butler, Robert turned a deaf ear to the teasing between the host and the guests, and led the way towards the castle.

When a group of people came to the gate, even in the dark, He Xia could see that the gate of the castle had a new look, but it still adopted a classical style.

Walking into the hall, the lights are bright, and the lamps and lanterns have reproduced the appearance of the year, but instead of using gas lamps, they have been replaced with light bulbs with sufficient brightness.

"Beautiful Miss Green, please choose the bedroom first."

Walking through the slightly empty hall and up the spiral staircase to the second floor, He Xia raised his hand to the bedroom doors in front of him.

"Xia, did you forget the bold words just now? I agreed to your invitation not to have dinner with the Marquis of Boraton, let alone to take a helicopter ride. You must be aware of this."

Eva turned to look at He Xia.

The lighting in the hall is very bright, but the lighting wiring on the second floor is not yet perfect, and the lighting is almost meaningless. The not bright environment makes Eva's evil appearance even more mysterious.

He Xia looked down at Eva, and sighed in her heart that under the exquisite makeup, the actress is really not comparable to those Internet celebrities and supermodels. Both her appearance and temperament are better, and the most important thing is she is very knowledgeable. Just speak at the dinner party. A woman who can always give pertinent opinions is more attractive.

"It looks like you're trying to figure out what's going on tonight?"

He Xia raised his hand to hook Eva's delicate chin, not timid at all because of the strong aura of the other party.

"That's right!"

Eva didn't show any weakness, and slightly stepped her lips against He Xia's cheek, and at the same time, the picture flickered in her mind.

He Xia took advantage of the situation and hugged Eva's waist, and the two hugged each other and slammed into the door of the master's bedroom.

Gourav, Robert and others standing at the end of the stairs turned their heads to look into the distance, pretending they didn't know anything, and then retreated quietly...

After some design and renovation by Packwood Company, the bedroom has restored the style of more than a hundred years ago.

As the oldest duke family in the UK, Norford has inherited the purest aristocratic taste. It is said that efficiency is the greatest enemy of aesthetics. It will take time to study beauty.

However, this does not apply to Packwood, whether it is exquisite Baroque furniture or Victorian decoration, Packwood can easily find it.

The company has a special workshop under its jurisdiction, and dozens of traditional craftsmen only serve Parkwood Company, and reproduce the former luxury one by one according to the literature atlas and precious objects.

As big as the bed and wardrobe, as small as the dressing table and chair, even a comb, there are special literature as a reference, trying to present the royal luxury of a century ago.

Eva lay comfortably in the exquisitely crafted wooden bathtub. Dozens of blooming flowers were carved in relief on the bathtub, which looked like a scene in the corner of the royal garden. No matter the material or workmanship of the bathtub Impeccable.

That is to say, the concept of class has been weakened now. Hundreds of years ago, at least the earl family would have allowed it to be used, and wealthy businessmen would not have the right to obtain it no matter how rich they are.

"I heard that the gentleman who won the honorary chairman of the Ark Foundation offered the right to use the Heart of the Ocean diamond necklace. Mr. Honorary Chairman, may I have the honor to appreciate the charm of the Heart of the Ocean?"

Eva didn't know about the charity auction of the Ark Foundation before, but she heard about it from Polarton during the dinner.

On the other side of the tulle screen, He Xia was lying on the bed with large carved pillars at the corners. Looking at the hazy figure on the other side of the screen, he rubbed his fingers, and the cold and clear heart of the ocean appeared on his hand, followed by another flash, and again Disappear.

If you take out the heart of the ocean at this time, Serena's relationship with him will be exposed, which is not good.

"Eva, the information you got is not accurate enough. At that time, the right to use it was auctioned for a month, and the time limit has not yet expired."

"One month... oh, that's a long time."

Wow, wow, Eva scooped water up on her body with an antique wooden spoon, and said, "Xia, did you really just have a dream, or did you have something else that you didn't share with me?"

He Xia smiled and said, "Of course it's not as simple as one dream, there are more than one."

"Continuous dreams? This is too strange..." Eva said to herself.

"It was an amazing journey..."

He Xia used a unique perspective to replay the plot of himself and Eva in the Casino Royale world of 007. It has little to do with the movie, and retells it completely according to his timeline.

Eva listened quietly while taking a bath. When He Xia finished speaking, she stood up with a bang, put on the folded pajamas, walked around the screen and walked to the bed.

He Xia moved her body slightly, looked at Eva with a smile, "My story is over, it's your turn."

With a pensive look on her face, Eva said: "It's strange, Xia, I... During the process of your narration, pictures kept popping up in my mind, very similar to the scenes you mentioned, but no matter what, I couldn't piece them together , God, I have a headache."

Eva smiled and frowned and shook her head. She didn't really have a headache. It was like doing a math problem. The answer was right in front of her eyes but she still couldn't prove the annoyance.

He Xia lay flat, with his head resting on his arms, and looked at Eva with admiring eyes: "I have already told you everything that can be described in words. Human language is useless. If it can't help you, maybe we should try other methods." .”

"I think your proposal is very good."

Eva nodded with a smile on her lips.

In fact, it was just a very normal smile, which looked extremely coquettish on her evil face.

He Xia has experienced in 007 Casino Royale World twice, and He Xia has relevant experience, so he is familiar with it.

Hungerford Castle, after a hundred years, once again sounded intoxicating.

The cold moonlight shone on the two of them through the window, mysterious and beautiful.

The special method worked so well that Eva had a concrete dream that night.

In the dream, she saw the mysterious figure clearly, and it turned out to be He Xia as expected, but just as she was dreaming that the two were about to get together, the picture broke again, probably because the magic had expired.

In the early hours of the morning, Eva woke up from her dream, felt the sound of breathing close at hand, stretched out her hand to gently caress the face of the mysterious man who suddenly appeared in her life, and then fell into a deep sleep again.

In the early morning of the next day, the two woke up from the dawn.

"Did something happen?"

He Xia noticed something wrong with the way Eva was sitting beside her looking at her, so she asked.

"I had a dream. I dreamed about the scene you told about. Xia, did you cast some kind of oriental secret method on me?"

Eva recalled last night's experience, feeling more and more incredible. For such things that are obviously beyond reality, they can only be understood with supernatural power.

He Xia got up and got out of bed, took a sip of water, and shook his head: "Comparatively speaking, I think you are more like a medieval witch, oh, yes, I remembered, you are very similar to me in a game I once played. sorceress, Yennefer!"

"You must have cast some kind of witchcraft on me, right? Yennefer!"


Eva laughed and scolded, put on her clothes and got out of bed, walked to the window, looked at the Thames River not far away, and said: "My mobile phone has been turned off since yesterday, and I feel like I will be overwhelmed by all kinds of news when I turn it on!"

He Xia was looking at her mobile phone, when she heard Eva's words, she suddenly said, "I'm still wondering why your mobile phone is so quiet, it turned off... But at least Lu Ke didn't look for you, otherwise he would have called me."

"Let me face the storm!"

Eva took out her mobile phone from her bag and turned it on. Various prompts rang one after another, including friends, parents, sister, and other related personnel such as agents and advertisers.

She selectively returned two calls.

One reported to the mother that she was safe, and the other was the agent.

"Just go and sign the contract with Lu Ke. I don't need to go in person. That's it. What? Pay? I don't care. You figure it out. Goodbye!"

After spending five or six minutes, Eva didn't want to continue explaining the situation to her agent, and hung up the phone after pushing the matter of signing the contract to the other party.

"It looks like you don't intend to go back to work right away?"

He Xia put on her clothes and asked with a smile.

Eva faces the sky, but her facial features are still full of charm. She looked at He Xia with a half-smile and said, "Last night's dream was interrupted at a critical moment, and I will continue to explore!"

"I heard from Lu Ke that the new movie is still in the casting stage, and it should start shooting for a while. Do you have other arrangements?" He Xia asked.

He didn't care about work, but he didn't think Eva didn't care either, and he didn't want to interfere strongly in that regard.

Eva rolled her eyes and thought about it, then shook her head: "I don't remember, the manager is responsible for these things, and she will remind me if there are things."

"In this case, how about going to the animal rescue station to have fun together?" He Xia said.

"Great proposal, I love small animals!"

Just like the time in the 007 Casino Royale world, the relationship between the two quickly heated up.

Departing from the castle to London for breakfast, they first walked around Harrods, the top shopping mall in the UK. In the VIP reception hall, the two bought a lot of goods through the meticulous service of the shopping guide, most of which were related to clothing. .

While checking out, a disagreement arose between the two.

He Xia took out the card as a matter of course, but Eva insisted on paying by her.

"You make me feel very ungentlemanly."

He Xia smiled helplessly holding the card.

"No, no, put away the boring machismo, I know you are rich, but I have to pay for today's shopping."

While speaking, Eva signed the check and handed it to the service staff of Harrods.

The goods were sent to Hungerford Manor by Harold's staff, and He Xia and his party continued to fly to Edinburgh by helicopter.

As the capital of Scotland, Edinburgh is located on the south bank of the Firth of Forth in the lowlands of central Scotland. It was founded in [-], and many historical buildings have been preserved intact. It is a more classical city than London.

Edinburgh's economy is very good, it is the financial center of the UK after London, and the ancient brewing industry is also very popular.

Next to Holyrood Park, less than 300 meters away from the bay, is the largest animal rescue center in the area. It is the second largest rescue station established by the Ark Foundation in the UK, covering a total area of ​​more than 30 square meters. Part of the area is open to the outside world and has become a small wildlife park.

The helicopter landed on the tarmac of the rescue station. When He Xia and his party got off the helicopter, they were warmly welcomed.

I don't know if it was the spontaneous behavior of the people at the rescue station, or Sir Boraton's instigation, and they even made a big banner welcoming the honorary president.

As soon as I got to know it, I realized that it turned out that the honorary president of the year before last liked this set very much, so it has been used all the time, and it has become the traditional welcome ceremony when the honorary president comes to the aid station.

It's a bit exaggerated, but it does have a sense of ceremony, at least it makes people who have spent money to become honorary presidents feel different treatment.

Under the leadership of the staff, He Xia learned about the working process of the rescue station, and saw the injured Edinburgh red deer and roe deer, which were injured by the traps placed by humans.

And smaller mammals like red foxes and hedgehogs have had to be treated for skin infections.

The number of wild animals living in the rescue station is huge, and it is not that the rescue station wants to attract tourists, because the ticket is only a symbolic one pound, and even if you sell some peripherals, you can't make much money.

The rescue station does not want to put more pressure on itself, but unfortunately many wild animals are in poor health and can only stay in the rescue center to recuperate. If they are forced to be released back into nature, the only thing waiting for them is death.

On the contrary, if wild animals meet the health standards and have recovered well, the staff will be more than happy to release them.

Many of the wild animals housed in the rescue center are caused by human intentional or unintentional behaviors, injuries and diseases. Unless they are directly injured, innocent animals do not know the truth. After being rescued by humans, most animals show a very friendly side to humans , no irritable emotions, and will not take the initiative to attack.

After wandering around the bustling exhibition area open to the outside world, He Xia and his party followed the person in charge to a quiet special area.

"Mr. He, the wild animals with tumors screened out by our rescue station are the ones in front of you."

The person in charge of the rescue station took He Xia to a special area. There were sheds inside the walls, as well as rockery and artificial rivers. It was about [-] to [-] square meters, and the ecological environment was good.

"Which animals are there?"

He Xia asked, pointing to the area in front of him. He only saw two red deer kneeling and resting on the lawn, and a badger curled up in a corner.

"There were two male red deer, two gray squirrels, a hedgehog and a badger."

The person in charge said in a deep voice: "However, these are only animals that have been detected to have cancer. The materials for tumor screening are being dispatched, and a large-scale investigation will start tomorrow as soon as possible. We have already started collecting blood samples. Detailed data."

He Xia nodded and asked curiously, "Is there no problem if the four animals live together?"

The person in charge shook his head: "Red deer, gray squirrels, hedgehogs, and badgers are all wild animals that inhabit near Edinburgh. Some of them originally had a strong sense of territory, but they were extremely depressed after getting sick, and they no longer had the will to fight. We didn't have any disputes together."

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