I earn really hard money

Chapter 347 Phantom Shards (please subscribe!!!)

Chapter 347 Phantom Shards (please subscribe!!!)
"Okay, that's the end of the meeting. Let's get started. The first payment will be sent to you one after another. I hope to hear good news from you as soon as possible!"

He Xia waved his hand to the camera and ended the meeting.


After assigning the important tasks, He Xia felt a lot more relaxed. He handed the circled list to Lu Qian: "From the reactions of those guys just now, we can see that these guys should be easier to recruit. You can show them to Se Lina, let her handle it."

"Huh? Oh, okay..."

Lu Qian felt a little strange, shouldn't it be given to the company's HR department?
"Finally I can take a rest..." He Xia stretched her waist. Having a meeting for two hours felt more tiring than wandering into other worlds. He really didn't understand how anyone would like to have a meeting. He simply lost his mind.

My heart said: It is best to arrange these things to my subordinates in the future...

"Cough cough..." Attorney Zhang coughed weakly from the side, and then said: "Boss, Sir Boraton had a message before, asking about the cancer screening cooperation of the rescue station, and when will it be available?" Time to negotiate."

He Xia's expression froze in an instant, thinking that he could have a good rest, but he had something to wait for, so he said helplessly, "Okay, I will contact him. That... Lu Qian, help me make an appointment with the boss of Europa Film and Television Company."

"Huh?" Lucy was puzzled by this extremely out-of-the-ordinary request.

When He Xia and Pilias had a happy conversation about movie stars in Portuguese and Spanish, Lucy couldn't understand what they said at all, and Gourav, the only one who understood, didn't tell others.

So she didn't know why Boss He wanted to meet the boss of a film and television company.

"Ah, what...French Europa Films knows, the boss's name is Luc Besson, ask him to have lunch."

He Xia said.

"Then, in what name?"

Strangers don't invite each other to dinner, so they have to learn from each other.

He Xia pursed her lips and thought for a while, then said, "Just say that I want to ask him to make a movie."

"Filming... Okay, but for lunch, will you be a little rushed?"

Lu Qian glanced at the time, it was almost eleven o'clock, and a meeting had been going on for two hours.

"So you have to do it fast, fast, fast."

He Xia urged with a smile. She casually browsed the good restaurants in France and chose the meeting place.

Not having time to question the boss's decision, Lu Qian immediately tried to find a way to contact Lu Ke, the boss of Europa's business.

At first, Lu Qian thought it would be a twists and turns, but in the end, she just explained her identity and purpose, and the other party agreed, and said that he came to treat the guests, but He Xia didn't accept it.

"Go, let's go!"

He Xia gave an order, and the helicopter took off from the manor without a secretary or lawyer, and Elisa was still resting, only accompanied by Gourav and Greg.

The headquarters of Europa Films is in Saint-Denis, north of Paris, but the place where the two met was not Paris, but Fontainebleau.

Fontainebleau is transliterated from Fontainebleau. It is a town in the metropolitan area of ​​Paris. Fontainebleau means beautiful spring water. Fontainebleau is most famous for its forests, which are densely packed with various coniferous trees such as oaks, birches, and birches. !
From Huguang Manor to Fontainebleau is only more than 300 kilometers, and it takes seven or eight 10 minutes to sail at most.

He Xia has business contacts in countries such as the United Kingdom, Switzerland, Spain, and Greece, and many countries or city governments have sent invitation letters to H·E Investment Company, so He Xia has no obstacles in entering and exiting various European countries.

After a while, a beautiful forest appeared in front of my eyes, and the leaves gradually changed colors very beautifully.

"Swaying tree shadows, thin dew in late autumn, Fontainebleau, good name."

Looking at the beautiful scenery below, He Xia couldn't help but think of the origin of the Chinese translation of the name Fontainebleau. It is precisely because of the autumn forest scenery.

The helicopter bypassed Mount Andat and landed slowly from a helipad with an "H" on the banks of the Seine. Not far away is the Bailu restaurant hidden on the banks of the Seine in the depths of the forest.

As the birthplace of the Michelin Guide, France has many Michelin restaurants. The high prices and exaggerated style may not meet the consumption aesthetics of most people, but it is undeniable that each Michelin restaurant has its own uniqueness.

The same is true for Bailu Restaurant. From the geographical location to the decoration design, and then to the chef and ingredients, after 30 years of exploration, it has formed its own cultural atmosphere.

When He Xia got off the plane, a waiter came from not far away, first greeted him respectfully in French, and then communicated in Spanish after learning that He Xia could not understand.

"Dear Mr. He, your table is ready, please go this way."

Following the waiter to the backyard of the restaurant, you can hear the sound of the river flowing slowly. The fallen leaves form a natural carpet, which is very soft. There are squirrels poking their heads in the distance, and they quickly disappear into the forest. There is a fresh smell floating around. The overall environment and Fully integrated with nature.

"Mr. Besson, haha, I didn't expect you to be earlier than me."

Walking into the restaurant, He Xia was still admiring the natural atmosphere carefully designed by the gardener, when he suddenly found two people standing not far away looking at him, they were the great director he invited, Luc Besson and his assistant.

Luc Besson saw a helicopter falling in the distance when he was parking, and he judged that the big boss who invited him to dinner had arrived, and now he saw that it was indeed the case.

Seeing He Xia, he sighed in his heart. The real person is younger and handsomer than the media. As a director, from a professional point of view, he feels that He Xia has the strength to enter the showbiz, even if his acting skills are not good enough.

Lu Ke stepped forward quickly and said very politely: "Mr. He's invitation is my honor. I was interviewing actors at the company branch in Paris, not far from Fontainebleau."

The headquarters of Europa is a little north of Paris, and the branch is in the south of Paris, only [-] kilometers away from Fontainebleau. The assistant immediately drove over.

He Xia looked at the bearded middle-aged man in front of him, and at a glance, he felt that this man fit the concept of an artist in the image. He was well dressed, but his hairstyle and beard were a bit rough. The messy and fluffy hairstyle was similar to that of the British designer. Thomas was similar, maybe the invitation was rather sudden and he didn't have time to deal with it.

"Actor interview? It seems that Europa has a new movie starting recently, why don't we chat while eating?"

He Xia raised his hand to signal.

There are not too many seats in all Michelin three-star restaurants, mainly because of the dining atmosphere, the supply of high-end ingredients, and the energy of the chef.

The same is true for Bailu Restaurant. The layout of the restaurant is very novel. Not only can you eat inside the house, but there are dining seats on three sides of the restaurant outside the house, and you can enjoy the scenery from different directions.

The table where He Xia is facing the forest of Fontainebleau, can not see the Seine but can hear the sound of running water, in the distance is the beautiful red and white forest, coupled with the exquisite decoration materials around, the atmosphere alone is amazing It is fascinating, even if you don't eat, just rest here, the day will pass slowly inadvertently.

The dining environment is very quiet, with a private space, and guests are seated separately. Lu Ke sincerely complimented: "Mr. He is much younger and handsome than the media, those guys really don't know how to shoot."

He Xia smiled and waved his hands: "The big director has seen countless stars, and there is nothing special about a delicate face."

"Haha, Mr. He is too modest! Well, on the phone before, your secretary said that Mr. He seems to be interested in making movies?"

Lu Ke likes to have dinner with the capital tycoons, because artistic creation needs money to support it. Many times, making several films in a row may not be able to produce a blockbuster film. The process of trying is very expensive...

On the way to Fontainebleau, Lu Kebesson made a general understanding of He Xia. There is not much information on the Internet, but it can be seen that there is a summer entertainment company in the capital of Tianchao. Not long ago, it created a phenomenal variety show "Aspirations" can be regarded as having a slight intersection with the film and television industry.

But when it comes to movies, there is no direct connection, but there are indirect ones. The Hong Kong Island exhibition hall once held some film press conferences, and there is a local film and television company in the South American summer building.

He Xia picked up the crystal glass, swaying the welcome wine in it, and said, "Yeah, I suddenly wanted to chat with someone about the movie, and you happened to be nearby, so...haha, Mr. Besson, would you mind telling me about the movie that is currently being prepared? ?"

Just chatting about movies?

Although this is slightly different from what the secretary said when he sent out the invitation, he intends to make a movie, but it does not prevent the two from having a pleasant conversation.

"Of course I don't mind, haha!"

With a big laugh, Lu Ke's voice turned low: "Europa's recent financial situation is not very good. After "Valerian" in [-], he has not made any movies. It will definitely not work if he is in a downturn. So I found a notebook and checked it personally. Adapted, planning to make an action suspense film!"

"An action suspense film, a very good commercial movie theme, the plot must be very exciting."

He Xia made some comments and hinted that the other party would continue. He didn't respond to Lu Ke's previous words, but secretly smiled in his heart. No wonder the other party rushed over when he heard the invitation. It turned out that the company's financial situation was not good...

At this moment, the waiter began to serve the dishes. Seeing that the diners were discussing, he omitted the detailed introduction process and simply reported the name of the dish.

Most of the top restaurants have a problem, that is, the menu is too fixed, and the chef will compile it according to the situation of the ingredients arriving in the store in the future, mainly to ensure that every diner can taste the delicious food and not return disappointed.

The arrangement of the menu is very particular. Starting from the first starter, there is a profound knowledge of how to arrange each subsequent dish, and even a special preparation for a certain wonderful meal.

Some people think that this is nothing more than a fabricated gimmick to sell high prices, and such factors are not ruled out, but how to tease taste buds is definitely a science worth studying, and this is a special topic.

While tasting the delicious food, Lu Ke said: "The main line of the new film revolves around a female killer. In the play, her name is Anna. She is cold, elegant and super capable. The film will use a unique perspective to tell the story of Anna's multiple identities and different employers. The growth experience of wandering around and carrying out various assassination missions."

After hearing this, He Xia said with great interest: "It sounds very good, and it must be very attractive if you shoot it well."

Lu Ke shrugged his shoulders and said with a smile: "To be honest, Mr. He, I think so too, but due to financial problems, I'm afraid I can't rely on gorgeous special effects to attract the audience. Fortunately, there are excellent actors' acting skills to support them. Pretty exciting."

Inside the words, Lu Ke once again expressed Europa's embarrassment.

He Xia pretended not to understand the other party's words, but said: "It seems that the actors in this show have very powerful plastic surgery, and they have already seized the funds for special effects. Who are they?"

The general plot is public content, and the casting of the movie is a secret. Not only the film and television companies are involved, but the actors also need to be kept secret for the time being. If ordinary people ask, Lu Ke will not answer, but as a potential investor, he naturally knows All answers.

"The currently confirmed main actors are Helen Mirren, Luke Evans, Cillian Murphy, and Sasha Ruth. Mr. He said that the actors' pay is indeed not low."

"Murphy, Cillian Murphy, I like this actor, he is very good in Shelby, and I remember him in Dunkirk. Luke Evans? Is it in The Hobbit Archer Bud?"

He Xia had a deep memory of Cillian Murphy, but Luke was a little stranger.

"Yes, Luke's acting skills in The Hobbit are very good. Luke has a wide range of roles. He also starred in the Fast and Furious series, playing a villain. From his acting career, both pros and Can handle it well.”

Lu Ke highly praised the actors he chose.

"The male actor is indeed excellent. As for the female actress, Helen Mirren needless to say, the actress who has won numerous awards, but... are you sure Ms. Mirren can complete the role of female killer?"

He Xia naturally ignored Sasha Ruth, because he didn't know the actor at all.

Helen Mirren was born in 70. An old lady in her [-]s, she has a splendid acting career and has won numerous awards throughout her life. Knight Commander Medal.

Lu Ke grinned, Helen Mirren's acting skills are absolutely beyond doubt, but she can't play a stern female killer anyway, just as he was about to explain to He Xia that the heroine is played by Sasha Ruth When an unknown actress came to take the role, there was a flash of inspiration in my heart, and then the topic changed.

"Oh, Mr. He, you are too humorous. How could Mirren play the role of the female killer. Her role is the female killer's boss. As for the heroine, it has not been fully determined yet. It is too difficult to find an actor who fits the setting."

"Is it difficult? Haha, Mr. Besson, when you mentioned the cold and elegant female killer, a figure of a person naturally appeared in my mind."

He Xiaruo said pointedly.

Lu Song's heart moved secretly, he seemed to know the true meaning of this meal, the boss in front of him wanted to praise an actress as the heroine, as for why he found him, he was not clear!

"Mr. He, please tell me who the actress in your mind is, I'm going crazy looking for an actress for this role."

Speaking with exaggerated expressions and movements, it is easy to believe it is true.

There was a smile on the corner of He Xia's mouth. The actor who is best at acting is obviously the director.

"This actress is from the same country as you, but as far as I know, you don't seem to have worked together. It's Eva Green."

"Oh!" Lu Ke exclaimed, he guessed He Xia's motive, but he didn't expect it to be the famous femme fatale!
What he thought would be an unknown newcomer turned out to be a long-established celebrity.

"My God, Mr. He, your vision is so unique. Whether it's temperament, appearance or that cold and evil style, it perfectly fits the character setting of a female killer. Why didn't I think of it!"

Lu Ke's words were not entirely flattering.

When choosing an actor for the female killer, he had considered Eva, but later he gave up inviting Eva because of his age. For an actor in his 30s, his physical fitness may not be able to handle difficult body movements. .

"It seems that Mr. Besson agrees with my proposal?"

He Xia raised his glass slightly and asked.

Luc Besson pondered for a while, and then said: "Mr. He, there is actually one thing that I am a little hard to say. The Sasha Ruth I mentioned before is the heroine. For the time being, the reason why I used a little-known actor , the main pressure still comes from funds, Eva's salary will not be lower than Cillian Murphy, the film budget is very difficult."

When it comes to this point, it is no different from asking for money, but He Xia doesn't care, he has already planned to invest in a movie, and then invites Eva to play the leading role. script time.

"Why should you be so serious about budgeting? According to your knowledge, how much is Eva's salary?" He Xiayun asked calmly.

"This matter..." Lu Ke pursed his lips, and said: "Mr. He, Eva's situation is a bit special among actors. She has a pretty good family background, and she doesn't care much about her salary. Taking on roles is unpredictable." , more often it is based on your own interests.”

"Yes, I remembered. Actually, I worked with Eva once, but that time I was not the director, but the producer, Gentleman and Thieves, a movie 15 years ago."

Later, Lu Ke gave a brief introduction to Eva's family situation.

Eva's father is a famous Swedish dentist, and her mother is an actress. She became a children's novelist after she retired from acting. The family is quite rich, conservatively estimated to be hundreds of millions of francs.

"Eva takes roles more casually, and basically doesn't look at the salary level, but depends on the script and the role itself."

Lu Ke said helplessly that the film does not depend on the pay, but it does not mean that the pay will be very low after the film is accepted.

"Then it's better to invite Eva out for a sit-down. I believe that the character created by Mr. Besson will definitely attract her. As for the salary, this is not something that Europa needs to consider."

He Xia made an opinion.

"Haha, no problem, but I want to remind Mr. He that Eva almost became the president's wife, and she has a very high rank."

Lu Ke saw that the big man in front of him wanted to conquer the evil beauty who had rejected the courtship of a certain president.

"Oh?" He Xia raised his eyebrows, he really didn't know that such an exaggerated thing had happened, and said with a smile: "It seems very challenging."

"Quite a challenge!" Lu Ke nodded in agreement, and took out his mobile phone to call Eva.

Famous directors and actors will have more or less contact. The relationship between the two is not very close, but they can talk to each other. They may stop and chat for a while when they meet outside shopping.

During the phone call, Lu Ke didn't say much, but roughly said that there was a blockbuster new film that was in full swing, and invited Eva to come over and read the script.

For such a reasonable invitation, Eva did not shirk, and the two parties agreed to meet at Bailu restaurant.

After lunch, the remnant seats were removed and replaced with exquisite refreshments and black tea. He Xia and Lu Ke chatted a lot about movies. At three o'clock in the afternoon, a blue Jaguar sedan drove slowly from the forest path to the restaurant.

The car came to a complete stop, the driver got out of the car and opened the rear door, Eva got out of the car stepping on her high heels, and looked at the people walking not far away, with a charming smile on her face.

"Eva, long time no see, you look beautiful again!"

Lu Ke greeted very warmly.

Eva was about to hug Lu Ke, but when her eyes fell on the face of the strange man, she suddenly felt a very strange feeling in her heart. The clear and blurred vision made her stay where she was.

Some fragmented pictures flashed through her mind from time to time, and it was difficult to see the complete figure on the fragments that were difficult to put together, but she had a mysterious intuition that made her feel that the figure in the broken picture was the young man in front of her!

All of a sudden, the scene in front of him turned upside down.

At the same time, He Xia was also observing Eva, black turtleneck sweater and jeans, natural curly long hair, iconic black eyeliner, hot red lips, scenes in the world of 007 Casino Royale floated in his mind like a movie flash However, the short and warm relationship made him unforgettable.

It's just that he couldn't figure out why Eva would have a strange reaction. That complicated look must not be looking at a stranger, as if she had discovered something extraordinary!
I asked about the portal in my mind, but unfortunately there was no answer!
"Oh...Miss Green, stay safe!"

The driver who drove over hurriedly supported Eva and looked at her with concern.

Eva waved her hand and said, "It's okay, Cenotti, I'm a little dizzy, it's gone!"

Lu Ke also stepped forward to help, and said caringly: "Eva, don't tell me that the hypoglycemia is caused by dieting, my God, it is difficult for actors nowadays to be so dedicated!"

Eva showed a strange smile. She ate a lot at noon. After the meal, she ate a dessert under the strong objection of her manager. She didn't refute Lu Ke's words. After a simple hug, she said.

"Lu Ke, I didn't say that I have a friend on the phone. Who is this gentleman?"

Eva looked at the young man standing quietly aside, as if she was born with some kind of magical power, why did it make people dizzy?
"Oh, I'm about to introduce, Eva, this is Mr. He, chairman of H·E Investment Company, Mr. He, Eva Green."

Lu Ke introduced each other very enthusiastically.

"H·E Investment Company? I seem to have just read the news about this company today. It seems that it is committed to the research of cancer treatment? It is really a great project. Nice to meet you, Mr. He!"

Under normal circumstances, Eva communicated with Lu Ke in French. After getting off the car, she heard Lu Ke speak English. It was guessed that this young man could not understand French, so she also used English to communicate.

"Some things have to be done. Nice to meet you, Miss Eva Green."

He Xia opened his arms and hugged Eva shallowly, but when he was about to let go, he found that the other's arms were still exerting force?

After the physical contact, more images flashed in Eva's mind, but they were still fragmented. It was for this reason that she even ignored the fact that the two were hugging each other. She didn't think of it until she felt a slight force from the other party...

Letting go of her arms, Eva's eyes were filled with clear curiosity.

(End of this chapter)

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