I earn really hard money

Chapter 342 Hedging

Chapter 342 Hedging
As Zhou Shiliu expected, in less than a minute after He Xia switched the line, Siegfried walked around the office like an ant on a hot pot, chanting words that no one could understand , speaking very fast, fingers unconsciously gesticulating in the air.

The black-skinned aunt who cleaned the house stood at the door for a long time and hesitated for a long time. Seeing that the boss seemed to be possessed by an evil spirit, she decided to clean other places first...

"Hey boss, thank God, any news?"

Siegfried felt the phone vibrate, saw the call resumed, and asked quickly.

He Xia shook his head: "No news, Siegfried, do you know about the problem with the Boeing model some time ago?"

"I know that several major accidents occurred in a short period of time around the world. At first Boeing used various methods to lead public opinion to airlines, but then the situation reversed and new models were pushed to the forefront. At the same time, many people questioned Boeing's recent Over the years, research and development expenses have been gradually reduced, and there are many unfavorable voices.”

Siegfried is not He Xia. He is in the financial circle and may not be able to know all listed companies, but he must know the situation of leaders in various industries in detail.

"Well, I have a very thorough understanding. If it turns out that the problem with the plane is indeed a problem, how will Boeing's stock price fall? Can you give a reasonable estimate?"

He Xia asked.

"Oh, Gisers Kress!" Siegfried did not answer directly, but greeted first...

"Boss, I, I think this must be a terrible thing. Similar things have happened before, but due to various reasons, there was a lot of thunder and rain, but if it is true as you said, this time, no matter how big an umbrella is, it may not be able to cover it." Living!"

The incident has become too big and has become a worldwide problem, and all countries are paying attention. Boeing has a lot of influence in the beautiful country, but it has always been hard to hide the criticism of the world.

"However... Even if it is a problem with the aircraft itself, it depends on where the specific problem is. Just like the determination of a traffic accident, it cannot be generalized. At the same time, it also depends on how Boeing handles it!"

"At the beginning of the announcement, the stock price will definitely fluctuate violently, but if Boeing handles it properly, it will alleviate the decline to a large extent, and you should know the significance of Boeing's existence. It cannot be ruled out that mysterious forces are behind it, so even if it falls , it will not exceed 30.00%, and it is hoped that it will stabilize in a short time!"

Siegfried He Xia analysis.

He Xia tapped lightly on the balcony guardrail. Siegfried's judgment was largely similar to Zhou Shiliu's, but there was a significant difference in the later trend judgment.

According to Zhou Shiliu's report, her mentor meant that Boeing would be depressed for a long time after the plunge, while Siegfried did not think that this accident could defeat Boeing, which is extremely important to the beautiful government.

Personally, He Xia believes in Siegfried's judgment even more. Zhou Shiliu's mentor must have made some achievements in economics and is very good at teaching and educating people, but it is undeniable that he lacks practical experience.

He analyzed the pros and cons in his mind, and made a decision after a while: "If you go short, how sure are you of making a profit?"

"Radical or conservative? Boss."

"Talk about both options!"

"If you are aggressive and use leverage to enter the market, I can see a one-day drop of ten points! If you are conservative, it will be five or six points. Leverage still needs to be used, and appropriate consideration should be given to reducing the ratio."

Short-buying and trading Boeing shares cannot be like playing with Sky Art before. The size of Sky Art is not in the same order as Boeing. One is 2000 million US dollars, and the other is [-] billion US dollars. cautious.

"In short, at most one trading day, maybe even half a trading day, the response of big companies is very fast, you have to trust their public relations ability, and the mysterious background I mentioned to you, yes, yes so."

Siegfried emphasized his tone. He loves to use short selling to make money, and he has the pleasure of making trouble, but he is also very cautious. If something cannot be done, he will immediately retreat without any reluctance!

Mr. Li's philosophy is never to earn the last copper coin, while Siegfried believes in: Do not gamble with limited capital for unlimited profits!

He Xia rubbed her nose and looked back at the restaurant. Lucy was flipping through the materials, thinking of the scientific research team that was about to be formed, she made a bold decision!

"Do it in a radical way!"

"Oh, ho ho ho ho..." Siegfried laughed strangely after hearing He Xia's decision, as if he was superb.

"Boss, how much money is prepared, my God, I'm so excited!"

He Xia looked at the blue sky and pondered for a moment, then said: "With a principal of 20 billion US dollars, the leverage should not be too strong, at most five times, get ready, the money will be in the Grizzly account immediately!"

If you decide to do it, you will make a big pen, and the money of the capitalists will not be earned for nothing!

"Oh Maika, boss, you are so crazy, you are my idol, hahaha, let's start a crazy show!"

Siegfried felt that every cell was burning, and his brain nerves calculated rapidly, and he had an approximate goal almost instantly, with 20 billion principal and five times leverage. In such a big event, the most conservative estimate is [-] million US dollars Knife profit!
After the call ended, Siegfried called the employees who had just arrived at the company to the office, and arranged a circle of laptops around the desks, and the battle was about to start.

He Xia knew that this move was crazy, but he was actually very sure, not that he would make money, but at least that he would not lose money, because he already had shares worth tens of billions of dollars in his hands, at least now they were worth tens of billions!
When you buy empty orders, no matter how the market changes, you will be invincible. When it rises, you will lose money on empty orders, and the stocks you hold will become more and more valuable, and vice versa.

After the call was over, He Xia called AmEx and transferred almost all the funds in the account to Grizzly's account, leaving only tens of millions of dollars.

"Honorable Mr. He, I have no right to ask where your funds are going. Please accept my sincere blessing and wish you all the best."

The operator, Williams, expressed concern very politely.

He didn't know what Boss He was going to do, but he was sure it was a big gamble!

"Thanks, Williams!"

After hanging up the phone, He Xia turned and walked into the restaurant, and said to Lu Qian, "Notify those headhunters that there is no time for a meeting this afternoon, wait for the notification! By the way, you choose a suitable headhunter to start the investment company's recruitment plan, don't delay."

The recruitment of investment companies is a hundred times easier than the establishment of a scientific research team, and does not require careful deliberation.


Looking at He Xia's leaving back, Lu Qian was deeply puzzled, what happened to make her boss's face look very strange, with anticipation in his solemnity?

"Hey, I've already said that I don't want to short any listed company. Let's agree. I'm helping you operate the account, and I earn commissions. Do you understand?"

Zhou Shiliu returned to the residence, sat cross-legged on the bed and talked on the phone with He Xia, shaking his body from side to side, with the corners of his mouth turned up, with a flattering smile.

"Some people, who stand up and stand up again, are really...excellent."

He Xia didn't want to continue arguing with Zhou Shiliu. The Dow Jones is about to open, but there is no news about Boeing appearing on the Internet so far!
"For the sake of your praise, if you can make money, it will be regarded as the hard work of helping Deng Weiwei get the quota, and there will be no extra... charges."

"Okay, you've said that you've slipped your mouth. There are still a few minutes to open. Be serious. If you make a profit, it's yours. If you lose, fill in the gaps. Bye!"

He Xia hung up the phone, pouted, really wanted to teach that guy Zhou Shiliu a lesson in person!
Soon, the stock market with the highest market value in the world opened, and a huge amount of money came in and out. How many people got rich overnight in this market, and more people lost their wealth because of this market.

After the market opened, the Dow Jones Index was very stable, rising slightly, and most stocks did not show extreme market trends. Boeing's stock price was at $[-], which is not too low.

This is also because the stock price fell due to the investigation of the model. Boeing reached the highest price of 440 at the previous peak.

During the period when the new model was under investigation, trading in Boeing stock was sluggish, with trading volume shrinking so much that the stock price moved extremely weakly, like a pool of stagnant water.

As one of the [-] constituent stocks of the Dow Jones Index, the lifeless phenomenon should not appear on Boeing. However, the scene after the opening of the market today is obviously different from yesterday. Very strong.

From dead silence to boiling, there is no turning point at all, it is completed in an instant...

It's like pouring a spoonful of cold water into a hot oil pan!
"It seems that messy news is flying all over the sky..."

He Xia looked at the handicap that he couldn't understand at all, and muttered softly.

The chaotic transactions will all be reflected in the stock price. Judging from the current situation, Boeing's stock price has not only not fallen, but has risen by two dollars, which is half a percentage point. The competition between the long and short sides is extremely fierce.

The reason for this situation is that many people have heard the so-called gossip, and obviously more people believe that there is no problem with the model!
As for why many people hear good and false news, it is difficult to judge...

"Made, is Zhou Gangdan's news true or not... Forget it, you won't lose money anyway, if you make a mistake, just take it as a handling fee!"

He Xia was made a little unconfident by the complicated situation, but when he thought of the bargaining chips in his hands, he suddenly felt that he could do it again.

"bring it on……"

Thinking of this, he personally operated a few short buy transactions, and then waited for the matter to ferment.

At the same time, the top executive of Boeing is negotiating closely with many departments. The investigation report has been placed on the desk. He understands the seriousness of the problem, but this does not mean that he will accept his fate. It is possible to make up for it!
The CEO's opinion is as usual, continue to use drag words to stabilize the mood, and at the same time spread a lot of news that is both true and false to confuse the public, and then use all kinds of weird voices to attract attention!
Time is a good medicine, wait until the society has basically forgotten about this matter, and then release the news in a casual manner, so as to minimize the negative impact.

For this reason, the CEO personally stayed up all night and formulated a series of plans to deal with this matter in an emergency. He has been busy during the model investigation process, but he did not expect it to be used in the end.

The CEO is quite satisfied with his plan, and thinks that this is why he can earn a million dollars in annual salary. Right or wrong is not important, good or evil is not important, profit is the eternal pursuit, and creating benefits for the company is his own value.

It's a pity that no matter how perfect the plan is, it won't work this time, and no matter how big a person is, they can't stop the situation from fermenting!
In the face of power and capital, the CEO's plan was torn to shreds. Finally, it was decided to hold a press conference at the Boeing Building in Chicago at 10:30 am to disclose the findings of the new model and accept inquiries from reporters!
With less than an hour left before the press conference, there is not much time left for the Boeing spokesperson...

After major news newspapers, online media, and self-media companies received the news, the local staff stationed in Chicago rushed to the Boeing Building with lightning speed!

In front of the Boeing Building, which was not very lively in the past, due to the press conference, it was crowded with people, and people coming and going were carrying equipment with eager expressions on their faces.

Ten minutes after the opening of the Dow Jones market, that is, 10 minutes before the press conference, Siegfried reported to He Xia that the scattered accounts had received $10 billion short orders (the principal was 80 billion, leverage was opened, but a margin was left to avoid forced liquidation).

"Boss, this is a big show, my God..."

Siegfried's coat was thrown aside, and he danced with excitement. He has been in the industry for many years and has seen many big things, but experiencing it personally is a different feeling.

At first, he thought that the transaction would not be too intense, but he never thought that in just five or ten minutes, the turnover rate of the stock has exceeded the sum of the previous month, and the soaring trading volume is breathtaking.

This made him feel the seriousness of the incident again, and it seemed that the situation was further than expected.

"Don't get too excited, always pay attention to the news!"

He Xia was able to control his mood very well, and reminded Siegfried, who was too excited, to pay attention to his emotions.

Siegfried was not the only one who was nervous. The door of the reception meeting room in Chicago's Boeing Building was crowded, and the aisles were full of people.

The conference room was also crowded with hundreds of reporters from various media. There were a dozen or so people sitting on the stage, whispering to each other solemnly, but there was still one seat vacant.

Cameras, microphones, and signature pens were rustling to write something. The atmosphere in the conference room was quite weird. There were clearly voices of communication one after another, but it was terribly suppressed, contrasting with a tense silence.

Even at this moment, the CEO of Boeing still hasn't given up his efforts. He keeps making phone calls next door to the meeting room, using any available connections to try to stop this press conference. Unfortunately, no one has the ability to do this!
No one could stop the passage of time, and soon it was 10:30. Everyone in the meeting room fell silent, and those who could not enter the meeting room were poking their heads at the door and windows.

On the podium, the third-party organization in charge of model inspection provided a test report of more than 300 pages, which included almost every part of the new model, even a single screw in the toilet!
The time for the press conference was limited, and the person in charge of the testing agency gave a rough explanation. After just 10 minutes, the person in charge closed the test report, faced the non-stop flashing flashing lights, and announced the test results in a dignified tone.

"According to the test report, we gave the result that Boeing did not accurately inform the airline of a new function design defect on the new model, so that the pilots lacked relevant training, which led to X and X accidents!"

When the voice fell, the people sitting on the side stood up and saluted and apologized.

The entire conference hall immediately exploded, and the reporters frantically threw out questions, not caring about waiting for the other party to ask questions.

The scene became chaotic, and security guards entered the conference room to maintain order...

However, another place is also in chaos, and that is the stock market!

It took only a minute after the news was announced, and the market reacted quickly, and the stock price was like a floodgate opening, and it was pouring out like a bet!
After the model test report and results are released, Boeing will have to bear huge compensation, and at the same time, the new model that has cost a lot of money to develop will also be released, which will deal a heavy blow to the company's reputation!

A listed company with a market capitalization of more than 2000 billion is so huge. On weekdays, the fluctuations in highs and lows are only three or five points. During the investigation period of the model, it was even more sluggish, and the amplitude was less than two points. But now...

In just 5 minutes, the stock price directly crossed the support level of [-] integers, all the way down!
All values ​​will be reflected in the price, this is the charm of stocks.

A touching story can bring temporary benefits. Bubbles are beautiful, but when the bubble bursts, it is terrible.

 Book friends remind me to update, I am also anxious...

  There have been a lot of things going on at home recently, more of my own reasons.

  I don't know about the other authors. In my words, no one can interrupt me when I write, but the current living environment has to be interrupted...

  When it is quiet, a plot can be polished in two hours, but now it takes a whole day, and it is not even satisfactory in the end.

  The environment is too noisy, it is really difficult for people to concentrate.

  Wronged book friends accompany you all the way...

(End of this chapter)

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