Facing Lake Geneva and closing your eyes, a scent of grass and trees from the jungle floats into your nostrils, refreshing your heart and spleen.

He Xia feels completely different from the sea view and river view, feeling relaxed and happy.


With these two words light and fluffy, Alomi burst into a smile, clasped his hands together and said piously: "If you pay in one lump sum, it will be 5000 million Swiss francs."

Aromi especially emphasized the currency unit. In a place like Europe, the currency is especially important when discussing transactions. The US dollar, pound sterling, and euro are more common, but now it is in Switzerland, so the Swiss franc is still in circulation.

The exchange rate gap between these currencies is not small, especially at the level of 5000 million. Generally speaking, the exchange rate level of the Swiss franc is comparable to that of the euro, slightly higher, and lower than the British pound.

"5000 million Swiss francs."

He Xia knew the approximate exchange rate of Swiss francs, 5000 million was equivalent to 8000 million Chinese coins, and was not surprised by the high price, all of this was expected.

The price of Swiss real estate is notoriously high throughout Europe and the world. What's more, Huguang Manor is located in such a favorable geographical environment, surrounded by forests and facing the Great Lake. It is also difficult to find a manor comparable to it!

The price was just asked as usual, but he wanted to know another thing.


Alomi nodded: "Yes, Mr. He. Freehold property rights, annual property tax of three thousandths, this piece of land of more than 3000 square meters, the nine-hole golf course over there, and the garden by the lake are all belongs to you."

Afterwards, Alomi gave a detailed explanation of the annual property tax of [-]/[-], which is not calculated based on the purchase price. Instead, there will be a special agency to evaluate and evaluate the real estate. It will be depreciated every year, and the tax will be lower and lower. .

For example, the real estate tax in the first year will be calculated at the level of 4000 million Swiss francs, because the real estate premium caused by special services and decoration will not be included.

"I want this manor!" He Xia was very happy. High-quality real estate is hard to come by.

The payment link is not complicated. After one phone call, Boss He became the first owner of Huguang Manor!
An hour later, the development company in charge of building Huguang Manor sent six servants to work in the manor, and very politely stated that they had paid the fee for two years and were free to be sent by any boss.

Sitting by the swimming pool, He Xia looked at the six beautiful young maids in scantily clad clothes, and scolded the developer ten thousand times in her heart. She wanted her own life!

Even the lower back is shouting: This is a high-end game!

"The servants from Xia Tian Manor are really here..."

Boss He waved his hand and directly dismissed this group of maids with ulterior motives, and asked Elisa to hire servants from a specialized housekeeping company.

Moving into a new villa should have been a great celebration, but for Boss He, who can easily buy a mansion worth tens of millions of Swiss francs with a flick of his hand, he no longer had the excitement he had at the beginning.

Besides, he still has important matters to decide. Lucy's mailbox is almost full of bids and spam. It would be nice to be able to choose the winning city before the charity auction dinner.

However, the next morning, an unusual invitation disrupted the original plan.

"Mr. He, Mr. Touk Byers cordially invites you to Monaco for a gathering. He is waiting for you on the Blue Coast. I hope you can give me a favor."

On the lawn of Huguang Manor, Marto, the assistant next to Tuke Byers, said respectfully in a suit that he was entrusted to invite He Xia.

He Xia was wearing pajamas, and soon after waking up, he learned that someone was visiting. He was planning to change his clothes, but when he learned that it was someone sent by Tuke, he came out without even bothering to wash his mouth.

Frowning slightly, he looked at Marto, who had drooping eyebrows, and said, "First of all, answer me a question, how did you find this place?"

Less than a day after I bought Huguang Manor, people from Tuke Byers came here. This intelligence work is almost catching up with MI[-]!

Marto smiled lightly and explained: "Mr. He must not misunderstand, this is just a coincidence..."

"To be honest, the Lake Manor you bought yesterday is exactly the real estate that old Mr. Byers was looking for. He planned to buy it to retire in Switzerland after he left office. When he saw the news of the manor transaction in the media After that, pay attention immediately, you know, the transaction information is transparent..."

The transaction information is not transparent, but it is only transparent to a certain class. For people at the level of Old Byers, this kind of information is not a secret.

He Xia took the mouthwash from the servant, spit it out into the container prepared by another servant, and said to Marto indifferently: "At the reception held in Pilias that day, I Having seen you, you should know that the relationship between me and Tuke Byers is not harmonious!"

He believed that Marto must have seen everything that happened at the reception.

Marto saluted respectfully, and said: "Mr. He, I know that Mr. Tuke made some impolite actions at the reception. He feels deep regret and can't wait to express his apology to his friends. With the understanding of my friends, only you are left, Mr. He."

With a teasing smile on his face, He Xia said, "Are you sure Tuke didn't want to talk to me about the Greek project?"

He didn't believe that Tuke was apologizing for anything. Even if he apologized, it was just a cover-up. The real purpose must be for the project in his hand.

Marto nodded without hiding anything: "This is one of the purposes of Mr. Tuke's invitation to you."

He Xia thought for a while, Tuke's matter would have to be resolved sooner or later, otherwise it would be somewhat uncomfortable for someone to keep staring at him secretly. Since the other party came, let's do it by the way.

"Tell Took Byers I'll be there."

Marto said happily: "That's great, Mr. He, just now I saw that there is an apron over there, and I will arrange a helicopter for you."

He came from Monaco by helicopter and stopped in Lausanne to refuel.

He Xia looked at Marto playfully, and said with a smile, "No need, it's not too far from here to Monaco!"

A slight problem with the helicopter would be irreversible. No matter how courageous Boss He is, he would not dare to take the helicopter arranged by others, especially if this person wanted to take something away from him. He was simply joking with his own life.

It’s only [-] kilometers from Huguang Manor to Monaco. It doesn’t take long to drive there. Compared with a helicopter, it’s only three hours and one hour. It doesn't matter!

"As you wish!"

Marto didn't have any reluctance. Anyway, this kind of thing can't be forced. After getting an accurate answer, he left Huguang Manor.

He Xia had breakfast at the villa, packed up and set off.

This trip to Monaco, he didn't take Lu Qian and lawyer Zhang with him. The two continued to read the bidding documents at the manor, and the driver was replaced by Gourav.

The Principality of Monaco is a small country in France. It is so small that it is the second-to-last country in the world. It is only a little bigger than the Vatican. The total land area is only 2.08 square kilometers, and there are 0.5 square kilometers left to be filled. The land made by the sea is realized.

"That is to say, the area of ​​Monaco is not as large as Xia Tian Manor. It is amazing that a country with the highest per capita GDP can be born on such a small piece of land!"

In the car, He Xia listened to Elisa introduce the basic situation of Monaco to him, feeling a little emotional,
"Monaco is known as a paradise for the top rich. The country is mainly engaged in tourism and gaming. It is also involved in fields such as real estate, trade, advertising, banking and insurance. You can imagine that many rich people like you spend a lot of money in Monaco. It’s hard for the local people not to be rich.”

Eliza said with a smile.

He Xia was a little puzzled and said: "Monaco is not the only casino in the world, neither Las Vegas nor Ottoman Island can attract the eyes of the rich like Monaco, it must have other special places! "

"If it is true that gambling alone cannot keep the rich, the Monaco government thought of this very early on, and then began to devote itself to building its own country's culture. Now Monaco has many exclusive cultural and sports activities every year. In addition In addition, the Monaco Oceanographic Museum and Institute are world-renowned, and it is for these reasons that Monaco is rich."

There is a reason for being poor, and there is a reason for being rich. The whole story is quite inspiring.

Although Monaco is small, there are not only medieval-style streets and royal palaces in the country, but also the famous Monte Carlo Casino and its surrounding luxury hotels, fully displaying the long tradition and luxury.

Tropical botanical gardens, the Oceanographic Museum, the famous Open Tennis Tournament and no Formula [-] car race held in the city center all make this small country a hotspot for the world's attention!
In particular, the Oceanographic Museum and Institute of Monaco is world-renowned. In addition, there are cultural facilities such as the Napoleon Memorial, the National Museum, the Caroline Library, and the Monte Carlo Opera House.

"By the way, Monaco has almost no taxes, but any country like this will have a unique attraction to the rich, which is why many wealthy businessmen will move their families to Monaco..."

"Tax-free..." He Xia laughed, and said, "Of course the income from taxation is not as good as the spending by the rich!"

The rich gather, although they don’t have to pay taxes, they have to consume. This is like a world-class metropolis turning a blind eye to money laundering. When the black gold turns white, the first thing to do is consumption. And it's not the average consumption level!

It is also in this way that many wealthy cities have been stimulated.

"It's not just about consumption. After the wealthy gathered in Monaco, the banking industry also developed naturally. Although it is not as good as Switzerland, Monaco's banking industry also has a pivotal position in Europe. This is the main reason why Monaco has become rich!"

Eliza added a little more.

The banking industry has always been an area at the top of the pyramid, continuously creating wealth.

"It's a pity that the area of ​​two square kilometers is too small, so small that there is no place to build the company's headquarters, haha."

Several cities in the bidding offer tax-free preferential policies, and Monaco's attractiveness to He Xia is limited.

Of course, Monaco is also very self-aware, knowing that its small body is not suitable for building the company's headquarters, so it did not issue a bid.

Traveling through France, several people in the car were talking and laughing. On a road sign, He Xia saw a French city that he had heard of before, Nice.

He remembered that Ingrid and Sansa were arguing over the most beautiful seaside city in Europe, fighting between Nice and Barcelona.

Only now did He Xia know that Nice is in the south of France, more than ten kilometers west of Monaco...

Soon, Knight XV traveled through a short tunnel and arrived at Monaco, the country with the highest per capita GDP in the world.

As soon as you enter Monaco, you will feel the smell of money. There are many famous cars on the streets. Rolls-Royce, Bentley, Ferrari and Lamborghini have a very high appearance rate, which is basically a basic operation.

Top supercars such as Bugatti and Pagani occasionally show up, and the world's limited supercars can always catch a glimpse!
However, BMW and Mercedes-Benz, which are luxury cars in many countries, are just ordinary taxis in Monaco. They are not entry-level Mercedes-Benz BMWs, but BMW X5 and GLS...

The road was narrow and there were many cars, so Gourav had to slow down.

"I only heard that luxury cars are everywhere in Dubai and Qatar, but I think Monaco is even more exaggerated!"

He Xia sat in the car with his legs crossed. At this moment, he suddenly felt that his modified and enhanced Ford was not so fragrant. Considering safety and scarcity, he could still deal with it.

"Haha, Mr. He, less than half of the [-] citizens of Monaco are rich businessmen who came here to avoid taxes. From this amazing ratio, Qatar and Dubai are incomparable!"

Gourav said with a smile.

Qatar has a population of 260 million, while Dubai has more people, a full 340 million. The GDP is dozens of times that of Monaco, but Monaco's population is only less than [-], and the gap is even bigger!

The total length of Monaco's domestic highway is 57 kilometers. From the northeast corner to the southwest corner, the longest diagonal line is only 3000 meters. There is a town unit in the whole country, which has four districts under its jurisdiction. It doesn't make sense.

Driving on the road, He Xia could see yachts parked by the sea. There are two yacht ports in Monaco. In terms of the level of yachts, they are not comparable to Port Ville, but the number can be overwhelmed.

It seems that here, driving a yacht to sea is a very common thing, as common as ordinary people going out to the park for a walk.

After a while, Knight XV came to the city center, and the four of them found a random restaurant for lunch.

While waiting for the meal, He Xia realized what it means to be beautiful like a cloud. In a small restaurant, there are three or four supermodel-level beauties. The hot dress is a confidence in the figure, which is very seductive.

There are also a few familiar Hollywood actresses, who raised their proud necks in front of the camera, like white swans with their heads up, snuggled up to the man like a canary, chatting and laughing.

We are all normal people, and people should be multi-faceted, one side in front of the camera, another side in life.

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