I earn really hard money

Chapter 272 Under the Apple Tree

Chapter 272 Under the Apple Tree
He Xia smiled slightly, agreeing with Yang Zicheng's previous words in his heart. The aura emanating from the surrounding buildings, shops and pedestrians can indeed feel a strong academic atmosphere, but it is not necessarily true that living here can help him. up.

"That river is the Jianhe, right?"

A rippling river suddenly came into view, He Xia looked at the people boating in the river and asked.

Elisa nodded and said, "Yes, Mr. He."

Looking at the Jianhe River, He Xia said with emotion: "After so many years, there are still many people rafting on the Jianhe River...Xu Zhimo sincerely does not deceive anyone!"

There is no bright sunshine above the head, the sky is gloomy but the air is fresh, and a small boat carrying three or five people floats on the river from time to time. The very primitive long pole is used as the power source, and the leisure is too leisurely!
"Eliza, let Gourav and the others arrange it. I'm going to go boating on the river after dinner!"

He Xia felt envious of the leisurely people on the river, and decided to experience it for himself.

Elisa made a embarrassed expression, and said: "Mr. He, you and the academy have already made an appointment to meet, and there is still an hour left. I'm afraid there is not enough time..."

As an assistant bodyguard, the boss's occasional willfulness also needs to be supervised and corrected.

He Xia smacked her lips. The boss, who is worth tens of billions of dollars, is so busy. It's a pity that he has already made an appointment, and it's hard for him to break the appointment.

"Then come back when you're done..."

Not long after, the vehicle drove to the Kingston restaurant that Lucy had reserved.

Kingston Restaurant is not a Michelin-star restaurant, but it has a beautiful environment and a good atmosphere. It has a good reputation in the local area and is highly praised by many Cambridge students.

Authentic British lunch, pie, tomato beef brisket with thick and mellow soup, salad, ham, eggs and French fries...

Walking out of the restaurant, He Xia recalled: "The chef of this restaurant is trying to correct the world's inherent perception of British cuisine, which is pretty good."

He raised his wrist and glanced at the time, there were still 10 minutes before the agreed time, and he was about to ask how to get to where he was going when the phone rang.

Caller ID, the little butler Da Xinxin.

He Xia gestured to the people around him, and walked aside to answer the phone without hesitation.

"Xinxin, it's night over there, what's the matter?"

Arrange for the little butler to stay with her parents to call, no matter what the situation is, He Xia will answer it as soon as possible.

Pan Lanxin said: "Well, He Xia, sister Lei and I have something to tell you."

He Xia frowned, and the other party's tone was a little dignified, he urged: "What's the matter, tell me!"

"That's right. You are not in the capital. Uncles and aunts don't think it's very interesting. They plan to go abroad for a while. There are a few destinations. Sister Lei and I are not sure. Let me help you refer..."

Pan Lanxin said in confusion.

When He Xia left the capital, Pan Lanxin continued to be the housekeeper and took care of He Xia's parents. She was very cautious. She couldn't make up her mind about things like going abroad. Still planning to ask He Xia for instructions.

"For this matter...don't use such a tone of 'it's over', I thought something serious happened!" He Xia glanced at the air speechlessly, as if Pan Lanxin was standing there.

"This is a big deal for me and Sister Lei. Well, don't be too annoying. Listen to me. Auntie and uncle have listed three plans. Listen..."

"The first one is to go to Bangzi Country for a week, and then go to the island country for half a month. Whether you want to continue to Southeast Asia is to be determined."

"The second is to go to Australia, transfer to Egypt, and then to Northern Europe; the last one is to North America, starting from Hawaii and ending in New York."

He Xia was a little puzzled, scratched her head, and said, "My parents deliberately avoided Europe?"

After listening to Pan Lanxin's words, He Xia discovered this problem.

"Well... Auntie mentioned this question, and she didn't want to distract you." Pan Lanxin said.

"Well, these places are enough to play, and they are all very popular tourist destinations. What does Sister Lei say?"

He Xia asked.

Wu Lei took the mobile phone from Pan Lanxin and said, "Mr. He, Xinxin and I don't have any clear ideas. You can decide. We will make a plan based on your decision."

Being rich and free, being willing to go out for a walk is something to be happy about.

He Xia thought for a while, and said: "It's okay, just go abroad and play slowly, why not combine the three plans together, buy a house to live in the local place where you like, and go home when you're tired, it's very convenient .”

"Don't have too clear a plan, you have time and money, setting a plan will make you feel uncomfortable if you are framed!"

Pan Lanxin and Wu Lei looked at each other, their faces were full of helplessness, the thinking of rich people just escaped, and their thinking levels were different...

But finally there is a solution.

"Well, Mr. He, Xinxin and I will plan the route with your uncle and aunt according to your decision. Don't worry about safety, I will not let you down."

"It's the same in life, don't worry, I will take care of it!"

Pan Lanxin quickly answered from the side.

He Xia smiled and said, "I'm quite relieved to have you arrange it, go ahead, I'll be busy first."

Without further talking, the two parties hung up the phone. He Xia took a deep breath and looked at the distant sky. He was very happy that his parents could take this step.

Whether you have money or not, the most important thing is to have a good attitude and live for your own happiness.

With a good mood, He Xia returned to the crowd and asked, "Which way is Trinity College going?"

"Just don't use it over there, Mr. He."

Eliza showed He Xia the way.

"set off!"

Due to the narrow road, it is not suitable to continue to drive the Knight XV forward. Anyway, there is not much distance, so the group walked towards Trinity College.

Trinity College, in the Lane Library, which was rated as a world cultural heritage by the United Nations, the bookshelves have withstood the test of time and are covered with the vicissitudes of time. The ancient atmosphere is very suitable for reading ancient classics.

The person who founded this library was Sir Isaac Newton's teacher, the mathematician Isaac Barrow!
On the roof of the library stands four stone sculptures designed by Gabriel, symbolizing the four oldest disciplines, theology, law, physics and mathematics.

There are several small reading rooms in the corner of the library. These reading rooms are usually closed to ordinary students and workers, and are only used by a small number of people. At this moment, there are five people sitting in one reading room.

On one side are Professor Smith, Zhou Shiyu and Lawyer Zhang.

Opposite Professor Smith, a middle-aged man in his forties with neatly parted hair and a delicate suit, sometimes raised his wrist to check the time, and then responded to Professor Smith's gaze with an awkward but polite smile.

He is the vice president of Trinity College, Edward, who came to sign the contract with He Xia, and he has a young assistant by his side.

Edward was a little anxious, because the appointment time was getting closer and closer, and the person he had made an appointment with didn't show up for a long time. He politely asked Professor Smith to ask, but was rejected...

He didn't dare to show any disrespect to Professor Smith, because he was still a student of Professor Smith...

Several of Professor Smith's bodyguards disappeared, and they reached an agreement with each other, as long as they entered the academy, they didn't have to follow closely.

The quiet time passed quickly, and there was a light knock on the door, and the young people beside the middle-aged man hurriedly got up and opened the door.

"Good afternoon, everyone."

Standing at the door of the ancient reading room, He Xia whispered hello to those present.

Including Edward, everyone stood up and nodded to He Xia in return.

"Mr. He, hello, I am Edward, I am the vice president of Trinity College. It is an honor to meet you."

Edward walked up to He Xia and introduced himself.

Although the young man in front of him is only half his age, he will not show any contempt. Newton also discovered gravity in his early twenties...

He Xia held Edward's hand tightly and swung it vigorously up and down.

"Thank you for your college's contribution to science, Dean Edward. I want to sign the contract somewhere where I can talk freely. When I came here, I saw an apple tree. It's a good place!"

"Oh, I think Mr. He must be talking about Newton's apple tree. It's a good suggestion, Professor Smith, what do you think?"

It was Edward's idea to choose to be in the library. In his opinion, signing a contract is a serious matter, and he needs to find a serious place to do it.

"I love it there!"

Professor Smith naturally has everything to do.

A group of people left the library quietly.

It's a pity that no matter how quiet and mighty there are dozens of people, they are still very eye-catching.

After He Xia and others left, many students who borrowed books in the library got together and started talking in a low voice.

"I heard that the Asian man just now is the gentleman who funded the construction of a new laboratory for Professor Smith."

"It seems that he is younger than us, and he is fascinated by the alchemy of immortality. The rich are indeed greedy for the length of life."

In the eyes of some people who have received the "correct answer" education, the genetic experiment researched by Professor Smith is like ancient alchemy, trying to use so-called science to break the shackles and do things that God can do...

If Professor Smith hadn't won the Nobel Prize, any student would dare to stand up and criticize him.

"Maybe he just represents a certain interest group, but having said that, Professor Smith is willing to accept the invitation, and the Asian must have given him very good conditions. Unfortunately, my application to join Professor Smith's laboratory was rejected."

"There may be opportunities in the future. Without the control of the academy, Professor Smith has a greater right to speak!"

Politicians and some scientists are not optimistic about it, but it does not mean that no one is optimistic about it. Students who study biomedicine still hope to join Professor Smith's experimental team.

He Xia, who had already walked into the garden, could not hear the discussion in the library. He was standing in front of a not-so-tall apple tree, surrounded by many tourists, and sometimes someone sat under the tree to take pictures.

"Mr. He, in fact, this tree is not the one that hit Sir Newton's head..."

Dean Edward stood beside He Xia and said with a smile.

He Xia nodded naturally, of course he knew it wasn't, otherwise why would he be so tall in front of him.

"However, the size of this tree is about the same as it was hundreds of years ago. Sir Isaac Newton sat under such a large apple tree, which inspired the final inspiration about gravity. Sir Isaac Newton was a great man. the scientist!"

Edward proudly introduced.

There are many scientists from ancient times to the present, but there are not many scientists who can subvert everyone's cognition, that is, there are not many scientists who have caused a cognitive revolution. For example, Galileo Galilei, the father of modern science, and Nicholas Tetra Sla, theorist Albert Einstein, etc.

Isaac Newton is one of them. Although his "Gravity" was pulled down by "The Theory of Relativity" in modern times, he was a great pioneer in the era when Newton lived.

It is no wonder that Edward is proud to be an alumnus with such a scientist.

He Xia looked at the apple tree with a smile on his face, imagined the scene hundreds of years ago in his mind, turned around after a while and said: "This is a magical place that subverted the scientific world at that time. I think it is very meaningful to sign a contract here, because There is a group of people who are also fighting to subvert science!"

Edward's face turned serious, he heard the implication of He Xia's words, the group of people were referring to Professor Smith's experimental team!

The emotions in his heart are very complicated. To be honest, from a scientific point of view, he very much hopes that there will be a huge breakthrough in genetic engineering, but the shackles of ethics and morality are too heavy, especially those pedantic politicians, and the red tape is overwhelming. Not angry.

Edward even felt that today's academic environment is even less free than Sir Newton's time!
A lot of science and technology cannot break through, not because the technology itself is difficult, but because capital, ethics, politics and regulations are setting restrictions, making this science and technology impossible to appear...

"Mr. He, this is the contract."

Professor Smith took out a few thin sheets of paper from the old briefcase and handed them to He Xia.

He Xia read it carefully. During the period, he discussed with Lawyer Zhang and Edward for a while what he didn't understand, and added more clear guidelines to the two clauses that were not clear enough.

"No problem!"

He Xia shook the contract in his hand, snapped his fingers at Lu Qian, and a pen was delivered to his hand.

He took the contract and walked under the apple tree, looked up at the branch, and saw that there were really small apples.

Leaning the contract on the tree trunk as thick as his calf, he signed his name with a pen, and the contract came into effect.

Click, Elisa, Lu Qian, Zhou Shiyu and others all took out their mobile phones to take pictures as nostalgia.

At the same time, it wasn't just the people around He Xia who were taking pictures, there were also people taking out their mobile phones to take pictures around him, including students from various colleges and tourists from various countries.

The contract was in triplicate, and He Xia handed the one belonging to Trinity College to Edward, and said with a smile, "Cambridge College has 31 colleges in total. It's a pity that I didn't study well before, so I couldn't study in such a college."

Edward received the contract, and a big stone fell in his heart. He looked at He Xia with a smile on his face and said, "Mr. He is too modest. Your support for the development of science is very great. I can't interfere with other colleges, but it is very important to enter Trinity College." Simple things, I'm afraid you don't have the leisurely mind."

He Xia raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "Principal Edward means that as long as I want, I can come to Trinity College to study at any time?"

"Of course, on behalf of the college, I would like to express my heartfelt welcome. All majors are open to you, but genetic engineering is not necessary. Professor Smith is authoritative enough, haha."

Edward said with certainty.

He Xia froze for a moment, and suddenly thought that there was a clause in the contract that the laboratory would pay Trinity College a fee of 100 million pounds a year. As a reward, Trinity College would provide the laboratory with a series of required resources, including but not limited to paid patents , technology and talent!

Where there is money in the laboratory, the money is naturally paid by H·E Investment Company, that is, He Xia pays for it.

"Hahaha, I'm not naturally suitable for studying, so I'm afraid I won't be able to enjoy this kindness."

He Xia really doesn't have the leisure to continue studying elegantly. It's good to go to higher education institutions occasionally and invest in a few experimental projects.

Edward smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, Mr. He, if someone in your family wants to come to Trinity College, that's fine too. I believe that the people recommended by Mr. He must be very good."

According to the current market situation, there are some special quotas in the college every year, which are used to recruit children from wealthy families who have generously contributed to the construction and development of the college, as well as outstanding talents in various industries.

One million pounds a year is not much, and this is just a threshold, but with the relationship between Professor Smith and Dr. Zhou Shiyu, let alone He Xia himself, even if he recommends three or two people to study, there is no problem.

This is not a secret among top universities, not only Cambridge College, but also Oxford and Imperial College of Technology, including Harvard and MIT in the beautiful country, all have similar positions, which are called "inherited admissions".

(End of this chapter)

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