I earn really hard money

Chapter 267 Don't Nobody Rob Me

Chapter 267 Don't Nobody Rob Me
The car started again, and He Xia called Zhou Shiyu.

"Zhou Shiyu, are you in England?"

"Here, I'm packing up the materials and experimental records to be taken away in the laboratory, what's the matter?"

The early experimental records were not entered into the computer, and it seems that there is no reference value from the current situation, but if one day breaks through the technical barriers, it will be very strong evidence when applying for major awards.

"Let others take care of these things. Do me a favor and get ready. Pick up someone at London Heathrow International Airport at six o'clock. I have already contacted Professor Smith, and the project has officially started!"

The project was officially launched, and these words exploded in Zhou Shiyu's mind like firecrackers. Her eyes lit up, and she stood up, startling the researchers who were helping to clean up the laboratory.

"Official launch...really?"

He Xia has gradually gotten used to Zhou Shiyu's silly rhetorical questions, and said with a smile: "That's right, my people just set off from Athens and arrive in England in a few hours, you can contact Professor Smith first to make preparations in advance , What are the specific technical requirements for the laboratory site, write a plan in advance, and hand it over to the infrastructure party when the time comes!"

Zhou Shiyu put down the yellowed document paper and nodded sharply: "Okay, I'll go right away, that, He Xia, you are so great, thank you."

"Well... don't be so polite, go ahead, get busy, don't say anything about it, don't tell other researchers, just you and Professor Smith know!"

After He Xia finished speaking, he hung up the phone, and was suddenly a little excited when the gentle and quiet beauty said thank you, but it felt strange to be impotent and big.

Zhou Shiyu put away her mobile phone and took a deep breath. If He Xia didn't say hello, she might really announce the good news to her colleagues around her. Since she made a special confession, she naturally wouldn't leak the news.

"Kandy, let you handle the matter here, be careful, don't miss it, don't leave a piece of paper behind!"

Under the strange eyes of the three researchers, Zhou Shiyu quickly ran out of the laboratory.

"Why is Dr. Zhou so excited all of a sudden..."

Candy looked in the direction Zhou Shiyu left in puzzlement.

The scientific researcher who tidied up the bookshelves said: "There is only one thing that can cause Dr. Zhou to have violent mood swings..."

Another person continued: "That means the new laboratory has landed!"

It is only a hundred kilometers away from Cambridge College to London, and she is not in a hurry to go to the airport. She has to go to Professor Smith to discuss matters related to the laboratory.

He Xia and Zhou Shiyu ended the call and arrived at the hotel.

The Athena Temple Intercontinental Hotel provided by the Greek government for Xia is very luxurious. It is two kilometers away from the urban area, and the room standard is undoubtedly the presidential suite!
The design style of the Athenaeum Intercontinental Hotel is mainly based on the ocean and blue sky, and the interior is filled with a lot of blue and white elements, which makes people feel very fresh.

Sitting on the balcony of the large suite, He Xia was eating the special snacks provided by the hotel, and was answering the phone call from Robert.

"Mr. He, I have finished what you explained, and I just left Mr. Byers' house."

Robert sat in the car and said.

"Have you seen Took?"

He Xia threw a yogurt puff ball into his mouth and asked vaguely.

"In the beginning, Mr. Byers' assistant received me. After chatting for about three to five minutes, Mr. Byers walked out of the room."

"What about Tucker?"

Robert showed a pondering look on his face, and said: "Mr. Byers looks very haggard, but it's just an appearance, he doesn't really look haggard, or he just pretended to be that haggard to make me feel haggard. "

If there hadn't been He Xia's previous reminder, Robert might not have observed too carefully and made a wrong judgment, but since he knew that the other party had a problem, he would pay more attention.

"How to say?" He Xia squinted his eyes, sat up straight and asked.

"His complexion looks a bit gray, and his eye sockets are black, but he doesn't know that I have dabbled in makeup a little bit, and it didn't take much effort to see that it was the effect of cosmetics..."

The corner of He Xia's mouth twitched, and he had a new understanding of Tu Ke. This is a guy who is willing to tell ten lies to make up for one lie!
At the yacht reception last night, Tooke acted crazy and let everyone know that he was high, and he was high.

That being the case, then the next day you should be in a bad state of mind and do a full set of acting.

"Robert, let me guess, did he tell you in the first sentence that he took the wrong medicine last night and did something that he regretted?"

Robert laughed lightly and said, "Mr. He, your guess is basically correct. Mr. Byers' original words are not the same, but the general meaning is the same as what you said."

"This guy... what did you talk about?" He Xia had already fully understood that Tuke was pretending to be crazy, so all the issues had to be considered from another angle.

"Mr. Byers asked if you held a grudge against him, and then talked about the situation of the investment group under your name. I will prevaricate them one by one."

Tuke Byers is not simple. Robert is also a person with high emotional intelligence. In the process of talking with Tuke, he did not leak any water. No matter what the other party said, his answers were very mellow, neither rude nor unreasonable. Come find out about anything...

To put it simply, I used a bunch of nonsense to answer questions that I didn't want to answer!
Polite nonsense is definitely an art.

He Xia nodded secretly, and then asked, "Did he mention the Ferolio Group and the Greek energy project?"

"I have a mention!" Robert said: "When I was about to leave, Mr. Byers said something. He said that Pilias Tino is a cunning guy. Please be careful..."

He Xia rubbed his chin, thinking that Tuke is really not simple, and he understands human nature very well, and he can always do things that stimulate others.

Even if he knew that Tu Ke was obviously trying to sow discord, it would be difficult to remain unmoved. Even the most rational person would be affected by outside interference inadvertently.

Fortunately, even without Tuke to sow discord, He Xia never thought of completely trusting Pilias Tino. There is no so-called trust in the business field, only contracts and contracts with legal effects!

"Anything else?"

He Xia asked in a deep voice.

Robert thought for a while, and said: "Yes! He asked me about my salary...and not only me, Villefort and Bastiton (the two bodyguards) who came with me were also questioned, and it was Bayer who talked to them Mr. Si's assistant."

"Ask about salary?"

He Xia frowned slightly, feeling extremely tired of Tu Ke.

Both the housekeeper and the bodyguard are very trustworthy people around the rich man. The housekeeper is in charge of the overall situation and even manages the finances, while the bodyguard takes care of life safety, which is of great importance.

It can be said that whether it is a bodyguard or a housekeeper, as long as one of them betrays, it will be a great blow to the employer!

He Xia didn't know Tu Ke's true intentions, and it was precisely because of this that he found him annoying.

From the reception to the conversation between Robert and Tuke, He Xia found that Tuke had been doing things that confuse the public, seemed to be out of order, but could cause damage if a little operation was done, and it was particularly easy to make people suspicious and irritable.

It's like a string of smoke bombs flying towards me from the air, I don't know which one has the function of explosion...

Fortunately, I have the passive skill [Composure]. Whenever my anger level rises to a certain level, I will suddenly have a basin of cold water poured on my heart to calm myself down.

"I regret asking you to return the watch. This guy is safe and doesn't deserve to be treated with courtesy!"

He Xia complained softly, and said in her heart, if you dare to give me something worth 80 euros, I will accept it, what the hell.

At this moment, He Xia's mobile phone showed that someone else was calling, but before he could see who it was, the other party hung up.

Robert said calmly: "Mr. He, think about it from another angle. If you don't have this trip, you won't know the real situation of Tuke Byers. Knowing is better than not knowing, what do you think?"

He Xia nodded slightly, feeling that Robert's words made sense, and at the same time made a decision in his heart, it is best not to keep this kind of opponent who is full of wild ways, and once he catches the opportunity, he must completely solve it!
"Robert, I'm going to trouble you this time."

"This is my job, Mr. He." Robert is very humble. A qualified housekeeper is to relieve the master's worries.

After the two ended the call, He Xia looked at the burning clouds in the distant sky, ate two bites of snacks, called up the previous call records, and found that it was Serena who called in just now.

Calling back, the other party said apologetically, "Xia, I'm sorry, I heard some news that should be useful to you, and I'm eager to contact you. Didn't I bother you just now?"

Serena felt very uneasy about what happened at the reception last night. This kind of dissatisfaction came from the fear of the powerful, from Tu Ke's side, and from He Xia...

She longs to cling to the powerful and wander in the upper class, but in fact this kind of behavior is like walking on thin ice. If she accidentally offends someone, it will be terrible.

Serena used to be able to do a job well with superb methods and grasp of human psychology, until she met that lunatic Touk...

He Xia smiled lightly, and said, "Serena, you don't have to be so polite, I wonder what news you are talking about?"

He Xia only regarded Serena as a high-end vase before, but after Serena offered to help collect information, he had other arrangements.

"I learned from a special channel that Tuke is also interested in two projects in Greece, and I found out the conditions he offered to Pilias, an additional budget of 2000 million euros for each project, and the proportion of equity remains unchanged. !"

Serena happily told He Xia the news she had learned so hard.

He Xia's face turned serious. If the news Serena gave is true, then her behavior can be regarded as standing aside, or hoping that she can occupy a favorable position in the competition with Tuke, and use her own power to fight back. Defeat Took!

If it is false, it is not impossible, but the possibility is very small.

After one night, He Xia could clearly feel Serena's disgust and fear of Tuke Byers. If it was a disguise, he was sure he could tell that in this case, Serena was on his side more likely!
For He Xia, this is not just a simple piece of information, it is equivalent to getting the strategy of the game, letting him know how to play this cooperative game.

There were quite a few projects announced at the reception, not all of them were very popular, some of them had no interest at all, and some of them were very popular.

I won’t talk about projects that no one cares about, but if it is a favorite, it must show sincerity and strength for the project party to choose a partner.

"This is really timely news, Serena. Is there any more specific situation? For example, Pilias' reaction."

He Xia asked further.

"I don't know the specifics, but based on my judgment, besides you and Tuke, there were several heads of large groups on the Flamingo last night. Pilias will not make a decision lightly."

"At least wait for everyone to give feedback before taking any further actions."

Serena has some experience in this area, so she talked about the facts.

He Xia thought about it, if it were her, she would not be able to directly agree to a certain party without everyone replying, that would be too disrespectful to other people, it would offend others, and be irrational.

"Serena, you did a good job."

Serena smiled softly: "I promised to provide you with various business information for free within a year, and I will do what I promise."

He Xia knew Serena's purpose and didn't mind, because she also needed her, so she changed the subject and said, "You are very talented in scouting news, have you ever thought about resigning from the airline company and doing this job?" one line?"

Serena was still in Barcelona, ​​standing on the balcony of the sea view hotel overlooking the beach, her eyes moved slightly after hearing He Xia's words.

"If you need it, I'm willing to do that for you."

It's all about making money, and it's obviously a better choice to work for a handsome and rich boss.

"Haha, I was so touched...Have you ever been to England?"

He Xia laughed, and then asked.

"of course."

"Do you know Hungerford Castle?" He Xia asked.

Serena thought for a while, and said, "Is it the one in Scotland, or the one in the suburbs of London?"

He Xia nodded secretly. This woman knows the UK quite well, but it's just that he himself doesn't know enough...

"London suburbs, tomorrow, wait for me at Hungerford, let's meet and talk."

"Okay, Xia!"

Serena agreed very happily and didn't ask anything, but she was a little puzzled. Hungerford Castle is very remote and desolate, and the entire castle manor has been dusty for many years. Why did you choose to meet in that place...

Could it be possible to do something shameful in the wilderness?


After finishing the call, He Xia stood up and looked at the exotic scenery in the distance, thinking about the news Serena gave her just now.

"A project costs 2000 million euros, and there is no need to increase the proportion of equity, so generous!"

He Xia also has two project proposals in his hand. According to the above, the gap between the two projects is [-] million euros. The cooperation progress of this [-] million euros can be completed by one partner, or it can be more one's business Patner.

However, the proportion of capital contribution is different from the proportion of equity. The last partner who comes in contributes more money but has a lower proportion.

Even so, it is still not so easy to get involved. Funding is only a prerequisite, and individuals or groups who can get in touch with the project can afford the money!

At this time, it is time to fight for strength in other aspects. Like Tuke Biles, spending more money is a way, or there is a strong network behind him, or he has an unrivaled height in certain fields ...

In short, if you want to join the game, you must have strength. If you are not strong enough, you can only join the lower-end game first.

The reason why He Xia took a fancy to the two projects in Greece is probably because the people who want to participate in them are the most special ones. They don't want to make money, but just hope that their island can obtain a stable environment.

After some on-site inspections, He Xia became more determined to win the project after learning about the geographical relationship between Ainia and Callistos, which was tantamount to adding a layer of barriers to Ainia Island.

In other words, if someone else wins the two projects, he will have to talk to the Greek side about the privacy and security issues of the island of Ania...

"Get an extra 4000 million euros at once. If I didn't know the situation of Byers Group in recent years, I would have been fooled by you!"

He Xia remembered what he had talked with the receptionist Gluck before. In recent years, the growth of the Byers Group has encountered bottlenecks, and the development in all aspects is not very satisfactory. How likely is it to be a project that is more than a decade old?

not big...

He didn't know why Tuke quoted such a high price to Pilias, but there must be an unknown intention in it, and even He Xia now suspects that Tuke's high price last night was just pretending.

If Tu Ke really behaved like last night, he wouldn't be worried at all. Who would be afraid of a lunatic?
Unfortunately not.

"Whoever you want, these two projects must be mine!"

Whether Tuke Biles sold 4000 million euros for real money or bluffed, it didn't matter to He Xia, there was plenty of money, something had to be done!

Thinking of this, He Xia turned on her mobile phone and inquired about the status of the American Express account.

After trading the island of Ania with the Greek government before, there is still a total of 12 billion US dollars in the account, a fraction of only a few thousand US dollars.

After learning about the funds at hand, He Xia dialed Pilias Tino's phone number. The island has been settled, and the next step is to complete the two projects of fresh water purification and offshore wind power.


Madrid, built in the ninth century AD, has entered the ranks of the world's first-tier cities in [-] with its long-term development, and has the title of the Gate of Europe.

If London is the capital with the most rain in Europe, then Madrid is the capital with the most sunshine in Europe. The 260 days of sunshine a year live up to the reputation of "City of Sunshine".

The lack of rain does not mean that the green area is not good. The proportion of green space per resident in Madrid is [-] square meters. Looking at the whole of Europe, this figure is only [-] square meters. Madrid is far above the average level.

In the entire urban area of ​​Madrid, there are not many high-rise buildings, and only in the bustling central business district can you see many modern high-rise buildings. The buildings in other places generally do not exceed the height of the immediate church.

The landmark Picasso Building has a great sense of design. In a bright office on the 28th floor, Pilias Tino is busy in front of the computer, with a complex design drawing on the screen.

The outside world only thinks that Pilias Tino, the younger generation successor of Ferrolio Group, is good at communication and can always get high-quality projects from governments of various countries.

But I have forgotten that he graduated from the Bartlett School of Architecture in the United Kingdom with a master's degree, studied under Professor Sir Alan Wilson, and has very in-depth research in architectural space interaction and dynamic systems.

After graduating from Pilias Tino, he has provided five design drafts to Farolio Group, two of which were adopted, namely a library and a private villa.

The furnishings in the office are very simple and clear. In addition to a large desk with an area of ​​more than ten square meters, there is a metal bookcase next to the wall, and then there are several chairs and small coffee tables for reception.

There are not many furniture, but everything has a sense of design, and the materials used are also very high-end. The whole office feels very in line with the tonality of Spain's top infrastructure companies, and it is very tasteful.

The secretary's seat is not located in the office, but at the door of the office, which is also the choice of most bosses.

While Pilias was frowning and clicking the mouse, one of the two mobile phones on the table vibrated slightly.

Shaking his mind, Pilias looked at the phone, which showed H·E He.

Squeezing his temples, he saved the files on the computer, stood up and walked to the window to connect the phone.

"Dear Xia, let me guess, you must be here to discuss investment projects, right?"

Pilias asked enthusiastically.

He Xia liked this kind of straightforward conversation, so he laughed and said, "Good afternoon, Pilias, you are right. In order to show my enthusiasm for the project, I am standing in Athens to talk to you right now."

Pilias raised his eyelids and said in surprise, "It seems that you have already done a field trip?"

"Yeah, I did a lot of laps around Callistos this afternoon in a helicopter, and it's like two projects are done in my mind, lol!"

He Xia said exaggeratedly.

"Hahaha!" Pilias said with a happy smile, "You were the first friend who boarded the Flamingo last night, and you were also the first partner who called me to talk to me in detail, Xia, my wife I like you!"

The corner of He Xia's mouth twitched when he heard Pilias' words. This enthusiastic attitude suddenly reminded him of Sansa Mendoza, who was studying far away in the capital. The two hadn't been in touch for a long time.

"However, Pilias, before we talk about business, I want to talk about a personal matter!"

In order to increase the bargaining chip for winning the project, He Xia has her own plan.

Pilias said: "I am more interested in private affairs than public affairs, haha, tell me quickly, I can't wait!"

"Haha, that's right. You know that I bought a manor in Barcelona. That manor is good everywhere, but the transportation is too inconvenient. I want to change the status quo."

He Xia said.

"The transportation is inconvenient?" Pilias didn't quite understand what He Xia wanted to express, and asked tentatively: "Could it be that you want to widen the road from Xia Xia's manor to the city, no, I understand, Xia, you Surely there is an idea to build a helipad on the estate, right?"

Even if it is a private matter, it is impossible to chat. Pilias concluded that what He Xia said must have a special intention, and it is likely to be related to infrastructure, because Farorio Group is an infrastructure company.

Before the other party said that he took a helicopter and made many laps in Callistos, so he judged that it had something to do with the helicopter!

He Xia shook his head with a smile, and said: "You just asked the secretary to order an H225 from Airbus, and you knew about it, hahaha, but such small things as the helipad can be solved by hand, what I want to say is ..."

Pilias really thought that He Xia was going to talk about the apron. He was still recalling the appearance of the H225 in his mind, thinking about how big an apron would be built, but he didn't expect the conversation to turn to other places!
He Xia mentioned that the purpose of the H225 helicopter is just to show his financial strength, he continued.

"Summer Manor is backed by the sea and has a beautiful beach. Unfortunately, there is no pier. Even if I have a boat that belongs to me, it can only be parked in the distance and cannot be docked. You must have never experienced that feeling, because Tidy The No family owns Port Vale!"

Pilias was stunned, and said with a smile: "So you want to build a marina in the manor. The project volume is indeed a bit larger than the helipad, but it is still not difficult."

He believed that since He Xia told him about this matter, he hoped that Farolio Group would undertake the construction.

Although it is a small project, as a friend in the circle, sending a construction team to make the work more refined and charging a slightly higher fee is also a sum of income, and there are exchanges.

"The yacht marina is indeed very good, but this is not my idea, Pilias. I want to build a cruise ship dock next to the beach behind the manor, at least a dock that can accommodate a 20-ton cruise ship."

He Xia expressed her true thoughts, and this dream came into being after returning from the world of Titanic!

Although the cruise ship crashed into an iceberg in Titanic World, it also made He Xia realize what it feels like to be a real big ship!
What is a big ship? It's not the cruise ship of old classmate Zhang Linlin, nor the Flamingo yacht of Pilias, it's a cruise ship!

That kind of heavy feeling, like walking on the ground, is incomparable!
After Pilias heard this, his heart trembled. He finally understood He Xia's true thoughts!

"My God, Xia, do you want the largest cruise ship in the world to pick you up at the back door of your house?"

He Xia laughed and said, "You can see it, haha, I wonder if the 800-meter coastline is enough?"

As the third largest shareholder of Carnival Group, is there any problem in getting the group's cruise ship to pick you up at your doorstep?

of course not……

The premise is that there is a place to stop!

The private beach behind the summer manor is 800 meters long, but if you want to build a cruise terminal, you need to extend it to allow the cruise ship to have enough draft!
A hint of envy appeared on Pilias's face. The Ferolio Group owns the Ville Yacht Harbor, which is well-known in European upper-class circles. private use.

Now He Xia wants to build a private cruise port behind the manor. Although it is definitely not as large as a large port, it is exaggerated and bold enough, and it will definitely cause a sensation in the circle!

At that time, when others mention cruise ships, they will more or less think of the great effort of the owner of H·E Investment Company to build a cruise ship terminal in his backyard.

Everyone cares about face, especially in the circle to which he belongs, face is very important.

"If only one berth is needed, 500 meters is enough, Xia, do you really have this plan?"

Pilias once again confirmed that even if it is a berth, the construction scale of the cruise port is far from comparable to that of a yacht terminal!
He knew very well in his heart that the purpose of He Xia talking about this matter before getting down to business was equivalent to giving himself a gift. Roughly calculated, this project could create at least 500 million euros in net income for the Faroli Group.

"Of course! I will be in Europe for a long time in the future, and the convenience of travel is very important to me!"

He Xia cryptically expressed his future plans, and then said: "Pillas, I think you must know about the situation of H·E Investment Company, Europe is still a virgin land for me, I attach great importance to the first investment project!"

"Well, Xia, I'm also willing to believe that you haven't invested in Europe yet, but... there is a small shipyard, has it been forgotten by you?"

Pilias said implicitly.


He Xia was stunned, and suddenly realized that he already had an industry in Europe, that is, the Harland and Wolff shipyard that built the Titanic a hundred years ago, and it still holds [-]% of the shares. came close to bankruptcy.

"Haha! Judging from your tone, it seems that you really forgot... Xia, you are so cute."

Pilias laughed out loud in the office. He was really not joking. According to the knowledge of H.E Investment Company, it is really normal for a shipyard worth several million to be on the verge of bankruptcy to be forgotten in a corner, and he does not understand this at all. How did this shipyard come under the name of H·E Investment Company in the first place?

Could it be an addition to the carnival group when it became a shareholder?

He Xia patted his forehead and said with a smile: "It's really rude, I'm sorry, Pilias, I really forgot the shipyard in England, because it is not an investment at all, you should know that after owning a private boat It takes a team to maintain, right?"

The corner of Pilias's mouth twitched unconsciously. Even if a century-old shipbuilding company can no longer receive orders for shipbuilding, it is too grand to use it as a private ship maintenance team!

"Xia, I am amazed by your handwriting. I thought that our rich Europeans already know how to spend money to enjoy themselves. It's because I don't know enough!"

The cruise terminal is built in the backyard of the family, and the once glorious shipyard undertakes the maintenance of personal ships. This kind of handwriting is rare in the world.

"So the Harland and Wolff shipyards are not considered my investment. I especially hope that the first real investment industry in Europe will be in the birthplace of European civilization. For this dream, I am willing to spend [-] million euros to participate in the project among!"

"Five billion?!"

Pilias's eyes widened. Tuke Byers had already surprised him with an extra 4000 million euros. He Xia was even more ruthless. He directly offered an extra [-] million euros, which is simply unreasonable...

He was sure that things were not that simple, because the other party did not say that the rights and interests would not change, and there was a very coincidence that made him guess some possibilities.

"Dear Xia, you really scared me, I want to know what you really think."

He Xia didn't intend to continue to be vague, and said directly: "I want to increase the proportion of equity in the two projects, and I think the Greek government may not be willing to sell the equity in hand, so I can only talk to you."

Pilias pursed his lips, walked to another window, and the scenery in front of him changed.

"Xia, what percentage of equity do you want?"

He Xia pursed her lips and said, "All the rights and interests in your hands belong to me, and the [-] million euros belong to you."

"and then?"

Pilias spoke calmly, and when he noticed that He Xia paid [-] million euros more, he guessed the result, because Farolio Group invested a total of [-] million euros in the two projects, and he believed it was definitely not a coincidence.

It is not impossible to take away all the equity in your own hands, but you must give a corresponding bargaining chip.

It's not enough to just return the money...

He Xia had already figured out the bargaining chip, and he said: "Then, in terms of infrastructure, I will strongly request that the construction be undertaken by Farolio Group. After having a considerable share of equity, I believe that the Greek government will not control the right to speak, and Faroli Leo Group should also have this face!"

"In addition, there is a supplementary contract between me and you. Farorio Group still enjoys [-]% of the original equity interest in the profit income, starting from the first year of project operation, for a period of ten years!"

Pilias was lost in thought.

Any business is a compromise of value. He won two projects from the Greek government, and then gave up all the rights and interests to attract partners. It is not impossible to sell his own rights and interests.

There was silence on both ends of the phone.

He Xia didn't rush to urge, the initiative in this matter was in the hands of Pilias, he could only exchange with chips, but he believed that the chips he gave were not low!
"Currently, Ferolio Group's share in offshore wind power projects is 30.00%30.00, and seawater desalination is [-]%. According to your statement, Ferolio Group withdrew from the project contract and transferred the original price to H·E Investment company, but can still enjoy a [-]% profit for ten years, is that so understandable?"

He Xia noticed that what the other party was talking about was Faroli and H·E Investment Company, not individuals, and knew that the other party was seriously considering the pros and cons of this matter, and considered interests from the perspective of the forces behind him, not individuals.

"Yes, at the same time, the infrastructure projects will be handed over to the Ferolio Group to undertake the construction."

He Xia added that it may not be much money, but it is a clause after all.

Pilias calculated carefully in his mind, He Xia bought all the shares of the Ferolio Group in the project with 2000 million yuan, but left 3000% of the profits for ten years to Ferolio, which is about [-] million A benefit of up to [-] million euros.

This may seem less than the 4000 million euros offered by Tuke Biles, but that is not how it is calculated.

First of all, the 4000 million euros of Tuke Biles is not exclusive to Farorio Group. It needs to be divided with the Greek government according to the proportion of equity. , reputation is very important.

In the end, the Ferolio Group could only get about 500 million euros.

Furthermore, Farolio Group is completely separated, and at the same time, it can also undertake construction projects. When the project is completed, it can sit back and enjoy [-]% of the profits and make money directly. Saved a whole lot of hassle, which is wonderful!
You know, if you participate in it, you may just pay back your capital in ten years, but according to He Xia's plan, you can not only earn tens of millions of euros in ten years, but also have almost no risk, full of sincerity!
"Another five percentage points!"

Pilias spoke cheekily, fighting for his own interests, not at all ashamed: "Another five percentage points increase, I believe other friends will choose to give up."

He Xia offered a price that he couldn't refuse, but he still needs to tell the other companies about it, otherwise he won't have the reputation to hold events in the future...

"Hahaha!" He Xia said loudly and shook his head: "Pillas, I can hear embarrassment from your words, but there is no need for you to talk about the last 5.00%, because I still have some For private business, please ask Faroli Group for help!"

Pilias's face twitched, and a look of embarrassment appeared on his face. Fortunately, he was the only one in the office and no one else could see it.

How could he have imagined that He Xia not only prepared a generous gift for the construction of the cruise terminal before talking about the business, but also prepared other gifts after the matter was settled, which made him a little flattered and even embarrassed.

"Xia, forgive my presumptuousness, we are very good friends, if there is anything I can do to help, I will definitely not refuse."

Pilias didn't talk about the 5.00% thing, and reserved the room to ask at any time. In case the gift given by the other party is not enough, then we still have to talk about the 5.00% issue...

He Xia could sense the other party's intentions, but he was too lazy to put in so much effort, he was too tired and tired.

"I bought an island in the Aegean Sea for tens of millions of euros. The Ferolio Group should have experience in island development, right?"

A row of ellipses appeared above Pilias's head. During the phone call, he was extremely shocked by the other party's arrogant behavior. There is really no such person in the circle at the current level!
Island development can be big or small, but based on the current understanding of He Xia, Pilias thinks the project will not be small!
"Xia, I accept your offer. If the other friends have no objections, I think we can sign the contract in two days."

He Xia was very satisfied with the result. He chuckled lightly and said, "Tomorrow I will leave Greece and go to England. I have an appointment with a female doctor of Cambridge College to row a boat on the Cam River. As a gentleman, I can't break the appointment. I think, sign a contract in England." Contracts are also legal, right?"

They are all men, and when they heard this, of course they understood what it meant.

Pilias immediately said: "Haha, Xia, I like you so much, you are direct enough and straightforward enough, since you are so straightforward, then I shouldn't procrastinate. I'll let you know the result after the call!"

"I am very excited!"

The two happily ended the call.

(End of this chapter)

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