I earn really hard money

Chapter 251 Inspection

Chapter 251 Inspection
The celebration banquet was over, and when he returned home at night, He Xia didn't sleep, and sat alone in the study room. Through the skylight, he could see the sky with few stars and moon, and it was quiet.

He first contacted Lawyer Zhang to find out about the passport and visa situation, and after learning that everything was in order, he dialed the exclusive customer service number of American Express.

"Honorable Mr. He, good evening, Williams is at your service. Is the employer satisfied with the bodyguards?"

Williams asked with a smile.

"Well, the subject of protection seems to be very uncomfortable with being followed all the time, but for the sake of safety, he compromised. At least he didn't complain to me, haha."

He Xia had previously received a photo from Professor Smith, in which were several bodyguards, with a helpless expression on the back.

"G4S's top bodyguards have good professionalism and won't cause trouble to the protected object. As long as you don't pay attention to it, the protected object will definitely understand your painstaking efforts."

"hope so."

He Xia pinched her forehead and said, "I'm calling to ask you to arrange a plane for me. This time I'm going far away, so I need a big plane."

"No problem, Mr. He, please tell me your needs."

"Tomorrow afternoon or evening is fine, fly from Beijing to Barcelona."

He Xia said.

"From the capital of Tianchao to Barcelona, ​​across half a planet, there is a full 380-kilometer flight. It is true that a large aircraft is needed. Do you think the A900-[-] can do it?"

Williams asked in a flat tone.

In his opinion, the largest airliner in the world is just a tool to serve the rich, and their mission is to please the rich.

He Xia doesn't know the specific parameters of the A380's detailed model level, but he still has a little understanding of the A380. The world's largest wide-body airliner is second to none in terms of safety, and the accident rate is very low!

So he said with satisfaction: "I believe this plane will allow me to enjoy a comfortable air journey, and I hope the airline can provide good service."

"That's inevitable. In this regard, I recommend the United Arab Emirates and Qatar. How do you choose?"

"Try Emirates."

He Xia has already enjoyed the service of Qatar Airways last time, and it is indeed impeccable, but life should be colorful and experience more elements.

"A380-900, flying from Tianchao Capital to Barcelona, ​​Spain, Emirates is at your service. It will take off at 100 o'clock tomorrow night. The airline's quotation is [-] million US dollars. Mr. He, is that ok?"

While speaking, Williams had already contacted He Xia. This ability to act would make many secretaries of the boss feel ashamed.

The price is not arbitrarily set by Emirates. It is a reasonable quotation based on the occupancy rate, operating costs, airport fees and other aspects. Of course, this also includes bank service fees.

"One million dollars, no problem."

He Xia didn't hesitate at all. Such a big plane, equipped with staff in various positions, can fly tens of thousands of kilometers, not to mention that the other party wants to make money. Millions of dollars is not an exaggeration. question.

Even if it's your own plane, if you include the parking fee and the usual maintenance fee and spread it out equally, the price might be even higher than this!

"I have a request!"

He Xia continued.

"Mr. He, please tell me."

Williams is not surprised. It is quite normal to invest in a special plane with millions of dollars. Even the flight attendants can configure it according to the requirements!
"I have a car that needs to be checked in. The Knight XV is relatively heavy, about ten tons."

He Xia has long decided to use the super-high-security Knight XV as his car.

"Fortunately, Mr. He explained in advance, otherwise it is really possible that your request cannot be met." Williams said.

Not every plane can carry a ten-ton car, not even the A380-900. Economy class, business class and first class are planned differently, leaving different consignment spaces.

If it is an ordinary car, any A380 can fit in it, but the Cavalier XV is different, not to mention that it is a special enhanced version, which requires the use of an aircraft with a special layout.

If you switch to a slightly smaller airline, you can't do this at all, only the United Arab Emirates.

With more than one hundred A380 aircraft, Emirates is the most expensive airline in the world, and it is precisely because of so many A380s that it can arbitrarily build it into a layout suitable for various usage environments.

"Mr. He, there is only this requirement, nothing else? For example, the skin color of the stewardess, the nationality of the chef, these can all be customized for you."

Williams said with a smile, anyway, the bank is not responsible, and he is not afraid to embarrass the airline at all.

"Haha!" He Xia laughed and said, "Why didn't you tell me that there was such a thing when I chartered a flight in China before? It seems that the money is still not spent properly. Since you mentioned this, I like the colorful world, don't be monotonous. , as for the chef, it must not be a British chef, it doesn't matter anything else!"

"Okay, I have submitted all your requirements, I believe it will be as you wish, I wish you a pleasant journey here, please contact us if you have any needs!"


After hanging up the phone, He Xia returned to the bedroom and made several phone calls with Tian Ziqiong, her cousin Deng Weiwei and her elementary school classmate Zhu Mengxue.

When several people learned that He Xia was going abroad, they all felt a little bit of reluctance, but the details of this reluctance were different.

Tian Ziqiong was so tired and reluctant to leave He Xia, she even wanted to go abroad with her, but He Xia resolutely refused.

Deng Weiwei was relatively normal, and what she said meant that she had no acquaintances in the capital, and she felt a little uncertain.

He Xia asked her to find a few foreign sisters for small things, and call herself for big things.

Zhu Mengxue was very surprised. She brought her team to the capital to work, and she had already made plans to pay in her heart, but in the end...

He Xia expressed ambiguously that he must reserve the right to ask for it.

In the morning of the next day, He Xia went to the company for a tour. Since most of the people from Sky Art were absorbed, the originally rented offices were not enough, and there were no people upstairs and downstairs, so they rented them all.

The formerly small Xia Tian Entertainment has changed from a few offices to a three-story company with more than 300 employees, and its size has increased a lot!
Except for the theater department staying in Pengcheng, the online drama and variety show departments have all moved to Beijing, which will naturally involve some personnel changes.

Some employees have lived in Pengcheng for a long time, have married or even bought a house, and cannot follow the company to relocate, so they can only reluctantly terminate the employment contract.

There are also some employees in a similar situation, who feel that they will have better development prospects with the new boss. They are very determined, and they dragged their families from Pengcheng to Beijing to start a new life.

He Xia ignored the struggle between Zhao Youqi and Jiao Tianming. After all, Zhao Youqi was quite capable. He was still the general manager of the online drama department, and Jiao Tianming and Yuan Jingpeng jointly took care of the variety show department.

The three general managers stood in front of Boss He together, and Zhao Youqi had complicated emotions in his heart, and he was more or less disappointed.

He had just been the general manager of the two departments for a few days, but he was dismissed after he was addicted. He didn't know what happened between Jiao Tianming and the new boss, so he felt that he should replace Jiao Tianming.

But no matter what, he is better than the general manager of the original theater department. He directly changed from the general manager to the deputy general manager. Inexplicably, he added a very strong female boss...

In order to be able to regain the position of double manager, Zhao Youqi decided to continue to work hard, to make the web drama department to a higher level, and impress the new boss with his achievements!

He Xia didn't know what everyone was thinking, but just explained her bottom line to a few people, and let them play the rest. I believe that under the leadership of professionals, Xia Tian Entertainment will definitely get better and better.

In terms of stocks, He Xia's meaning is very clear, and there will be no reduction in holdings in any form in the future!
He doesn't care about the liquidity of Xia Tian Entertainment's stock at all, holding 80.00% of the shares, even if someone wants to calculate his company from the secondary market, he has no bargaining chips.

He Xia will not let herself make the same mistake as Bai Zongwei!

At ten o'clock in the morning, He Xia left the company. Apart from the driver Yang Zicheng, Lawyer Zhang and Lu Qian were also with her.

Knight XV drove on the highway mightily and domineeringly, heading straight for Shishi Xia Tian Dairy.

After completing the industrial upgrading, Xia Dairy has completely changed its appearance. Standing in front of the gate again, He Xia hardly recognized it.

The gate of the park does not say how luxurious it is, but it can be called an elegant style, and it has the appearance of focusing on high-end products.

"Mr. He, you are finally here. I look forward to showing you what the dairy industry looks like in summer!"

Factory director Wu Dayou learned that Boss Wu was coming to inspect, so he had been waiting by the gate for a long time, waiting for the huge steel monster to drive to the gate, and greeted him warmly.

"He's good!"

The high-level executives who have no special urgent matters also follow Wu Dayou. The wholly-owned boss inspects the company and must give due respect.

He Xia got out of the car and asked Yang Zicheng to drive in and park it. He followed the dairy company and his party into the park, looked at the brand-new sheds, milking workshop, entertainment room and other facilities, and nodded with satisfaction.

Now the milk he drinks every day is produced here. After strict processing, it is transported to the capital by cold chain. It is very fresh and has almost no pollution. At least with the current inspection equipment, no problems have been found, which is even higher than the international standard. Many times higher!
There is science, but no technology; there is hard work, but there is no hard work!

Accompanied by the senior executives of the dairy company, He Xia walked around like a horse and watched flowers. Every link met his expectations, and even some scientific breeding methods opened his eyes.

"Has Dabei Animal Husbandry made any moves recently?"

After shopping, He Xia sat in the office and asked.

Wu Dayou shook his head with a smile, and said: "It's very strange to say that Dabei Animal Husbandry has not moved at all recently. Not only has there been no movement, sometimes when I meet Qin Haiyang outside, he will greet me very politely. The previous threats It didn’t come true at all.”

He Xia nodded slightly. He didn't know what news the other party had gotten. Anyway, it's good to calm down. It may also be because the two dairy companies are not following the same path at all.

"The company is well managed. It is just right to maintain the current output. There is no need to expand or reduce production. Continue to develop!"

He Xia ordered.

Wu Dayou said with a little embarrassment: "Mr. He, the current output, hehe, can't keep up with the sales..."

"Is there still this?"

He Xia doesn't care about the sales of milk products. The company distributes milk to employees every month as a benefit other than salary. In addition, Zhou Shiliu will leave some of them, so it feels like there is not much left...

How could it suddenly fail to keep up with sales?

The person in charge of the sales department stood up and said: "Mr. He, to be honest, the sales brought by the advertisements are not high, but since your variety show was released, the sales have gone up! After all, good products do not worry about selling, rich people Still knowledgeable."

"Several shopping malls that supply goods are urging goods almost every day, um, you really don't plan to expand?"

Another department head asked tentatively.

He Xia touched her chin. The original purpose of this dairy farm was to drink for herself and give away to others. Now it has basically met the demand, and she never thought of making money by selling milk.

"Well, the entertainment company has just acquired a company, and the number of employees has increased sharply. If the benefits are still paid according to the previous standard, and the output is not enough, then expand the production as appropriate, and increase the production capacity by [-]% without affecting the quality. Is there enough space?"

He Xia gave instructions.

"Enough, enough, there are still many places that were not used before!"

Wu Dayou nodded again and again. Of course he hoped that the dairy company would prosper and be urged to deliver goods every day. This kind of happiness trouble is really worrying.

He Xia didn't stay for dinner, just like the first time he came here, he left the dairy company park at lunch time.

"Huh? Xiao Yang, stop the car."

As soon as the car reached the main road, He Xia saw a familiar face waving at him by the side of the road.

"Manager Qin, are you safe?"

He Xia sat in the car, lowered the glass and said condescendingly, not even intending to get out of the car.

Qin Haiyang didn't care either, he looked up at He Xia, and smiled: "Mr. He, the development of the dairy industry in summer is very healthy, and it is inseparable from the excellent environment of Shishi City, hahaha."

The meaning of his words is obvious. What I said at the time was all a fart, and now I hope to clear up the past.

He Xia could naturally understand the meaning of the words, he opened the car door and jumped out of the car, saying: "I heard from Director Wu that the environment is really good. I have a plan to double the scale here. There is no way. The entertainment company will expand. There are several hundred more employees, and the benefits are not enough, so it won't affect the business of Dabei Animal Husbandry, right?"

"No!" Qin Haiyang waved his hands again and again with a smile, and said, "Absolutely not, haha, Mr. He is really a good boss who takes care of his subordinates."

Great North Animal Husbandry conducted relevant investigations and found that only a small part of Xia Tian Animal Husbandry's products entered the market. This made Qin Haiyang and the chairman of Great North Animal Husbandry feel puzzled, and now the doubts have been resolved...

It turned out that he was using the products of his own dairy company to provide benefits, so good milk would be given benefits, which is really unreasonable and arrogant.

"In addition to giving out benefits, several high-end supermarkets in Beijing are really pressing, and there will be no conflict with your group's sales channels."

He Xia said.

Qin Haiyang nodded in agreement. Although the two dairy companies both produce milk, they are completely different in terms of quality, price, and target customers. It is to build cars, but there will be no business conflicts.

Without exchanging too many pleasantries, He Xia said hello and reached a settlement. He Xia got in the car and left.

This is the result he likes. Although he is not afraid of trouble, he is afraid of trouble...

I don't want some unpleasant things to happen in the country when people are abroad, which will affect their mood.

 I've worked hard by unit, if I can't make it right, I need to code on my phone...

(End of this chapter)

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