I earn really hard money

Chapter 245 Upstarts and Nobles

Chapter 245 Upstarts and Nobles

Zhou Shiliu's expression changed slightly after hearing these two names. She didn't know much about the family of the Duke of Lenstermar, but Lamo Larison was no stranger to him. He was a celebrity who had appeared on the local Forbes list in the beautiful country for a long time, with assets of hundreds of dollars. [-] million dollars, she even bought Larison's stock!
"Well, I take back what I said earlier. Rameau Larison is by no means a fool, but the family of the Duke of Lenstermar is not necessarily the case. You should know better than me about the nobles. You think you are superior and arrogant, and then do something. A decision out of touch with reality."

"Among the nobles there are many people like the one you mentioned, but if they do stupid things for a long time, they will basically be cleared out of the family. Otherwise, you think stupid people can last for hundreds of years..."

Zhou Shiyu felt that the old girl's thinking was a bit extreme.

Zhou Shiliu curled her lips and said, "Okay, there's nothing else to do, you can continue to work, I'll go look at the stocks."

"OK Bye Bye."

After the two hung up the phone, Zhou Shiliu called He Xia again and conveyed what he had learned.

"Don't let my old sister know that I'm helping you find out information, or I won't help you again in the future!"

After speaking, Zhou Shiliu hung up the phone.

"The family of the Duke of Lenstermar, Rameau Larison..."

He Xia held the phone and frowned. He didn't know the situation of these two families at all, so he said, "Qi Qian, help me check the information."

"Okay, Mr. He, what do you want to check?"

Sitting not far from He Xia, Lu Qian was also fiddling with her laptop, but instead of paying attention to stocks, she was busy with the business integration of Sky Arts.

"Learn about the family of the Duke of Lunstermar, and Rameau Larison, a beautiful and rich man."

"Okay!" Lu Qian agreed very readily, and her execution ability was very high.

He Xia put down the things she was thinking about and focused on the stocks.

Beautiful country, at [-]:[-] in the morning, the news that Xia Tian Entertainment successfully acquired Sky Arts appeared in the major financial media, and occasionally the entertainment section broadcast it.

Since the Grizzly research had pumped a lot of money into the media, the report quickly attracted the attention of many parties. Of course, the money was paid by He Xia.

The report introduced the situation of Xiaxia Entertainment in great detail, including He Xia's personal information, and attached the industry situation under the name of H·E Investment Company. This is very important information to boost investors' confidence!

Institutional interpretation (provided by Siegfried), H.E Investment Group is rooted overseas. Summer Entertainment has just gained a foothold in the Tianchao market. The acquisition of Sky Arts is to expand the scope of business. The strong capital behind it is optimistic about the Tianchao entertainment market, and will further develop in the future Increase investment and development.

At the same time as the news was announced, Sky Art officially issued an announcement that it will start changing the stock name from now on. In the future, there will be no Sky Art on Nasdaq, only Summer Entertainment, but there is no plan to issue additional shares for the time being!

This is especially important. Not issuing additional shares largely means that Xia Tian Entertainment is not short of money at all, which makes the outside world optimistic about this company...

In the announcement, Summer Entertainment disclosed a series of recent rectification measures for Sky Arts, which naturally included the edge-grabbing phenomenon that the Grizzlies investigated before.

And the company's various decisions will be fully disclosed, financial information will be subject to supervision by all parties, and the report will not be delayed!
With a positive financial interpretation, coupled with the strong capital behind the boss, and the massive market environment, most investors are optimistic about the future of Xiaxia Entertainment, at least in the short period of two or three years!

In just two weeks, Sky Art went from being unknown to being notorious, and then from being notorious to becoming popular.

This operation is very standardized and textbook, and it has happened to various listed companies in major investment markets many times, which is remarkable.

Investors just love it!
Around ten o'clock, there was a change in the stock price of Sky Art, and a large amount of money poured in.

Stock speculation is all about value and confidence. When investors are full of confidence in a company, they will naturally rush to buy it.

It's a pity that there are too few stocks circulating in the market, and with Zhou Shiliu's early entry, there are even fewer stocks left for other retail investors and institutions.

What He Xia didn't know was that there was another person who was secretly following him to eat meat, and that was Siegfried...

The commission is indeed very high, but it does not prevent Siegfried from following He Xia in a wave of autumn wind. When he is short, he buys down, when he is long, he buys up...

The opening price was US$1.13, and the opening was sluggish for half an hour. After a series of news was announced, the stock price of Sky Art rose all the way!
Seeing the stock price soaring all the way, He Xia didn't feel too much trouble in his heart. Although as the stock price rose, his own assets also rose, but this kind of asset is very empty, and once cashed out, it will shrink...

In the early hours of the morning, when Nasdaq was closed for lunch, He Xia got up and walked to Lu Qian's side, asking, "How's it going?"

He cared more about the family of the Duke of Lenstermar and Rameau Larison.

"Ramo Larison is very active on the Internet. At the same time, his group is listed on the Dow Jones. The information is relatively easy to check, but the Duke of Lenstermar's family... also found some, but not many."

Lucy clicked the mouse, retrieved the previously collected data, and said, "Ramo Larison ranked 96th on the Forbes Global Rich List last year, and 48th on the Beautiful Country Richest List, and the group under his name belongs to many projects. "

"It involves pharmaceutical retail, sports, packaging, and cosmeceuticals. This is somewhat similar to pharmaceutical retail, as well as supermarkets and logistics. Four years ago, Larison Group entered the new energy field, and its stock price soared. It was also from that time, Larry Sen's net worth skyrocketed and topped the Forbes list."

"Personally, Larison is 67 years old this year, has four wives, and at least three mistresses, but the lace media speculates that this number needs to be doubled to be the real number. This is the information that can be found. There are four illegitimate children, and their private life is very, uh... rich and colorful."

Lu Qian was careful with her words, because she felt that Boss He in front of her also had a tendency to develop in this direction, so she must not say wrong things to offend others.

With a net worth of tens of billions of dollars, it is normal to have a rich private life, and no one will find it strange.

He Xia also noticed Lu Qian's careful thinking, but he didn't say anything, he just strengthened his hand a little, which was regarded as a small punishment.

"67 years old, not young, I guess I have already started to worry about the rest of my life. It is normal to pay attention to genetic engineering. How is this person's reputation in the past business career?"

He Xia can imagine the longing for vitality of an aging rich man, just like Li Chaoren spending a lot of money to invest in biologists to conduct genetic experiments!
Who doesn't want to live forever?
I am afraid that only those who are struggling in pain do not have a strong desire to survive, the more nourished they live, the more they have the desire to live!

"Hmm...there's not much information on this. There are comments on the Internet that are criticized and upheld. I can't believe them all. In my opinion, he is a normal businessman who will do unscrupulous things when it comes to interests. Impact."

Lucy used her insights to analyze simply.

He Xia nodded slightly, and said, "Can I find news about Larison's investment in genetic engineering projects on the Internet?"

"Yes." Lucy clicked on another file, and said, "Larryson owns pharmaceutical sales and cosmeceutical companies. Although it has little to do with genetic engineering, he has his own laboratory."

"And in [-] years, he upgraded the original laboratory and set up a laboratory exclusively for the Larison Group. It was announced to the public that it was to study the sensitive relationship between cosmeceuticals, skin and cells. It should have a lot to do with genetic engineering from the perspective of the personnel and the laboratories that were recruited in the next few years.”

"This laboratory is not a profit-making organization. The information we can find is very limited. Since its establishment, no scientific and technological achievements have been released. It completely serves Larison himself and has nothing to do with other shareholders."

"It's so mysterious, there must be a secret!"

He Xia frowned and thought about it, feeling that Larison was a little suspicious, assuming that Larison sent someone over to deal with him, it would make sense, at least with a motive.

As for the British accent that the termites said they tried their best to cover up, those things can be disguised, and they didn't say that people in the beautiful country can't have British people...

"Larryson aside, what's the situation with Lensterma?"

He Xia asked.

Lucy clicked on a file and said, "As for the Duke of Lunstermar, well, this Duke family is a relatively young Duke family in the UK. It was first granted in [-], and so far..."

"Wait a minute..." He Xia interrupted Lu Qian's words, and said in surprise, "The duke family was enshrined in 200, the relatively young duke family, the [-]-year-old family is still young? What's the situation with the old one?"

Lucy smiled and said: "There are still 24 duke families in England. I don't know the specific situation. I probably know that some families were canonized in the [-]th century, and there may be earlier ones."

He Xia calculated carefully in his mind, and it was less than 700 years from the thirteenth century to the present.

"For more than 700 years, even one generation in 25 years, nearly [-] generations... After so many wars of separation and reunion, can it continue, is it true..."

Lucy shrugged, she was not clear about this.

He Xia raised her hand to signal for Lucy to continue reporting on the situation of the Lunsterma family.

"The current Duke of Lunstermar, well, I didn't find out the exact age, I only know that he was born in the 40s, about 70 or so, less than [-], he has very few heirs, only one son and two daughters, but he My younger brother has quite a lot of children, two sons and three daughters."

"The Lensterma family has a large fiefdom in the UK, and the details are also unknown, but they have announced the financial revenue of the land, which is worth hundreds of millions of pounds every year!"

He Xia rubbed his chin. He is now a moderate charterer. The combined rent of properties under his name is more than the rent of the Lunsterma family fief, so he can have a more intuitive concept.

"This is really a real example of the predecessors planting trees and the descendants enjoying the shade..."

He Xia couldn't help but feel a little envious. God knows what contribution the first generation of Lunsterma made at the time. It's so comfortable to be able to inherit the title of duke for hundreds of years.

Naturally, Lu Qian also showed an envious look on her face. The real aristocratic life is definitely desirable, but this kind of thing can't be helped purely by reincarnation skills.

"How old did you say Duke Lunstermar was?" He Xia asked, just envious of the hereditary system of nobility, and forgot about the serious business.

"More than 70, not more than eighty."

"Older than Larryson... Any other information?"

Lucy nodded and said, "Yes. In addition to the income from the fiefdom, the Lensterma family currently runs a charitable foundation called Ark, which is dedicated to protecting endangered animal species. This is the main business of the Duke family."

"The charitable foundation is the main business? Why are the news about the nobles so strange? I don't understand..."

He Xia smiled self-deprecatingly, he is considered young for more than 200 years, and the charity foundation that spends money is his main business, which broke his usual cognition.

"The charitable foundation established by the Duke of Lenstermar is not a charitable organization in the traditional sense. The internal personnel of the Duke's family are mainly responsible for the operation, and the funds come from different fields."

"At the same time, members of the Duke's family affiliated some industries under the names of charitable organizations. After setting up the name, everything is legal and compliant. The most important thing is that they can avoid a large amount of taxation and obtain a series of policy support."

"In addition, there are indeed not many direct members of the Lensterma family, but there are quite a few collateral members. Inheritance and inheritance-related matters happen every year. In order to avoid a large amount of taxes, such an institution is needed to serve the family."

"More than a month ago, the British media revealed that the Ark Charitable Foundation was suspected of evading inheritance tax. This kind of thing is common in the West. There is no wave of public opinion. The matter has passed."

"There is absolutely no need to look at the public financial statements of the charitable foundation. The data is terrible. Judging from the usual situation of those wealthy charitable foundations, Ark can help the Lensterma family create more than [-] million pounds of wealth every year. It includes all kinds of tax savings."

He Xia was silent for a while after listening to Lu Qian's words. The nobleman's way of doing business made him see a brand new world. It turns out that money can still be earned like this...

"Well, it's really knowledgeable... Does the Duke of Lensterma have a genetic engineering-related industry, or is there anyone in the family who is a practitioner in this field?"

Lu Qian flipped through the limited information, slowly shook her head, and said, "I didn't find any relevant information on the Internet."

Nobles pay great attention to their reputation and influence, and don't like to show their faces, of course, except for those few specific figures...

"No such information……"

He Xia murmured, secretly thinking that Zhou Shiyu's news should not be wrong. In this case, at least the Duke of Lensterma had intentions, and maybe it was unknown at the beginning.

Compared to Rameau Larison, the Duke of Lensterma is slightly less suspected, but he still has the motive for committing the crime!
"On one side are the rich and upstarts, and on the other side are the old aristocrats. It's really lively..."

After thinking about it for a while, she ate something and didn't have a clue. Seeing that the market was about to open, He Xia asked Lu Qian to put down her work and go to rest first.

In the afternoon session of NASDAQ, Sky Art performed absolutely brilliantly, not to mention other stocks. By the time of the close, it had broken through the previous high and rose to $[-]!

The [-]% increase was the highest on the day, and it was the best!
He Xia held a large number of stocks. During the skyrocketing process, he just emptied two insignificant accounts, which were the accounts that were used to short Sky Art before, and he earned a small amount of pocket money.

With the skyrocketing stock price, the value of He Xia, who owns more than 80.00% of Xiaxia Entertainment's five shares, also skyrocketed...

Now He Xia holds more than 500 million shares, which is more than 8 million U.S. dollars in simple conversion, but this kind of assets is very empty, and the cash will shrink by more than half!

(End of this chapter)

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