I earn really hard money

Chapter 230 Meltdown!

Chapter 230 Meltdown!

"Mr. He, tell your subordinates that trading must be done slowly. If you find that there are multiple forces fighting against each other, you must stop trading in time. There is plenty of time, so don't worry!"

Siegfried was still not at ease, so he gave a warning.

He Xia was very sure: "I will deal with you personally, I understand what you mean, it's no problem..."

"You personally..."

The expression on Siegfried's face was extremely exciting. How could he have imagined that a tycoon who could throw hundreds of millions of dollars at a glance would not even have a trader team to short a listed company?
Maybe it's because I believe in myself more, but the manpower is indeed too small!

"Mr. He, with all due respect, you...are you sure you can handle it all by yourself?"

According to the plan, the transaction does not only use one account, and one account cannot buy more than 500 million shares at one time. It needs to switch constantly, watch the market, list prices and other operations. It is still very cumbersome, not difficult, but error-prone !
"Don't worry, I'm fine!"

He Xia said seriously, how troublesome it can be to buy stocks.

However, the platoon is really not interesting. Think about those financial bosses in Hong Kong dramas. When a phone call comes, more than a dozen people operate frantically. The boss only needs to drink coffee and wait to collect money.

"Okay, then I'll contact the media now!"

Siegfried himself was a vigorous man!
After hanging up the phone, He Xia put down her phone, turned on her computer, logged into an account with 500 million dollars, and bought a short order of 30 shares of Sky Art.

Sky Art's market is like a pool of stagnant water, but there are still transactions, more than 100 shares, more than 200 shares, the most is more than 1000 shares, and the small ones are only [-] shares...

When He Xia's empty order for 30 shares appeared in the market, it was like throwing a boulder into the lake, and the water splashed immediately.

Most importantly, He Xia's short order of 30 shares is not waiting for a certain price to be filled, but to be filled immediately at the current price. He has a very strong willingness to short!

On the daily K-line, a tall trading column is extremely eye-catching.

Once there is an inexplicable market situation in the market, it will definitely attract the attention of institutions and retail investors, especially this kind of throwing stones in stagnant water, one stone will stir up thousands of waves, which will arouse people's infinite reverie.

Fortunately, it was just a listed company that was too small to be conspicuous, and there was no follow-up in the first place.

Zhou Shiliu tilted his body, his head stuck out from behind the screen, and asked expectantly, "It's started?"

"Well, it's started!"

He Xia nodded, and continued to operate, changed an account, and bought another [-] short shares.

The short order of 40 shares was traded, and the stock price was instantly depressed by two percentage points, reaching $6.98!

"Do you want me to help?"

Zhou Shiliu asked with a smile, rubbing his hands together, looking very excited.

He Xia looked up at Zhou Shiliu, and said with a smile: "Are you trying to slap your face? Didn't you say that you are determined to be long investors?"

Zhou Shiliu nodded incessantly, and said sternly: "Don't get me wrong, I am indeed a firm long-term investor, and the help means that I use your account to help with operations, hehe..."

Speaking of the latter, he finally couldn't help but laugh out loud.

"Understood, let's have a dry addiction." He Xia teased.

Zhou Shiliu stood up and walked to He Xia's side, patted him on the shoulder, and said, "Forget it, haha, come on, let me have a good time."

He Xia shook her head with a smile, stood up and gave up her seat, and said, "I invite professionals, who say one thing and do another."

"Tch..." Zhou Shiliu sat down on the chair and said: "I saw that you were not skilled in operation, and I was afraid that you would have problems, so I reluctantly came to help. Not only did I not repay you, but I also made ridicule, people's hearts, ugly..."

"Don't be silly, hurry up, you need to buy 10 million shares in 100 minutes, and you're still 60 short!"

He Xia urged, and then reported an account to Zhou Shiliu.

Zhou Shiliu's operations were extremely proficient, and he said calmly: "Didn't the Grizzlies tell you to observe the market conditions during the process of building a position, and always pay attention to whether there are longs waiting to attack the shorts?"

"I did say..."

He Xia spread his hands and said bluntly: "I don't know how to read, so I don't bother to read. If there is a long position, I will do it. If I can't do it, I will backhand and go long. According to what you said, by the way, It's called hedging, right?"

"Your way of thinking..."

Zhou Shiliu shook his head with his forehead. Is it so casual for people who don't understand finance and have money to play in the capital market?

"How should I put it, it's like, a problem that can be solved with a hoe, but it's not impossible to find an excavator to do it recklessly, but the cost is too high, so it's not suitable!"

While speaking, Zhou Shiliu pointed to the handicap trading order and said, "Did you see it? After you placed a short order of 40 shares, a large long order of [-] shares appeared immediately!"

"Do you think that 40 shares are nothing compared to your [-] shares? It's right to think so, because the other party just wants you to think so."

"These [-] shares are equivalent to throwing stones to ask the way, to see what the short-sellers are like, and to collect data from transaction frequency, density, quantity, etc. for analysis. If my guess is correct, it will... come soon!"

Just as he was explaining to He Xia, Zhou Shiliu's eyes lit up, Sky Art currently traded a long order of [-] shares!
No matter how stagnant a stock is, there is an institution watching it. There is no need to manually watch it. It only needs a program. Once there is a change, an alarm will be issued, and traders will notice it.

When it is found that someone has started to go short, someone will follow up and consider whether to go long in the opposite direction.

Because some false news shorted a certain company, and immediately after the false news was proved to be fabricated, it often happened that the stock price did not fall but rose instead, which is why some institutions like to stare at short sellers.

Some people are purely long, some are purely short, some are short by observing the bulls, and some are long by the reaction of the shorts...

"There are too many intrigues in the financial market. Going the other way, going the other way, going the other way, and going back and forth, sometimes I get confused..."

He Xia shook his head when he heard this, he never liked detours, he was too tired, he might as well go straight.

"Then tell me, that institution has now bought 15 long shares. What's the situation?"

Zhou Shiliu glanced at the time, shook his head and said with a smile: "It's not 15 shares. Don't you count those retail investors who follow suit? You have to know, they are all the helpers of the other party!"

While speaking, Zhou Shiliu recalled the transaction records of Sky Art in the last 5 minutes, and it can be clearly seen that the short position is more than 41 shares, that is, there are more than 1 shares shorted by He Xia.

And the long order has a total of more than 38 shares!

"This institution's methods are very sophisticated. It pinpoints the market's ideas very accurately. It is very good at using the power of the masses. It takes 10 minutes to open a position of 100 million shares, right?"


"You can buy the remaining 60 shares at one time and see the reaction of the other party. If the other party's attitude is tough, you can ask Siegfried if you want to prepare to temporarily cut the meat and leave the market in time to stop the loss!"

Zhou Shiliu suggested.

He Xia raised her hand to signal: "Come on!"

It was Siegfried's suggestion to grind and chirp, and He Xia wanted to buy 300 million empty shares at once.

Da da da, slap, slap.

Click the mouse, tap the keyboard, and more than 400 million dollars flow into Nasdaq.

The stock price fell from 6.98 to 6.75 dollars in an instant.

Less than half an hour after the opening of the market, Sky Art plummeted by more than five points, which is not a small change among all the stocks on Nasdaq!
At the same time, in Pengcheng, an unusual ringtone rang on Bai Zongwei's mobile phone, which was different from incoming calls, WeChat messages and messages.

"What rings?"

Bai Zongwei's wife asked impatiently.

Just when I was about to fall asleep in a daze, I heard a voice, which is annoying!
Bai Zongwei turned on the desk lamp and sat up, picked up the mobile phone on the bedside table, put on his glasses, and muttered: "The company's stock has changed, you should go to sleep."

The chairman's wife didn't speak, turned over and continued to sleep.

"The opening fell by more than five points?"

Bai Zongwei muttered softly, Nasdaq does not limit the rise and fall. Although the fluctuation of five points is not small, it is not too violent. He looked at the phone for a while, put it back on the bedside table, turned off the light and continued to sleep .

The company's state-owned professionals are responsible for the listing work, and he believes that if there are problems, they will be dealt with properly.

Here in Tang City.

"It's okay, this drop is perfect!"

Zhou Shiliu snapped his fingers and explained: "If the bulls are defeated directly, and the drop exceeds 5% within [-] minutes, it will trigger a circuit breaker for individual stocks and suspend trading for a period of time. This level is just right!"

He Xia nodded: "This mechanism is to prevent operations like ours now?"

"The market is actually very entangled. I hope everyone can regulate transactions, but if there are no violent short-selling and long-selling institutions, the market is not active enough, so we can only carry out certain restrictions!"

"However, since such things as rules exist, there must be ways and loopholes to break them...Look, the organization just ran away!"

Zhou Shiliu pointed to the screen and said excitedly.

It can be seen that there was a long order of 15 shares sold out. It is not difficult to think that it was the long order of 15 shares bought by the institution just now.

With the sell-off of multiple orders, the stock price fell by a few cents to $6.70.

"What are you trying to figure out... You must have lost a lot of money in this way!"

He Xia spread his hands and said.

"Such a small amount of money is nothing. As I said before, the loss of long positions is limited. If you have a short position of 15 shares, even if the stock price drops to zero, you will only lose more than $90."

"If you really win the bet, you can make a lot of money by just making up for the increase. Just like the institution just now, it is very cautious. If there is any trouble, it will leave the market. At best, it will lose [-] to [-] dollars. It's not worth the money to them!"

At this moment, someone knocked on the door again.

"I gonna go see……"

He Xia smiled awkwardly, knowing who was coming.

open the door.

"Zhu Mengxue?"

He Xia felt dazed when she saw that Zhu Mengxue's makeup had changed dramatically.

When we met in the morning, I was a white-collar beauty, but now I became a passionate and enchanting beauty. I almost didn't recognize it. Makeup can not only change a person's appearance, but also change his temperament.

If your girlfriend has superb makeup skills, you must be able to experience the refreshing feeling of changing girlfriends from time to time...

"Why, you don't know me..."

In the middle of Zhu Mengxue's speech, she was taken aback when she found that there was still someone in the room, and she was the woman who funded the show with He Xia.

Seeing two laptops on the table, she knew that the two of them should be busy with business, and said: "It's so late and still busy with work."

He Xia nodded: "I'm looking at stocks. The opening time of Pretty Country happens to be our side at night. There's no way..."

"Oh, oh, well, I don't have anything to do, so I'll go back and rest first. You are busy, so go to bed early."

After finishing speaking, Zhu Mengxue waved her hand and walked towards the elevator.

When Zhu Mengxue walked into the elevator, He Xia turned to look to the other side and said, "I've seen you, come out!"


Tian Ziqiong emerged from the corridor leading to the utility room, with a sly smile on her face, said: "You are so busy..."

"Busy you big head... Come in with me!"

He Xia signaled Tian Ziqiong to enter the house. If the ghostly guy is allowed to run away at such a time, there may be some rumors outside. I don't care but it is very annoying.

"Fang... Is it convenient?"

Tian Ziqiong asked with a strange expression, wondering what kind of medicine He Xia sold in the gourd.

He Xia grabbed Tian Ziqiong's wrist and dragged her into the room with a whoosh. Don't be so polite to Tian Ziqiong, it's very easy to do!


Zhou Shiliu said hello to Tian Ziqiong very naturally, she was also feeling in her heart, He Xia is really busy!

"Hey, Mr. Zhou, good evening..."

Tian Ziqiong greeted awkwardly.

"There are drinks and drinks over there, drink some yourself, and bring some for us by the way, go!"

He Xia said, then sat down at the table and asked, "How's it going?"

"You can't move the short forces, and you don't have long institutions to test, and it's sideways again..."

Zhou Shiliu turned the screen to He Xia, and did not shy away from Tian Ziqiong. Since He Xia brought her into the room, she should be at ease.

Tian Ziqiong glanced furtively and found that the two were trading stocks. She felt very strange in her heart. Isn't the stock market open during the day?

She knows a little bit, but not much, and she didn't realize that there are stock markets in many countries...

But this was enough to relieve her embarrassment.

Pidian Pidian took drinks from the small bar to He Xia and Zhou Shiliu, and then sat quietly by the side, like a transparent person.

He Xia glanced at the time and said, "There are still 8 minutes, 200 million shares, will there be the circuit breaker situation you mentioned earlier?"

"It's hard to say, it depends on the market reaction. How to say, continue to increase positions?"

Zhou Shiliu asked.

"Add it, of course I have to add it, just wait, wait another quarter of an hour, and talk about it at the end!"

He Xia planned to wait until the deadline given by Siegfried before entering. He didn't know why he thought so, but he felt that it was more stable to operate this way.

"You are the boss, listen to you!"

Zhou Shiliu didn't know the specific situation on the Grizzlies' side either, so he opened his drink and drank without any guidance.

The room was quiet and the time passed slowly.

More than ten minutes passed quickly, He Xia raised his wrist to take a look, tapped his knuckles on the table a few times, and said, "Buy 200 million empty shares directly!"

There is not enough time for him to trade slowly, and of course he has no such plan!
"200 million shares, more than 300 million, it is very likely to be blown, you think about it... Hey, this account is not enough money!"

While operating, Zhou Shiliu confirmed with He Xia, only to find that the funds in the current account were only about 300 million.

He Xia told Zhou Shiliu another account with a deposit of 2000 million U.S. dollars, and nodded at the same time, saying: "That's it, if something goes wrong, I still have money to go back and do more!"

"I'm well prepared, OK, buy, 200 million short orders!"

Zhou Shiliu operated while speaking.


A few slight noises, the transaction was successful.

After a period of silence, just when people thought the matter was over, a big rock fell from the sky and hit the water surface with a bang, not only making ripples, but also stirring up a water column of meters high!
The stock price of Sky Arts fell sharply in response, plummeting from $6.70 to $5.97 in an instant, with a drop of as much as 11.00%, which directly indicated that the transaction was stopped.

"Sure enough, it's blown..."

Zhou Shiliu spread her hands clearly, as she expected.

(End of this chapter)

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