I earn really hard money

Chapter 214 Less talk about bullshit, more benefits

Chapter 214 Talk less bullshit, give more benefits

In the arena, nearly half of the arenas were engaged in combat training. There were about 20 people in total. According to Xiao Li, the people who could enter the No. [-] training warehouse were all mid-level and above Zhongzhou Haidun bodyguards with strong skills.

"There is a fight over there, and the one wearing the black vest is Instructor Wu Lei."

Xiao Li pointed to the depths of the training camp. Six people were practicing Sanda sparring, and Hao Lei was one of them.

He Xia nodded and walked towards the depths of the training warehouse.

The ratio of men to women in the entire training camp is extremely unbalanced. Including Wu Lei, there are only four women, basically two to eight.

"There are not many female bodyguards."

After hearing what He Xia said, Xiao Li said: "The current business situation is like this. The market demand for female bodyguards is not high. Unfortunately, there are fewer employees. Generally speaking, the supply of female bodyguards exceeds the demand. The company has noticed this problem and is working hard to recruit and train them. The shortage of female bodyguards will gradually be alleviated."

There are various types of bodyguards, among which there is a kind of personal bodyguards, who are basically together 24 hours a day, even if they go to the bathroom, they are only separated by a door.

Rich women rarely find handsome men as bodyguards like in TV dramas, and female bodyguards are needed at such times.

While talking, several people came to the cushion.

The six people who were practicing against each other noticed that the salesman brought the boss over, and knew in their hearts that this was inspecting the training, so they worked harder one by one to express themselves.

From a distance of four to five meters, He Xia could feel the fighting power of the six people, the muscles, strength, sweat, collision, the real sense of impact, the reaction, movement and strength are not bad!

He Xia thought to himself, these people in front of him are not comparable to the coaches in the GR gym. Without rules, Wang Zhitao, who teaches boxing, will definitely lose miserably. Maybe Xiao Xueguang, who teaches Krav Maga, can fight, it is unknown.

Among the six people, only Wu Lei is a woman, and the other five are all men. He Xia really wants to know what is so special about Wu Lei that she can become an instructor.

After a short period of observation, he found that Wu Lei's melee combat is indeed very good.

First of all, in terms of strength, as a woman, she is basically not inferior to the other men, and she is better at responding to contingencies. There must be a certain amount of talent in this, but it is also inseparable from hard training!
At a time of crisis, one tenth of a second faster, life, one tenth of a second slower, lifelong regret...

After a while, the sparring ended.

Xiao Li waved his hand and said with a smile, "Sister Lei, please come here."

"Hi two bosses, Li, what's the matter?"

Wu Lei ran to the front with small steps, and greeted them very cheerfully.

He Xia looked at Wu Lei, her round face was very friendly, she belonged to the type that would definitely not be hated by the first impression, her figure was very strong, comparable to Zhou Shiliu's, and her combat effectiveness was even better!
"Sister Lei, this is Boss He Xiahe. He wants to invite you to be his parents' driver and bodyguard. Come over here to have a look."

Xiao Li went straight to the point, the training camp was extremely hot, and he wanted to get out of this environment as soon as possible.

After hearing Xiao Li's words, Wu Lei looked at He Xia, feeling a little stunned. With her ability, being a driver's bodyguard is considered overqualified, but as long as the other party is willing to pay the salary, there is no problem.

She shook hands with He Xia again, and said with a smile: "Mr. He, hello, thank you for your trust. My ability has been written in detail in the information. Is there anything else you want to know?"

He Xia held Wu Lei's palm, and could feel a layer of calluses from the opponent's palm, which showed the hard work of the opponent's usual training.

"Easy to understand."

As an employer, there is a reason to examine the bodyguard's ability. He Xia didn't let go of Wu Lei's palm, but tightened her grip, and then suddenly exerted force on her arm!
Wu Lei raised her vigilance the moment He Xia clenched her hands, and as expected, the other party's next move followed closely behind!
A strong force pushed towards me, but I didn't push myself out, but I wanted to pull out my palm but was firmly trapped by a strong force, like being caught by iron pliers, trying to pull out or move, extremely difficult.

Wu Lei didn't have time to think about why the other party looked thin, but could possess such perverted power.

This kind of difficulty will definitely not make her admit defeat, otherwise how can she be called a top bodyguard.

The quadriceps muscles of both legs are raised high, the blood vessels on the neck are bursting, and the force of the whole body is crazily output to fight against the opponent's iron arm.

The handshake between the two parties was quite natural at the beginning, but then it became a little awkward. Xiao Li who was standing aside saw He Xia's face and Wu Lei's slight trembling, knowing that the two were secretly competing.

This surprised him, the [-] million brother dubbed in the entertainment news could actually wrestle with their company's top bodyguards?

Even if she is a female bodyguard, as long as she puts the word top, it is not easy. No matter in terms of bench press, deadlift or clean and jerk, Wu Lei is no worse than men. In other words, her strength will not be top of men. Small bodyguard!

Under such circumstances, the two actually stalemate?
"Sister Lei must be afraid of hurting Brother [-] million..."

Xiao Li swallowed his saliva.

On the cushion in the distance, five male bodyguards looked suspiciously at Wu Lei who was shaking hands with the boss on the sidelines.

"Instructor Wu, they are..."

"Competing in the dark!"

"Although I don't want to believe it, it seems to be the case. Look at the legs of Instructor Wu, and the whole body is exerting force..."

"Who is that guy on the other side? He's here to kick the field? He's wearing a famous brand, he doesn't look like that!"

As a mid-level and above bodyguard, serving the rich, and having learned about luxury goods, it is easy to see that He Xia's clothes are expensive. How could such a person come to be a bodyguard...

Wu Lei, who was in the midst of the contest, couldn't calm down. She was sure that she had exerted all her strength. If she were an ordinary man, she would have lifted her up with one arm without deforming her arm.

But not only did the opponent stand still, but the strength he was enduring was gradually increasing, which meant that after breaking through the critical point, he would be lifted up by the opponent...

Thinking of this, Wu Lei felt very unwilling. Just as she was about to grit her teeth and continue exerting force, the other party suddenly withdrew her force, and the strange force just now disappeared without a trace, as if it had never happened.

The sudden change caused Wu Lei's body to shake uncontrollably, but fortunately she stabilized in time, otherwise it would be embarrassing!

"Instructor Wu's combat, resilience and strength are all good, and he is a top bodyguard!"

Through previous observations and personal tests, He Xia came to a conclusion.

"Mr. He, I feel a little ashamed when you say that..."

Wu Lei shook her numb arm, she was doubting the authenticity of the other's arm, secretly wondering if it was a mechanical prosthesis!

Xiao Li was in a daze. Judging from the current situation, instructor Wu seemed to have lost?
He Xia waved his hand and said with a smile: "You don't have to be ashamed at all, I'm very good! Haha, Instructor Wu's adaptability and combat ability are good, I believe other aspects are not bad, let's sign the contract!"

After all, He Xia walked towards the gate of the training camp, and wiped the sweat from his forehead, it was indeed hot.

Wu Lei hesitated for a moment. Being a bodyguard for such a powerful person is not usually stressful, but she suddenly remembered that the salesman said that she was a bodyguard for Boss He's parents, so she followed quickly.


The trainees watched helplessly as Instructor Wu followed the salesman away, which meant that they lost the instructor...

He Xia and his group returned to the reception room, and Wu Lei went to the dressing room to wipe off her sweat, and came over after changing her clothes.

"Xiao Li, you said before that there will be another more coincidental thing, what is it?"

He Xia never found any coincidence.

"Hey, look, it's all my fault, I just forgot to say..."

Xiao Li patted his forehead, just went to watch He Xia compete with Wu Lei, and forgot about it.

"Sister Lei, don't you have to go to the Four Seasons Hotel to participate in the variety show in the afternoon? This Mr. He is the initiator of that show!"

"Ah, this..." Wu Lei looked at He Xia in surprise, and said with a smile, "Mr. He, you are the initiator of "Aspirations"?"

He Xia didn't expect such a coincidence, but having said that, with Wu Lei's ability, it's not surprising that he passed the audition for "Aspirations". It depends on the specific situation.

"That's right, "Aspirations" was initiated by me. Currently, Xia Tian Entertainment is following up. According to Xiao Li, Instructor Wu has already passed the audition and is going to the hotel to participate in the recording in the afternoon?"

Wu Lei nodded and said, "Yes, alas, if I become your parents' bodyguard and participate in the show at the same time, will it cause bad influence?"

No matter whether she wins the championship or not, participating in the show with a special status will always be criticized, Wu Lei considers it more comprehensively.

He Xia thought for a while, then smiled and said, "I'm not afraid of crooked shadows. I'll have a way to deal with this matter. Let others think whatever they want, haha."

If you care about other people's opinions, then it's not He Xia.

It happened at this time that Lu Qian replied to the message. She set the boss's WeChat to the top and special concern, and tried not to miss the message. The shortlist was found and sent over as soon as she received the message.

He Xia opened it and saw Wu Lei's name among the two shortlisted in Shishi, and the other one was naturally Zhou Shiliu...

Afterwards, he looked at the situation of several other competition points, and said with a smile: "Instructor Wu, I can't help you with the competition, but I can remind you that judging from your performance in the audition, you still have to Work hard!"

Judging from the information of the shortlisted contestants, the fastest female contestant was from Rongcheng, and it took only 130 seconds. Even among the male contestants, this time is above average!
And Wu Lei's score was 170 seconds, close to 3 minutes, nine seconds slower than Zhou Shiliu, not dazzling.

"I didn't perform well during the audition. If I had a second chance, I should be able to shorten the time by at least 15 seconds, mainly because of the second pass."

Wu Lei shook her head mockingly, recalling the scene when she participated in the audition, she was a little depressed.

He Xia didn't see the video, so it was hard to judge, so he just said: "Come on, work hard, to tell you the truth, there are my friends among the shortlisted contestants, all of them are treated equally, haha!"

"I believe in the authenticity of the show!"

Wu Lei nodded heartily. Seeing that Xiao Li was holding the contract in his hand, she silently stood aside.

"Mr. He, please, let's go through the formalities."

Xiao Li is very proficient in business and has already printed out the contract while waiting for Wu Lei.

Sign, pay, and it's done.

He Xia paid 12 yuan to Zhongzhou Haidun. This money is for training, introducing bodyguards and guarantees. As for the salary of 60 yuan requested by Wu Lei, it is not fixed. These are things to be discussed between her and her employer.

Leaving the bodyguard company by car, He Xia chatted with Wu Lei a lot and learned about her past and life.

Wu Lei's life is not so satisfactory. Both her parents are suffering from chronic illnesses. She only has the rural medical insurance, and the monthly medical expenses are a lot of expenses. She has no brothers and sisters, and it is all up to her to make money alone.

Working as a coach in Zhongzhou Haidun, the monthly salary is not low and affordable, but other expenses are a bit stretched.

"As long as money can solve the problem, it's not a problem. I hired you to take care of my parents, and your parents should also be taken care of. Please hire a reliable caregiver! You don't have to worry about money. If you have any difficulties other than salary, just tell me! "

He Xia generously said that money is not a problem.

The bodyguards serving their parents are not outsiders. This is fundamentally different from the employees under them. They require absolute loyalty, not just money, but also a certain amount of emotional investment.

Human beings are emotional animals, and people must pay an equal price for working hard.

He Xia is very clear why Wu Lei is engaged in a high-risk industry such as bodyguards. It is entirely to earn high returns to support her parents, so she will let Wu Lei have no worries.

"I won't tell you the glorious, sublime, and great nonsense. Those things can't be exchanged for money, and there's no way for your parents to enjoy advanced medical treatment. I understand what you need!"

"After you officially join the job, I will set up a trust account and deposit a sum of money in it. We will sign an agreement. If you become disabled or die due to performing your duties at work..."

"The money in the trust account will ensure that your parents are fully protected. Of course, the amount you get will vary depending on the situation, but the minimum will not be less than 500 million!"

"Mr. He, what you said makes me wish I could be shot and killed on the second day of my tenure..."

He Xia's words made Wu Lei very useful, and even made a joke.

As He Xia thought, Wu Lei's ideal life is not to be a bodyguard. If there is no pressure in life, being an instructor in Zhongzhou Haidun Bodyguard Company is easy and life-threatening, which is very good.

However, forced by life, it takes a lot of money to get her parents better treatment, and she has to pay more!
With He Xia's promise, the nerves in Wu Lei's mind that had been tense for a long time were relieved a little. Once she signed the legally binding letter of commitment, she would have no worries at all!
She could imagine that the document with legal effect was much more useful to her than the stack of various awards she had received. It was a lifelong guarantee for her parents!
He Xia smiled and waved his hands, and said: "Don't talk about those unlucky ones. According to your physical condition, if you can retire safely, I will also set up an exclusive bonus. I hope everyone is safe and sound!"

Hiring a bodyguard is like buying insurance, I really don't want it to take effect.

"Mr. He, I will definitely do my duty!" Wu Lei was moved.

"This topic is too heavy, it's better to change it to something lighter, haha..." He Xia suggested.

After the important things were settled, the topics between the two became more and more.

"Mr. He, before you said something, I didn't know whether to ask it or not."

Wu Lei was a little cautious. Although the other party was much younger than her and looked like a boy who had just graduated, he put a lot of pressure on her. This pressure came from economics, status and force...

"You can tell me anything, but my parents are... from the previous generation, and you should know how to get along with them better."

He Xia said with a smile.

"That is, what happened to the power that you shook my hand with before?"

"This, haha!" He Xia clenched her fists, and found that Wu Lei was looking at her palm with a searching look in her eyes, and said with a smile, "You don't think it's fake, do you?"

While speaking, he stretched out his hand to Wu Lei.

"Come on, pinch."

Wu Lei was really blunt, she just squeezed her hands, there was temperature, blood vessels, pulse...the tactile sensation was normal and there was no problem.

"Sorry, ho ho, it's true..." Wu Lei felt a little rash, and smiled embarrassedly.

He Xia moved her fingers and said with a smile: "Think I'm thin and weak? You may not be able to beat me!"

Wu Lei sat upright on the seat behind the driver's seat, maintaining the awkward yet polite smile on her face, looked at He Xia who was half lying beside her, and said nothing.

He Xia looked at Wu Lei: "I can see a little disbelief in your eyes. By the way, you are participating in the audition in Shishi. Do you know that there was a mysterious person in Shishi who broke through?"

Wu Lei raised her eyelids slightly, and said with a little surprise: "Could it be... I know, that person is you!"

She didn't see He Xia break through the level with her own eyes, but the video of the mysterious man successfully breaking through the level with thunderous momentum was spread crazy on the Internet. Experience and skills!
If He Xia didn't say it, she wouldn't think about it in that aspect. Since the other party mentioned it, and compared her figure, she really is!

He Xia smiled and nodded. This matter is not a secret among people he knows well, and he also plans to disclose it among the players, so it doesn't matter if Wu Lei knows it in advance.

At this moment, Wu Lei thought a lot, and even thought that He Xia was the mysterious descendant of some hidden master...

"I really didn't expect Mr. He not only to have a successful career, but also to be an expert who lives in the city. I admire and admire him."

Wu Lei said seriously, without any compliment, she really admired her very much.

"I see that you are very good at close combat. We can practice if we have the opportunity."

In the real world, it is really difficult for He Xia to find someone who can fight heartily, especially after returning from the world of martial arts alone, now his kung fu is already very good!

It's not that he wants to fight for the number one in martial arts like Feng Yuxiu, but occasionally he really gets itchy and wants to beat someone a few times.

Before, I was able to fight with Xiao Xueguang from the GR club, or Zhou Shiliu was barely able to practice with me, but now, I can only fight with sandbags.

The life of the rich is so boring, if you want to find someone to fight, you can hire someone to practice with you.

Wu Lei nodded and said: "Mr. He has a taste for elegance, I will definitely accompany you."

Winning or losing is not important, she is very much looking forward to seeing He Xia's fighting level!

"Haha, then...huh?"

He Xia was talking when the phone in his hand rang.

"He Xia, my aunt and uncle and I are home, um, are you coming back for lunch?"

Pan Lanxin called. They returned to the villa a quarter of an hour ago, and it was almost done.

"Go back, I'll be back in a while, I'm heading home, I'm going to make some more dishes, there are guests, two of you."

He Xia said with a smile.

"Okay, then I'll tell Aunt Zhang quickly."

"Well, let's go."

After speaking, the two hung up the phone.

He Xia looked at Wu Lei and said, "You have resigned from Zhongzhou Haidun, I will call you Sister Lei from now on, don't call me Mr. He, it's too formal, just like Xiao Yang, just call me the boss."

"Okay, boss."

"Well, let's eat together at noon, meet my parents, and in the afternoon, we will go to activities together, and then find a place to practice!"

"Okay, I'll follow your arrangement." Wu Lei agreed very happily.

"Xiao Yang, don't run around at noon, have a bite at my place, and you have things to do in the afternoon."

He Xia still takes care of the people who are often with her, it is not a formal occasion, and there are not too many rules.

Yang Zicheng smiled and said, "Boss, I'm fine with dealing with it from the outside, so I won't go..."

The boss gave me face, but he felt a little inappropriate.

"I didn't listen to my order just now to go down to the two guests. Seeing how sensible Sister Lei is, the boss will do whatever the boss says. Do you understand?"

He Xia said with a straight face.

"Okay, I got it, haha, actually I can't ask for more, hehe..."

Yang Zicheng joked.

(End of this chapter)

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