Chapter 178

hi yo...

There was a sound of regret at the scene, mixed with a little disappointment.

"This is too difficult. Is there anyone who can pass all three levels?"

"What you're saying is, this is something that the program team of "Aspirations" created to torment people..."

"We ask for the results to be made public. Let's see if anyone has cleared the level and make the video public, otherwise there will be shady scenes in the show!"

"Yes, public data, public video, reject shady!"

Someone brought the rhythm, and the crowd immediately became angry.

The audience is not bad here, it’s nothing to do with themselves, and they are high-spirited. The main noise is the applicants. Some people came from afar, but saw other players lose one after another. I am deliberately making things difficult for everyone!

The staff of the summer cultural and entertainment group suddenly felt a little strenuous. It is true that there are no successes in the challenge. How could there be troublesome people to say that this is not pure nonsense...

"I also think these levels are too difficult. During the time we came here, more than ten people challenged them, and only one handsome guy passed the first level. As for the third level, we don't know what to do..."

Guoguo said beside He Xia, pouted her lips, and her eyes were full of doubts.

Xiao Yao shrugged and said, "I think it's normal. Why do I think others can't do it if I can't do it myself? If everyone can do it, it's a children's playground. There is an indoor amusement park in the mall. Please buy a ticket to enter... "

"Well, yes, I also think it's normal. After all, this is a program created by others. The rules and difficulty have been set. If you participate voluntarily, how can you complain because of your lack of ability? If you don't get into a prestigious school, you have to blame the college entrance examination. Question?"

A middle-aged man echoed Xiaoyao's words, don't blame the road for being incompetent.

"That's right, they only screen out the most powerful ones in their programs, and they can't even pass the first level. After receiving it, they become angry from embarrassment. This is too outrageous..."

"It is suggested that the program team directly disqualify these people from the audition, so as not to delay time..."

The emotions of the audience are exactly the opposite of those of the players.

He Xia frowned slightly looking at the gradually chaotic scene, he turned to look at Xiaoyao and Guoguo, and said, "Which one of you has a mask?"

"I have, brother, what are you doing?"

Xiaoyao took out a white mask from her bag. Sometimes in summer, she was afraid of sweating and messing up her makeup, so she carried the mask with her.

"Make a sample for them and watch them carefully!"

He Xia smiled and took the mask, took it off and put it on, and walked in through the crowd!

"Everyone, don't make trouble. Our program is completely open, fair, and impartial without any human intervention. It is subject to everyone's supervision. It is indeed difficult, but it is not that no contestants have passed the level. We are calling for videos and records, and we will make it public soon..."

"Hey, sir, what are you going to do?"

Zheng Xiaoshuang from the Summer Arts and Entertainment Group was holding a microphone to appease the applicants, when he suddenly saw someone walking beside him, feeling puzzled.

He Xia didn't speak, raised his hands and waved to everyone. The strange behavior immediately attracted the attention of almost everyone, and the scene gradually became quiet.

"Xiao Yao, what is handsome brother doing?"

"How do I know, look..."

The two beauties looked at the field in puzzlement.

Not only the two of them, everyone didn't know what the young man who suddenly appeared was going to do, and he was wearing a mask on a hot day, so weird!
After He Xia attracted everyone's attention, he still didn't speak. He imitated Captain Jack's action and bowed to everyone, then gestured to the large equipment behind him, and then walked straight to the sandbags tied with iron chains!
"Hold the grass, he won't challenge you?"

"Hey, what a queue jumper!"

"Ham, it doesn't matter whether you jump in the queue or not, no one can succeed in the challenge. If he wants to try, let him try. It's not bad if he succeeds!"

"Haha, he can still do it like that? His thighs are not as thick as other people's arms. I don't think he can pass the first test!"

Xiaoyao's eyes were startled, and she said: "My God, the handsome brother is going to challenge, hurry up, take a picture of Douyin!"

"Record it, record it!"

Guoguo was even more excited than Xiaoyao, and immediately took out her mobile phone and ran to the crowd to start videoing He Xia!
"Sir, have you signed up?"

Knowing that He Xia jumped in from the audience, the staff asked in embarrassment.

He Xia shook his head, then waved his hands, ignoring the staff at all, and squatted down to pat the sandbags. The rough texture and the iron chains had strong friction, which invisibly increased the difficulty.

He Xia didn't wait any longer, turned his head and gestured to the staff to signal him to start timing, then put the iron chain on his shoulder, dragged the iron chain with one arm, and walked towards the table.


Under the sandbags are the composite wooden boards, and there was a burst of friction between the iron chain and the wooden boards, which was especially loud in the quiet scene!

The video recording staff just thought that someone was causing trouble, and even turned off the camera to save power. Unexpectedly, a fierce person came, and quickly turned on the camera to point the camera at the challenger!
"Now he is a temporary challenger. We don't know his name, but he seems to be in a very good state at the moment!"

The staff of Xia Tian Entertainment has good adaptability, and they started to comment immediately. Not everyone is qualified to be commented, but the one who is challenging at this moment is definitely worthy of it!

Not only successfully calmed down the chaos at the scene, but also showed a strong ability!

The layman looks at the excitement and the insider looks at the doorway.

Those applicants who failed before did not leave the scene. They also wanted to see if anyone could pass the level. At this moment, their hearts were all raised, because the person who was challenging was doing well!

He Xia held the iron chain with one hand and moved forward at a constant speed. Because he was wearing a mask, others could not see his expression clearly, but this strength alone was enough to make people amazed!
The uncle who came to watch the challenge yesterday afternoon showed a surprised look on his face. There are people who can drag the iron ball so lightly, but there are not many people. There is no one who can do it with such a thin body as the challenger!
Some contestants participating in the challenge are very strong and can easily drag the sandbags with their own weight of two to three hundred kilograms, but some cannot lift the sandbags to the platform.

While everyone was amazed, He Xia had already dragged the sandbag to the front of the table. The ground was covered with cushions, so even if the sandbag accidentally fell, it would not be affected.

"Drawing can be used skillfully, but deadlifting one meter high is not easy!"

Someone in the crowd muttered.

Without leaving time for everyone to suspense, He Xia squatted down and clasped the iron chains on both ends of the sandbag with both hands, and said silently in his heart, get up!

Pulling the iron chain, he directly picked up the sandbag!

He Xia doesn't know how strong he is, but judging from the reflection of the attribute panel, it is more than twice that of a normal adult. In addition to his special physique and the huge bonus of the golden pitcher's right arm, he cannot be treated according to the normal situation.

The sandbag landed steadily on the depression in the center of the table, making a dull sound and splashing a thin layer of dust. The sunlight penetrated through the thin dust and even a faint Tyndall effect appeared.


There was a sound of swallowing saliva at the scene, and the uncle Bengbu, who had been watching the audience all afternoon, was stunned. This is the challenger he saw the fastest to complete the first level, which broke the cognition!
The hands of Xiaoyao and Guoguo holding the mobile phone were trembling slightly. They had experienced He Xia's power and knew that it was a bit strong, but they never expected it to be so strong!

The staff looked dumbfounded. They had the player's record. Before that, the record for the fastest completion of the first level was 25 seconds, but now the result has been refreshed, and it has been directly cut in half, only 11 seconds!
Without waiting for the guidance and introduction from the staff, He Xia jumped directly onto the first step of the second level of the roller steps.

Compared with the first level, this level is easier for He Xia!

Everyone saw a figure jumping onto the roller as if with light kung fu, and then rushed towards the top floor with big strides.

Pedal, jump, land, and push again, all in one go without pause, just like walking ordinary stairs, directly rushing to the top floor!
mist grass...

"What does he do, a gold medal firefighter?"

"Damn, I look like a special soldier. Didn't you see that he was wearing a mask? He must be afraid of being recognized!"

"Is it possible to be a master of the Hidden World Sect! Sure enough, the master is among the people..."

There was an uproar at the scene, and more than 100 people all looked up at the top of the high platform. It only took more than ten seconds from doubt to admiration.

On a platform more than five meters high, He Xia stood in front of the winch and held the handle tightly, and immediately started to turn the winch!
The third hurdle is more difficult than the first two hurdles, and it is the last hurdle for screening challengers.

It is still to conquer two hundred catties, but this time it is not a sandbag, but a big iron ball. From dragging to pulling up with a winch, it is pulled up to a height of five meters, and it hits a small bell installed on the side of the high platform!
Not only the two hundred catties of the iron ball itself, but also the weight of the iron chain, add up to at least two hundred and fifty to sixty catties. Every turn of the winch is a huge burden on the body, requiring the cooperation of strength and skill, both of which are indispensable!

None of the people present knew the difficulty of the third hurdle, because they did not witness the challenger break through the third hurdle...

When everyone saw He Xia turning the winch round and round, they secretly sighed, is it really that easy?
The staff behind He Xia are not employees of Xia Tian Entertainment, he is a temporary staff member, watching the muscles in He Xia's arms, neck, and shoulders agitate, a layer of goose bumps appeared on his body.

No one knows the difficulty of this level better than him!

Every time the winch is moved at a certain angle, the direction of force needs to be adjusted, and it is always fighting against gravity.

The staff member tried it himself when no one was challenging him. He used all his strength and used his body weight, but he could only forcefully turn the winch for a third of a turn, and then there was nothing...

There were indeed people who successfully challenged before the third level, but the process was very tangled, far less shocking than the scene in front of you now!
In the distance, everyone saw the big iron ball reflecting light rising slowly from the ground.

The person on the high platform opened and closed his movements. When pushing, the angle between the whole person and the ground was only [-] to [-] degrees. When pulling the lever back, it bent into a bow again. It seemed very strenuous, but it didn't affect the speed!

Without making people wait for a long time, He Xia finally completed the challenge when a layer of sweat appeared on He Xia's forehead!
A melodious bell rang, followed by a spray of dry ice mist from both sides. Even the audition scene had a simple sense of ceremony.

Challenge succeeded!

He Xia breathed a sigh of relief, turned around and looked at the crowd. Standing on a high platform of more than five meters, he had the feeling of seeing all the small mountains. In addition, he had just completed a challenge that many people could not complete. pride.

In layman's terms, pretending to be Bi becomes...

The scene was silent, and almost everyone stared blankly at the figure of the man on the high platform. He was obviously not strong, but he gave off an inexplicably tall feeling!

Without waiting for everyone's reaction, He Xia walked towards the stairs beside him.

People at the scene burst into cheers when they saw the man stepping off the high platform.

"Finally someone has succeeded, shit, it's fun!"

"This is the first time I've seen someone succeed in a challenge, it's too shocking, too strong!"

"Hey, macho, don't run away, let everyone see your true face, hey, just say something..."

Everyone thought the man was going back to the front for an interview, but unexpectedly the man ran towards the road...

This is really a model of people who don't talk much, come in a hurry, challenge successfully with the momentum of thunder, and leave without showing their faces and speaking.

The staff reacted after hearing the shout, and stopped He Xia immediately.

Zheng Xiaoshuang from the summer cultural and entertainment department took the microphone and rushed in front of He Xia: "This handsome guy, please leave your name and contact information. If there is no accident, you will be successfully shortlisted in "Aspirations" to compete with other strong players!"

He Xia patted Zheng Xiaoshuang on the shoulder, shook his head and left without any intention of staying!
"Hey, handsome guy, please wait, eh..."

Of course Zheng Xiaoshuang's speed was not as fast as He Xia's, seeing him take advantage of the green light and run across the crosswalk to the opposite side of the road!

Xiaoyao and Guoguoren, who were holding the mobile phone video, were dumbfounded, their necks turned following He Xia's running figure, and they even forgot to step their legs, watching He Xia disappear into the distance.

"Is the handsome brother gone?"

"That's right...God, he's really too mysterious, should we send the video to Douyin?"

Guoguo has some doubts.

Xiao Yao nodded fiercely: "Of course, he is wearing a mask, no one can recognize him, and there are many people present who have recorded videos, so hurry up and post, grab a hot spot, I recharged money, and bought some traffic!"

The applicants queuing up at the scene were also speechless. They saw He Xia get into a car across the road with sharp eyes, and the car immediately drove towards the distance.

"Fuck, why are you running!"

"This person's identity must be sensitive, otherwise there is no need to run..."

"Since this is the case, forget it, don't explore it, what, the program group, his grades can't be counted?"

Zheng Xiaoshuang stood at the scene in a state of desperation. He scratched his head and held the microphone and said: "Don't worry, everyone, the results of the mysterious challenger just now are not counted. His appearance is just to give everyone an encouragement and prove that this challenge is not impossible. Let's work hard!" ,come on!"

"keep it up!"

No one at the scene continued to make trouble, and the atmosphere was completely ignited by He Xia, even hotter than before!

Some people have proved that the challenge is not difficult with actions, but it is difficult for those who are not capable enough.
Although it was a bit shocking, at least it gave everyone motivation and encouragement, and the audition went smoothly!
 Today is a little less, only [-] words, because I have to take the children back to school, do nucleic acid, do hygiene, and go shopping in the afternoon to prepare for the start of school...

  I still remember that when I went to school, I was really relaxed. I started school with my schoolbag on my back, and there were no parents at all.

(End of this chapter)

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