I earn really hard money

Chapter 117 Strange Rewards

Chapter 117 Strange Rewards
After the mission was completed, He Xia did not directly choose to return as usual, although this time the mission did not require him to kill anyone, but it was the most uncomfortable.

Manny did have something wrong. She knew that Li Chenggong had a wife and daughter and was with him, but the mistake was not alone. Li Chenggong also had problems.

"If you want to play, don't get married. Like the principal, you can live among thousands of flowers without touching your body, and no one is looking for trouble. How comfortable is it?"

Take a taxi to the Xiangjiang River, sit on the stone under the bridge and watch the turbulent river quietly.

After sitting quietly for more than an hour, He Xia looked around and said in his mind: "Mr. Portal, please send me back."

A burst of dizziness hit the brain, and He Xia passed out. This time, he didn't struggle and enjoyed the feeling of dizziness wantonly.

He Xia woke up and was already lying on the bed in 701, the sun was shining on the sheets from the window, surrounded by a familiar environment.

Shaking his head, lines of subtitles appeared in his consciousness.

【It lasted 52 hours, 45 minutes and 21 seconds】

[When a person ends up in the Journey World, the teleporter's temporary attribute points will be deducted]

[The main task is completed, the world exploration rate is 80%, the overall score: 8 (out of ten) current: 31 points]

[Reward [-]: Cow's Fearful Fingering]

[Reward 34: [-]% shares of Niu Erhuo Huoye, copyright of cartoon character Big Big Wolf]

[Reward 1: [-] permanent attribute point (available in the real world, not used to enhance charm)]

[Punisher Mission Reward: 160 Glory Points, Actor]

[Sub-line reward: 300 million Chinese coins → 360 million Chinese coins]

[Additional reward: 200 million Chinese coins → 240 million Chinese coins]


He Xia was overjoyed when he saw the first reward, and at the same time he felt a burst of magical power transforming his fingers...

"Isn't this purely Master Kato's finger!"

He Xia stretched out the index finger and middle finger of his left and right hands to look, and a weird smile appeared on his face.

He knew that this reward came from the experienced milker Niu Geng, but he didn't expect that skilled milking techniques can also be used to repair sewers. Some skills and jobs seem to have nothing to do with each other, but they can be used in common. You can attack jade!
The first award is easy to talk about, but the second item, the shares of Niuerhuo Huoye, made He Xia a little confused.

"Niu Erhuo, isn't this a burdock? 30.00% of Si's shares, not a lot!"

Logically, there shouldn't be two rewards from the same talent, which made him a little puzzled, guessing that it was probably because of the bill with Niu Geng.

Guessing is guessing after all. He Xia suspects that some seemingly inadvertent actions in other worlds may affect the rewards, which needs a little attention.

"What's the situation with Niu Er Huo Huo?"

With a laptop by her side, He Xia opened the webpage and entered keywords to search, and found that this is a livestock company established in Shishi ten years ago, and its main projects are dairy farming and raw milk production.

"Hmm... the time is basically the same as in the movie, the handwriting of the portal, right?"

Continue to check the company's information and find that it is a small-scale ranch with about 2000 cows. The company's valuation is only more than [-] million, and it is facing the risk of bankruptcy...

"Fuck, is this a reward or a punishment."

He Xia was taken aback. He holds 30.00% of the company's shares, so he is the second largest shareholder. If it goes bankrupt, he will be implicated. Fortunately, the company has no debts.

"Dairy factory, it's interesting. This is going to be my own small brand. When I drink the milk from my own dairy factory, it's clean, hygienic and safe. It's very stylish."

He Xia felt that this reward seemed unreliable, but it was actually quite useful, and planned to spend the next two days dealing with it.

As for the second item of the second award, the copyright of Big Big Wolf, he knew that Li Chenggong's nickname was Big Big Wolf. As for how to use this copyright and how much it would be worth, he had no idea. If there is no definite answer, I plan to consult a professional later.

The attribute point is easy to talk about, He Xia opened the attribute panel, and directly added a precious point to strength.

【Name: He Xia】

【Sex: Male】

【Age: 23】

【Power: 7→8】

[Agility: 7]

【Spirit: 6】

【Physique: 8】

【Charm: 7】

Taking a look at his attribute panel, He Xia felt that balanced development was a more suitable solution for him at present.

Punisher rewards, ignoring the glory value, He Xia asked in his mind: "Mr. Portal, what do the actors say?"

[Actor: Passive skill, passively improves the teleporter's acting skills, and increases the ability to contagious emotions]

He Xia nodded, [actor] skills are to make oneself more emotional, and to be able to better convey the emotions you want to convey through expressions, movements, and demeanor.

In short, spoken words are easier to believe.

"[Actor] paired with [Women's Sorrow], wouldn't the effect be doubled?"

He Xia thought in his heart, the specific effect needs to be verified.

"I know what's going on with the rewards for side missions, Mr. Portal, how did you get this extra reward?"

He Xia looked at the last two rewards and asked.

[Persuading a cheating woman, the orphan was successfully transferred to the orphanage]


He Xia was stunned, he didn't expect that a small action would generate 200 million income for him!

When watching the movie, He Xia felt that the teacher who adopted the orphan seemed to be correct, but in fact there was a big problem!

As the saying goes, if you are successful, you will benefit the world, and if you are poor, you will be alone. If you can't take care of yourself, how can you take care of other vulnerable groups? Strong behavior will only make things worse!

"If ability permits, I will fund an orphanage when I have the opportunity..."

Thinking of the situation of those orphans in the movie, He Xia felt that they were very pitiful, and they all said that poor people must have something to hate, those children were purely passive, and he didn't see anything to hate anyway...

The rewards were smoothed out, He Xia focused on the score, and his score has increased to 31 points, which he remembers has reached the threshold of a bronze teleporter.

"Mr. Teleporter, can I upgrade now?"

[It is detected that the score of the black iron teleporter is 31, which meets the upgrade standard. Would you like to upgrade the level to a bronze teleporter?whether】

"Can you tell me the difference in the authority of the bronze teleporter?"

[Start two-star difficulty mission]

【Open the mall】

He Xia looked at the two subtitles in his mind, whether it was a two-star difficulty task or a shopping mall, they were all worth looking forward to, one could allow him to get more rewards, and the other could benefit his idle glory points.

"Can you tell me about the items in the mall?"

He Xia asked.



He Xia thought for a while, and there seemed to be no suitable reason to stay at the black iron level, so he said: "I choose to upgrade to a bronze teleporter."

(End of this chapter)

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