I earn really hard money

Chapter 114 The Philosophical Mountain Road with 8 Bends

Chapter 114 The Philosophical Mountain Road Eighteen Bends
Manny turned her head to look at He Xia, then quickly walked a few steps to catch up with him, and said, "Handsome guy, I'm actually from SJZ too..."

He Xia was overjoyed when she heard Man Ni's words. The other party reported her family background, and the matter was almost over.

He suppressed the joy in his heart, and looked at Manny with slightly radiant eyes: "Really? This is the best news I've heard in the past two days. It's great to meet an old friend in a foreign land. Can I hug you?"

"Hug..." Manny hesitated for a moment, but when she saw the sadness in He Xia's eyes, she immediately softened and opened her arms.

He Xia hugged Manny briefly, and after parting, his face regained a bit of vitality, like a seedling after a long drought and rain, a simple hug dilutes the sadness in his heart.

"Thank you, I'm much better, it's quite cold, may I buy you a cup of hot drink?"

He Xia pointed to the Kaifeng dish not far away and sent out the invitation, still using the mournful tone. If he suddenly became happy, the environment that was brewing just now would collapse immediately.

Manny really felt a little cold, and she felt sorry for the handsome and sad boy in front of her, so she nodded and agreed without hesitation.

The two walked into the deserted Kaifeng dish, and He Xia ordered a lot of food and brought them to the table one by one.

"Don't you just have a cup of hot drink? Why do you buy so much..."

Manny looked at the table full of various snacks and asked.

He Xia smiled slightly, and said, "Try to see if the TV talk about turning sadness into appetite works."

"Ha, so that's the case. I didn't expect you to be quite humorous, so I want to turn sadness into appetite!" Manny stood up.

He Xia asked in surprise, "Do you have any sad things?"

Manny pursed her lips and nodded.

He Xia held her shoulders and said, "Then you can eat, I'll order some, just to thank you."

Man Ni was pushed back to the chair by He Xia, pointed to her nose curiously, and asked, "Thank me, what are you thanking me for?"

"You comforted me when I was most uncomfortable, shouldn't I thank you?" After He Xia finished speaking, she went to the counter and ordered a lot of food.

Manny turned around and watched He Xia order, and then came over with the plate. She quickly made room for him, and after he sat down, she said, "Actually, I also want to thank you."

"Eat something, it's too heavy to say thank you..."

He Xia opened and tore a packet of ketchup and squeezed it onto the plate in front of Manny, very considerate.

If Pan Lanxin, Tian Ziqiong, or Sansa and Ingrid saw this scene, they would definitely be surprised. He Xia treated them so tenderly and considerately before, it's almost beeping!
Man Ni watched He Xia busy with work, feeling a surge of warmth in her heart, she almost let go of all defenses, she whispered: "It's not about eating, actually, I'm in the same situation as you."

He Xia looked at Manny suspiciously, and said, "Are you also looking for a girlfriend?"

"Fuck you..." Manny suddenly cheered up after being in a bad mood, and cursed with a smile, "Of course I'm looking for a boyfriend, to be precise, it should be an ex-boyfriend!"

"My situation is similar to yours, but it's different. I know he's married, has a wife, and has children. But I still want to be with him, thinking that with my unrepentant feelings for him and my youthful advantages, I can I was too naive to snatch him away from his wife..."

He Xia listened quietly, put on gloves and slowly tore off the meat from the original finger-licking chicken, and put it on the dinner plate. It's going to be in vain!

Manny looked at the chips, chicken nuggets, chicken, etc. piled up in front of her, and was moved in her heart. She patted He Xia's hand, indicating that he had enough to eat, and then said: "I went to Changsha the day before yesterday, and I went secretly I went to his house and saw his wife, children and old lady."

"I really wanted to rush up and explain everything to his wife, but I didn't go in the end... Do you think I am a particularly bad woman?"

He Xia pouted secretly, unable to hide without opening her mouth...

"A lot of things have nothing to do with good and bad. What is right and what is wrong cannot be easily defined. It depends on the position of the person who defines what is right and what is wrong. It also depends on the era in which the criteria for judgment were formulated. This is a philosophy. A very strong question."

After finishing speaking, He Xia took a big bite of the hamburger, her mouth was so full that she couldn't even speak, so she just took this time to continue thinking about how to answer.

Man Ni was a little confused by He Xia's words going around, was it good or bad, right or wrong?
It has been said, but it seems that it has not been said, and it has risen to the height of philosophy, which is puzzling.

What He Xia wants is this kind of effect, the eighteen bends of the philosophical mountain road!
There is no clear right and wrong, the rich have the power to turn black into white, and the powerless and powerless are obviously white and will be blamed.

Especially when he became rich, many ideas changed, and the boundary between right and wrong was very blurred in front of money!

The two ate quietly for a while, and He Xia knew that the other party was still waiting for an answer, so he spoke slowly.

"If you show up at his house and make a big fuss, then you must be wrong, but if you just hide in the dark and watch quietly, and then leave, then you are a very good woman."

"Love is blind, impulsive, and reckless, but you can control your emotions and behaviors rationally. This alone surpasses 90.00% of eight women in the world. Really, very powerful."

He Xia herself didn't know that she could boast so much...

"Am I really as good as you say?"

Manny pursed her lips into a smile, and her glasses were curled up. The other party's compliment was justified, which made her feel well deserved, as if it really was the same thing.

He Xia nodded lightly, and said, "I don't know you very well, but it's just a reasonable judgment based on the facts."

The more sensible you are, the more comfortable you feel.

"Thank you, handsome guy, what's your name?" Manny's mood brightened by 70.00%.

He Xia said: "My name is He Xiawei, how about you?"

"Manny. He Xiawei, I think you are not very old, are you still in college?" Manny asked while eating, her eyes full of curiosity.

"I studied painting at the Royal Academy of Art, and graduated less than a year ago." He Xia introduced casually.

"The Royal Academy of Arts..." Manny looked at He Xia with some admiration, and said, "No wonder you have an indescribable aura about you. It turns out to be an artistic aura, very powerful."

He Xia smiled shyly, and said, "Where is there any artistic temperament, don't laugh at me."

"Really, I won't lie to you, you are amazing, so are you developing in SJZ?" Manny asked.

He Xia nodded: "Yes, after returning to China, I ran an animation and illustration studio in SJZ, just started."

(End of this chapter)

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