Versatile Mage: I have an emulator

Chapter 83 Crossing the Lost Sand River (2)

Chapter 83 Crossing the Lost Sand River ([-])
The lava dragon's wings flapped suddenly, and gusts of wind blew up, smashing a large number of sand knives into pieces in an instant, scattering countless white sands.

As for the remaining giant sword of sand, the lava dragon doesn't bother to dodge it at all, let alone at its current height, the power of the giant sword of sand has already weakened a lot, even if it stands still on the ground and let Baisha It takes a lot of effort to attack a giant to break through the defense.

A huge sand knife with a handle stabbed on the dragon scale of the lava dragon, and there was a crisp clang sound of metal collisions. Cracks appeared on the tip of the knife in the blink of an eye, and there was not even any trace of damage on the hard dragon scales. .

Facing the rain of knives that continued to break through the sky, the lava dragon landed quickly, and the power of lava in its mouth continued to surge, and strands of hot flames could be seen escaping.


The lava breath poured out, and the flames filled the air, even covering the scorching sun overhead.

The power of the lava turned the large area below into a violently burning lava sea of ​​flames, devouring and melting tens of hundreds of white sand giants in an instant.

Although the white sand giants are huge and mighty, their bodies are made of sand after all, and the dragon flames wrapped in the lava breath can completely devour their lives and annihilate them in a very short period of time.

Accompanied by the eruption of lava breath, Qin Shaoqing also jumped down from the head of the lava dragon. With the force of the wind added to his body, he landed firmly in the encirclement of the white sand giant.

When Qin Shaoqing appeared, the white sand giant in the distance quickly turned into quicksand and dived into the sand river, and then quickly appeared around him.

In a blink of an eye, around Qin Shaoqing, neat rows of white sand giants gathered, like well-trained soldiers. The huge machetes formed a body-shattering knife array, and they were cut down in unison, as if they were about to Cut Qin Shaoqing into meat sauce.

The corners of his mouth curled up slightly, Qin Shaoqing held the thunderbolt in his hand, and the colorful arcs of thunder exploded in a ring shape. The huge impact directly repelled the white sand giants forming circle after circle, and even smaller arcs of thunder continued to split, Jump between the huge bodies of those white sand giants.

The Ring of Lightning Arc is not an attack that contains powerful destructive power, and it cannot directly crack the Giant White Sand who is extremely powerful in the servant class. However, compared to the power of the Ring of Thunder Arc itself, the verdict mark superimposed on the Giant White Sand, This is the truly deadly attack method.


With a thought, a series of deep purple sanctioning thunders crashed down. The scene was so severe that it was like a violent thunder descending into the world.

Now that he has broken through to the middle level, all the attached effects carried by the heart of the elements have been transformed again, so the current basic power of Tianlei Judgment has directly increased by five or six times, almost equivalent to the level 4 thunder of ordinary people. With magic, plus the blessing of five times the power of his elemental heart, the power of a thunderbolt ruling can already be compared to the thunderbolt without the blessing of the spirit species - the top.

Dozens of hundreds of lightning strikes fell at the same time with such a formidable power. One can imagine how spectacular the scene is.

Facing the Thunder Judgment, which was as powerful as middle-level magic, Giant Baisha didn't have the so-called dying struggle at all, and was completely wiped out the moment it was swallowed by the Thunder Judgment.

The thunder light reflected the young man's wanton face, and the white sand giants who surrounded Qin Shaoqing just now were swept away.

Without stopping for a while, one person and one dragon rushed towards the center of the Shawang River without fear. Along the way, Qin Shaoqing tried all kinds of methods of his own.

The cold ice eroded, turning the white sand giant in sight into ice sculptures and shattering them;

The tearing of wind, the weight of water, the burning of light, the thickness of earth, the judgment of thunder...

Looking at the Giant White Sand awakened in front of him, Qin Shaoqing raised his hand to hold the void, and the next moment, chains covered with dark aura protruded from the void, intertwined and layered, blocking the Giant White Sand layer by layer.

Without the power to resist, their vitality was continuously deprived, and then passed into Qin Shaoqing's body.

"Can only restore mental power and magic power but not physical strength?"

Sensing the limitations of the energy deprived from Giant Baisha, Qin Shaoqing frowned slightly.

But soon he was relieved, the white sand giant belonged to the elemental demon, the body is composed of elements, there is no entity at all, and the energy deprived from them naturally cannot restore his physical strength.

After recovering the magic energy in his body, Qin Shaoqing withdrew the void chains and the power of darkness, a vast and bright silver light was reflected in his pupils, and an invisible force swayed out, killing all the white sand giants around him who were about to swing their knives down. shrouded.

As if time had been pressed to the stillness button, all the Giant White Sands stood still there, unable to move an inch.

Eyes narrowed slightly, the power of space began to squeeze, and countless cracks suddenly appeared in the body of the white sand giant, and then it was crushed to pieces by an invisible force of space, scattered into sand powder all over the ground, and piled up one after another. small sand dunes.

With the passage of time, leaving behind a scene of destruction as if a disaster had passed, Qin Shaoqing and Lava Wulong abruptly killed through the Shawang River spanning more than ten miles in two hours in a crooked route.


Seeing that Qin Shaoqing killed Shawanghe in less than two hours, and his face was only slightly red after the end, Jiang Feng didn't know how to describe Qin Shaoqing, just two words, outrageous!

"Let's rest for a while before we go!"

【Um! 】

Taking back Little Flame Fairy from Jiang Feng, Qin Shaoqing began to sort out the harvest of this battle.

Servant level spirit*202, judging from the ratio of 40:1 high-quality remnant condensed spirit produced by Giant White Sand, he directly wiped out nearly [-] Giant White Sand in this wave.

I have to say that this Shawang River is indeed a good place to brush spirits. I don’t know if the wool that has been squeezed too many times will alarm the overlord of the Shawang River. It doesn’t matter. Even if you can't beat it, it's definitely okay.


"Jiang Feng, I plan to return to Bo City next time, are you going to attach to me directly? Or continue with this outfit?"

Accompanying Yan Ji Jiang Feng who had disguised herself for a walk around the city, Qin Shaoqing asked aloud.

At this time, Jiang Feng was wearing a cloak that covered her whole body, only revealing the face of a middle-aged woman who used a thousand illusion mask to change her appearance and hide her breath.

[I'd better just possess it directly! 】

Jiang Feng didn't want to be too troublesome. If her true identity was discovered, it would easily cause problems. Anyway, she was attached to Qin Shaoqing, and she could see the outside world.

Yan Ji Jiang Feng's graceful flame body scattered sparks into Qin Shaoqing's body, completing the possession.

After being possessed by Jiang Feng, Qin Shaoqing felt that there was a huge flame power in his body. Although it was far from the endless power of the God of Elements template, it was also extremely powerful, at least stronger than him now. too much.

At the same time, Qin Shaoqing also had some ideas, that is, to use the power of Jiang Feng's body to better display his magic tool forging skills. After all, what has always restricted him is that his cultivation is not enough to handle high-level materials.

(End of this chapter)

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