Versatile Mage: I have an emulator

Chapter 68 Recasting the Ice Bow

Chapter 68 Recasting the Ice Bow

The night breeze gently brushed across the cheeks, messing up Mu Ningxue's silver hair.

The moonlight fell on her body, covering Mu Ningxue with a thin layer of hazy silver gauze, adding a bit of noble and holy temperament to her. Coupled with the ice crystal brake bow in her hand, she is like a silver-haired elf , independent under the moon, out of dust and beautiful.

"It's so beautiful!" Seeing such a pleasing picture, Qin Shaoqing couldn't help but let out a sigh of emotion. He didn't know whether he was talking about people, ice bows, or both.

It’s not bad, the Ice Crystal Bow’s appearance is really durable, it’s comparable to his God Killing Sword, and the person holding the bow is Mu Ningxue, it’s so sassy and beautiful, just like a A Valkyrie who masters ice!
Hearing Qin Shaoqing's praise for the ice crystal brake bow, Mu Ningxue was slightly taken aback.

Is the ice crystal bow beautiful?Of course it is beautiful, but hidden under its exquisite appearance, it is a full-fledged devil, that is the ice-mare devil rooted in the soul!
At this moment, Qin Shaoqing shook his head and continued: "It's a pity that no matter how beautiful it is, it's still just an evil bow that can kill the master!"

In the original book, except for the later period, almost every time Mu Ningxue uses the ice crystal brake bow, it will cause almost irreversible damage to her soul. If she does not use the treasures of heaven, materials and earth to nourish the source of the soul, it will have a great impact on her lifespan. Yes, this is something Qin Shaoqing can't bear no matter what.

"So what do you want to say to me today?" Mu Ningxue slowly let go of the right hand holding the Ice Crystal Bow, and the Ice Crystal Bow disintegrated into countless ice dust and gradually disappeared.

"Don't rush to talk about this. Before that, I will ask you one last question. If there is no such ice bow, is there any possibility between you and me?"

Qin Shaoqing looked directly at Mu Ningxue's icy eyes, wanting to pry open Mu Ningxue's closed heart. It is not enough to solve the ice crystal brake bow. After all, the loneliness of living alone in the imperial capital this year and the ice crystal brake The influence of the bow on Mu Ningxue is not so easy to fade away.

To melt Mu Ningxue's closed heart, she needs to awaken her emotions hidden in the deepest part of her memory, and also needs a long-term warm and silent company.

Without the influence of the ice crystal brake bow, would there be a possibility between the two?

Hearing this question, Mu Ningxue's eyes moved slightly, and there was an undetectable shake.

Without the ice crystal brake bow, even if she went to the imperial capital alone, maybe...

But it is a pity that there is no so-called if in the world, once it happens, it is a foregone conclusion!

"Ifs don't exist in this world!" Mu Ningxue quickly regained her composure, and replied lightly, since she decided to stop Qin Shaoqing's thoughts, she couldn't let him see even the slightest possibility.

"You've finished asking your questions, now it's time to tell me what you came here for today!"

"I came to you today for one thing only, and that is to save you from the endless ice-mare erosion!" Looking into Mu Ningxue's eyes, Qin Shaoqing said word by word, his tone full of firmness .

"As I said before, this is my own choice!" Mu Ningxue frowned and said, "If you want to persuade me to give up Ice Crystal Bow, I think I can leave now!"

"No, I won't persuade you to give up the Ice Crystal Bow. On the contrary, I want to help you completely control the Ice Crystal Bow!" Qin Shaoqing said seriously.

"I appreciate you wanting to help me, but no!"

Although Mu Ningxue didn't say it directly, the implicit meaning in her words was that she thought that Qin Shaoqing didn't have the ability and means to help her.

"Don't be in a hurry to refuse, let me try it, it doesn't matter, it only takes a few minutes, if you succeed, you will no longer have to suffer from the erosion of ice nightmares day and night, and if you fail, you will just continue your past life!"

What Qin Shaoqing said made sense, but Mu Ningxue didn't know how to refute it.

Forget it, since he wants to try, let him give it a try, and he will naturally give up completely when he is completely powerless.

She tried to fuse her soul with the ice crystal bow day and night, and she knew almost everything about the ice crystal bow, so she didn't think Qin Shaoqing could help her.

"how should I do!"

"You summon the Ice Crystal Brake Bow first!"

"it is good!"

The palm of the hand is held empty, and with the ice crystals swirling, the ice crystal brake bow manifests again.

"what's next?"

"Give me the Ice Crystal Brake Bow!"

At this time, Mu Ningxue was a little hesitant. She was not doubting that Qin Shaoqing would have any plans for her Ice Crystal Brake Bow, but worried that Qin Shaoqing would be injured by the resistance of the Ice Crystal Brake Bow.

"what happened?"

"The Ice Crystal Bow will reject people other than the host!" Mu Ningxue replied.

"You don't have to worry about this, it's just an incomplete evil bow, it can't hurt me!"

Hearing Qin Shaoqing reveal the essence of the Ice Crystal Bow all of a sudden, Mu Ningxue couldn't help thinking that Qin Shaoqing might be able to help her integrate and control the Ice Crystal Bow.

While handing the Ice Crystal Brake Bow to Qin Shaoqing, Mu Ningxue tensed up, ready to withdraw the Ice Crystal Brake Bow at any time to prevent Qin Shaoqing from being hurt.

After receiving the Ice Crystal Bow, Qin Shaoqing only felt a force of ice rushing out from the inside of the Ice Crystal Bow, which was quite cool and comfortable.

However, when Mu Ningxue was about to take back the Ice Crystal Brake Bow, it suddenly became extremely honest, just like a mouse seeing a cat, it directly pretended to be dead without any resistance.

"What did you do?" Mu Ningxue asked puzzled.

"I just scared it!"

Qin Shaoqing smiled and said, this Broken Bow has persecuted her own Xuexue for so long, but it is already very cheap to scare it with the original aura of the Sword of Killing God, which is far beyond the full version of the Ice Crystal Bow.

Mu Ningxue couldn't understand it. If you scare it, can Ice Crystal Brake be scared?

Mu Ningxue was about to continue asking, but was interrupted by Qin Shaoqing.

"Wait until I study its structure for a few minutes!"

Holding the Ice Crystal Brake Bow, Qin Shaoqing continuously poured into it the vast spiritual power that he had reached the middle level with his cultivation base.

Fragments... Contact... Deprivation... Rooted in the soul, nourished by cultivation...

One feature after another was analyzed, and it didn't take long for Qin Shaoqing to study the Ice Crystal Bow thoroughly. If it was the full version, he estimated that it would take a long time, but this is only an incomplete version, so naturally it is unnecessary too long.

After thorough research, Qin Shaoqing began to think about how to recast the Ice Crystal Brake Bow. The following points need to be done:
First, let Mu Ningxue completely become the master of Ice Crystal Bow;

Second, the normal output of the ice crystal brake bow needs to match Mu Ningxue's own strength, and there must be no damage to the source of the soul. In addition to the overload state, you can inject magic energy or absorb the energy storage of the world independently to support the ultimate explosion. ;

Third, it retains the ability to swallow other ice bow fragments, but cannot be swallowed by other ice crystal fragments;


(End of this chapter)

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