Chapter 90

Tiance丨Yunlong’s series of operations were carried out very quickly from the beginning of dividing the city to moving the city up the mountain, including the final completion of moving the city and choosing to go up the mountain. The other members of Zhenghong are occupied.

Therefore, it is difficult for the members of Chang'an, who lack vision, to find that someone has successfully climbed the mountain. From their point of view, the large Jiugongge sub-city of Yanjin or the main city that has moved here are temporarily inaccessible. There is no change, which means that Zhenghong has not yet been turned into a bandit.

Looking at the entire Sili battlefield, Zhenghong has been under the command of Hong丨Shenji from the very beginning, and has chosen to divide the troops to fight. The red regiment will lead a civilian regiment to face the entire Jimeng, and the Datang regiment will also bring it. A regiment of troops went to confront the Junmeng.

Such a tactic of dividing troops into battle, in Ji Po Qian Xie's view, is tantamount to seeking a dead end.

After all, what Zhenghong needs to do now is not to hold back the situation, but to open up the situation quickly, otherwise the whole of Luoyang, and even the whole of Sili, will be given by the Jimeng and Junmeng fortress group or the main city formation later. Stop it, then why do you continue to compete and conquer when you are popular?
So until Yang Rui and his party descended from the sky and appeared on the battlefield, Ji Po Qian Xie always felt that he had a chance to win, but after Yang Rui suddenly appeared on the battlefield, Ji Po Qian Xie was taken aback, but Still behaved very calmly.

Jimeng manages the penguin colony.

Extremely 丨 Breaking Thousand Evil: @Everyone, get ready, the wandering army is coming, and we have to start dividing our troops to fight.

Ji丨Qiangu: How to say?Which regiment should we divide to deal with the wandering army?

Extreme 丨 Breaking Thousand Evils: Go to the Xingran Group and the Extreme Night Group, and the remaining four brothers continue to stay on the frontal battlefield to fight Zhenghong.

Star dye丨Exile: Huh?It's just a wandering army, as for transferring the two most capable people in the league?Go to a group as long as you can hold on, right?I think Zhenghong's side, at most one more hour, can penetrate their defense.

Extreme 丨 Breaking Thousands of Evils: Be careful sailing for ten thousand years, Junmeng's high-level swordsman group was deflated at the head of fireworks 丨 March, not to mention that they have gathered more than 20 people now, so we still have to carefully target them.

Star dye丨Exile: All right.


As for the arrangement of Extreme 丨 Breaking Thousand Evils, Xing Ran 丨 exiled as the boss of the seven members of the Xing Ran Group, although he didn't say much, he actually didn't agree with it in his heart.

It's just a wandering army, what's so rare?It's just a matter of two waves of fire!

It's just that although he thought so in his heart, he still didn't say much. After all, what the whole Jimeng said was about breaking thousands of evils, not exile.

The screen returned to the frontal battlefield. Originally, 100 people were fighting against 200 people from the Jimeng. The red magic machine, which had begun to be difficult to support, finally waited for the support of the wandering army.

Overjoyed, Hong丨Shenji also made a decision that most people in the league could not understand: give up defense on the frontal battlefield, gather all available forces, and launch an attack!

What Hong丨Shenji wants is to attack desperately, to attract the main force of the Jimeng as much as possible, and create more opportunities for Yang Rui.

You know, if your position collapses, it’s a big deal to push forward from Yanjin, but once the position of the wandering army collapses, the wandering army, which lacks enough footholds, is likely to be cut off again. Outside of Sili.

Which of these two points is more important, Hong丨Shenji can still figure it out.And Zhenghong's sudden change of attack also shocked Po Qianxie.

How would he know what kind of medicine is sold in the gourd of Hong丨Shenji?If it wasn't for Jun丨Devil King's reply in seconds, Ji丨Po Qianxie would even wonder if Zhenghong had gathered all his troops on his side.

While the two major alliances started a fair duel on the frontal battlefield, the Jiye Group and Xingran's group also began to attack the Wandering Army.

"Fuck, it's really fast."

Hurriedly contacting Han丨Tiandao, the two of them split up into two groups, and as they moved towards the Jimeng position in two different directions, Yang Rui couldn't help being a little surprised.

The speed of Jimeng's arrangement is indeed faster than I imagined, and this is to directly transfer the two most capable high-level battle groups, the Star Dyeing Group and the Extreme Night Group, which is indeed a bit beyond Yang Rui's expected.

Although there are only seven members in the Star Dye Group, for the S2 season, the combat effectiveness of the seven high-red return teams will not be weaker than some full-scale groups!
And what makes Yang Rui hate the Xingran Group even more is that they are all players with sufficient game experience. For them, card-second attacks have long been commonplace, and the most annoying thing for the Wandering Army is precisely their opponents. The card second set fire to attack!

Just as he was thinking about it, the main city landed extremely arrogantly on the forefront of Han丨天道, and the first arrow had already appeared above his head!

Han丨Tiandao: Brother Sanyue, I seem to have been set on fire.

Fireworks丨March: Huh?what happened?Didn't you just finish playing a lap around your main city?
Han丨Tiandao: No, there is a piece of land that has been spared. The star dyed丨 exiled on the opposite side shot at me. Four red dog knives... just gave me a second, followed by a team of demolition and overturned the land.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Don't panic, the two of us, why can't we stand the fire of their star dyeing group?

After receiving the call for help from Han丨Tiandao, Yang Rui discovered that at this time, the upper part of the main city of Han丨Tiandao had already been filled with arrows!
Obviously, Jimeng didn't want to fight a tug-of-war with the wandering army, but only wanted to make a quick decision.

It was only at this time that Yang Rui finally realized what the greatest threat to him was from the Jimeng compared to the Junmeng, and it was precisely the Star Dyeing Group!
Yang Rui himself is not afraid of the seven members of the Star Dyeing Group, but the rest of the Wandering Army are different!

Although Han丨Tiandao has enough popularity and combat power, he is still a newcomer after all, and he only knows a little bit about many tactical issues. Facing the old fritters of the Star Dyeing Group, he will inevitably suffer.

Not to mention the other people in Lonely Summer, the strength of individual soldiers is completely inferior to that of the Star Stained Group.

But now, when the main force of the five main teams in the main city had been pulled up and shot towards the main city of Han丨天道 main city, Yang Rui also discovered another extremely troublesome problem.

It's not just the star dyeing group, how come the polar night group is so accurate?
(End of this chapter)

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