My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 86: The average daily 6

Chapter 86: The average daily 60
After reaching an agreement with Extreme 丨 Breaking Thousand Evils, the King 丨 Demon King simply stopped entangled in this Duyang battlefield that was about to collapse, and started his own road to peace.

And the trend of the Duyang battlefield is indeed as everyone expected. With Jun丨Yizi's leading position being completely penetrated by the wandering army headed by Yang Rui, when another wave of the wandering army's concentrated fire is touched, it begins to divide troops and organize defenses When the character Jun丨yi took the lead, the battle of Duyang had completely lost its suspense.

Just when the Red League manages the penguin colony.

Red丨神机: @烟花丨三月, I have to thank Mr. March for this wave. If you hadn’t led someone to break through the opposing line of defense, it would be impossible to win the Duyang battlefield so quickly.

Firework丨March: I'm sorry, it's also very important for you to win the big dragon at the gate. If the big dragon is lost, this battle may not turn around until midnight.

Tiance 丨 Suifeng: The two big brothers stop the business bragging. It seems that the Junmeng in Duyang has no command. Should we hurry up and study the next tactics?
Huaiju Zangfeng: I was just about to talk about this, Xiao Nei’s news, Jimeng plans to break through Tongguan to enter Sili at eleven o’clock tonight, what shall we say?
Red 丨 Divine Machine: Huh?Are you going to break Tongguan at eleven o'clock tonight?Jimeng Anxin has developed for so many days, and has never been in a hurry. Why is he suddenly so anxious to join Sili? Is your news accurate?

Huaiju Zangfeng: Accurate, very accurate. This time, we didn’t do any preventive work on breaking the thousand evils. We sent the all-league email directly, and everyone in the group has been in Aite. I estimate that it is [-]% to break Tongguan.

Red丨Shenji: That’s weird. Besides, it’s very risky for them to break Tongguan tonight. It’s hard to guarantee attendance due to the sudden order, and it’s eleven o’clock. If the car overturns, Not even a second chance.

Narrator: emmm, is it possible that it has something to do with Junmeng?
Red丨Shenji: What do you mean, because the Junmeng battlefield collapsed directly, so the Jimeng couldn't sit still?

Firework丨Sanyue: This possibility is not ruled out, and I think it is impossible for you to break through Yanjin tonight, and it will be tomorrow morning at the earliest. This night is enough time for Jimengpu to block you .

Huaiju Zangfeng: It is indeed a bit difficult to deal with. It seems that the Jimeng just suddenly decided to break through Tongguan. Originally, they planned to attack the Yizhou prefecture tonight, and the Chengdu mission was cancelled.

Tiance丨Suifeng: And we must not be blocked outside Sili, there must be someone who can successfully move in, otherwise the wandering army of the big brother in March will not be able to enter Sili to help, it will be very difficult for us.

Red丨Shenji: Well, I know it well, so I will do my best to clean up Duyanghong tonight, and at ten o'clock tomorrow morning, the whole league will break through Yanjin.

Huaiju Zangfeng: ok, no problem.


Jimeng's sudden choice to forcibly open Tongguan to enter Sili undoubtedly disrupted Zhenghong's original arrangement for follow-up work, and forcibly regained control of the rhythm that had been abandoned for a long time.

Moreover, Ji丨 Breaking Thousands of Evils also invisibly released a lot of pressure on the Junmeng who was in dire straits.

Originally, in Hong丨Shenji's vision, the Duyang battlefield could be cleaned up in one night at most, and then troubled Yang Rui to go to Yingchuan County to break the country, just as Hong could directly parachute to Hulao Pass by relying on the fallen people.

Just as Hong broke the tiger prison and broke Yanjin, the meaning is very different. Breaking the tiger prison gate means that it is impossible for the Junmeng to step into Sili unless it uses the Jimeng Airport.

Can we go to Yanjin?After Na Baobuqi entered Sili, there was another wave of classic two-on-one, and the pressure was huge.

He has always played the role of strategizing and decisively winning thousands of miles away. What he resists most is being led by the opponent and leading him by the nose.

However, now, he has no choice. Once Yanjin is blocked by the Jimeng pavement, the wandering army cannot be sent in, and it is impossible to withstand the strong switch of the Jimeng through a nine-level checkpoint. Bureau.

Time, time, another question of time difference.

It's just that these problems don't matter to Yang Rui. Whether it's the conquest season or the S season, every script, every district, unless it's the kind of T-level league fried fish, it's hard to avoid the situation of Si Li's wandering army.

In order to be able to brush up martial arts better, this Sili Yang Rui will definitely go in no matter what, even if he spends some money to buy an airport, Yang Rui will not hesitate.

Since Hongpoguan entered Sili to save some money for himself, no one would be troubled by money anyway, and if he could save, he would save, of course Yang Rui would not have any objections.

While pondering these questions, there was a ding dong, and WeChat lit up, it was Han丨Tiandao who sent a message to himself.


Han丨Tiandao: Brother Sanyue, I think the Junmeng has given up resistance in Duyang, leaving a bunch of remnants, Spartans, or even empty fortresses, what shall we say?
Fireworks丨March: Don't worry, brothers have worked hard tonight, take a good night's rest, tomorrow, or the day after tomorrow, we will be preparing to enter Sili.

Han丨Heaven said:! ! !Sili!Brother Sanyue, are we going to set fire to Luoyang as the advertisement I saw said?
Fireworks丨Sanyue: Well, it might be burned. If Zhenghong can fight, then we will fight for them. If we can’t fight, there must be more and more wandering troops behind. There should be a good chance of burning Luoyang.

Han丨Heaven said: Good!When I went to the mountains this season, I wanted to join the Jimeng League on the one hand. The main reason was that I also wanted to experience what it was like to burn Luoyang.

Firework丨March: Haha, okay, don’t worry, I think there is a good chance to burn a wave.


After finishing the chat with Han丨Tiandao, Yang Rui has already been exhausted physically and mentally by the continuous high-intensity battle all day long.

When fighting with all your attention, you still don't feel anything, but as soon as the battle is over, this feeling of fatigue will immediately penetrate into every bone.

The most intuitive expression is that now that Yang Rui is sitting in front of the computer, he has a headache, neck pain, chest pain, back pain, butt pain, leg pain, and pain.

"It's not the same with the big red man, damn it, after a few days, Wu Xun surpassed me by one season last season..."

Click on your own profile page, and as you go up the mountain with more martial arts, your panel data is also updated every day.

The Battle of Mengyin, the Battle of Gaomi, the Battle of Anfeng Valley, and today's Battle of Duyang, after four battles, Yang Rui's panel has reached 220 million!

On the ranking list of the Wandering Army's martial arts, Yang Rui's martial arts also came to 2 million, which surpassed No.170 Han丨天道 by a large margin!
This number doesn't seem high, but what you need to know is that from the day Yang Rui went up the mountain until now, it's only five days. sky.

This also means that since Yang Rui went up the mountain, he has earned an average of nearly 60 martial arts every day!

60 a day, although this figure is definitely considered awesome, it does not seem to be outrageous beyond imagination. After all, there are many who conquered the season's full red boss with 60 and [-] martial arts a day.

But one thing to take into consideration is the strength of the opponent. At this stage, it is not bad for civilian players to play the main force of the three teams. Similar to the second alliance like Jun丨Yizi, it is generally only two teams. The main force comes out.

With all the preconditions added together, Yang Rui's current performance can definitely be regarded as terrifying!
(End of this chapter)

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