My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 80 The Battle of Duyang (2) (Part 8)

Chapter 80 The Battle of Duyang ([-]) (Eighth)
[All emails] Jun丨Xiaogu: (1026.1057) Hurry up and garrison our city!Eat the bonus of the main city, and the whiteboard becomes full of red!Let the two wandering soldiers on the opposite side carry them away!
When the arrows of Yang Rui and Han丨Tiandao appeared in Jun丨Xiaogu's field of vision, the Prime Minister of the Three Alliances, who had average combat effectiveness, suddenly panicked.

You know, the main reason why he volunteered to move the city to the side closest to the wandering army at the beginning was because Jun丨 Demon King had repeatedly confirmed that there were only two wandering army in Duyang battlefield.

From the point of view of Jun丨Xiaogu, who had never fought Firework丨Sanyue, they were just two wandering armies.Can he step over his own corpse with the bonus of the main city?It's impossible!

Coupled with the fact that Jun Sanmeng's sense of existence has always been low, Jun丨Xiaogu is also more eager to hope that he can go through such a battle and re-enter people's vision.

As long as I can bear it, won't I be one of the number one heroes when I win the Duyang battlefield?
But the dream is always full, but the reality is always skinny. When Jun丨Xiaogu completed the move to the city and saw the wandering army positions all over the place, he even wanted to call Sanshi directly and ask if he could refill it. Qian ended his move to the city CD ahead of schedule.

Facing the Juyi of the wandering army led by the so-called No. [-] Gao Zhan in the region, I am afraid that before I can become a hero, I have to become a sinner of the Junmeng League!

The execution and combat effectiveness of the Jun Sanmeng did not exceed Yang Rui's expectations. Although the lack of vision did not allow us to see how many teams were stationed on Jun丨Xiaogu's city skin, the main city array looked scary when the fight was real. When the fight really started, Jun Sanmeng had to show its true colors.

Just in the blink of an eye, just standing in front of everyone, even the name is extremely presumptuous, called: the fortress of beating stray dogs, and it has become another purple war-free ground that is risking sparks!

"The fighting power of the three alliances...Forget it, one of the three alliances can't ask for anything."

Looking at the series of battle reports that were just typed out, Yang Rui even felt a bit of contempt for Jun丨 Demon King's way of substituting himself for a dead ghost.

The fighting power of the Jun Sanmeng is really too bad!
The martial arts that the two teams can get in the battle between the two teams need to be linked to the strength, strength and other aspects of the opponent's team.

In other words, if two teams are fighting with big Han bows with full numbers and the same configuration, then the side that wipes out the opponent will probably get about [-] to [-] martial arts.

If it was the big Han Gong who wiped out the opponent's full red governor, such as the one who defeated the commander Yang Rui in the battle at Mengyin Wharf, he would basically be able to get close to three thousand and five martial arts.

In the same way, in conversion, if it is a full-blown red captain who meets the opponent's white-board big man bow, even if he wins, basically he will only have a martial arts in the early [-]s at most.

What Yang Rui encountered now was such a problem.

The combat effectiveness of Jun Sanmeng and these people is really terrible!

Looking at the battle report, the big Han bow, the big Han bow, and even the little Guo Jiafaqi can be regarded as a team of strong martial arts babies!

What's more, even the four-star Pengci team, which is rare even in the current season, can be used. This team is composed of Zhu Jun, Gan Ning, and Ling Tong (all four-star cards). The Porcelain team, Yang Rui vaguely remembers that it was a popular team when he was still a rookie.

Now that times have changed, this kind of team has long been completely abandoned by the times, and it is really unexpected to Yang Rui that it can still appear in his own battle report.

So it is also conceivable that after this round, indeed, the opponent's huge bonus to the attributes of the main team due to the addition of the main city did make Yang Rui and Han Tiandao's attack slightly hindered.

However, there is a real gap in the quality of the troops. After only one round of shooting in seconds, and without the participation of other members of Juyi, all the troops stationed on the skin of Jun丨Xiaogu City have been pulled out. Cleaned up.

"Nimma, the chopper wears ten teams to garrison, but the martial arts he got is not as much as the Monarch League's seven's not fair."

With a trace of regret, the team returned in seconds. This time, Yang Rui placed the goal on the city skin that seemed to be beckoning to him. As long as he took the lower right corner of the city skin of Jun丨Xiaogu, then the half of the defense team would be able to fight. Hours, as long as there are no accidents, Yang Rui is confident to go all the way in.

At the very least, he could go all the way to the position of Jun Ermeng before the city skin passed.

Anyway, in this battle, Yang Rui's goal is not to defeat the three forces of the Junmeng. What Yang Rui needs is to lead the wandering army all the way to Duyang's face, disturbing the Junmeng, and disgusting people.

[All emails] Jun丨Xiaogu: Where are everyone, the main force?There are so many fortresses with red dots on the battlefield, move!Garrison my main city, eat bonuses to dry up the wandering army on the opposite side!Our task is not to push forward, as long as we can withstand the pressure!

Under the urging of Jun丨Xiaogu's successive emails, the number of arrows in Jun Sanmeng's position finally began to gradually increase. Judging from the number of arrows alone, this wave of troops who came to garrison at least In terms of quantity, it should be more than the previous round.

On Yang Rui's side, however, he and Han Tiandao were still only attacking, and it seemed that he didn't take this Jun Sanmeng seriously at all.

Yang Rui thought very clearly that the twenty or so little brothers in Juyi could not count on them too much in terms of combat effectiveness, and their individual strength was actually about the same as that of members of the Monarch League.

Facing this kind of battle situation where the number of people is dozens or even twenty times that of oneself, if these members are rashly allowed to participate in the attack, it is very likely that after two waves, they will only have a team of Spartans and the old and strong still able to move. .

This battle with the Jun Sanmeng can only be regarded as an appetizer at best. The real tough battle still needs to wait until the two main city defenses blocked by the Jun Sanmeng are broken, and then meet Jun Er head-on. When it is time to form an alliance, it is necessary to rely on more people to focus fire to achieve the goal of breaking through quickly.

"I didn't clean up this wave of card seconds on purpose, just to give you more time to prepare, Jun Sanmeng, don't let me down, at least fifty teams are piled up to let the buddies taste the saltiness, right?"

Three minutes later, Yang Rui and Han Tiandao, the main players of the ten teams, ran into the garrison group again at almost the same time.

And in the next second, there was no miracle. Jun Sanmeng's defense was like a piece of napkin, easily crushed by Yang Rui and Han Tiandao!

The garrison was defeated, the city skin fell, and the so-called King Kong Iron Barrel Formation of the Junmeng, within less than 10 minutes after the start of the war, gaps began to appear!

 I vaguely remember the last time I coded so many characters a day, and it dates back to the time of Chinese New Year this year... I hope the bosses can vote monthly, support me, love you all

(End of this chapter)

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