My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 74 The Big Kitchen Knife with 3 Moving Speeds

Chapter 74 The Big Kitchen Knife with Three Hundred Speeds (Please subscribe, please ask for a monthly pass!!!)
At this time, Jian丨Qing'an was sitting in front of the computer, staring at the game screen in front of the screen, the two wandering soldiers who were killing all directions.

Take a detour to the top of the mountain pass, and attack on both sides to destroy the fireworks丨March, this tactical sword丨Qingan has never thought of it. After all, this mountain nest is only this big. You should be able to see it, let alone the five-point zero sword丨Qing'an?
But he didn't choose that way. In his opinion, if 160 people face one person, if they can't defeat the opponent head-on, then even if the news spreads, even if his opponent is the number one in the region, Firework丨March, It is also always indecent.

What he wants is a decent, hearty victory that can wipe out all the shame.

In fact, this is indeed the case, if there is no Han丨天道 turned out, then this wave of Yang Rui will not escape the fate of being wiped out no matter what.

However, there was such a person as Han丨Tiandao. Whether Yang Rui was favored by fate or Jian丨Qing'an was so unlucky that his teeth would get stuck between his teeth when he drank cold water, the facts could not be changed.

Before the start of the war, Jian丨Qing'an had warned herself countless times that she must not take it lightly anymore, and she must keep her spirits up after the painful experience of Mengyin.

But with the huge advantage in military strength, Jian丨Qing'an is still unavoidable.

The appearance of Han丨Tiandao immediately made a qualitative leap in the offensive firepower of the wandering army. The garrison of the two regiments, due to the fact that the front row was exempted from the card by Yang Ruika, has led to the fact that the strength of the troops has already been reduced. obvious deficiencies.

But now that the Aoshi Regiment and the Fenghuo Regiment have lost more than half of their strength, even if Jian丨Qing'an starts to change his strategy and start paving the way to the top of the valley to prepare for a two-sided attack, is there still time?
Jian丨Qing'an didn't know, but he had to try it out. If he spent time with Fireworks丨Sanyue and Han丨Tiandao at the mountain pass, then what was waiting for him would definitely not be hearty. A big victory, but a big defeat enough to completely crucify himself on the pillar of shame!
"Yo ho, finally got the hang of it, want to go around and steal my ass? It's a pity that it's useless, little brother, it's never something a smart person should do."

Yang Rui saw all the movements of Junmeng clearly, but regarding Jian丨Qing'an's tactics, Yang Rui didn't panic at all this time.

Because this time, Yang Rui's ass is guarded by the Dao of Han丨天道!
Under Yang Rui's deliberate arrangement, Han丨Tiandao followed Yang Rui to complete the second round of focus fire, and then began to focus on dealing with the Sword Group and the newly laid Baijia Group.

Although Han丨Tiandao is a new identity and experience, it is indeed extremely difficult to face the two regiments at once, but after all, these two regiments have not touched the wild fortress of Han丨Tiandao, and Han丨Tiandao has no defensive pressure. , relying on the intensity of his own redness, at least in a short period of time, Yang Rui is still very confident in it.

So now, in front of Yang Rui, there are only these two Aoshi Group and Fenghuo Group, which are already at the end of their strength.

As long as I can break through the defenses of the Aoshi Regiment and the Beacon Regiment before Han丨Tiandao can't hold on, and approach the Junmeng fortress group, then this battle will be regarded as a real breaking point for me!

Without the slightest hesitation, taking advantage of the one-and-a-half minute free time in the front row, Yang Rui's third round of Ka-second attack was presented in front of the members of the League of Legends!
At this time, the Aoshi Regiment and the Beacon Regiment were piled up to garrison the front line. After repairing, there were still as many as one hundred teams.

In this attack, Yang Rui specially adjusted the order of the team's encounter with the enemy. Shubu, which has the highest frankness but also the lowest attack power, was placed on the top level by Yang Rui, and the governor with penetrating power was placed on the second level. team, the rogue who also possessed a certain degree of frankness was placed in the third team. Although he lacked enough battery life, Wei Zhi, who was wearing a double-reduction strategy, was ranked in the fourth team. Yang Rui put his chopper in the last team.

Yang Rui's purpose and idea are very simple. No matter whether Shubu can penetrate the opponent's garrison or not, he will definitely be the one who will draw in the end. In this way, the team that is tied will be eaten by the penetrating commander. .

After the commander-in-chief loses strength, the rogue who takes both offense and defense can naturally play a link between the past and the future. Similarly, when Wei Zhi, who has a high damage reduction, also falls into a tie or loses the battle, the chopper will finish it off.

According to this statement, Yang Rui will at least lose two more teams than the bad result.

Being able to pass two more teams to garrison, the chances of him being able to open up the situation in the future will be greater, and what makes Yang Rui more curious now is that Jian丨Qing'an Jiangjian Group and Baijia Group are in better condition The regiments are all used to deal with Han丨Tiandao, so what about my side?

After 1 minute, the war-free land ends, what can Junmeng use to focus on himself?

I don't know, and I can't figure it out.

Only 40 seconds later, Yang Rui, the main force of the five teams, swayed into the defense line still constructed by the Aoshi Group and the Beacon Group.


Accompanied by the endless sound of fighting special effects, while Yang Rui's Alipay balance skyrocketed, Junmeng's garrison also began to decline rapidly at a speed visible to the naked eye again!
Forty teams!This wave of cards was fought in seconds, and it completely wiped out the [-]th squadron of the League of Legends!

This is undoubtedly another severe blow to the two regiments of Junmeng, who are already exhausted, and it is also a slap in the face to Jian丨Qing'an's heart that is on the verge of being broken.

In the next second, Yang Rui's position in the front row ended its immunity from fighting. Jian丨Qing'an was overjoyed, and when he started sending emails to arrange the fire, he saw that the main players of Yang Rui's three teams who had not entered the serious injury state had piled up one after another. Go up to garrison.

From Jian丨Qing'an's point of view, that posture seemed to be saying to herself sarcastically: "Come on, come on, come here!"

For a while, the two sides were so stalemate with each other, awkward in place, Junmeng definitely did not dare to easily challenge Firework丨Sanyue's garrison, similarly, during the 10 minutes when the kitchen knife and the governor were seriously injured Here, Yang Rui did not intend to act rashly.

But then, the fatal point came. The wandering army was different from the regular army. It took half an hour for the regular army to abandon the land, but the wandering army only needed 10 minutes!

After 10 minutes passed, while the front row was successfully let go by Yang Rui, the kitchen knife that had been prepared in the main city earlier, after being washed, also ended the state of serious injury!
The full red kitchen knife after level 45 washing point, with his moving speed close to [-], even before Jian丨Qing'an could react, he took down the piece just now in front of everyone in Junmeng. It was just let go by Yang Rui!

(End of this chapter)

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