My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 70 Revision of the previous article and thanks for the reward

Chapter 70 Revision of the previous article and thanks for the reward
Sorry bosses, before Chapter 68 wrote that the protagonist wandered directly from Xuzhou to Yuzhou. Originally, in Milk Tea’s memory, there were wandering troops in Ziyuan Prefecture who could directly wander and airborne. However, after being reminded by book friends, Milk Tea checked the relevant information and found that It really doesn't work, it's the milk tea's own memory disorder.

Now the small fragment of Chapter 68 wandering has been modified, and the previous common-sense mistakes have been corrected. Milk Tea is very sorry for affecting your reading experience.

I am also very grateful to the book friend 20180805131930452 and several other small partners for their correctness. I apologize again. Before Milk Tea wrote articles related to common sense issues, I would ask the Prime Minister’s Pavilion. , once again deeply sorry, love you guys.

In addition, I would like to thank renym, the leader of Boss Tiandao, for the reward.

It’s been a month since Wu Xun’s cash withdrawal. During this period of time, I would like to thank Boss Rimu Xiangshan, Boss Sufeng, Boss Dream in my heart, Boss King Xiaogui, Boss Xinren, and once again thank Boss Tiandao for fighting. Thank you, everyone's likes are the greatest support for milk tea.

Adding more will start on August [-]st, I guarantee you will enjoy seeing it, thank you family!

(End of this chapter)

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