My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 7 Please at Ferocious 1 Point

Chapter 7 Please be fierce

After confirming that he had successfully defeated his opponent, Yang Rui immediately clicked on the battle report to check carefully to see if the opponent's team was as he had guessed.

But I don’t know if I don’t see it. I was shocked when I saw it. It was a coincidence that the team of archers was really not a magic sword, but a general who has been forgotten by many leading players today: Shi Changshi!That is what we often call the eunuch.

"Eunuch Chunhua Zhenluo... How many years ago is this team..."

Having said that, the eunuch team still fought Yang Rui's team for eight full rounds, which is reasonable if you think about it.

Although the two teams of infantry fighting archers have natural restraint, on the one hand, the meat infantry itself is not a team that is good at penetrating power, and pays more attention to frankness.

On the other hand, most of the output that Meatbu relied on was based on Zhou Tai's devastated and accumulated high strategy in the later stage, releasing powerful soldiers to seek victory and deal damage, but this team of eunuchs, Zhang Chunhua and Zhen Luo, were all The team with the main point of strategy, so the resistance is also higher.

After the two teams played for eight rounds, the remaining team of semi-disabled eunuchs was taken away on the spot by the hooligan team who came later, but after the eunuchs were worn out, when the hooligans faced the Shubu team behind them, they began to feel a little bit different. The output was insufficient, and it was defeated by the kitchen knife that arrived later.

"Comfortable! I made a net profit of 5000 yuan as soon as I came up, which is great!"

Seeing that his balance was rising slowly, Yang Rui's mood seemed to improve.

After the troops returned to the barracks and directly filled the troops with reserve soldiers, Yang Rui began to turn his attention to another of the several flower protectors.

It's just that after he chose to take the initiative to attack, he seemed to be alarmed. Among the four remaining big brothers with soldiers in the fortress of Lollipop, three of them started to move.

Fell into the battle丨Refrigerator, Dragon City丨Lin Shao, Chuliang, these three historical martial arts are 98, 120 million, and [-] million respectively. It can be said that they are all players in the same state .

"Tsk, did the three of you come to the barracks together?"

Yang Rui frowned. Now that the opponent has already moved, it doesn't make much sense to take the initiative to attack. It's better to defend the barracks and quickly replenish the reserve troops.

The position of the main force of Yang Rui's fourth team in the barracks was also carefully adjusted when the troops were transferred last night. The dog knife and the kitchen knife, the two teams with the strongest penetrating power, were placed in the first and second positions respectively. Number three, and the meat step is number four.

The reason for this arrangement is to prevent excessive physical exertion, and in the face of the opponent's attack, I no longer have the extra physical strength to garrison this situation.

If the meat step is placed in the front, then the first to meet the enemy will be the meat step. That thing can only be flattened, and it can't bring out a little bit of reserve soldiers, so it's useless.

But now the main players of Yang Rui's teams are relatively strong, and the chopper team with the least physical strength still has a full 120 points of physical strength, so this problem is not a problem for the time being.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of Yang Rui, the three of them relayed each other little by little, and soon spread to the side of the barracks. Afterwards, several extremely piercing and extremely sharp enemy attack sirens sounded in Yang Rui's ears. .

Seven teams!A whole seven teams have already focused their fire on the position of the barracks!
"These people... aren't these pure shrimp soldiers and crab generals? Just three people set fire, and the error can exceed five seconds..."

Looking at the time when their team set fire, Yang Rui suddenly felt speechless. It stands to reason that these three big brothers are all players for more than ten seasons. It is impossible that they can't even understand the fire set, right?
Five seconds may seem like a short period of time, but for an experienced player like Yang Rui, there are too many things he can do.

Although the military camp is not the main city, you can't quickly drop the camp, but you can change the order in which the troops meet the enemy by taking the initiative to go out, so that the teams with fewer troops can avoid serious injuries, and you can also let the teams in better condition go to eat a wave full.

"The fastest are cavalry and infantry, cut the king?"

Although he was still somewhat unsure, but the team composed of cavalry and infantry was much faster than Yan Yanshu's pace, so Yang Rui could only think of the Northwest Cut King who was gradually falling into the altar.

To deal with the king of chopping, or to deal with a low-strategy team like Ma Chao, the dog knife is obviously the first choice, so facing the fire of the three of Lollipop and his party, Yang Rui did not make any response at the beginning, just quietly I watched the red arrow getting closer and closer to me, and also watched the remaining time of its march getting shorter and shorter.

Five seconds, four seconds, three seconds, two seconds, one second, contact the enemy!

With a loud sound, accompanied by the shouts of the soldiers, Yang Rui is very familiar with this special effect sound, the dog knife successfully pierced through the opponent!
At the same time, when the mobile phone rang the account information, Yang Rui hurriedly pulled the somewhat disabled dog knife to the full state by relying on the reserve soldiers. Almost immediately after he clicked to confirm the use of the reserve soldiers, Lollipop and his party The teams that arrived afterward all rushed to the battlefield!

Four of the seven main teams arrived at the target within the same second. Compared to the reaction time of two or three seconds just now, Yang Rui was not given any preparation time at all this time.

The dog knife and the kitchen knife were defeated after piercing the opponent's first team one after another. Fortunately, the third team's Guilu was enough to save face and successfully sent the opponent back to his hometown.

Seeing that the remaining two teams are about to reach their destination in the arrows that focus on their own fire, it is meaningless to use reserve soldiers to prepare dog knives or kitchen knives at this time. Both teams are now seriously injured In the state, even if it is pulled to the full state, there will be no contact with the enemy.

Relying on the hand speed he had practiced for many years as a single, Yang Rui stuffed all the [-] that had overflowed in the barracks into the mouths of the hooligans.

Gui Lu also lived up to Yang Rui's full expectations. Facing the next two battles, one was won and the other was tied. Although it was not an advantaged draw, it was obvious that the state of the opponent's last team, Zhang He and Shu Cavalry, could hardly support him anymore. For the second battle.

The storm came and went quickly. Although Yang Rui managed to survive this wave of seven-team fire, the process was absolutely thrilling for Yang Rui.

"Hahaha Cao! It's hard to win!"

Looking at Gui Lu who has been standing still in the battle just now, Yang Rui's heart is also more determined to return to the idea of ​​pumping Gui Lu. If he can talk to the general card, Yang Rui really wants to kneel to Gui Lu now. Say the last sentence loudly: Gui Lu, you are my god!
While hurriedly recruiting troops for the team, Yang Rui didn't forget to pick up his mobile phone to check the account information just now, and he got a total of 6000 yuan!

What is a winner in life?At least at this moment, Yang Rui thinks that the current self is the biggest winner!

When he got here, Yang Rui didn't forget to open the data card pages of several people one by one, and sent a cheap private message to everyone: Brother, this episode is not very popular, please, come more fiercely, okay? ?

(End of this chapter)

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