Chapter 65
Pulling Shubu and the governor to garrison, a series of operations did not give Yang Rui any time to breathe. It took only four or five seconds to fight and count, and Yang Rui couldn't remember at all. How many teams have set fire.

It's just that in Yang Rui's sight, the overwhelming red arrows are still shooting towards his main city.

But at this point, neither the resources nor the reserves are absolutely exhausted, but the serious injuries of two teams in a row, coupled with the fact that the kitchen knife is always in a state of fatigue, will inevitably lead to Yang Rui's next attack. The operable space has become much smaller.

However, the number of operable teams has decreased, which is not necessarily a bad thing for Yang Rui. With fewer active teams, Yang Rui does not need to devote so much energy to take care of the main force of the fourth and fifth teams in the main city at any time, but can focus on To operate these two teams.

Moreover, according to Yang Rui's visual observation, Junmeng's full focus is only about one-third. As long as he can hold on for at most six or seven seconds, then he can completely overcome this wave of crisis.

More importantly, once this wave of concentrated fire is carried down by Yang Rui, what is waiting for Jun Yizi to take the lead will inevitably be the defeat on the Gaomi battlefield.

Before he had time to think about it, the governor who was stationed on the first floor by Yang Rui had already collided with a large number of members of the Junmeng. It was too embarrassing to be eaten by a big Han bow at the Mengyin Wharf with a battle loss of [-], but this time, the governor is extraordinarily tough!

Although there is no time to click on the battle report to view the details, Yang Rui can basically guess from the number of teams worn out and the speed at which the governor's troops are declining. Most of these battle reports were worn out in two or three rounds The opponent's kind.

However, as the old saying goes, a good dog does not deny that there are many dogs. Even if the governor has tried his best to produce excellent battle reports, it is naturally difficult to maintain his own strength due to the lack of battery life in the face of such a large-scale fire. troops.

In just two seconds or so, the military strength of the governor had dropped to an extremely dangerous value of [-]. Yang Rui naturally did not dare to take it too seriously, and hurriedly replaced the governor to prepare for it.

That is to say, relying on such an infinite change of defense and pull preparations, when Yang Rui's Shubu and Chopper entered the state of serious injury, the remaining number of firefighting troops of the members of the League of Legends was only the last ten teams left.

But at this moment, there is only a team of full-staffed governors with [-] reserve soldiers left in the main city of Yang Rui, and they are still standing.

After the fourth team went down, although the governor successfully pierced the opponent, his own strength was only [-], and he was busy preparing for it, but the subsequent sixth team never gave Yang Rui any time to prepare and rest. Stuck at the same minute and second, he crashed into Yang Rui's main city on time.

Twenty-two thousand, eighteen thousand, thirteen thousand, eight thousand, eight hundred!

In such an instant, the military strength of the governor has been reduced from full to [-]!But when Jun丨Yizi's last team arrived, the captain, the captain with only [-] troops left, still did not enter the state of serious injuries!
The last team just "slowly" crashed into Yang Rui's main city, and then without the slightest hesitation, began to turn their horses around and return the same way.

"Fuck! Are you wearing it?"

After the crisis was over, Yang Rui hurriedly clicked on the battle report, wanting to see what happened, but he didn’t know if he didn’t see it. After this season, Yang Rui even felt that he had reached the level of apotheosis in the true sense!
It is said that when a person's unlucky bottom has reached the bottom, he will rebound from the bottom and start to become lucky. In the same way, when a team's face is extremely dark, it becomes inevitable to suddenly become European.

Running into Yang Rui's team with only [-] troops remaining as the commander-in-chief was not the demolition or low-matching miscellaneous team that Yang Rui originally thought, but an upright first-line team: Big Chopper!

Although it is a blank board, it is indeed a first-line team, equipped with a big kitchen knife as standard.

I can't tell whether it was a coincidence or destiny. After the last battle that reduced the military strength of the governor from [-] to [-], none of the generals in this team of the Eastern Wu was seriously injured, especially Lu Meng. With two troops, he is still alive!

After Lu Meng successfully blocked both Zhang Liao and Ma Chao at the beginning, he had honorably fulfilled his mission. In the first round, he was taken away by Boss Cao on the spot when he tied A.

But then, a miraculous thing happened. Since Yang Rui transferred Zhou Yu to the longbowmen, he could act first in the first two rounds, so the Xuanwu Liuliu, which had already begun preparations in the first round, also succeeded in the second round. Unleashed without hesitation, Boss Cao, who was the only active player in the first two rounds of the chopper team, also blocked the general attack, and incidentally hit Zhang Liao with no pain.

As the two tool men have completed their missions, Lu Xun, the young talent of Soochow who burned the company for [-] miles, once again showed people what it means to be invincible.

In the first round of the opening, prepare for the power of the fire, the three tricks, and the second round. , all released successfully!
And it seems to be very purposeful, the three skills, without exception, all fell on the general with the lowest strategy in the entire chopper team: Ma Chao!
We all know that the effect of the Three Skills is to launch three strategic attacks on a single enemy after one round of preparation, and will reduce the attribute of the place, and the target of each attack is independently determined.

This also makes it very difficult for the three tricks to hit the same person with all three damages, but it is difficult, but it does not mean that it is impossible to happen.

Ma Chao, who was originally hit by a fire force, was hit by the unremitting fire, and at the same time triggered additional damage from the fire force. After these two shots, Ma Chao, who had already entered a semi-disabled state, was waiting for him What's more, it's the precise determination of three consecutive shots and three conspiracies!
Even Ma Chao didn't succeed in resisting until the third round of Three Skills and Conspiracy hit full damage, and he died on the spot!
It can be said that after this wave of fighting, not only Yang Rui, but even the members of Jun丨Yizi, looked at the last battle report on Yang Rui's main city, and didn't know what to say for a while. .

It is said that three hundred Wei Zhi could swallow Wu back then, and the battle report that Wei Zhi of Sparta successfully defeated the opponent's full-scale governor is often taken out by people to this day.

But Yang Rui felt that compared to the three hundred Wei Zhi who relied on sorcery to achieve the effect of swallowing Wu, the shocking effect alone was probably far inferior to his own wave, the eight hundred governors, who could swallow a kitchen knife!

(End of this chapter)

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