My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 47 The advantage is in me

Chapter 47 The advantage is in me
Jun丨The demon king found his behavior in this wave, and Yang Rui could understand what it meant even with his toenails. It was nothing more than wanting to understand him with emotion and reason, and try to dig himself out.

So Yang Rui didn't even bother to pass this friend request at all, so he should do what he should do.

One night passed quietly like this, and when the time came to the early morning of the next day, Yang Rui first successfully moved to Qingzhou at night, and then successfully arrived in Mengyin in the middle of the night to build his own fortress.

In the early morning, Yang Rui finally succeeded in pulling all the main players of his five teams onto the battlefield.

After a night of fierce fighting, the battle of Mengyin on the world map has directly turned into a large-scale battle. The input of nearly 3000 million troops is enough to illustrate the intensity of this battle of Mengyin.

It has to be said that the commanding ability of the red 丨 divine machine really needs to firmly hold down the king 丨 the demon king, relying on this tactic of defending while not forgetting to organize a concentrated fire attack to attract firepower. Overnight, the Junmeng clearly occupies the absolute The advantage of the number of people, even the slightest bit of cheap did not get it!

In contrast, the high-density battlefield is a bit unremarkable. Due to the intensity and the number of people participating in the battle, it is only a medium-sized battle.

After the main force arrived at the pass early in the morning, seeing that the red 丨 Shenji did not issue any instructions to concentrate fire in the near future, including the Junmeng, there were very few arrows shooting at the pass, and most of them were stationed at the forefront of the pass with.

This situation is quite reasonable. As we all know, most of the local players are generally active from noon to midnight.

In the morning, or in the morning, it is often the time when the number of players online is the least, even during the land reclamation period.

The number of troops stationed by members of the former Monarch League at Mengyin Pass has reached a full 160 teams!Just by looking at it, it makes people feel that it is a bit too "impregnable".

As for Yang Rui, who is freshly released from the fifth team full of red Wei Zhi, he is naturally very anxious to see what kind of fighting power Wei Zhi can display in the S2 season.

So, Yang Rui went directly towards the chaotic place where 160 teams were already stationed, stuck for a second, and shot all the other four teams out of his five main teams except Shubu!
The order in which the troops encountered the enemy was not too particular. The kitchen knife, the hooligan, the governor, and Wei Zhi were all stuck at 25:[-] when they encountered the enemy at the same time.

In the general environment of the S season, apart from Shubu, which is famous for its meat, the rest of the mainstream teams, such as choppers, governors, Wei Zhi, including hooligans and magic swords, can actually provide wearables under full red strength. Penetration is almost indistinguishable.

After all, lacking treasure blessings, it is difficult to say that there is a real guarantee for the upper and lower limits of all teams.

Zhenghong League channel.

Yijian Qing'an: Damn, why did the big guy in March go up by himself, brothers who can keep up with it!Follow the ass of the big guy in March to eat meat!

Jueying: It’s a little hard to follow. Did the teams of the big guys in March get cleaned up? Why are they running so fast? Fortunately, the big guys in March are fortified at the back, otherwise my team of choppers would be a bit difficult to follow superior……

Sunny丨Good night and sweet dreams: I’m coming too. The freshly baked Soochow Governor rolled over twice in a row yesterday. I hope that today I can follow behind the big guy in March to eat Boda’s, hehe.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Good guy, I just made it from the fifth team, and I want to try the strength, why there are nearly [-] more arrows all of a sudden...

Jueying: Hahaha, because the brothers all want to follow you and fight against each other. Don’t you know that, Mr. March, you are the only weathervane in our district now, and whatever you do can be magnified ten thousand times.

Firework丨Sanyue: Broad fear, is this the so-called fear of being famous and fear of being strong?
Lichun: Although it’s a bit wrong to say that, but the words are not rough, hehehe.


As soon as the main forces of Yang Rui's four teams shot out, they were immediately taken aback by the enthusiasm of Zhenghong's little brothers. In less than 3 minutes, Yang Rui's main force followed Zhenghong in unison. Nearly forty arrows that set fire together!

Let alone Yang Rui at this scene, even Jun丨 Demon King, who just got up and urinated and logged in to the game to take a look, was shocked at the time.

"Damn it! At 07:30 in the morning, is this going to set fire to Boda?"

Seeing that there are more and more arrows on Zhenghong's side, the king 丨 the devil can't care about sleepiness, so he immediately clicks to send an email and starts calling for people to guard.

It's just that there are not many people online in the morning, so there is no big difference between the e-mail from the devil king, whether it is sent or not. The devil sent an email, but he couldn't come either.

And what makes Jun丨 Demon King most angry is that once he loses too many troops in this wave of concentrated fire, it will obviously affect some of his combat arrangements this morning.

"No, no, no, no, no..."

But soon, the Jun丨 Demon King, who gradually calmed down, found something was wrong.丨The demon king also thinks he is not as good as Hong丨Shenji.

There is nothing wrong with this, and there is nothing shameful about it. After all, if the world's command is at the same level, then it would be meaningless.

But Jun丨The Demon King still understands Hong丨Shenji's commanding characteristics. Every attack or defense of Zhenghong, without exception, is all based on the regiment as a whole.

But what about this wave of fire that is now popular?There are members from any regiment, there are red regiments, dream regiments, and night regiments. It can be said that apart from the Datang regiment who stayed at Gaomi Pass to fight against the Xuzhou Junmeng, the group before the Bomengyin Pass The fire almost included all the regiments that were rightly popular!

But no matter what, even if Jun丨 Demon King wants to break his head, he still can't figure out what is the cause of this fire, but it still really happened.

In the next second, when Jun丨The Demon King inadvertently caught sight of the ID who was leading the battle among the nearly sixty arrows that Zhenghong shot towards the war-torn frontier of the pass, he finally knew what happened.

This open area has been open for half a month, but it is still full of fireworks every day丨March!This was just last night, and I didn't even respond to my friend's request for fireworks丨March!
"nmd, I have nearly [-] teams stationed to fight against your [-] teams. I have the advantage! What do you use to pretend to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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