My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 411 Several joys and sorrows

Regardless of whether it was due to excessive combat power or due to luck, the result had already been bloodied in front of the members of Feng丨Zhan Xingchen and Yunpo丨Mouche, and could not be changed.


Staring at the link on the screen in front of him that has become a purple war-free state, Zhan丨Xuri didn't know what to say for a long time.

From the time when the crane group began to focus on the fire until now when the link ground fell, in fact, a total of three or ten minutes had passed, or even less.

But in these three 10 minutes, Zhan 丨 Rising Sun may feel more tormented than three years. In other words, Zhan 丨 Rising Sun feels like he is dreaming.

300 people stationed, a total of more than 900 main teams, in less than half an hour, they were completely clothed by [-] people?Is this reasonable?This is obviously unreasonable at all!
Let alone Zhan丨Rising Sun, even He丨June, the initiator of the two-front battle, couldn't believe what was happening before his eyes.

The reason why June has to insist on fighting on two fronts is not so much that he has great self-confidence, but rather that he wants to pursue more excitement in this level of game.

Wandering Army, don't be crazy, is that still called Wandering Army?
But who would have thought that it was this wave of madness that turned out to be a miracle.

【Crane Group Trio Management Group】

Firework丨Sanyue: emmm, what about the two brothers?I can't fix this wave directly. The two waves of concentrated fire were garrisoned and penetrated. I thought it was because we worked hard to concentrate fire for an hour and then were pushed back.

Now this is beyond my expectation, I don't know how to fight it in the future...Should I continue to push forward, or what should I say?
Crane丨June: Definitely continue to push forward, take advantage of his illness to kill him, don’t you always say this?They basically can't make up a team of [-] main players now. This is our best chance to advance.

Han丨Tiandao: Don’t tell me, Brother Sanyue, I feel that the food I played in Qingzhou for several days before was not as good as the half hour just now. Overwhelmed the opposing eight teams!
Firework丨Sanyue: That’s right, I really didn’t expect the collective transformation of the brothers this time, I can only talk about metaphysics.

Crane丨June: Anyway, let’s continue to push forward and give them a wave of ignorance, otherwise we will definitely be quite uncomfortable when they recover.

Fireworks丨March: Yes, I understand.


After some simple communication in the management group, Yang Rui and June immediately finalized the follow-up combat direction.

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!I don't want to talk nonsense, I can only break through Zhan Xingchen's garrison in half an hour, and I can only say that the brothers are cowhide!A large number of cows!
However, this battle is far from over, and it can even be said to have just begun!So don't take it lightly, from now on, the tactics of our whole regiment are, no tactics!

Just one word, push me to death!They don't have a few active main teams left now, and they can't stop our attack at all!So you don't need to focus on the fire, you don't need to stop for a second, just push it in desperately!Today's goal is very simple, before eight o'clock tonight, directly fuck Yanjin's face!Go, go, go!

Yang Rui's attitude was very clear. During the few days of fighting in Qingzhou, He Tuan would release a little water intentionally or unintentionally from time to time, for fear that these alliances would be completely broken.

But it's different now, from the moment of entering Sili, all subsequent battles, without exception, are all duels of life and death.

If you don’t want his life, he will take your life. Yang Rui really wants to have more teammates on the mountain, but if the companies in Beisanzhou don’t collapse, then Shengtian 丨 Qi Yunque will be on the mountain later, really. Playing five, Yang Rui didn't think there would be any chance of winning.

So no matter what, now that he has the opportunity, Yang Rui will naturally go all out, even if he can only disable Zhan Xingchen and the train?In that way, when they recover their vitality, it will be a good opportunity for Hetuan and Shengtian.

The screen returned to the game, and as Yang Rui clicked to send this command email, the Crane Group, including the Forgotten Fireworks on the other side, and the two Juyi members began to pour their firepower towards the opponent's position .

Unlike Feng丨Zhan Xingchen who has completely lost the ability to resist, Yunpo丨Mountain still has a part of the main force, but it is difficult for this main force to play any substantive role in the face of the wandering army who is getting more and more fed. .

It can be said that in the next period of time, Huai Battlefield has completely become the stage for the crane troupe to perform. In other words, Yang Rui and his crane troupe are using their actual actions to show the melon-eating people in the whole district what it means to destroy the dead and destroy the dead. !
And at the time when the crane group miraculously pierced through the opponent's garrison and began to ravage unilaterally, another battlefield of Sili: Xingyang, was also undergoing a fierce duel. Similarly, Shengtian丨Qiyun Que is also explaining to Yang Rui what it means: some families are happy and others are sad.

Shengtian丨Qi Yunque VS a new alliance, this kind of duel that used to only exist in discussions, was brought to the stage for the first time in history.

It's just that after the prosperous peony withdrew from the Three Emperors, the duel between the two remaining ceilings did not unfold as fairly as the melon-eaters expected.

The two sides fell into an extreme stalemate almost at the moment when the war started. Indeed, the Xinmeng, which has devoted itself to developing for 20 days without moving, is indeed better than Shengtian in terms of fundamentals, but Shengtian丨Qi Yunque can be called The flat ceiling is not without reason.

The three armies come together, you destroy one of my link lands, and I destroy one of your link lands, no one can take advantage of the slightest.

But the stalemate did not last forever, and it could even be said that this stalemate only lasted a total of ten minutes.

Just when the crane group started the second round of fire, the battle in Xingyang ushered in the strong entry of the sword 丨 Hui Chunqiu.

In normal times, holding a sword丨Hui Chunqiu's T1+ combat power in front of Shengtian丨Qi Yunque might not be worth paying attention to.

But the problem is, no matter how small a fly is, it is still meat, not to mention that he is a T1+ anyway, and many people even think that he may be a strong contender for the new emperor in the future. Qi Yunque, at least need two regiments or even more people to resist it.

As a reinforcement of the new alliance, holding the sword can attract two regiments of the opponent in helping teammates to share the pressure, which is obviously quite good.

Moreover, holding the sword suddenly attracted the troops of the two regiments of Shengtian丨Qi Yunque, and the Xingyang battlefield suddenly changed.

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