My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 358 The Son of Destiny

Chapter 358 The Son of Destiny
As soon as the ghost appeared, he knew very well that Wang Sutu, who had been shot through by Shengshi Peony's round of concentrated fire, was completely impossible to pull up a full team in a short time.

Therefore, the second round of concentrated fire opened by Shengshi Peony was quite unrestrained. The six regiments of the alliance were divided into three different points to focus fire. Set fire at six points.

After all, there are only 49 main cities left in the Wandering Army, three in one wave and six in one wave, which are two completely different existences in both practical meaning and perception.

In fact, it was exactly the same as what the ghost had guessed. Forgot to lead the soil now, facing Shengshi Mudankai's fire attack divided into three different directions, there was nothing he could do!
In desperation, Yang Rui had no choice but to settle for the next best thing, concentrating all the remaining living forces that had forgotten to lead the land on the same point for garrison.

But giving up two members in exchange for another member living a few minutes longer, such a choice is always quite difficult, especially in the current situation, including his main city, which is also blocked by countless red arrows. When it was wrapped tightly.

Garrison the other two brothers?To be honest, Yang Rui has never been so selfless. Seeing himself being beaten away, and even pulling the main force to guard his teammates, no matter how you look at it, it is a bit too cruel to his main city.

Can you guard yourself?Yang Rui couldn't figure out how to deal with such an email anyway, and clicked the send option.

However, it seemed that all the members who had forgotten to lead the soil were very aware of Yang Rui's entanglement, and even before Yang Rui issued a command email, they had already started to shoot their main force, and the targets were all Yang Rui's without exception. The main city filled with arrows.

Even the two members of the crane regiment who were also set on fire didn't hesitate at all.

Looking at the scene in front of him, for some reason, Yang Rui suddenly felt moved.

Ten minutes passed in a flash, and at this moment, the arrows poured down on the main city of the members of the crane group like raindrops.

The two main cities, which were not blessed by the main city, were turned into fly ash under the attack of the red arrow rain almost in an instant, and were reborn from a certain corner of Yanzhou.

As for Yang Rui's main city, on the one hand, it gathered all the main forces of the Crane Regiment, and on the other hand, after all, Shengshi Mudankai only dispatched two regiments to gather fire, so it is not a big problem to resist this wave.

After destroying the two main cities, all the members of Shengshi Peonykai simply returned in seconds under the command of Ghost Yixian, and their execution was full. After only 3 minutes or even less time, the third round The offense has once again appeared in everyone's field of vision!

And this wave of concentrated fire did not divide into three different directions to attack as before, but without exception, all of them were concentrated above Yang Rui's main city!
Obviously, after the round of attack just now, the ghost has already discovered the location of Yang Rui's main city. As the saying goes, capture the thief first, capture the king first, and beat the fireworks丨The significance of March is definitely greater than that of any other team in the flying crane group human.

"Fuck, I swear I won't give up if I don't fly?"

Seeing more and more seas of red arrows in front of him, Yang Rui knew very well that after two rounds of fighting, even if he forgot to lead the soil to gather the strength of the Quanjuyi members, it would be impossible to fight against Shengshi Peony. The alliance confronted head-on.

After only struggling for a few seconds, a self-defeating thought had already appeared in Yang Rui's mind.

Don't you want my life?Then I just don't want this life!

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!All members, all teams that can still move, don't need to be stuck for a second, and don't need to focus on a single point of fire, to attack the prosperous peony fortress group with all their strength!
My main city will definitely not be able to defend it, so I won't defend it at all!Attack the fortress group on the opposite side with all my strength, even if I am blown away, I will gnaw two pieces of their meat up and down!

Yang Rui didn't know whether this kind of self-defeating and self-defeating way of changing houses was meaningful, but in fighting, wasn't it just a matter of arrogance?

Now that our battlefield has progressed, An Lan丨Rencai can't help at all. It's only a matter of time before the crane group is defeated in a 1V1. You have to fly vigorously!

On the battlefield, the ghost was already stunned by the scene before him. Nima, why would someone not garrison at all under the fire, but still attack with all their strength?
And looking at this chaotic focus, it is obvious that he is sure that he is attacking at the front line without anyone defending, and he wants to steal chickens and eat big waves.

"How dare you."

Looking at the open space in the main city of Sanyue, where everyone already knew that although there was no vision, it was the leader of the crane group, Fireworks丨Sanyue's main city, the ghost's eyes suddenly became darker.

No matter how you look at it, this kind of reckless way of changing houses is definitely not clever, and it's okay to say that it's even a little unreasonable.

But when the two armies are at war, especially when their opponent is a wandering army, the easier it is for the opponent to make crazy moves, the more difficult it is to deal with.

Obviously, the opponent I am facing now is such an existence who is prone to make crazy moves.

With the marching speed of the members of the crane regiment after all the members have been washed, even if the ghost immediately decides to give up the attack and return to the defense, it is impossible for all members to be in position in time.

In less than 8 minutes, a large group of purple arrows arrived at the front row of Shengshi Peony as scheduled, and at the same time, large groups of ungarrisoned fortresses were demolished on the spot.

In less than 2 minutes, Shengshi Peony Kaibian had already lost a large area of ​​ground, but at the same time, the hundreds of red arrows fired by Yang Rui had successfully reached the target point.

"Come on! Let the storm come stronger!"

Facing the attack launched by Shengshi Peony, the main force of the five teams in Yang Rui's main city, or strictly speaking, the three and a half teams, failed to survive even a second, and they took off instantly under the baptism of the arrow. !

When the words "destroyed" appeared on Yang Rui's game screen, Yang Rui's main city had been regenerated from a position far away from the battlefield of Jiwu.

"I'm rough! I'm really the son of destiny!"

Yang Rui, who just wanted to complain about being beaten into the air, was really uncomfortable, but when he habitually opened the big map to see where he landed, he finally couldn't help but let out an exclamation.

Who would have imagined that Yang Rui's main city would be reborn in the mountains not far below the PY of Yanzhou state capital after being beaten into the air!
This isn't Destiny's Child, what is it?
(End of this chapter)

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