Chapter 341 Showdown
Since the main city is too far away from the Kaocheng fortress group, under the tactic of staring at the Forgotten member's position as soon as the ghost appeared, the Forgotten leader had already begun to attack in just ten minutes. A large number of positions were lost without any suspense.

But counting from the time when Shengshi Peony forgot to lead the soil in its first round of attack, it was only half an hour before the successful construction of the fortress by the members of the Crane Group.

From the front row until the fortress of the members of the river group was successfully erected, only a dozen were lost. In Yang Rui's view, such a loss was completely within the acceptable range.

At [-]:[-] that night, as the construction of the fortress group was completed, more and more purple arrows began to appear in batches within the sight of Kaocheng.

And the terrible thing is that after all the members of the Crane Regiment have been washed, even if they are the slowest Shubu or Meatbu, it only takes more than ten minutes to reach the fortress.

The infantry is like this, so let alone the cavalry team headed by the big chopper and the Shu cavalry. Even Yang Rui, who is in the front row of the main city, arrived at the fortress with the chopper and the Shu cavalry. It only takes a few minutes.

The so-called speed of soldiers is precious, and the speed of the crane group's airborne landing is so fast, it is obviously far beyond what the ghost can accept or expect at the beginning.

Counting from the time of [-]:[-], and even before [-]:[-], red dots began to appear in the fortress of members of the Wandering Army.

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!If the main force has not mobilized troops, hurry up and mobilize troops, and start to focus on fire at 10:30!Tonight, high and low let the prosperous peony get rid of the layers!

Since many of the front row fortresses on Forgot's Tutu side have been overturned by their opponents, the heavy responsibility of defense naturally falls on the Forgotten Fireworks members who are generally at the front of the fortress.

It was only at this time that Yang Rui suddenly realized that since he spent a lot of money to buy these dozens of full-red accounts and handed over the full authority to the studio to control the accounts, every time he needed to attack and defend on the battlefield to share tasks, he basically They will choose to forget the fireworks to attack, and forget to lead the soil to garrison.

In fact, this is a more understandable choice. After all, compared with the members of the two Juyi, there is actually no difference in combat effectiveness.

As for the studio control numbers, to put it bluntly, each of them is no different from a robot, basically, or it can be said that it will never be affected by personal emotions.

So naturally, Yang Rui, who is in charge of an action with a relatively large number of variables such as an attack, will habitually hand it over to someone with a higher overall execution ability and a smaller error coefficient, forgetting to carry out the firework.

As for the defense of such a relatively simple character, Yang Rui will generally hand it over to serious "players" who have forgotten to lead the soil.

After all, to garrison this kind of thing, no matter how low your personal morale is, it is nothing more than throwing the main force to garrison, not to mention relying on the bonus of the main city, it will be easier to earn martial arts.

Including Yang Rui himself has been forgetting the gathering of the earth, so subconsciously, he will be more inclined to leave this kind of task that is easier to eat martial arts to himself.

But this time Yang Rui dropped all the candidates who were in charge of offense and defense. Apart from forgetting that Li Tu had almost lost most of the front row positions, there was another more important reason.

It's also a morale issue. After going up the mountain to fight for a long time, Yang Rui can be regarded as seeing that the gang of He Tuan are all as excited about going up the mountain to hammer the flourishing peony.

Especially after the combination of the bloody and prosperous world group and the Nantian group in the afternoon, the desire of the members of the crane group to fight can even be said to have reached the extreme.

At this moment, no matter how he thinks about it, Yang Rui has no reason to give up this great opportunity when the morale is in full swing. What Yang Rui wants is to rely on the morale of the Crane Tuan, which has reached its peak, to open the door for the flourishing peony. With a pretty heavy blow.

On the other side, seeing that the members of the Crane Group have been in place one after another, the phantom, who is cautious by nature, is not in a hurry to continue the attack. After all, if he wants to move forward, he will have to directly face the garrison who has forgotten the fireworks.

An Lan丨Ren Cai on the other side of the pass is still waiting eagerly. If we lose another [-] members in order to seize the upper hand, how will we fight the next battle?
Even if you can exchange one to the other at the limit, you will be dumbed down by those who forgot about fireworks, but the wandering army is different from the regular army. As long as they can win a game or two, they will be resurrected with full blood on the spot, but what about me?Now there are no reserve barracks and large fortresses available, and there is no other way except to recruit troops bit by bit with time.

While thinking this way in my heart, the strategy for the next battle in Kaocheng, or tonight, has already begun to take shape in the mind of the ghost.

Just a simple word: Shou!

It's useless to say more, and defend with all your strength. At least tonight, no matter whether it is the pass or your own position, you must not lose it. Put it off until tomorrow morning, take advantage of one side's unpreparedness, and use all your strength to focus on the fire. As long as you can destroy one side in a short time, Then relying on the time lag for this side to recover its combat power, Sheng Shi Mudankai will be able to successfully control the initiative on the battlefield.

But this kind of truth, the ghost can think clearly, and of course Yang Rui and June can't see clearly.

So starting at [-]:[-] in the evening, accompanied by an extremely stern enemy attack siren, the first group rocket head from the member who had forgotten to lead the soil had already appeared in front of everyone so abruptly!
Immediately afterwards, in just a few minutes, the second arrow, the third arrow, the fourth arrow, ... Countless arrows appeared on the battlefield one after another, until the entire flourishing peony's front row was completely wiped out. engulf!
Predicting the enemy's opportunity first, defeating the enemy to win, and seizing the opportunity will always be a major factor that can determine the outcome to a considerable extent on the battlefield!
Shengshi Peony forms an alliance to manage the penguin colony.

Appearance of the ghost: @Everyone, attention of the leader!Shengshi regiment, ghost regiment, mandarin duck regiment, Beigong regiment, all the front row positions are full of speed!The wandering army wants to fight through tonight, and they must not be allowed to succeed!
In addition, the Nantian group, the baby group, and the target of An Lan丨Rencai's formation, launched a harassment-type focus fire, with the purpose of absolutely not letting them live comfortably!
In short, let me just say that the wandering army obviously wants to cooperate with An Lan and help them open up the situation. Now the two sides are equivalent to a showdown.

(End of this chapter)

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