Chapter 326 Flat Push
Seeing that the Shengshi Peonykai's large troops began to advance towards the right side of the Kaocheng battlefield, An Lan丨long raised his head and knew that if the right side was really successfully broken through by Shengshi Peonykai, then it would mean that the entire Yuzhou would be exposed to Shengshi Peonykai's face .

At that time, if you want to push the prosperous peony out of Yuzhou, it will be tantamount to ascending to the sky.

So almost when Shengshi Peony opened a large number of arrows and appeared on the right side of the battlefield, An Lan丨龙's command email had already been sent out.

After the two sides resumed their forces, the second wave of full-scale collisions began!

However, An Lan丨Long raised his head and did not just garrison blindly. He knew that if he wanted to win on the battlefield, it would be impossible to rely on garrison alone. After all, even if he defended the gap, Shengshi Mudankai still existed in Yuzhou.

Shengshi Mudankai obviously sent out a regiment to garrison the fortress group, and the ones they sent to attack were no more than two regiments in their early years.

[All mail] An Lan丨Long raised his head: From now on, the Beijing regiment is responsible for attacking the Shengshi Mudankai fortress group, and the other two regiments are stationed with all their strength. We must drag Shengshi Mudankai to death here!


In the early stage of each season, the most irritating point for the battle between the alliances is the lack of personnel. Just like now, on the battlefield of Kaocheng, the combined members of the two alliances are only in their early [-]s.

With a little more than three regiments in each alliance, it is difficult to cover the entire battlefield while fulfilling the commander's firepower requirements.

Often before they have been mobilized much, the hands are already stretched.

However, this is of course a good thing for the current Shengshi Mudankai. The three most elite ace groups of the entire Shengshi Mudankai are in the alliance. The combat power that the current Shengshi Mudankai can display is definitely considered The top is the top of the land.

Moreover, since the number of alliances on both sides is not too large, and the battlefield is not willing to spread too much, this kind of small-scale battle is more suitable for the concentrated fire and blasting of the three ace groups.

So when seeing that Anlan丨Rencai also decided to send out a regiment of troops to attack his front row position, the ghost knew immediately that the breakthrough of the Shengshi regiment and the ghost regiment would definitely have an effect.

Sure enough, the garrison of only two regiments, under the concentrated fire of the Shengshi regiment and the ghost regiment, was already on the verge of collapse soon!

Shengshi Peony opened the alliance channel.

Prosperity丨Tieqi: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] This doesn't work either, old irons, it's too bad.

Nan Tian丨Nan Feng: Good guy, I thought that the ghost Wangman's pink armor was enough, but I didn't expect that the iron cavalry boss had also arranged for the red armor?

Prosperity丨铁骑士: It’s a trivial matter, just buy whatever you want, buy whatever you want.

Phantom丨Tianci: [Battle Report] Pay attention to the id with a strong prefix, it seems that they are all high-level battles of An Lan丨Rencai, this is really disgusting when Ma Chao meets Zhan Saber.

Prosperity丨Nancheng: (938.929) Hurry up!There are only two teams left here!Set fire to take down the brothers!
Nantian丨Fenghua: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] Sure enough, as long as it is popular enough, everyone wants to play Yuan Shaofa Dao, it's disgusting.

Ghost King: [Battle Report] [Battle Report] (938.929) Hurry up!The two teams stationed here were pierced by me, and they protruded directly from here!

Prosperity丨Meat Floss: Veterans of the Prosperity Group, let’s go!

Looking at the battle report of successfully piercing through the only two remaining garrisons, Ghost King had to say that the traditional Shu cavalry had completely lost its original status.

I think back when I was still a newbie, there were still many people playing Ma Dai, Ma Yunlu, Guan Yu or these traditional Shu cavalry with sp Xu Shu as the forward.

But looking at the present, the Shuqi formed by players with sufficient qualifications can no longer see Xu Shu in the forward position, and all of them have been replaced by Zhang Xiu.

But it is also true that in terms of the characteristics of Shu cavalry alone, it does fit Zhang Xiu very well.

And all the way from the general of the sewers, Zhang Xiu became the best choice for the forward of the Shuqi, and it can also be said that he has the credit for conquering the season's changeable gameplay.


As Shengshi Mudankai's first fire point was successfully taken down by Shengshi Mudankai after receiving the final blow from the ghost king, An Lan丨丨Long raised his head and painstakingly laid out the defense, which was directly torn apart by Shengshi Mudankai a hole.

Shengshi Peony was not polite at all when he opened this large army, and immediately centered on this point, and began to spread towards the surroundings like a virus, quickly spreading towards the entire battlefield.

"It's over, I can't keep it anymore!"

At this moment, the thought of being unable to hold on anymore suddenly appeared in An Lan丨long raised his head.

Indeed, if there were 380 people on both sides, and if they fought in a stance, An Lan丨long raised his head and thought that he would not collapse so quickly.

After all, although Shengshi Mudankai almost crushed An Lan in terms of combat effectiveness, there will be a lot of people, let alone 380 people, even if it is 380 pigs, it will take some effort to kill them all.

But the problem is that it's only been a week since the opening of the district, and the prosperity of Peony will not give you enough development at all, and there will be a fight between 600 people on both sides.

What are the advantages of the flourishing peony opening, the ghost king and the ghost are very clear, so this is why the flourishing peony opening has to break through the test city for no reason.

Because they know that at this time, when the three ace groups, the Shengshi Tuan, Ghost Tuan, and Nantian Tuan, have entered the Shengshi Mudankai one after another, it is the time when the Shengshi Mudankai is really the most powerful at the same time!
Since the first target point was successfully captured by Shengshi Mudankai, An Lan丨Rencai's defense has begun to show fatigue after that. For a while, the entire Kaocheng battlefield has completely fallen into the rhythm of Shengshi Mudankai.

For the next ten minutes, An Lan丨Rencai's defense was only being led by the nose by Shengshi Peony.

In desperation, An Lan丨Long raised his head and could only order the Beijing regiment, who was in charge of the attack, to give up the attack and join the garrisoned camp.

It wasn't until the Beijing regiment successfully returned to the defense and joined the garrison that An Lan丨Rencai finally gradually stabilized the situation on the entire Kaocheng battlefield.

It's just that until Anlan丨Rencai temporarily stabilized the situation, Shengshi Mudan had pushed her forward by as much as five grids!
You know, being pushed five squares in 10 minutes on the battlefield is basically the same as being pushed flat.

Everyone present was quite clear in their hearts that if the fight continues according to this situation, it won't be long before An Lan丨Ren Cai will face a flat push from the blooming peony in the prosperous age!
 In the recent chapters, we will focus on describing An Lan's battlefield a little bit. After all, compared with the pure flat push in Fenghuo, the battle of the regular army is still slightly more intense in Yuzhou.

(End of this chapter)

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