Chapter 320
It has to be said that Shengshi Mudankai, as a top T0 alliance in the world, has been in the conquest season for many years. Although its reputation is far less than that of a new alliance, compared to other alliances, whether it is status or Fame can be regarded as a lot ahead.

The same is true for Beacon. Although it has always been a T2-strength alliance, it does not mean that they are not strong enough, especially when it was reported earlier that Beacon will be integrated with Jianzhi Tianmen next season, and their strength will definitely improve by leaps and bounds.

So at the beginning of the season, most people basically believed that this season will be conquered by Shengshi Peony, Beacon丨Summer Festival will win the second largest separatist regime, and the remaining small pattern is likely to be The winner will be decided between An Lan and the Knights.

But now it seems that things are far from that simple. This new star who landed in Liu Yan's forces, or the unique crane group, seems to have its own strength.

And precisely because of tonight's attack on the city, many people who eat melons took out their mobile phones to log in to the post bar, and searched for the record post about the crane group.

As a result, after searching and searching, there is only one result: trench!From beginning to end, from head to toe, from the inside out!

There are a total of one hundred people in the whole regiment, and the military expenditure per season has reached nearly 20!And the 20 did not include the usual extra rewards at all.

Such a reward system is absolutely unprecedented at any stage of leading the soil.


There are many differences between the Clash of Heroes script and the original ordinary season, and one of the obvious changes is in the terrain and levels.

Originally, if you want to get from Yanzhou or Qingzhou to Yuzhou and Yangzhou where Yuan Shu's forces are located, you must pass through Xuzhou, so this is why Xuzhou often becomes the must-have place between Qingzhou and Yangzhou in the S season.

Today's competition is different. New checkpoints have been added between Yuzhou and Yanzhou. One is the fifth-level checkpoint Kaocheng below Yanzhou Dingtao, and the other is the fifth-level checkpoint behind Chenliu in Yanzhou. Already I.

These two checkpoints undertook the task of connecting Yuzhou and Yanzhou, and successfully led the war between Cao Cao's forces and Yuan Shu's forces from Xuzhou to Ziyuan Prefecture.

Of course, in addition to this, there is another newly added checkpoint called Huaxian, but Huaxian connects Yanzhou and Xuzhou.

Unlike the Crane Tuan, who did not enter Yongzhou to find trouble with Fenghuo in the short term, as the two giants in the eastern theater, Mudankai, who is now in the prosperous age of Cao Cao's forces, and An Lan丨Rencai, who is in Yuan Shu's forces, the relationship between the two is actually It has already reached the point where fire and water are incompatible.

Therefore, everyone in these two families, including An Lan丨Long Rising Head and Ghost King, knows the importance of Kaocheng and Jiwu to the entire battle situation.

Since the opening of the zone, the two alliances have consciously started paving the way towards Kaocheng and Jiwu, ready to deal with emergencies at any time.

Gradually, a week passed like this, and a full three days have passed since the whole district began to enter the rhythm of beating the city. For this kind of T-level match, a small fifth-level gate, three In a few days, it has long been unable to play any defensive role.

It was okay at first, but now, the smell of gunpowder is getting stronger and stronger in the air.

Shengshi Mudankai did not hide the thoughts of Kaocheng and Jiwu at all. While enclaving Chengyang, the sixth-level county of Qingzhou, it also enclaved Kaocheng and Jiwu on a large scale.

Since the airports had already been prepared at these two checkpoints, Shengshi Peony's enclave was carried out very quickly. When An Lan丨Rencai discovered it, many people in Shengshi Peony had already completed the enclave mission.

The management of Anlan丨Rencai also expressed their dissatisfaction with Shengshi Peony's blatantly setting up a fortress to provoke her, but they responded quickly and launched an active enclave at the two gates.

Logically speaking, even if you Shengshi Mudankai did have a considerable lead in combat power, you wouldn't be so insolent, right?Four days after the opening of the district, the group of fortresses directly attacked me. Do you really think that I, Yuan Shu, have no temper?
It has to be said that compared with Anlan丨Rencai, Shengshi Peony's execution ability is indeed quite ahead.

On this night, while attacking Chengyang, the sixth-level county city, Shengshi Peony opened the enclave of Yuzhou and Yanzhou border checkpoint Kaocheng, which was also proceeding smoothly.

If it weren't for Shengshi Peony's behavior of opening this enclave to test the city too blatantly, I am afraid that An Lan丨Rencai would have just reacted until Shengshi Peony started to build a fortress.

The time soon came to nine o'clock that night.

[All emails] Appearance of the ghost: Attention everyone!All the main forces hit the city on time at nine o'clock!The entire Chengyang County is short of this county, so tonight's task of beating the city is also very important!
In addition, after taking down Chengyang, all the staff hastened to enclave Kaocheng and Jiwu. Tomorrow at 120 o'clock at noon, they will break through and enter Yuzhou on time!This is our Shengshi Mudankai's first fight this season, so we must show [-] million points of passion!

From now on, all the main forces start to attack the city in seconds, rushing!

As soon as the ghost appeared and gave an order, the main force of a large number of Shengshi Mudankai members shot out from the fortress group towards Chengyang.

One thing that must be admitted is that the game progress and speed of T0-level games are indeed much faster than in other ordinary seasons. In just four days, today's Shengshi Peony Kai has been able to double-open sixth-level cities.

In previous seasons, this kind of speed was unimaginable.

It's just to prepare for tomorrow's battle of the test city, so Shengshi Peonykai only arranged a symbolic task to fight Chengyang today, so as to leave enough time for the members of Shengshi Peonykai to develop.

On the other hand, Anlan丨Rencai did not behave as calmly as Shengshi Mudankai. They have never opened up to Shengshi Mudan in their eyes. They never expected that Shengshi Mudankai would be the first to act.

So when it was discovered that Shengshi Peony had begun to make large-scale enclaves towards Kaocheng and Jiwu, the two major Yuyan checkpoints, it panicked immediately, and quickly ordered the enclave to pave the way.

However, in the eyes of Anlan丨Rencai and other managers, the reason why Shengshi Mudankai was so anxious to take the initiative to fight with him was not simply because he was just rushing to fight, even if he claimed to be T0 strength, he would not be so anxious .

In their view, there must be someone else behind the promotion of Shengshi Peony to open the area with confidence to break through the customs and enter Yuzhou in four days.

But who is this person?In fact, the answer is almost ready to come out. As the only ally on the enlightened side of Shengshi Peony, it is obviously impossible for Fenghuo, the alliance of Yongzhou forces, to have such strength. Face to face with Hetuan, even self-protection is a problem for them.

As for the other forces?Gongsun Zan, Ma Teng, Liu Biao, Tao Qian, these are just a group of scattered people, why should a group of lambs waiting to be slaughtered give Shengshi Mudan such confidence?
If it's a crane group, that's even more impossible. An Lan丨Long looked up and thought he knew Yang Rui quite well. He should be the happiest of all when he met Shengshi Mudankai. It's too late to start a fight. , how could it be possible to vote directly?

So it is obvious that the person behind the scenes has already been fully understood. An Lan丨Long's rise is at least [-]% certain, that is, he formed an alliance with himself before the opening of the district, but after the opening of the district, he kept pretending to be dead of: Knights go!
(End of this chapter)

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