My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 307 is very slow, but also easy to use

Chapter 307 is very slow, but also easy to use

Yang Rui's naked and ironic speech on the World Channel undoubtedly set off the rhythm of the entire World Channel.

Seeing that the soul of the opponent would choose to end the game in person and open his mouth, all the thousands of teams who had gathered fire and failed to win the main city of the wandering army were already a little bit embarrassed. Forbearance, one after another chose to pour into the world channel to vent their resentment.

Regarding the scolding war on the World Channel, the new coach丨Superstar didn’t have any intention of stopping it. A round of concentrated fire with 380 people in the league failed to win the opponent’s main city. This kind of problem is not just as simple as embarrassment Yes, the more important point is that it hurts morale too much!
If the dissatisfaction of the members of Zero 丨 Dragon War World can be diverted by relying on World Channel scolding, then at least in the eyes of the new coach 丨 Superstar, this deal will be profitable in the short term.

As for Yang Rui, he also did not choose to stop the members of the Crane Group from participating in this matchup. Of course, the main reason why Yang Rui did not stop it was not because he wanted to divert the dissatisfaction of the members. What dissatisfaction could the Crane Group have?
Hard resistance to zero丨Long Zhantianxia focused fire for a round, and also avoided the danger of reward reduction later. Now the morale of the crane group is at its peak.

The main reason why Yang Rui chose to pretend to be deaf and dumb and let the World Channel continue laning, or it can be said to be the only main reason, is that Yang Rui discovered that Brother Pingtou's laning ability is so strong that it is outrageous!

Most of the other members of the Crane Group went up to sneer and said nothing more, but this flat-headed brother said it so bluntly that one person sprayed one alliance!

Although this kind of thing has never been a good thing worth promoting, Yang Rui still prefers to see this kind of scene that is all played out on the bright side, compared to being an inappropriate person on the call channel.

They are not shady people, why do they have to hide in the barking channel and bark?Directly speak on the World Channel, and when the time comes, there will be revenge and resentment, won’t it be over?

Of course, the laning of the World Channel will not affect the upcoming offensive of the Crane Group. Almost when the World Channel is making it difficult to see, the attack from the Crane Group is already quietly brewing stand up.

And Yang Rui, whose main force of the five teams adds up to less than 2 people, is of course impossible to participate in this battle, including those members who forgot to lead the main city to be arranged in the first ring of the battlefield, and they will not be canceled in a short time Stick to it until there are enough free battle areas in the front row, and your main city is safe enough within a few hours, then you will cancel the stick and turn around to continue participating in the battle.

As for the advancing policy, after a brief discussion between Yang Rui and June, they decided on the spot, completely abandoning the original wide open and close attack, and continued to implement step by step, step by step advance method.

On the battlefield, the wandering army will choose to use the nine-square grid to advance. It can be said that from the moment when the land renewal and the wandering army mechanism was born until now, it is quite a rare thing.

But Yang Rui wanted to take a slant. It seems that the wandering army suddenly gave up their high-explosive fire-focusing and advancing ability, but chose to devote themselves to this rather slow-paced advancing style of play. It is stupid, but only a new coach with personal experience丨It was only then that the superstar knew that the advance of the Jiugongge was actually the most suitable style of play for the wandering army on the Luoyang battlefield.

The main reason why the wandering army likes to fight fast-paced battles is actually because they are not good at slow-paced battles.

Of course, it doesn't matter if you fight high, you can win a lot of money no matter how you fight, but ordinary players are different, basically they earn far less than they pay.

Basically, after a few hours of fighting, you can only rely on resource packs to survive. After fighting for two or three days, civilian players will starve to death, leaving only a group of high-level fighters and it is difficult to make any waves.

Because of this, the fast-paced advance combat and the method of resolving the battle within two or three days have been firmly chosen by the wandering army for so many years.

But the Crane Tuan is different. Looking at the Crane Tuan from top to bottom, there are exactly 90 people. Even the best June, there are three teams with more than [-] red players, and they are definitely the pillars among ordinary players. The presence.

And the other 89 players are all above [-] red from the fifth team in the main city, and without exception, they all guarantee the high-level battle of the third team's pink arms. Who would be afraid of a protracted battle?
When the overall combat effectiveness of the wandering army reached a terrifying level, Ling丨Long Zhantianxia, ​​who was a regular army, became the least dominant side in the protracted war!
If it wasn't for the Golden Seal and Purple Ribbon this season, and there was no special way of playing with military resources, I'm afraid there would have been a lot of zeros in the Luoyang battlefield until now.
When faced with Hetuan's move of no longer taking risks, no longer betting against each other, and focusing on playing every step of the way to win steadily, the new coach 丨 superstar has no good solution at all. Apart from being able to stabilize his own position, if he wants to find a breakthrough to form a reverse push, even if the new coach 丨 superstar wants to break his head, he can't find any good breakthrough to operate at all.

Especially in this round of 380 people who didn't blow up a single firework丨March, even if the dissatisfaction of the members can be transferred to the World Channel, the blow to morale is real no matter what.

In addition, now that the wandering army has launched an offensive, one piece after another of the link sites in the front row has been lost. Once these link sites within the supply range of the wandering army members' main city are lost, it will be more difficult to regain them. up.

With the passage of time, under the joint efforts of the Forgotten Suitu and Forgotten Fireworks, it didn't even take an hour. , and all of them have been successfully captured by the wandering army!
A few days ago, the advancing distance, which had been regarded as the limit, could be taken so easily now, and June had to lament that although this step-by-step style of play is indeed a waste of time, it is indeed very useful.

And seeing that their main city was hardly threatened, the members of the first ring and the row who had forgotten to lead the soil simply chose to cancel their defense and join the battle to advance together.

Including Yang Rui, although the main force is still in the conscription state, but in order to keep consistent with other members, Yang Rui also chose to cancel the persistence.

About two hours after the full-scale battle between the two sides today, at ten o'clock in the morning, the front row of the members of the wandering army had once again touched the most central position in the Luoyang battlefield.

In other words, Crane Tuan once again threatened Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia Luoyang Fortress Group!

(End of this chapter)

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