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Chapter 304 Shenjun's Stable Loss Situation

Chapter 304 Shenjun's Stable Loss Situation

Under Yang Rui's arrangement, Wang Litu and Wang Huo Huo didn't rush to one point with all their strength, but began to divide into two different directions and rush towards the Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia Fortress Group to start a dash.

Facing the wandering army divided into two groups, the new coach 丨 Superstar wanted to keep the Luoyang fortress group from being broken through as much as possible, so he had no choice but to choose to divide the troops in the same way.

The formation of the eight regiments was once again divided into two by the new coach 丨 Superstar on the spot, one half was used to fight against the forgotten rate, and the other four regiments were responsible for the fight against the forgotten fireworks.

Although such an arrangement directly led to the passiveness of both sides of the battlefield, it is undoubtedly the most applicable defensive tactic.

In particular, I forgot about Litu. Since there are already more than ten members in the whole Juyi, they can only rely on the fifth-level fortress in the front line to fight, and the reserve capacity can only hold [-] if it is full, which is obviously not enough to support such a fierce battle. of a battlefield.

It was okay at first, but as time passed, the battlefield gradually deepened, and the offensive of Forgot to lead the soil began to gradually show a weak posture.

I forgot about the fireworks. Since my own combat power has not been significantly weakened or affected, from the official start of the war until the time came to noon, during the three hours in the middle, the battlefield on the left side of Luoyang was full of forgetfulness. It was carried out in order to lead the soil to occupy an absolute advantage.

But when the manpower was finally exhausted, after all, there was still a considerable gap in the number of the two sides. With the deepening of the wandering army's position, the phenomenon of lack of stamina was finally fully revealed after one o'clock in the afternoon.

The war-free period for the previously captured positions ended, and Zero丨Dragon Wars Tianxia began to allocate a large number of manpower to clear the ground, but the wandering army could not spare any time to garrison it.

In other words, the dilemma that the entire wandering army is facing now is that the offense and defense can only be specialized. If you choose to continue advancing, you will have no spare power to garrison. If you choose to garrison to keep the existing results, then you will have no spare power to continue to zero. What kind of threat does the Long Zhantianxia position pose?

Therefore, almost all of these positions successfully captured by the wandering army basically only have an hour of control period, and as soon as the hour is over, they will all be recaptured by Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia.

Seeing that the situation on the battlefield in Luoyang was once again changing from being favorable to him to one favoring Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​Yang Rui saw it and was anxious in his heart. At the same time, he also knew that he had no effective solution.

Crane group management group of three.

June: @烟花丨March, March, it’s not very good, I can’t push it anymore, and now the brothers go out for a battle, their speed is faster than ours, and they will always be one step slower.

Firework丨March: No way, the main battlefield is a bit too far away from our main city array, and the gap in the number of people is too big, so it's normal that we can't move.

Han丨Tiandao: So what should we do, we can’t just stay in the same place all the time, can we?

Fireworks丨March: The only way is to wait, until tomorrow night when the brothers move to the city, the CD will be better, and rely on the main city formation to move forward. This should be the only way.

June: Emmm, let’s look at it now, step by step, taking a big leap every three days is indeed the most reasonable tactic, but what you need to know in March is that there are less than 20 days left until the end of the season. I'm afraid it's too late for us to keep pace.

Fireworks丨March: So what should we do? You have seen the battlefield today. Basically, as long as we leave the first ten rings of our main city formation, our offensive will be greatly weakened. It can't be moved at all.

June: Do the math, we are now about [-] blocks away from Luoyang. If we rely on the main city formation to push forward step by step, although the time is a bit rushed, we should still have time.

It’s just that if that’s the case, we definitely won’t have the chance to burn other state capitals. If we take Luoyang, we can even take a state capital like Chengdu if we die.

Fireworks丨March: Other state capitals don’t matter. It’s impossible for us to burn [-] states every season. Besides, our brothers in Hetuan, the difference between the first and third divisions is actually not that big, and it can even be said that there is no difference at all. .

But what makes me most angry is actually the bulldozers. Nima told me half a month ago that Yizhou and Jingzhou were going to go up the mountain, but now it’s almost settled, and we are still the only people on the mountain.

June: Hahaha, isn't that normal?Before they thought that we burned Luoyang, they might have a chance to take advantage of it, of course it is impossible to divide people up the mountain and waste the fighting power of their regular army.

As a result, you dragged them for six or seven days in Sili, and suddenly broke their rhythm, and it was too late to divide the people up the mountain, so now I think, compared to us, the mentality should be more broken. Chicken gang.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: What you said, it seems that this is the case. Forget it, no matter what, it’s done anyway. I have to get ready in the afternoon. I feel that Zero Dragon War must still rush A wave of ours.

June: Don't worry, I will continue to ask my brothers to push forward in the afternoon. Even if Zero Dragon Zhan wants to push you, it will make them push harder than anyone else.


Indeed, as Yang Rui and June analyzed, the mentality of the bulldozers in the past two days can be said to have undergone a great change.

In the beginning, Yuzhou was defeated by zero 丨 dragons and the world's pigs, and they were almost pushed out of Yuzhou. The state capital was also lost, and almost all the counties were lost.

After finally looking forward to the stars and the moon, the wandering army brothers hoped that the crisis in Yuzhou was resolved, and the bulldozers also got a hard-won respite.

But in the past two days, the more Shenjun thought about it, the more he felt that something was wrong. The road from Tongguan to Luoyang, no matter how you look at it, it doesn't take almost a week to get there, right?
When the seeds of doubt are planted in my heart, there is no doubt that they will naturally take root and germinate quickly. Coupled with other signs, Shenjun finally became completely sure: this fireworks丨Sanyue is deliberately messing with himself!

Indeed, Yang Rui's counterattack completely put the local chicken camp into a state of confusion. Judging from the current situation, the remaining time of the season is quite insufficient, and it is only enough for Luoyang battlefield to win minus.

Zero丨Long Zhantian Tianxia defends Luoyang, that is, the local chickens and the wandering army and the big knife split the belly pocket, and the three troubled times are ordered.

Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia If Luoyang is not defended, it will be Zero丨Dragon Zhan Tianxia, ​​native chickens, big knives splitting belly pockets to separatist regime, life three will still be in troubled times.

So no matter what, as the third life who has been with me for a season, it is definitely going to be a chaotic world, and the native chicken can only guard the three divisions, that's all.

In other words, it is still unclear who will win and who will win between the Wandering Army and Zero丨Long Zhan Tianxia, ​​but the native chicken camp has already become a sure-lose situation!
(End of this chapter)

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