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Chapter 268 First Battle, Yecheng

Chapter 268 First Battle, Yecheng

【Crane group】

Brother Pingtou: Brothers, brothers!The wandering army is open!Finally, it’s my fault. After a few more days, I feel that I’m not a good person, and the fifth team is doing it every day.

Dasheng: Haha, who is not, what should I say now?Shouldn't we go straight up the mountain?

Han丨Tiandao: Don't be in a hurry, wait and see what brother Sanyue has to say, everything will be arranged later.

Fireworks丨March: @Everyone, brothers, attention, the Wandering Army has opened up all the main force leveling, and the buildings have been ordered enough, all the staff will go up the mountain and land in Jizhou!Look for Juyi, forget rate soil and forget fireworks!In the first battle, prepare to set fire to Yecheng to practice!

Hongtashan: Wuhu, here they are, they are really here, but the Linglong Zhan forces are all on the side of Pengcheng, and our ninety brothers are going to burn Yecheng, does it mean to kill chickens with a butcher's knife? inside?

Fireworks丨March: Haha, the purpose is to engage in a zero-dragon mentality. After taking Yecheng, first burn Jinyang, and then start to completely burn down the state capital. This season, I will try to burn down the thirteen states again.

June: I can only say that it is very dreamy, but it feels a bit too difficult for the T1 game to burn thirteen states.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Hey, you have to have a dream. Last season we had a team of 50 people, so it was difficult to play. This season, there are [-] brothers. Isn’t that easy?
Another thing is that this battle in Yecheng is the first battle of our Crane Corps this season as a wandering army, so all military rewards are doubled!
Han丨Tiandao: Yes, Ollie!Just rush and you're done!


In the group of cranes, with Yang Rui raising his arms and shouting, purple main cities suddenly began to emerge frantically in Jizhou.

In addition to the 90 people in the headquarters of the Crane Group, plus the trumpet with almost one man, it can be said that in a relatively short period of time, nearly two hundred wandering troops have emerged in Jizhou!

200 people, of course, is not an astronomical figure for a not-so-small state like Jizhou, but there are so many wandering troops all of a sudden, and at the same time that a considerable number of people are going up the mountain, they have already begun to spread out unscrupulously. It's hard not to attract the attention of Zero Dragon Zhan management.

At the beginning, Zero Dragon War was not too eager to deal with the wandering army. After all, judging from the existing information, there were not many wandering troops approaching Yecheng.

But just over an hour later, as the Hongtashan trumpet miraculously landed at the foot of the mountain not far to the left of Yecheng, and immediately after more and more stray army enclave arrows began to appear, Zero Dragon War, Finally had to start being mobilized.

Yecheng, Linzi, and of course including PY, these three state capitals can be said to be the foundation of the Zero Dragon War this season. In T1 level games, as long as the opponent does not make any deadly moves, then if you want to win the Kyushu Prefecture Even the conquest of the thirteen states is not to say that it is quite difficult, it can only be said that it is so big that it reaches the sky.

As far as the current situation is concerned, Zero Dragon War has even made preparations to conquer Linzi, Yecheng, PY, Luoyang, and Youzhou Prefecture Ji.

If Yecheng falls, there is no doubt that the plan of Zero Dragon War will be ruined.

As a result, the new coach 丨 superstar quickly made his own decision. Since Pengcheng could not win the battle for a long time, there was no need to stay in other people's home courts to waste energy in vain.

There are 350 people in the league, and the new coach丨Superstar has transferred 200 people from four regiments in Yecheng, leaving only three regiments to continue mediating with bulldozers to avoid being invaded by their opponents.

At the same time, under the arrangement of the new coach 丨 superstar, Da Dao Pi Duo also began to prepare to break through and use the airport to parachute into Yecheng to help defend.

Judging from the performance of the management team of Zero Dragon War after the Wandering Army just appeared, it can be said that it has given Yang Rui and Hetuan enough respect. Except that Liangzhou is still in Yizhou, Zero Dragon War almost He has already transferred all the manpower he can mobilize to the area of ​​Yecheng.

Originally, the new coach 丨 Superstar, who was very eager to transfer troops, actually wanted to increase his moves as soon as he came up, trying to take advantage of the time when the wandering army had not gained a stable foothold, and directly beat them away, and then began to arrange people to seal the mountain.

However, even though Zero Dragon War has brought the speed of mobilizing troops to Yecheng to the extreme, it still underestimated the speed at which the wandering army established positions. Basically, it only took less than an hour for the two families of Yanhuo to get together, and a large number of members began to build their own fortress at the foot of Yecheng Mountain.

Originally, it only took more than two hours for the wandering army to build a fortress, plus a little more from the civilian workers, that is to say, since the wandering army first appeared in Yecheng, it took less than three hours to build a fortress. The main city of a member of the Crane Group has appeared quite abruptly in front of the members of Zero Dragon War!
When the Linglong Zhan troops finally arrived at the fortress group in Yecheng, they were greeted by a total of ninety wandering troops from the Crane Regiment!
Think about it, the mountain range on the left side of Yecheng is not too big, but it has to accommodate a full ninety main cities crowded together. How spectacular is this scene?

Of course, the members of Zero Dragon War who lack vision can't feel the magnificence at all. What they can feel is the deep shock brought by the members of the two sides after the first fight!

"This shit, is everyone really popular?"

The two sides just had no command for one round, and it was purely subconscious contact. The combat effectiveness of the members of the crane group had already made these "old fritters" who had been in T1 level games all the year round feel a little fear.

In fact, the name of Manhong Tuan Crane Tuan has already been widely spread in the field circle, and even nowadays, whenever there is a high-income war regiment in the preparation area, someone will jokingly ask if there is 20 military expenses.

But for this kind of thing, seeing is believing and hearing is deceiving. Before experiencing the terrifying combat power of Crane Tuan, not only the members of Zero Dragon Zhan, but also everyone will think that the name of Crane Tuan is worthwhile. Half of it is bragging.

However, now, Yang Ruike will not give the members of the four regiments of Linglong Zhan any time and space to adjust their emotions. Seeing that the main cities of the two Juyi members on his side have basically moved here, he simply immediately A fierce attack was launched on the stretch of Yecheng fortresses.

The terrain of the mountains at the foot of Yecheng is quite awkward for Linglong Zhan. There is only a two-to-three-block wide intersection between the two mountains, and one of them is the land of war.

In the face of more and more wandering troops, it is obvious that they are directed by the attacking arrows. If you defend, you are falling into the trap of the wandering army. It is quite an irrational choice to resist the wandering army's garrison.

But what if they are not stationed?The mountain pass, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack, has been knocked down, and it is more than a little bit more difficult for Zero Dragon Zhan to push it back.

In the end, as the commander of the battlefield in Yecheng, the new coach丨Superstar still had no choice but to bite the bullet and make his own decision: to garrison with all the staff and resist concentrated fire.

(End of this chapter)

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