My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 25 Just for 3 things

Chapter 25 Just for three things
After Yang Rui's performance, which can be called a god-like performance, pierced through the entire [-] teams stationed on the spot, facing the sudden concentrated fire of the entire sunset red, the defense line that was just built in front of the pass was like the same. Like a piece of thin paper, it was easily torn.

Logically speaking, the difference in combat effectiveness between the two alliances, Ji丨Bingfengxiang and Xiyanghong, is still obvious, but Naihe was first consumed by the eighth-level defenders of the [-]th team at the pass, and then Yang Rui was on the spot. After passing through the [-]th team, the remaining garrisons, even in the face of the concentrated fire of the sunset red members, are still difficult to maintain.

As the commander of Jiji Bingfeng, Jiji Lele is of course aware of this in his heart. Seeing that the frontier of the pass has been easily captured by Xiyanghong on the spot, even if he feels unwilling in every possible way, he can only choose Order and fight and retreat.

He knew very well that today's defeat, at least in the short term, made it impossible for him and these good brothers in Bingzhou to touch the Huguan again.

You know, this is the early stage of the game, it's only the fifth day since the opening of the zone, let alone the current game stage, whether they have been stationed against the sunset red, and also against Yang Rui to attack Huguan. There is no chance of success at all.

On the fifth day of the opening of the district, including Yang Rui, they always felt that they were short of resources, not to mention those who were not at the top of the rankings. Many people had to make great determination to set up such a fortress, let alone say anything. Fight and retreat, the tactic of starting a backup fortress infinitely.

In addition to the pressure exerted by the setting sun at the frontier of the pass, Hua'erhong, the main alliance of Jizhou, has also begun to enclave Jizhou and merge with the pass. They may not choose to break through the pass and go to war directly, but as long as the enclave pass establishes a fortress group, then it will be extremely important. The pressure exerted by the front of the soldiers is real.

Next, apart from being passively beaten and organized to defend, Jiji Bingfeng seems to be able to do nothing but wait for his Liangzhou main league to enter the field.

However, although it was said that the Huguan battlefield was flat, Ji Lele did not feel too much worried about it. In fact, the Jimeng and Junmeng had been in contact long before the opening of the district.

The following series of actions, including maliciously increasing prices to monopolize the return as much as possible, and the establishment of the main alliance of the extreme alliance in Liangzhou, the establishment of the main alliance of the monarch alliance in Yangzhou, and the formation of an encirclement trend against the three alliances of Zhenghong, were also premeditated.

This red 丨 magical machine has been expected for a long time, but there is no way to break the game at all. This is equivalent to someone else setting up a trick for you. It doesn't matter if you jump or don't jump.

At least from the opening of the district to the present, in less than five days, most of the development of the rhythm of the whole district is still in the plan of Jimeng and Junmeng.

If we had to talk about an existence outside the plan, it might be the birth of Yang Rui. However, no matter how strong such a big guy is, no matter how strong he is, he can't really rely on him alone. What impact do people have on the situation in the region?

So Bingzhou rushed to open the Huguan on the fifth day of the opening of the zone. To put it bluntly, he wanted to pick a soft persimmon and squeeze it. To put it bluntly, he actually wanted to test it.

Not only to test the overall strength of Zhenghong's three alliances and their reaction to the start of the war, but also to test what role Youzhou, a top fighter, can play in the battle.

Now that their goal has been achieved, the only uncomfortable thing is that they didn't get the Huguan, and they missed the opportunity. As for the whole, it is basically harmless, and it is impossible to shake it fundamentally.

But in any case, in the battle of Huguan, Sunset Red successfully defeated Ji Bingfeng, which was undoubtedly a huge boost to the morale of members like Sunset Red.

For Yang Rui, the same is true. The main force of his team only went out once, and he earned more than 1 yuan for himself. This also made Yang Rui feel more and more that his choice of returning to supplement the card pool was not enough. You are so right!

Just when Yang Rui sent his troops back to the main city to recruit soldiers, and began to control Shu Bu and rushed to the city to prepare for leveling, there was a ding dong, and the screen of his mobile phone lit up, and there was also the news that he was invited into the penguin colony .

Picking up the phone and looking at it, Yang Rui was a little surprised that he was pulled into Zhenghong's management group by the narration. Before, he agreed to add a penguin because he couldn't stand the narration's softness.

[Just as the red alliance manages the penguin group]

Narrator: @Everyone, hurry up, welcome to Mr. March!
Red丨Shenji: Wucao, the boss of March is here, haha, welcome, welcome, I have been greedy for you for a long time.

Huaiju Zangfeng: The boss adds one, and my group status decreases by one.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: ...Good guy, the narrator pulled me in without even telling me, and pulled me in the management group, what's the matter?Otherwise, I am a casual person, and I feel that joining the management group should be useless.

Hong丨Shenji: It’s nothing to do, it’s just to exchange feelings, after all, you are now the leader of our Qingyouji Sanzhou, so you must be respected.

Huaiju Zangfeng: But I am still curious, is the March boss organized in the conquest season?If not, when we also enter the preparation area, if you don't mind, we can continue to be together.

Tiance丨Suifeng: Good guy, Orange, your words are too simple and rude. You have just been tricked into the group by Mr. March, so what if you scare them away? Don’t worry about Mr. Ao Sanyue. You pulled into the group because you want to consult what you think about the current situation.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Damn, I’m just a casual person, but I’m used to being lazy, and let’s talk about things in the future. Your current situation doesn’t seem to be very good. The situation of one against two, especially in the second season They are all small scripts, and the population gap will be obvious.

Red 丨 Shenji: Yes, this is what I have been worried about, but there is no way, Jimeng and Junmeng have known each other for a long time. Before the season opened, they had already PYed together. This is not something we can control matter.

Firework丨Sanyue: Well, it’s all indifferent. Anyway, since I’m in your territory in Youzhou this season, I’ll work for you. This situation may not be a good thing for me. After all, the more intense the fight and the longer the fight, the more happily I can go to brush martial arts.

Tiance 丨 Suifeng: emmm, so Mr. March, you take such a white account back, draw full draws every day, and smash card packs every day, isn’t it just to get Wu Xun?

Fireworks丨Sanyue: Yes, hahaha, there is nothing more exciting in this world than doing martial arts, and since we all know each other, I don’t hide it. I return this time just for three One thing, Wu Xun, Wu Xun, or TM's Wu Xun!
(End of this chapter)

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