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Chapter 222 The False Marriage

Chapter 222 False Monopoly

This side has just withstood the attack of the Yezhu League, or in other words, when the members of the Yezhu League gathered Rocket Head and was five or six minutes away from the main city of Yang Rui, the Yezhu League not far away had already launched its own attack. offensive.

It's just that unlike Ye Zhumeng, Ye Shengsheng Xiaoxiao's attack direction is not Yang Rui's main city here, but the right side of the main city formation of Crane Group.

Regarding tonight's combat mission, Serhuang knew very well that without the assistance of the wolf totem, although there were 240 people missing on the battlefield, no matter what, he was fighting against a Juyi with only 50 people. Still occupy the advantage of numbers.

It's just that the current number advantage is not as big as it was during the day, so Serhuang did not continue the tactic of attacking one point with all the main alliance and sub-alliances during the day. In his opinion, if the 50 members of the crane group are really concentrated in one Positioning is also a difficult problem to solve.

Therefore, the final tactic was determined as two different directions of the main alliance, sub-alliance and sub-city, attacking in batches towards the main city formation of the Crane Group.

Perhaps the first wave of the crane group can be survived without any risk, but Se Erhuang firmly believes that in the face of such an attack, after a round of duel at most, the crane group will inevitably start to show its flaws!
At that time, as long as I can catch the flaw in time, then it will definitely not be a dream to be humiliated!

"The two alliances didn't set fire together, why, are they going to send us preparations?"

June obviously didn't expect this. In his opinion, the Yemeng's attack in batches is a bit too stupid. The Yezhumeng League is okay. You have a sub-alliance with more than 100 people. Why should you become a group alone? Offensive firepower?
However, after sending out an email in June calling for people to come and garrison, exactly 8 minutes passed, and when the members of the Night Separation Alliance gathered their rocket heads and were only about 4 minutes away from the link site of the main city formation of the Crane Group, they had just marched. The frustrated Ye Zhumeng shot again.

"In time."

After roughly calculating the time, due to the debuff that will halve the marching speed of the troops outside the supply range after midnight, the Crane Group can completely catch up with the concentrated fire of the Night Division before returning to defense.

Four minutes later, a large number of fire-focused troops from members of the Night Separation Alliance arrived on the battlefield as scheduled. What surprised the members of the Crane Group was that the fire-focused troops of at least two or three hundred teams were all Spartan without exception. !

It was not clear what kind of medicine was sold in Searle's yellow gourd, but now there was not much time for June to think about it, so he immediately sent an email and started to defend Yang Rui's main city.

But June's email had just been clicked to send, and the email from Yang Rui immediately appeared on the game screen of the members of the crane group.

[All emails] Fireworks丨Sanyue: Don't come to garrison here!Opposite is Sparta!They do this just to waste our energy, don't be fooled!


Although most people felt a little apprehensive looking at the hundreds of arrows in front of them, but since the head of the group said so, of course they only had reason to carry out.

As for why Yang Rui dared to send an email with such certainty, to be honest, Yang Rui himself didn't dare to be too sure, he just felt that this was probably the case.

From the fortress whose ID is Beiming 丨 Coke in the Yezhu League, Yang Rui accidentally saw his team once in the last round of attack, a team of white sabers, a team of Internet celebrities and a team of dogs Knife.

As we all know, the three generals of Baima Dao are all composed of cavalry, Internet celebrities have two archers and one infantry, and Dog Dao has two strange soldiers plus one archer.

But in the second round of concentrated fire, three teams still shot out from the fortress of Beiming 丨 Cola. Coincidentally, there were still a pure cavalry team, a team of double archers, an infantry team, and another team. The team consisted of three infantrymen.

In just 10 minutes, even if Yang Rui was killed, he would not believe that he could fully fill up the white saber and Internet celebrity troops who were about to be killed into Sparta just now, and he could also pull out a team of Shubu along the way.

Because at least in these frontier positions in Linzi, although Yang Rui also saw a few large fortresses, there was no Beiming丨Cola fortress among them.

So naturally, Yang Rui has reason to believe that this is not the main force at all, but a team of cavalry and demolition, a team of old and strong plus a team of demolition, in other words, this should be three teams of Spartans!

Having played against Yemeng so many times, Yang Rui recalled it carefully, but he has never seen them have the habit of mixing Spartans in the main fire, at least not in Yang Rui's memory.

Coupled with the fact that the Ye Spartan League just came to such a large-scale Spartan fire, it naturally made Yang Rui's doubts a step deeper.

If Seerhuang really planned to play such a false and real attack in batches, and if the crane group has been fooled all the time, it won't take long for the crane group to fall into a deadlock again due to physical problems.

So after a short period of entanglement, Yang Rui has already made his own decision, let himself, become this guinea pig, use his body to test out what Seerhuang's big plans are!
The e-mail was extremely decisive, and Yang Rui's performance was also extremely decisive, but this does not mean that Yang Rui was not nervous, how could he not be nervous?If he was really blown away, then at Yemeng's side, he might be a joke!

But what if Yang Rui really made the right bet?Looking at the battle-free ground below his main city with only the last 20 minutes left, if he survives this wave and wins this battle-free ground, the entire crane regiment's position may be revitalized on the spot!
This wave is worth a gamble.

A few minutes passed in a flash, and the large area on Kamiao obviously began to have some loose focus, and it finally arrived at the top of Yang Rui's main city as scheduled.


For a while, the sound of the special effects of defeating the opponent began to come out from Yang Rui's computer, and even caused a slight freeze on Yang Rui's game screen.

"Sure enough! I really planned to lie to the garrison, grandma, fortunately I guessed it!"

The next second, the concentrated fire dissipated, and Yang Rui was overjoyed when he was pleasantly surprised to find that neither the durability of the main city nor the strength of the fifth team in the main city had been affected in the slightest.

Bet right!In this wave of activation, nearly [-] teams focused fire, without exception, all of them were Spartans, not even a main team!

I have to say that in this scene, seeing hundreds of teams gathering rocket heads and starting to return from a long distance, Yang Rui is alone, a city, but the scene is not moving at all, aside from the fact that it is all Sparta, it is really a bit of a man When it is closed, the feeling of Wanfu not opening is inside.

(End of this chapter)

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