My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 150 Three Points Blast

Chapter 150 Three-Point Blasting
The only ESPD fortress on the battlefield was demolished, which meant that there was an hour-long war-free link between Tu160 and Crane Tuan.

Yang Rui knew very well that from the offensive launched by Tumeng in just a few minutes, Huajiang丨Ox Demon King will definitely not let go of this good opportunity to expand the results of the battle.

Sure enough, before Yang Rui announced the next step, the Tumeng on the battlefield had already begun to divide into three different directions, and the three regiments launched a new round of concentrated fire.

Before he had time to think about it, Yang Rui hurriedly contacted Remnant Flower丨Jiulai while arranging for the members to continue stationing.


Fireworks丨March: Are you there?Arrange for your regiment on the mountain to advance. My side was under fire from three regiments, and I had no energy left to attack.

Remnant Flowers丨Jiulai: Yes, yes, I will arrange it now, but the results will not be particularly significant, as many of them are not yet here.

Fireworks丨Sanyue: many as we can come, otherwise we will definitely not be able to withstand two waves like this. There is no main city, and they are all five-level fortresses built by ourselves. Basically, it is a waste of energy to conquer a team preparation.

Remnant Flower丨Jiulai: Don't worry, I'll try my best.


It can be seen that after getting the news from Yang Rui, Remnant Flower丨Jiulai has already begun to make its own arrangements, but this gathering of 35 people called Caravan Visiting, I don’t know if it is because there is too little time, so many members The reason why they still couldn't get in place was because their own execution ability was a bit poor, and there were not many scattered arrows at all.

But from the beginning, Yang Rui didn't intend to pin all his hopes on others, no matter how many arrows there were, he could only say that nothing was better than nothing.

Ten minutes later, the second round of focused fire from the Tumeng, divided into three regiments, was stuck at the same minute and second, and landed on the Hetuan's position.

The Crane Tuan, which was originally not dominant in numbers, will inevitably be further magnified when it needs to take into account three points of defense.

However, relying on the super fighting power of the regiment members themselves, the Crane Tuan still managed to defend two of the three focus points, which came from the Yese Tuan, and all the attacks of the trapped regiment were defended by the Crane Tuan without any risk.

Except for the point attacked by Feituan.

After this wave, Yang Rui knew the overall combat power of the Tumeng. Feituan was obviously the top combat power of the Tumeng, and it was irreplaceable.

In contrast, according to the news, the strength of the night group and the formation group that appeared on the battlefield as the backbone of the battle force was slightly weaker.

If there must be a comparison, it should be in the existence that is stronger than Xuanzhi and the Xuanjia group, but weaker than the Xingjun group.

After another wave of battles, the Crane Tuan once again lost a front row fortress, which made Yang Rui's expression more serious.

If nothing else, at the current stage of the game, the regular army's concentrated fire on the crane group would probably last for nearly an hour at most, that is, five or six times concentrated fire, and the combat effectiveness would obviously decline.

Now that the two waves are over, it can be said that about one-third of the progress in this time zone has passed. As long as the crane group can carry it for about four or 10 minutes, it will usher in the moment of counterattack.

But having said that, if every defense has to end with the loss of a fortress by the Crane Group, then after a few more waves, I am afraid that when the Tumeng's offensive firepower weakens on a large scale, at least ten of the Crane Group will be destroyed Fortress!

You must know that the Crane Regiment has only 39 members on the battlefield, losing more than a quarter of its combat power at once. In this case, even if the Tumeng's offensive ability is weakened, the Crane Regiment's firepower to push back is likely to be insufficient. Case.

So no matter what, Yang Rui had to think of a better way to get through this hour-long crisis.

【World Channel】

[Yong] [Picture 丨 160] Fei 丨 Guofu Dharma: Tsk tsk tsk, didn't everyone say that this crane is a strong one?After playing two waves, I didn't see how strong it is. Alas, it's a pity. I thought I could have a good game experience.

[Yong] [Picture 丨 160] Fei 丨 General: Hahaha, it’s just blown out, think about it, who was their previous opponent?As far as the gold content of those little wastes of all things success, I laughed to death.

[Yang] [Xing丨Wan Shi Sheng Yi] Xuanzhi Cleave: If you mock each other, just mock each other, don't bring us Wan Shi Sheng Yi into it, well, we can't beat the crane group because we are not as skilled as others, but it's not your turn They mocked.

[Yan] [Picture 丨 160] Fei 丨 Deep love: Know that your skills are not as good as others, so go back and practice more, cook more, and stand at attention when you are beaten, understand?
[Yan] [Liaoyuan] Remnant Flowers丨For a moment: Haha, Feituan is like this. They call themselves T1 every day, but they have never played a serious T1 round. What can we do? If you like to brag, then brag All right.

[Yong] [Picture 丨 160] Fei 丨 Nanfeng: Haha, the trash of the remnant flower group, it’s okay, call it, you won’t be able to get it back to Yanjin if you call me again, I’ll come when my brother gets rid of this group of garbage wandering army I'm looking for you to play, don't worry.


"Damn it, if our main city can come here, how can you play so well?"

Looking at the Feituan members who had started to mock at the World Channel, the only thing Yang Rui wanted to do now was to find a way to slap him in the face severely.

However, time waits for no one, and the world channel's ridicule is ridicule, and Tumeng's third round of attack has not been delayed for even half a minute.

In 10 minutes, Kaka's extremely precise 10 minutes, Tumeng's third round of concentrated fire, once again, was fired at three different points.

Gardener丨The Bull Demon King's tactics are not concealed from Yang Rui at all, he just made it clear that he wants to use his own number advantage to quickly crush the crane group and the caravan that this person is not present in the shortest time .

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention everyone!Tumeng wants to fight us quickly, so we have to respond. From now on, we will try our best to defend Feituan's attack. In the dark of night, it's enough to focus on the fire of the trapped group!
They can focus fire three or four times at most, and they will either have no physical strength or no troops. They will give priority to garrisoning and killing their high-level battle groups, and the back row will infinitely set up fortress backup. When their offensive firepower weakens, it will be our full-scale counterattack. good chance!


Finally, Yang Rui made his own decision. Since it is difficult for Hetuan to defend against the three-point fire of Tumeng, he simply gave up the two directions.

Anyway, losing one fortress is also losing, and losing two is also losing. As long as Fei Tuan can be killed, not only can he give himself a sigh of relief, but it is definitely the most profitable option for the subsequent counterattack of Crane Tuan!

(End of this chapter)

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