My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 129 Take what you need

Chapter 129 Take what you need
[All Mail] Immortal Mystery: Be optimistic about the link where the Wandering Army gathers fire!There are few people on the opposite side, and the fire is still so scattered, the intensity will not be too high!Grab the top and garrison it!
In addition, (1270.1129) Jintuan brothers pay attention!It's seven o'clock, set the fire!Can't blindly defend!Push it over, quick fight!


Although it was said so in the email, regarding this advance of the Wandering Army, Immortal Xuan Zhi had no idea at all.

If you divide it carefully, then it can be said that Xuanzhi Immortal is very similar to Yang Rui's opponent in last season: Jian丨Qing'an. Both of them had extremely high self-confidence before contacting Yang Rui, but after the contact, this Confidence was shattered bit by bit.

On the other hand, when Yang Rui noticed that Wanshishengyi was also focusing on his own position, he didn't plan to defend at all. At this critical moment, there must be a choice.

If the troops are divided up to garrison, at least a dozen people need to be transferred to withstand the concentrated fire of a regiment. The entire crane regiment is only 39 people at full strength, and there is no extra manpower to pull it over.

Time is passing by every minute and every second, and the time from seven o'clock is approaching little by little.

Yang Rui, the God of Mystery, and the two commanders of different camps involuntarily began to hold their breaths and concentrate. Both of them knew that although it was impossible to open up the situation of the entire battlefield with one wave or two of concentrated fire, the results of the concentrated fire were not. It can completely become the epitome of the entire battlefield in the future.

If Heming Jiugao's concentrated fire successfully takes down the target point, then advance can rely on the three battle-free links to start the next round of offensive, and retreat can also rely on the regular army forces consumed in the concentrated fire to make the next round at least For several hours the regular army was unable to advance successfully.

But if the link land is not taken down, then after Jintuan successfully takes down the link land where there is no team stationed at all, the base camp of the wandering army will be under great defensive pressure.

This is a gamble, take a gamble, and turn a bicycle into a motorcycle. Of course, it is also possible that only one bicycle chain is left after the bet.


At seven o'clock sharp, the concentrated fire of the Hibiscus Group and the Wandering Army arrived at their respective target points almost at the same time. There was a fierce collision!

The main force of Yang Rui's fifth team, mixed among the arrows of the members of the crane group, crashed into the enemy's formation, and then started to return the same way.

Five teams, all of which were finally defeated after wearing out their opponents, without a single draw!
"Fuck, it's a little bit of a loss."

Clicking on the battle report, you can clearly see that the chopper of the first team was headshot by the opponent Wang Yifa knife after only piercing through the main force of the opponent's fourth team.

In addition, the appearance of Yuan Shao's physical knife, Internet celebrity and Shuqi can only be regarded as quite satisfactory this time compared to before.

But if you really want to compare, Shubu may be the most miserable of the five main teams of Yang Rui. In the first battle, it was a coincidence that he met the opponent team Wei Zhi. After the [-] output successfully pierced through the opponent, the opponents encountered by the second team turned out to be a team of dog judges.

After encountering big dogs twice in a row, even if Liu Bei tried his best to breastfeed with a red hammer, he would still inevitably lose in the effect of forbidden treatment, such as eating, sleeping, and walking.

The five teams beat the opponent's seventeen teams. Such a record is really not very good for Yang Rui.

Of course there is good news. Thanks to the joint efforts of other members of the Crane Group, one of the three link lands that were set on fire was finally taken down.

But the link thing, one piece for one piece, is definitely not a profit for Wanshishengyi or Hetuan, and it can only be said that it is not a loss if it is dead.

And after the Jintuan won the link land without any suspense, the position of the members of Wanshi Shengyi was only the last square away from Yang Rui's large fortress, and even Yang Rui's main city was close to Wanshi Shengyi's position. The distance between them is also only three grids away!

Since Jianye is in the hands of Wanshi Shengyi, the vision around Jianye is of course under the control of the Immortal Xuanzhi. Seeing that the leader of the opponent is in his field of vision, the Immortal Xuanzhi will certainly not let go of this good opportunity .

Killing the leader of the opponent is undoubtedly a fatal blow to the morale of the crane group!
[All Mail] Immortal Mystery: Attention!The connection ground has been played out, and all positions have completely given up defense! (1270.1130) All main forces!The card is at [-]:[-], set the fire to win!

All things are going well here just as they are preparing for the next round of focus fire, Yang Rui has already been forced to respond, the connection ground can be lost, but a key building like a large fortress in the wild cannot be easily given up no matter what !

While greeting Dui to guard, Yang Rui was also thinking about how he could break the game. At this moment, with a swipe, a new unread message appeared in the lower left corner of Yang Rui's game screen. .

Click on the chat page, and sure enough, it is An Lan, the leader of the Liangzhou Allied Forces丨Rencai Deputy Leader: Classmate Lin!


Classmate Lin: Brother March, are you there?


Classmate Lin: Thank you, haha, in order to deal with you, the entire Youjiang battlefield has been completely emptied, and we have opened up the situation.

Fireworks丨March: You’re welcome, everyone takes what they need.

Classmate Lin: But I think that although the brothers of Hetuan are really ridiculously strong, if there are thirty or forty people fighting against nearly 300 people on the opposite side, I think there is still no possibility of winning, right?
Fireworks丨Sanyue: Haha, I’m not afraid of your jokes, it’s really a bit overwhelming, there are too many people, if one is killed, four or five will emerge.

Student Lin: I know it, so why don't we talk about cooperation, how about it?
Fireworks丨March: How to cooperate?

Student Lin: Here at Jianye, if you guys find a way to last for two days, I will be able to find a way to break through and enter Yuzhou.

Fireworks丨March: If you just hold on, two days is no problem at all, but let’s talk about it first, cooperation is indeed possible, after all, I also want to smash the people in Yangzhou, but in the later period when there are more wandering troops, I won't show mercy just because you helped me.

Classmate Lin: Haha, you think too much Brother March, as you said, each takes what he needs, the big deal, we friends will pay after the end of the season, there is still time, right?

Fireworks丨March: Then, as you said, for two days, I will hold off on Yangzhou at Jianye, and you will break through and enter Yuzhou to help me share the pressure.

Student Lin: No problem.




PS: Two updates today, and another update tomorrow to complete the plot of the battle of Jianye, otherwise today’s three updates and five updates will not be finished. Everyone is uncomfortable reading it, and I am also uncomfortable writing it. Let’s come together tomorrow, love you all
(End of this chapter)

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