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Chapter 121 The Battle of Shandu

Chapter 121 The Battle of Shandu

The main force of the three teams, holding the opponent's [-]th team's focus, if such a record was placed in the last season, it would obviously not satisfy Yang Rui at all, but it was in the S season at that time, but now it is in the conquest season.

You know, the strength of the S season is not of the same magnitude as the conquest season. If a team full of red meat can hold the opponent's five teams, six teams, or even more than ten teams in the S season Focusing on fire, then with the same configuration, it is already commendable to be able to support three teams in the season of conquest.

Clicking on the battle report, it can be clearly seen that Shu Bu, the most frank in the five-team system in Yang Rui's main city, only resisted the concentrated fire of the opponent's six teams.

However, with the blessing of the red pole to Ce Tongsu, Bingwuchangshi Guanmei can still achieve an average output of close to [-] per game, plus Liu Bei and although he does not have a solid base, he has a solo ride in muddy water plus The super-high frankness provided by Yan Yan, a very popular and stable general, made these six battle reports, except for those who were defeated in the last wave, without exception, all of which ended with Yang Rui's advantage, and even directly pierced two of them. The team set fire.

In contrast, the performance of Internet celebrities is also excellent. The five teams that carried the fire, except for the last wave of defeat, actually wore out the first four teams.

I just want to say that the one who can surprise Yang Rui the most must belong to Yuan Shao's physical sword in the last team. As a result, Yuan Shao's physical sword successfully ended the battle in two rounds for three consecutive games.

Although the opponent Shu Bu hit Yuan Shao impartially in the last wave with a sorcerer's technique, and a classic Ma Chao who was hit by a sorcerer's technique was reproduced, but on the whole, it can only be said that the flaws do not conceal the advantages, and it is still difficult to cover up Yuan Shao's physical knife. excellent.

Not only Yang Rui, but also Heminglou, or most of the other members of the Hetuan, have achieved excellent results in this wave of battles.

Under the premise that almost everyone can hold twice as much fire as their own, this round of fire from All Things Victory once again showed the effect of thunder and rain.

Even when there were more than 30 teams left in the garrison at the Heming Tower, the main force of the Wanshishengyi members had already started to turn around and return.

While Yang Rui was deeply satisfied, the family was happy and the family was sad. As the commander of the Shandu battlefield, Xuanzhi Shenxian fell into a deep state of confusion.

At the beginning, Xuan Zhishen's positioning of the Crane Group was just an ordinary high-level battle group. Seeing that their execution ability was so high that all members were stationed at the washing point, Xuan Zhishen only raised the positioning of the Crane Group to a level that might be higher than that of the Xingjun Group. It's just stronger. Up to this time, Xuanzhi Immortal is still full of confidence in this battle. In his opinion, even if the Xingjun regiment comes, it is impossible for one regiment to fight two of his regiments, right?

But now, at this very moment, Immortal Xuanzhi looked at the battle report of the linked place, and there was only one word for his purpose: red!

Red penetrating half the sky, colorful red, this may be the only evaluation that Xuanzhi God can give to this crane group.

I have been following Wanshishengyi to either play a dozen T3T4 fish pond games, or follow the main league to be the commander Xuan Zhixian at the tail end of the T2 game. Where have I seen such a popular high-level battle group?
This kind of popularity, this kind of execution team, should go to the stage of the World Cup!What are you doing in this fish pond game that you can barely hook in the T2 game?

Suddenly, Immortal Xuan Zhi's heart skipped a beat. Although he had rarely seen the intensity of a real high-end round, at least he had enough game experience.

There is nothing incomprehensible for such a dazzlingly popular high-level battle group to fall into this area, but the incomprehensible point is why the crane group chose Jingzhou, which is impossible to conquer!

You know, Jingzhou is a "wild state" where the vast majority of players are composed of scattered people, not to mention that the entire Jingyi coalition army has no more than one hundred serious living people, even if they can make up three hundred Eight, even with the addition of a crane regiment, it is impossible to win the conquest!

Can't win the conquest, and there is almost no hope for the separatist regime, so why did the Crane Group land on the Jingyi coalition?
The answer is ready to come out, but Xuanzhi Immortal is trying to find a reason to refute the answer in his heart, but obviously, he has no way to refute it, because the answer in his heart is the fact that is about to happen!

Wandering Army!
This crane regiment planned to go up the mountain to be a wandering army from the very beginning!
Even at this time, Xuan Zhixian finally remembered to click on the panel of Heming Tower Alliance Leader: Firework丨March to take a closer look, the 600 million Martial Arts panel, this is not dedicated to playing the Wandering Army, what is it? ?
Immortal Xuanzhi can now imagine that in a few days, the crane group will go up the mountain and become a wandering army. As the first in the whole region, and so far the only one who doesn't pay attention to the Heming Tower, Yangzhou will What kind of bloody storm has been encountered!
This wave of concentrated fire, which almost gathered nearly three-quarters of the active forces of Xuanjia Xuanzhi's two regiments, did not have any effect at all, and it was tantamount to declaring the end of the Shandu battlefield.

Everyone can foresee that it will be a miserable experience waiting for the Xuanjia Tuan and Xuan Zhi Tuan after the construction of the Heming Tower's fortress group near the mountain pass is completed in a few hours!
But Immortal Xuanzhi didn't want to stay in the Shandu battlefield for even a second at all. He just wanted to contact the leader of Wanshishengyi as soon as possible to tell him how stupid his previous decision was.

However, time waits for no one. The fire of success here has just dissipated, and the prefect of Heming Tower, He丨Sanyue and He丨Pingtouge, who have already taken down the wild fortress, are already in Yang Rui's camp. Under the instruction, he drove the two freshly baked prefect cars full of the main force of the members of the Crane Group, and galloped towards the position where everything is going well!

Hastily began to call the members to pull up the line of defense, and the Immortal Xuanzhi also knew that blindly defending was not a long-term solution at all.

But it's hard for a clever woman to cook without rice. With the current situation and the current gap in combat power, even if you find a god to come over, it is impossible to fight the frontal battlefield!

Before, Yang Rui just wanted to get enough resources in Jingzhou, so after Heming Tower expanded to Linxiang, it stopped expanding, but now it is different, taking down Shandu, it takes only a few steps to go up. Xiangyang, the state capital of Jingzhou.

According to Yang Rui's words, it is to push all the way to Xiangyang, and then set up a group of fortresses, preparing to build a state capital to celebrate the upcoming mountain!
(End of this chapter)

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