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Chapter 109 Burning Luoyang ( )

Chapter 109 Burning Luoyang ([-])

As time passed, the positions were gradually completed, and more and more members of the wandering army who had completed the relocation began to advance under the command of the three leaders of the gathering.

The wandering army, which is divided into three different directions and advances, can be said to have completely demonstrated the crushing gap in combat power when facing the Shangji League.

Even Yang Rui, who was in charge of the second half of the battlefield, deliberately directed the Juyi members to actively avoid the positions and defenses where the Jibing was heading, and pushed the Jibing to break through Chang'an with all his heart.

It was originally a small season, and there were only 200 players in a league at full capacity. This kind of configuration is extremely difficult to gain an advantage just by facing a lonely summer, let alone facing three full teams at once. Righteous beating.

In just a little over half an hour, the Jimeng position was already on the verge of collapse, and the front row positions continued to fall, and the wandering army continued to hit the link ground deeper.

It can be said that from this moment on, the patches of purple free battlefields on the entire Luoyang battlefield, like a virus, penetrated into the body of the Jimeng position with incomparable precision, and spread towards Luoyang crazily.

Under Yang Rui's unified dispatch, the purpose of the three gatherings of the Wandering Army is very clear, that is, to get to the Luoyang ring regardless of anything!
When the time came to six o'clock in the evening, the position on the west side of the Jimeng League on the Luoyang battlefield had been completely lost, and the first ring of Luoyang had also been tightly surrounded by a large group of wandering army fortresses.

It seems that it is obvious that they want to cooperate with the wandering army. During the period when the wandering army was fully dominant in the Luoyang battlefield, Zhenghong, who had been huddled in the inner side of Yanjin before, also began to stretch his hand into it again. Sili.

The house leak happened to be raining overnight, and in desperation, Ji Po Qian Xie had no choice but to arrange Jun Ermeng to rush over to chase and intercept, but seeing that the Luoyang position had begun to fall in pieces, one side was blocked in Luoyang The bottom couldn't move, and the Junmeng on the other side hadn't even finished half of the journey!

Before that, even though Ji Poqianxie wanted to break his head, he never thought that Luoyang, which he thought to be impregnable and solid as a rock, was on the verge of falling in such an instant!
At this moment, many of the previous questions seemed to have appropriate answers. Why did the lonely summer choose to stop suddenly at the mountain pass and stop focusing on the fire? In such a home-changing operation that hurt one hundred enemies with one hand and one thousand at the expense of one thousand, why did the wandering army willingly follow the regular army around Xingyang for four full days to push and push leisurely.

Everything is paving the way for this airborne raid on Luoyang!
Of course, Ji Po Qian Xie would not have imagined that the reason why he stopped at the mountain pass and stopped attacking in the lonely summer before was actually because Yang Rui's main force was exhausted and there was not enough main force to attack.

After the wandering army successfully captured all the positions on the west side of Luoyang, the offensive finally gradually slowed down.

The main reason was Lonely Xia Tian who had successfully captured the lower half of the battlefield on the west side. If he wanted to continue advancing, he had to cross the river bank to deal with the direction of the extreme soldiers with almost no damage to the main force.

And the first half wants to continue to advance towards the depths of Luoyang. Without the help of the lonely Xia Tian, ​​only the two Juyi, Man Jianghong and Datang, will stagnate to some extent when they face the extreme 丨 soldiers breaking Chang'an. .

The only thing Po Qianxie can do is to barely maintain the position on the east side of Luoyang.

For a while, the two camps watched each other across Luoyang.

It's just that everyone knows that the current scene can only be regarded as the tranquility before the storm at best, and even Po Qianxie didn't rest for a while. They were also all ready, and the gift carefully prepared by Yang Rui for Jimeng finally came!
The loss of successive pieces of Luoyang city skin had already made Ji Po Qianxie realize that something was wrong, but until a few minutes later, on the opposite side of his position, the moment when the overwhelming purple arrows covered Luoyang, Ji Po Qianxie realized that something was wrong. Po Qianxie finally understands!

Yang Rui didn't want to give Jimeng any chance at all, taking advantage of his illness to kill him, this is an eternal truth since ancient times!Yang Rui wanted to take advantage of the period when the Jimeng had lost most of its combat power and the support from the Junmengmeng hadn't arrived yet, to force Luoyang to open!

[All emails] Extreme 丨 Breaking Thousand Evils: (751.751) Stationed!All staff are stationed!Don't worry about sending supplies to the wandering army!As long as it is the main force, throw them all to garrison!
Facing the wandering army that came like a violent storm, Ji Po Qianxie was finally not calm. He knew that for the wandering army that had no effect on the overall combat effectiveness, since the prefect had been arranged and the prefect's mansion had been built, so At present, the defenders have been halved, and there are only [-] teams of skull-level defenders left in Luoyang. It is impossible to withstand a round of concentrated fire from the wandering army!

And after seeing Ji Bing Po Chang'an's garrison troops rushing towards the center of Luoyang without any rules, Yang Rui knew that Ji Ji Po Qian Xie was in a mess.

"How to say? It seems that there is hope to win."

At this moment, Yang Rui's heart began to tremble a little. There was a river between his position and the direction of the extreme soldiers. Blocks of Battlefield can pass.

As we all know, the Zhanchao Land cannot be freed from cards, but the surrounding lands can. In order to prepare for the forced opening of Luoyang, Yang Rui specially arranged for the members of the Juyi to get stuck in a circle around the Zhanchao Land to avoid the war.

So now the wandering army is here to attack Luoyang in a hurry, but the extreme soldiers can only stare here stupidly.

Soon, the concentrated fire of the wandering army's nearly [-] teams smashed into the city wall of Luoyang like a nuclear bomb!

In the next second, even the [-] teams of Luoyang's skull-level defenders and the [-] teams of Jimeng who had finally piled up to garrison were completely gone in just a moment!

The door of Luoyang was wide open, and Naijiu also began to decline rapidly by a percentage at a speed visible to the naked eye!

90.00%, 80.00%, 70.00%... 50.00%, 30.00%...

Teams of Jimeng troops who came to garrison were like pouring a glass of water into a place where a raging fire was ignited, it was of no avail at all!

When Luoyang's durability dropped to the last one percent, all members of the extreme alliance, whether in the main alliance or in the sub-alliance, couldn't help but gasp, they knew exactly what this meant.

Before anyone could say anything, as the regular army suddenly lost sight of the wandering army's position on the west side of Luoyang, Luoyang, the place where the imperial power belongs, and the tenth-level state capital that has attracted countless people's dreams, appeared a big "free".

Luoyang, war-free period, belonging: Lonely Summer!
(End of this chapter)

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