My martial arts can withdraw cash

Chapter 106 Burning Luoyang (7)

Chapter 106 Burning Luoyang ([-])

The stalemate in the Sili battlefield continued for nearly two hours before the Extreme League and Lonely Xia Tian finally started their new round of offensives.

However, Yang Rui, whose physical strength had almost recovered from the main force of the five teams, was not in a hurry to continue to focus fire.

On the one hand, Yang Rui estimates that nearly four and a half hours have passed since the previous battle at the fortress, and the Extreme Main Alliance should have gradually recovered its combat effectiveness. The garrison moves forward, and it is necessary to be ready to deal with the offensive suppression from the main alliance at any time. If the pressure is too great, some mistakes will inevitably occur.

On the other hand, the high-intensity battle continued for a whole day, from the rising of the sun until now to the evening, the fighting on both sides has not stopped.

Relying on his previous wave of money-spreading Dafa, the morale and enthusiasm of the members of Lonely Xia Tian have indeed been mobilized a lot, but until now, Yang Rui's mental state can be said to be exhausted to the extreme.

Really, not a single drop!

The only thing that can support Yang Rui to continue to fight on the front line is the Alipay notification sound that keeps getting paid.

If it is a normal fight to brush martial arts, then of course there is nothing tiring, as long as the brush is happy, but Yang Rui is different. As the lonely leader of Xia Tian, ​​Yang Rui naturally needs to take on the heavy responsibility of commanding.

Calculating the time of each wave of card seconds, always paying attention to the movement of the entire battlefield Jimeng, for fear of missing even a little bit of useful information, after a day, Yang Rui only felt that there was no comfortable place in his body.

So Yang Rui simply left a sentence for Han丨Tiandao who was still full of fighting spirit: Call me if the Jimeng has any action, and if there is no action, first consolidate the position. The front row has an infinite pile of fortresses, so he directly chose to go offline to rest.

On the other side, after discovering that Lonely Xia Tian didn't continue to launch an offensive, Ji丨Poqianxie didn't rush to start a new round of fire. With the experience of the previous few times, Ji丨Poqianxie what to watch now They all feel that it is a trap set by fireworks丨Sanyue for themselves.

But such a stalemate, no matter what, is unlikely to last for too long. When the time was about to reach eight o'clock that night, after three or four trials, Ji Po Qian Xie finally couldn't bear his temper and was ready to start again. Organize your own offensive.

Today's wandering army, for Ji Po Qianxie, is undoubtedly a thorn in the side, a thorn in the flesh, and if it is not removed, it will make him feel restless every day.

Ever since, when the first round of rocket heads from Ji Bing broke Chang'an appeared at the forefront of the wandering army's position, the hot-blooded young Han Tiandao immediately contacted Yang Rui.

"Fuck, this is preparing for a stud wave tonight... More people is better, the main alliance is gone, and the sub-alliances can delay the rhythm, tsk tsk tsk."

Seeing the arrowheads on the fortress he had built at the forefront of the battlefield, Yang Rui soon realized that the Jimeng did not intend to drag him down. What they wanted was to completely wipe out the wandering army!

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Attention! (749.707) Abandon this fortress!All garrison troops retreat first!They want to compete with us by relying on their numbers, then we must not fall into the trap!


Yang Rui's idea is very simple, aren't you anxious to consume our main force, and then look for opportunities to penetrate in a wave?Hey, then I won't go head-to-head with you guys!
There must be at least two or three hundred teams for this wave of concentrated fire arrows. If you say that the Jimeng can gather so many teams in each wave of concentrated fire, you will not believe it if you kill Yang Rui.

Going all out, then failing and exhausting, Yang Rui read this text when he was in elementary school, and this first round of concentrated fire, with a high probability, is the most powerful wave of the Jimeng!
Anyway, I originally wanted to carry out a procrastination decision on this mountain pass, so losing one or two front row positions would not hurt at all.

The wandering army is not a regular army. With its super high mobility, one or two link lands is not a problem at all.

"Huh? The garrison has been withdrawn?"

Since the front fortresses on both sides are almost bordering each other, every move of the wandering army on the front line is carried out under the watchful eyes of the extreme.

This wave of concentrated fire was shot out, and the more than 30 teams garrisoned above the main city in March were still piled up in the fireworks. What's the meaning?
The wandering army's bad style of play immediately made this wave of concentrated fire completely lose the suspense. 10 minutes later, when the large troops of the extreme alliance began to move away and return, the fortress that had just been established also became a member of the extreme alliance. a battle-free ground.

The extreme 丨 Breaking Thousand Evils who played the first battle-free link land, but can't feel the slightest joy. One expedition with [-] stamina, two or three hundred teams of fire, that is, a trumpet with nearly [-] stamina, in exchange for Such a war-free land is not profitable at all!
[All emails] Extremely 丨 Breaking Thousands of Evils: Attention everyone!All members of the Polar Night Regiment are stationed (748.708)!The rest of the regiment brothers, act according to the email of the regiment leader!The firepower covers the position of the wandering army, let's push it directly to Xingyang's face tonight!

After this wave of dumb losses, Ji Po Qian Xie has also begun to learn to be smart. Don't you want to avoid the fire of our entire alliance? OK, then I will give you this chance. I will directly divide into groups and fight on a large scale. Let me see if you will defend?

So when more than ten minutes later, the arrows of the members of the Ji League began to shoot in all directions of the wandering army's position, but it was obvious that they were acting separately to focus fire, and the idea of ​​breaking thousands of evils was quickly defeated by Yang Rui. insight into.

"Damn it, let you set fire to push you without retreating, and I must fight back, right? Okay! Then come!"

At this moment, a tactic that has been tried and tested during this period of time appeared in Yang Rui's mind again: Change house!

[All emails] Fireworks丨March: Everyone, move the main force to the fortress a little further back!Quanjuyi card second 08:30 sharp, set fire (747.707)!Our front row positions let them push at will!Let's go to promote the extreme alliance!Push through his grandma's house!
The tactic of changing homes, no matter what the preconditions are, and no matter what time period it is, is always an extremely crazy tactic, and it is also a tactic that hurts the enemy one thousand and self-defeating eight hundred.

But at some point, it will obviously be an extremely effective tactic.

You can switch players and play very uncalmly, which is a typical example of a hot-headed commander.

But, please, I'm a wandering army, I'm a bandit!You talk to me about being calm?What Yang Rui wants now is the madness before nightfall!

 There are two changes today, I can’t bear it, I didn’t fall asleep at [-] o’clock last night, I’m not in the mood all day today, I’m really sorry, tomorrow will basically set fire to Luoyang, this section is more or less the same, love you all
(End of this chapter)

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