Daming: Brother, there is no future for monks, let's rebel

Chapter 299 Chen Youliang can live so long, we are all responsible

Chapter 299 Chen Youliang can live so long, we are all responsible

When Chen Li woke up, Chen Youliang was already by his side, looking much better.

The first thing Chen Li said when he woke up was: "Where's that bitch You Rong?"

"I killed it and threw it to the dogs."

Chen Youliang looked at Chen Li, and said to him earnestly: "It's just a woman. How can you govern the country if the relationship between children and daughters continues like this? Now we big men are in turmoil inside and outside, and the wind and rain are precarious, but you are here to love women, we big men How can there be a future?"


What I said... It seems that without the fact that Chen Li was cuckolded, they would be able to look like a big guy.

Chen ideally refuted, but finally held back.

There's no need for such pointless disputes.

Chen Li had long forgotten about Yourong, and he would not think about it any more. Besides women, the most important thing was survival.

If Wang Baobao still retains a trace of the aristocratic temperament of the Golden Family, then Chen Youliang and his Chen Han are just a group of inhuman rogues... They were originally rebels, and now they have been displaced for thousands of miles. , and throw them all on the road.

Chen Youliang also knew that occupying a territory, if it was just burning, killing and looting, it would not be a long-term solution at all, but the problem now is: they have no way to have a long-term solution. Wherever they go, the Ming army will follow them. Will be overwhelmed by the Ming army.

Under such circumstances, how could Chen Youliang have the mood to think about the future?
Chen Youliang looked at Chen Li who was still keeping his head down and said nothing, and said to him: "Do you know Meng Yuan? Under the leadership of Wang Baobao, they have now occupied a place called Rome, and they have gained a firm foothold. Their development is relatively fast. We're better off, and if we get the chance, we should keep going west, too."

Chen Li ignored Chen Youliang's exclamation, but asked him: "How do you know that Wang Baobao has occupied Rome? Did they send someone to look for you?"

Chen Youliang nodded: "Yes, Wang Baobao sent spies to look for me. They have been guarding against Daming. India is also the bridgehead for Daming to expand westward. He sent spies to India mainly to guard against Daming. As for us... Wang Baobao has not yet Put us in your sights."

Chen Li snorted coldly: "Cut, they are all lost dogs, why are they pretending to be wolves with big tails? He doesn't like us, so why send someone to find us?"

"Didn't do anything, just sent a message that Daming's coach in India has been replaced by Zheng Guogong Chang Yuchun's brother-in-law, Lan Yu."

Chen Youliang held his chin, "Don't think that Lan Yu was not well-known before, but Zhu Han was in charge of Daming's overseas strategy, and the people who can be valued by him must not be idle... He is here to rectify the army, Find out our cards, and when he makes a move, we may not even have a chance to resist."

Chen Youliang was not afraid of Zhu Yuanzhang, nor was he afraid of Daming's army. When he revolted in Yunchuan, it was when Daming was sweeping the world. Chen Youliang dared to rebel at that time. It was enough to see that he was not in awe, nor did he know how to be afraid. .

However, Chen Youliang also has people who are afraid.

Zhu Han!
Daming's glory today is all because of Zhu Han!

When Chen Youliang recalled the past, he sighed more than once, if Daming did not have Zhu Han, he could fight with Zhu Yuanzhang, and life and death would be in peace; if Chen Youliang had Zhu Han under his command, there would be no such thing as Zhu Yuanzhang in the world.

It's a pity, all of this is in vain, the fact cannot exist if.

Chen Youliang paused for a moment, and said to Chen Li: "We will take the people here and continue walking west."


Chen Li looked at Chen Youliang, "The Ottoman Empire is not something we can afford."

"They can't afford to provoke them. Isn't there another country?"

Chen Youliang looked at Chen Li and said his plan: "Beside Osman, there are kingdoms like Persia, Ilkhan, and Hungary."

Hearing Chen Youliang mentioned other countries, Chen Li's eyes lit up immediately: "Persia! We can go to fight Persia! I heard that Persia is currently suffering from internal and external troubles, and each place occupies one side, and does not listen to the call of the King of Persia..."


Chen Youliang scolded back without mercy, looked at Chen Li and scolded: "Beating Persia will only make us finish faster!"


Chen Li didn't understand, Persia was weak, and his side was not strong, so it was appropriate to fight them, why not?

"It's the same as hitting Persia!"

Chen Youliang has his eye on another country, Ilhan!
"Let's fight Ilhan!"


Chen Li did not expect that Chen Youliang would mention the name of the country Ilhan. In Chen Li's opinion, Ilhan was even more difficult to deal with than Osman.

"Ilhan... the end of the road!"

Chen Youliang dismissed the Ilkhanate, "They used to be a subject of Meng Yuan, but after they came here, they became great kings. No matter how powerful they are, they are like a dream come true."

Chen Youliang is still very confident in beating Mengyuan people, and it is an orthodox affiliated tribe of Damengyuan.

I have often played against Mongolian people before, and I have some experience advantages.

The most critical thing is the geographical location of the Ilkhanate.

He is located in the northern part of the Ottomans, handed over to Hungary, and entered the territory of the Ilkhanate from the middle. In the future, even if Ming Dynasty continues to march westward, there will be Ottomans and Hungary to resist in front, and Chen Youliang can have enough time to deal with it.

Anyway, it can be summed up in one sentence: as long as there is no direct conflict with Da Ming, they can do so.

"To fight Ilhan, we are not strong enough."

Chen Li was a little worried, and said to Chen Youliang: "We don't have enough troops!"

"We don't have enough soldiers and horses, so aren't there still natives?"

Chen Youliang laughed very sinisterly: "Don't forget, we are gods from the East!"

He, Chen Youliang, is still the new god of the Brahmins: Sanhe God!
Chen Li looked at Chen Youliang: "Take that group of Brahmin natives away together?"

"And Firuz Shah of the Sultan of Delhi!"

Chen Youliang said, and then directly confronted Chen Li: "You know, what are your uncles Chen Youren and Zou Pusheng doing?"

Hearing Chen Youliang's inquiry, Chen Licai suddenly thought that he hadn't seen Chen Youren and Zou Pusheng for a long time.

If the two of them were here, how dare Zhang Tong give himself a cuckold?

However, Chen Li quickly fell into guilt. Although he held a court meeting every time, Chen Li just drank and didn't care about the court affairs at all.

Facing Chen Youliang's inquiry, Chen Li said honestly, "I don't know."

Chen Youliang didn't have too much hope for him. After listening to Chen Li's honest answer, Chen Youliang didn't scold him, but just told the two people's movements: "The two of them are now in Delhi Sultan! If everything goes well, now They have captured Firuzsha."


Chen Li didn't expect that Chen Youliang made the layout in advance.

"Father, you, you are really far-sighted."


Chen Youliang now has no hope for Chen Li, he is just the mud that can't support the wall.

As for what to do in the future... let's see later.

However, the expected good news did not reach Chen Youliang's ears, but another news: Chen Youren was seriously injured, and Zou Pusheng lost half of his hand. If the soldiers hadn't used their lives, neither of them would have been able to come back.

Hearing this news, Chen Youliang was stunned. He never believed the news was true: "What's going on?"

"It's sapphire! Daming's sapphire!"

The person who came to report the news to Chen Youliang seemed very nervous: "He conspired with Firuzsha to deceive us in advance, if Zou Junshi hadn't reacted faster and noticed Firuzsha's trap, I am afraid that our entire army would be wiped out! "

"What? The Ming army moved so fast?"

Chen Youliang couldn't help but widen his eyes, he thought he had already evaluated Lan Yu as high as possible, but he didn't expect Lan Yu to do better than he expected!
He didn't bother to sigh now, and quickly ordered: "Assemble the whole army, including the nobles of the Brahmins, let them gather their soldiers and horses! Let's go! Go immediately!"

India is a place where you cannot stay for a day.

He must rush to fight Ilhan to gain breathing space for himself!

"Haha, Lan Yu is a good fighter!"

After Zhu Yuanzhang heard the news, he laughed happily. After calling Zhu Han, he said to him directly: "That boy Lan Yu really lived up to your trust and severely damaged Chen Youliang's department! Eliminate the remnants of Wang Baobao and Chen Youliang for us. Good job!"

"This kid is a military genius, but other things, he is an idiot."

Zhu Han made no secret of his admiration for Lan Yu, but also expressed his disapproval of Lan Yu's immaturity: "Just let him fight for the rest of his life, maybe this kid will be more grateful to you."

"How can there be a general who fights for a lifetime!"

Zhu Yuanzhang shook his head, expressing his disapproval of Zhu Han's teasing: "This kid, only you can suppress him in the future. When you arrive in Yinzhou, you can just use him."

Recently, Zhu Yuanzhang has been mentioning the matter of Zhu Han's departure. He didn't seem to be very deliberate when he said it, but he mentioned it a little bit in the words, and didn't say much, as if it was mentioned inadvertently.

However, after he finished speaking, Zhu Yuanzhang was always watching Zhu Han, and very much resisted that Zhu Han would continue to follow his words.

Facing Zhu Yuanzhang's temptation, Zhu Han was also very helpless: "Brother, let's talk about business now, please don't keep talking about other things, okay? I won't leave now. Besides, with the current situation of Daming, you If you let me go, I won’t go, no matter what, let Da Ming have a population of one billion, let Da Ming’s merchant ships go unimpeded at sea, right?”

A billion people?

Zhu Yuanzhang made some calculations and felt a little uncomfortable: "It's only a billion people, isn't it a lot?"

Still wanting to continue bargaining, Zhu Han gestured that you should stop talking: "Brother, let's talk about something else, okay? I won't leave now... Before I leave, I must tell you in advance right?"

"How long ago?"

Compared with the business, Zhu Yuanzhang cared more about Zhu Han. Seeing Zhu Han standing up and about to leave, Zhu Yuanzhang gave up: "Okay, okay, let's listen to what you said on Qiwu, shall we? Sit down, sit down, let's talk." Chen Youliang."

Seeing that Zhu Yuanzhang didn't mention his departure anymore, Zhu Han sat down again and said to Zhu Yuanzhang, "Lady Lan Yu, I'm holding back my breath and want to perform well, brother, we have to give him this opportunity to perform. It is not a problem for him to eat Chen Youliang or let Chen Youliang escape, and according to Chen Youliang's personality, it is a good thing to drive him away. He would rather be a chicken head than a phoenix tail, and let him and Wang Baobao get closer. Sit back and reap the benefits of the fisherman."

"Chen Youliang's life is not easy."

Zhu Yuanzhang touched his chin, and said to Zhu Han: "Tell me, who will Chen Youliang attack next?"

"Il Khanate!"

Zhu Han answered cleanly and crisply, "Chen Youliang didn't dare to fight us. If he wanted to fight, he would have fought already. Zou Pusheng and Chen Youren were injured again. Chen Youliang didn't dare to fight us, and he would definitely retreat. most suitable."

"We think Chen Youliang will also fight the Iraqi Khanate."

Zhu Yuanzhang pointed to the map, "Defeat Ilhan. When Sapphire leads troops westward, there will be Ottomans and the Hungarian Empire blocking him in front. He has a chance to win. Wang Baobao is behind, because he is afraid of us and dare not It is easy to attack Chen Youliang, so Chen Youliang's goal has been achieved."

Zhu Han and Zhu Yuanzhang basically had the same idea, and the next battle would depend on how Lan Yu fought.

The two brothers chatted about the war in India for a while, and then relaxed and sat on a chair to drink tea. Zhu Yuanzhang moistened his throat, and then said to Zhu Han: "Chen Youliang, he has a bit of a brain...but his son's IQ is not very good. So, some time ago, Chen Youliang's big man had a civil strife, and the Han woman brought by Chen Li was made a queen, and she even had an affair with the generals guarding the palace... and there were at least two of them, hehe... Chen Li, this child, is considered a Obsolete."

"So exciting?"

Zhu Han's eyes lit up all of a sudden, and then he calmed down. After thinking about Chen Youliang's character, he knocked on the table and asked Zhu Yuanzhang, "Brother, I guess that Han woman was not killed, right? The one from Chen Youliang Rhodium cesium skin, but dare to do anything!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Zhu Yuanzhang laughed loudly, and his laughter was full of sarcasm: "You are right, that woman was hidden by Chen Youliang, we think... as long as he does it, he will definitely leave a clue, and then maybe there will be a relationship between their father and son." It's going to be a bigger joke."

"It's so boring."

Zhu Han curled his lips and said to Zhu Yuanzhang: "A person like Chen Youliang who has no moral bottom line can survive until now, and we both are responsible!"

"Then let's correct it if we know our mistakes, and we can't give him another chance to escape this time!"

Zhu Yuanzhang agreed with Zhu Han's words very much, "It depends on how that kid Lan Yu beats, hehe... If Chen Youliang is caught this time, we will let the historian nail him to the pillar of shame, and let him be infamous forever!"

(End of this chapter)

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