Chapter 293 Zhao Min: I want to go back!
Zhu Han lived a very chic life on the grassland, he was a man of iron, and Liu Sanniang was not, and she also knew the relationship between Sophia, Natalie, Zhou Zhiruo and Zhu Han, so she didn't take it to heart.

From Liu Sanniang's point of view, a man would naturally want three wives and four concubines, as if the more women Zhu Han had, the more proud she, Liu Sanniang, would be.

So when they were on the road, Liu Sanniang just left Zhu Han's side, so that the other three women could have a chance to find Zhu Han.

Sophia and Natalie, two foreign women, are different from the women in the Central Plains. The two of them looked at Zhu Han without concealment: Liu Sanniang has it, and we want it too.

Zhou Zhiruo wanted it too, but she was rather shy. She wanted it but was too embarrassed to say it. She just stared at Zhu Han's eyes that were rippling with spring, almost dripping water. As a "big woman", Liu Sanniang also showed her broad mind , took the initiative to leave the opportunity to these three women, and Zhu Han enjoyed the blessings of equal people on the grassland.

Sometimes Zhu Han also thought, his original idea was to be a happy prince after the war, to have fun everywhere, to find a lot of women, to do a lot of experiments, but when he summed up, he realized... It seems to find a little less, and deviated from my original intention.

Thinking of his original intention, Zhu Han finally made up his mind: "I finally settled down, I have to make waves!"

Four is not enough!
I want to hit ten!

Zhu Han thought about it carefully...and found that he really only had four women.

But why does it feel like something is missing?

It seems that one person is missing.


The Roman Empire...ah no, it's called the Western Yuan Empire now.

Wang Baobao did not forget his original intention, and still used the country name of Yuan, but this Yuan... was not the Great Yuan Dynasty that occupied the Central Plains. Wang Baobao added the word "Xi" in front to show that he remembered the humiliation of being driven out of the Central Plains by the Ming Dynasty.

Not to mention, this trick bought a lot of hearts and made Wang Baobao's position stable. At least the generals he brought were convinced of Wang Baobao.

As for what the natives in Rome think... Wang Baobao doesn't care, if they don't obey, just hit them.

Can't beat Daming, can't deal with you?
Although Wang Baobao sided with Yuan for the national name, and also under the banner of 'returning to the Central Plains', he knew better than anyone else that the current Daming was not an enemy they could resist at all... Moreover, Wang Baobao believed that he It's not safe in Rome now, so he still wants to continue going west, to the farthest west that his ancestors have ever been to.

Wang Baobao had only heard of such a distant place. Others said it was a barren land, but it was quite good for Wang Baobao... They all fled to the barren land, so Daming wouldn't come after him, right?

While thinking of a way out for himself, Wang Baobao also had to take care of his development. Even if Rome was not a place to live for a long time, he would take advantage of this time to train a group of civil servants who could handle public affairs.

It is not a long-term solution to rely on generals to plunder.

When it comes to developing and governing the court, Wang Baobao thought of Zhao Min.

Zhao Min once stayed by Zhu Han's side, and Zhu Han was the leader of the heroes who established Ming Dynasty. He is the best one in terms of martial arts and martial arts. She has stayed by Zhu Han's side for so long, so she should know something .

Do it when you think of it.

Wang Baobao immediately went to find Zhao Min, and Zhao Min shook his head after listening to Wang Baobao's words, and said, "I can't do it, you should go find someone else."


As soon as he came to explain the purpose, he was slapped in the face, which made Wang Baobao feel very uncomfortable.

Wang Baobao wanted to say something more, but was interrupted by Zhao Min, who kicked Wang Baobao out of the room on the grounds that he was not feeling well.

This is the only person in the entire Xiyuan who dared to drive Wang Baobao out of the room.

Wang Baobao was very puzzled, Zhao Min is not like this usually, why is he always depressed when he comes back?

Could it be... because of that kid Zhu Han?
Thinking of Zhu Han, Wang Baobao couldn't help clenching his fists. He seemed to understand the reason why Zhao Min had changed so much.

After hesitating for a while, Wang Baobao found the maids around Zhao Min, and told them to take good care of Zhao Min. If there was any problem, they were the only ones to ask, where did the maids see this?I can only agree quickly.

Without Zhao Min's help, Wang Baobao can do it by himself, but he has to do it himself. He regards Zhu Han as the strongest opponent, so he naturally pays attention to Zhu Han, and even collects Zhu Han's information from various aspects. I still have some understanding of some practices in policy.

If Zhao Min doesn't help, Wang Baobao can also do it, but it will make him tired.


Wang Baobao believes that in Zhu Han's plan for Daming, a very important point is that Zhu Han developed his business and gave Daming a very deep hematopoietic ability. If it weren't for the development of commerce, Daming would not have developed so fast.

And artillery... Zhu Han has seen the superiority of artillery on the battlefield, especially the use of gunpowder. If these two points can be achieved, Wang Baobao feels that when facing Ming Dynasty in the future, he will no longer have to blindly hide. up.

As for gunpowder, Wang Baobao can do a little bit. They have craftsmen who make gunpowder themselves, but for business... Wang Baobao thinks they can't do it.

Accustomed to seeing the prosperity of the Central Plains, Wang Baobao sneered at Rome.

Such a country can still exist for more than 300 years, Wang Baobao is also convinced.

Is there really no opponent?

Wang Baobao looked down on Rome very much. Their economy, industry and commerce were developed, but in Wang Baobao's view, this kind of development was a kind of arrogance.

If you have the ability, why don't you compete with Daming?

The most important thing about Rome is the prosperity of the slavery economy. Its frequent foreign wars allowed Rome to obtain a lot of slaves. They flowed into Rome and put them into labor in large numbers. A slave economy emerged. The foundation of Roman landed lands used slaves on a large scale, and slave labor also played an important role in industry. The reason why slaves were so widely used was because of the continuous supply of slaves, and because the use of slave labor was more It is more profitable to use freeman labor, because slaves can be driven to work continuously, the price is cheap, and they don't have to serve in the army... This undoubtedly gives them more room to work.

But when their conquests were over, slaves were no longer available, prices rose, and slaves were less motivated; at the same time, there was no longer a market for the products of the entire empire, and the slave economy was no longer profitable. , and the agricultural foundation was destroyed, it is normal for Rome to decline.

Didn't this just give Wang Baobao a chance?

For those slaves, Wang Baobao followed Zhu Han's example and let them get rid of their status as slaves. They can control their own destiny...

Wang Baobao is learning from Zhu Han in more and more measures.

This is a typical example of joining when you can't beat him. Zhu Han beat Wang Baobao to the ground and fled. Now Wang Baobao simply learns from Zhu Han.

However, when Wang Baobao was implementing it, he realized how difficult Zhu Han's policies were to implement. Wang Baobao even yelled more than once: This shitty Rome has wasted more than 1000 years in vain, and its development is not a fart. .

Complaining is nothing but complaints, but Wang Baobao has to do it. If the Ming army really catches up to Rome, Wang Baobao hopes that he can have the strength to fight, at least he won't have to be chased by Daming like before.

The first is gunpowder. Wang Baobao is very confident in making gunpowder. He has already started to do so. In terms of iron smelting and craftsmanship, Rome itself has its own smelting facilities and technology.

After several observations, Wang Baobao came to the conclusion that although the smelting technology in the Central Plains was not as good as that of the Central Plains, judging from the current situation, the smelting technology in Rome could be regarded as high-grade.

As for trade... Wang Baobao believes that in order to make Rome rich, on the one hand, it needs to trade with the countries in the west, and on the other hand, it needs to import better products from Ming Dynasty to meet its own needs, and at the same time sell them to the countries in the west Earn the difference.

Wang Baobao was full of confidence and prepared to do a big job in Rome. When he was rebuilding the glory of Meng Yuan in the west, a piece of bad news made his mood drop to the bottom in an instant.

Zhao Min... seems to be leaving.


Just as Wang Baobao worried, Zhao Min is now in Cao Ying and his heart is in Han. Although she has left, her heart has never left Zhu Han's side.

It has been a long time since Zhao Min left Zhu Han's side...

But to Zhao Min, everything seems to have happened yesterday.

She missed the days by Zhu Han's side, and at the same time, she fell into deep self-blame for her betrayal of Zhu Han.

Zhao Min thought it was her responsibility to get the information from Zhu Han, and Meng Yuan needed the information, so Zhao Min did so, but after she sent the information to Wang Baobao, she blamed herself very much.

Especially the current environment made Zhao Min feel unspeakable.

Meng Yuan is no longer the former Meng Yuan. All their resources now have to be closer to the country. Don’t talk about individuals. Everyone is serving Meng Yuan, even if you want to die... As long as it is good for Meng Yuan, then It must also be done without hesitation.

This kind of life made Zhao Min feel unspeakable, and now she is doubting whether the way she stole the information from Zhu Han was correct.

Maybe... it's really wrong.

Zhao Min is also thinking... If he was captured alive by Zhu Han, instead of being chased by Da Ming like now, would the people of Meng Yuan have a better life?
She knew very well that Zhu Han was not a bloodthirsty person. Those who surrendered lived well in Daming, and no one discriminated against them. On the contrary, they received a lot of help. The government gave them cattle, sheep, land, and taught them They have crafts, so that they can support themselves, and at the same time, they also have a craft.

What a wonderful life, there is no war, no discrimination, the people live and work in peace and contentment, and everyone has a smile on their faces. This is exactly the life Zhao Min expects.

It's a pity... Zhao Min's head was turned up for a while at the beginning, for Meng Yuan, for Meng Yuan's benefit, she left from the most comfortable place.

Have you ever regretted it?

Zhao Min regrets all the time.

Countless nights, Zhao Min dreamed of Zhu Han, and the self-blame day after day gave Zhao Min a thought: She wants to go back!To return to Zhu Han's side again!
After struggling for a long time, Zhao Min finally made up his mind and fled overnight.

As for how to get back to Daming... Zhao Min felt that if they walked all the way back according to the route they came here, they would definitely be able to return to Daming.

In order to see Zhu Han again, Zhao Min is not afraid of anything.

Maybe Zhao Min's thinking is very simple, maybe she is a simple person, when she chooses to leave in the dead of night, she has already been noticed by caring people.

Wang Baobao has been following Zhao Min... since Zhao Min returned from stealing Zhu Han's information, he has been following her.

Wang Baobao knew why Zhao Min was absent-minded, but he didn't want to admit it.

During the time when Zhao Min was undercover beside Zhu Han, Zhao Min fell in love with Zhu Han, which made Wang Baobao feel bad, thinking that he did not take good care of Zhao Min.

The maid next to Zhao Min told Wang Baobao that Zhao Min wanted to leave, but he didn't believe it at first, until Zhao Min was about to leave, Wang Baobao finally confirmed that although Zhao Min came back, her soul was always on Zhu Han, and she often Don't think about tea, don't think about food, Wang Baobao saw it in his eyes, but didn't give her any reminder.

Zhao Min left with the two horses, and walked back according to the way they came, but not far away, she saw Wang Baobao waiting for her in front.

Regarding Zhao Min, Wang Baobao had complicated emotions, and wanted to keep her, but he couldn't open his mouth no matter what.

It seemed that Zhao Min could only be allowed to leave.

When Zhao Min saw Wang Baobao, he didn't speak, but just looked at him.

After a long time, Wang Baobao finally spoke first: "Are you ready to leave?"


"Go back to Zhu Han?"


Zhao Min's crisp answer made Wang Baobao a little annoyed: "You..."

Just about to curse, but Wang Baobao saw the stubbornness in Zhao Min's eyes, and wanted to say something more, but in the end he didn't continue.

Wang Baobao didn't want Zhao Min to leave. He also knew Zhao Min's character, which was stubborn!

The things you are looking for must be done no matter what, no one says it will not work.

Back then, for Meng Yuan and to help Wang Baobao, Zhao Min took the initiative to ask Ying to work in Zhu Han's place as a secret room. At that time, Wang Baobao directly refused, but Zhao Min still sneaked out.

just now……

Wang Baobao was reluctant to let Zhao Min leave, so he chose another way to persuade Zhao Min: "Now Daming is pressing us every step of the way, and we have all fled to this ghost place, and they are still biting us. Recently, although there are only small-scale Friction, but the real war will appear soon, and it will be a life-and-death battle at that time, what will they think when you pass now? Think you will be in the dark room again, will you have a good life there?"

Ever since Daming learned that Zhao Min was Meng Yuan's dark room, Zhu Yuanzhang stepped up his investigation of the dark room. The people Wang Baobao sent out either rebelled or were found out by Zhu Yuanzhang. They had no way of knowing Daming's military movements. What Min said was based on his judgment as a general and his speculation about the future. Wang Baobao believed that now was the calm before the storm, and that war would appear soon.

He was really worried about Zhao Min.

(End of this chapter)

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