The Heavens: Beginning with the role of a young boy, Broken Waves

Chapter 56 You have cannons, but I have magical powers! (5000 words are enough)

Chapter 56 You have cannons, but I have magical powers! (5000 words are enough)
"Oh! I don't know what it means!"

Under the city wall, Zhu Yuanzhang suddenly turned into a tortoise as he shot an arrow.

However, even so, even if he only dared to hide under the city wall, he still accurately and continuously issued orders to his soldiers to resist tenaciously, and at the same time gradually restored their morale bit by bit.

In such a situation, for a while, Xie An couldn't help feeling a little angry.

As he thought about it, the expression on his face suddenly became colder and more indifferent, and there was a murderous intent in his eyes.

"You want to resist hard, right? You want to give me a Jedi counterattack, right?"

"Okay! Zhu Yuanzhang."

"I'll let you understand what absolute power is in a moment! I will completely destroy those remnant wills to resist in your heart bit by bit in front of you!"

He murmured in his mouth.

Suddenly, Xie An, who was straddling the brown-red war horse, galloped past all the cavalry of Feiyuntang warriors in front of him.

Just like that, Xie An raised his hand and shot several arrows at the city wall by relying on his eyesight and super stable hand feeling after being promoted to the third realm of innate qi.

"Puff puff!"

Under the blessing of the innate qi of Xu Yunjin in Xie An's body, in just half a blink of an eye, a large area of ​​the Yingtian Mansion city wall, which was originally densely packed with soldiers, was suddenly emptied of a large number of people.

At the same time, the city walls where people were originally standing were now covered with countless rubble flying across the ground, and some of the rubble fragments even splashed directly in front of Zhu Yuanzhang.


"how can that be!"

In the crowd, Zhu Yuanzhang's face was slightly pale.

He picked up the remaining rocks on the ground, at this moment, suddenly he really doubted life.

At just a moment ago, he witnessed with his own eyes, a series of five flying arrows shot from outside the city wall.

These arrows were arranged neatly in mid-air. First, the first arrow pierced through a corner of the city wall and shot directly into the head of a soldier not far in front of him, instantly bursting his head like It exploded like a watermelon.

Immediately afterwards, the arrow that had just exploded one man's head quickly shot through the second and third soldiers without any energy left, creating two disabled people on the spot again.

And most frighteningly so.

Just half a breath after the flying arrow that pierced through the bodies of the three people, the other four flying arrows also flew across the city wall recklessly, killing nearly ten people on the city wall in an instant. Injured and died.

As a result, Xie An obviously only shot six arrows in total.

But he killed a confidant general beside Zhu Yuanzhang on the spot with the first arrow.

At this moment, with only five arrows, he emptied out a small group of soldiers on the city wall. This lethality can be called a killer weapon in the world.

Inside the city walls of Yingtianfu, facing such a cheating player like Xie An, Zhu Yuanzhang couldn't help but feel a lot of pressure in his heart for a while.

Ever since, Zhu Yuanzhang hid in the city wall, while continuing to boost morale, he couldn't help but retreated a few steps back again.

And the morale inside the city walls of Yingtian Mansion, which had been slowly recovering, gradually became helpless as he took these few steps back.

The level of confidence of the general directly determines the level of perseverance and patience of all the city guards and soldiers.

Under Xie Ana's indestructible and indestructible arrows with innate qi added throughout, wailing sounds gradually resounded everywhere in the city walls of Yingtian Mansion, and every time an arrow landed, it was either dead or injured.

It's just that, although the morale of the soldiers in Yingtian Mansion is gradually declining, Yingtian Mansion itself is tall and thick, and it has always been suitable for defense.

Therefore, even Xie An, who was outside the city wall, kept shooting arrows and meteors one after another into the city wall, but in response to the morale level in Tianfu, it finally began to insist on not falling after it slowly dropped to a bottom line.

No matter how fierce Xie An's attack outside the city wall was, this bottom line was always swaying but not broken.

So very quickly, Xie An outside the city wall shot the soldiers defending the city into a terrific mess with one man and one bow.

But in such a situation, he still couldn't go any further. He could only keep seeing-saw stalemate with many guards in the city.

After such a quarter of an hour, when Xie An completely consumed the quiver hanging on his horse and the quiver of several soldiers beside him, no matter how regretful he felt.

But for a while, he had no choice but to give up the original idea of ​​continuing to shoot the bow in his heart, and instead began to look for other ways to break the city of Yingtianfu.

However, facing the majestic walls of Yingtian Mansion, no matter how thoughtful Xie An was, he only brought a few hundred Feiyuntang's elite fighters with him this time.

In such a situation, it is impossible to expect those subordinates to forcibly break through the city without moving themselves.

So after a lot of hard thinking, Xie An, who gritted his teeth and was very angry with Zhu Yuanzhang and the officers and soldiers of Yingtian Mansion under him for their tenacious defense of the city, suddenly turned his mind, He directly set aside those subordinates beside him and chose to break the city alone.

And soon, with this thought, even at this moment, his location is still hundreds of meters away from Yingtian Mansion.

But under the city wall, Xie An still stopped thinking about it and just did it.

Pulling out the longbow in his hand, he shot dead the onlookers on the city wall of Yingtianfu with an arrow first. Xie An immediately flew towards the city wall of Yingtianfu with fluttering sleeves.

And with Xie An's running speed, in just a few blinks, his figure was less than [-] meters away from the city wall of Yingtian Mansion.

"This killing star came so fast!"

In the city of Yingtianfu, Zhu Yuanzhang, who was wearing armor and holding a shield, secretly observed Xie An's running track, and couldn't help but sighed suddenly.

With a wave of his hand, the gate of Yingtianfu city was slammed open.

Seeing that Xie An's speed was too fast, Zhu Yuanzhang immediately ordered thousands of elite cavalry inside the city to gallop out at high speed, just before Xie An was about to rush to the city, he was forced to kill him halfway. Shengsheng intercepted it.


In front of the gate of Yingtianfu City, seeing thousands of elite cavalry rushing out of the city, forming a dense forest of spears and blades around him, Xie An couldn't help showing a few twitches on his face. smile.

Immediately without waiting for the surrounding cavalry to attack, Xie An, who was intercepted by thousands of cavalry in front of the city gate, immediately launched a fierce counterattack.

"Floating clouds and flowing water, turning clouds and rain!"

While waving his hands, Xie An quickly took a large palm image, and suddenly countless clouds and mist rose around him.

Then he hid his hands in the cloud and mist, and instantly slapped the bodies of more than a dozen soldiers blocking him up on the spot, only to beat them all on the ground like rolling gourds. Live tumbling endlessly.



Hiding inside the city gate, secretly watching the formation of his cavalry.

Just when more than a dozen people in the cavalry team of more than a thousand were thrown into the air in an instant, Zhu Yuanzhang looked up at the general Xu Da beside him, and directly sent him to the guard tower on the city wall to let him use the command flag instead of himself convey the order.

In an instant, as Zhu Yuanzhang's confidant General Xu Da ascended the city wall, countless sentry cavalry with feathers on their backs were commanded by him to shuttle continuously among the cavalry below.

And through the command of the command flag, waves of black arrow rain are often just right, they will be quickly stimulated by them, and they will directly fly and fall like silk rain over Xie An.

At the same time, those soldiers who were originally besieged around Xie An, who were extremely cooperative and tacit, also threw their spears at Xie An in an instant, and threw them at Xie An's vital points all over him from various unimaginable angles. Location.

In the face of such an attack, Xie An, who was surrounded by the cavalry, relied on his incomparably superb lightness kung fu to forcefully escape the unbelievable body like a wisp of green smoke. Flying gun projectile.

However, just behind him, some elite warriors of Feiyun Hall who followed his body and charged too fast, even if they are all well-cultivated, they can be attacked by such intensive and repeated flying guns.

After just a wave of gunfire, the distance density between them suddenly became much thinner, and twenty or thirty people were killed on the spot.

But among these unlucky Feiyuntang warriors who were shot, those who were directly injured and died were fine.

The most pitiful ones are those who are severely disabled after being shot, and their intestines were pierced on the spot, but they can still struggle for a few cups of tea and even survive for a few hours.

On the battlefield, seeing the pain of these people, even Xie An, who had seen enough living and dead people in just a few months, couldn't help feeling a little frightened and frowning for a while.

"Raise your shield!"

"Follow me, keep going!"


"Dark clouds cover the sun!"

"The clouds are deeply locked!"

With the palm of his hand, he directly killed all the disabled people around him, and completely cut off their unbearable pain.

With countless cold killing intents on his face, Xie An, who saw a large number of his subordinates died in an instant, immediately attacked three palms around his body at the same time.

In an instant, on the chaotic battlefield, countless shadows of palms appeared overwhelmingly.

At the same time, streams of turbulent black air suddenly turned into dark clouds and shuttled among the cavalry.

In just a blink of an eye or two, dozens of hundreds of Zhu Yuanzhang's cavalry were strangled by these thick dark clouds and killed them on the spot.

As for the Feiyuntang warriors who followed closely behind Xie An, they took advantage of this opportunity to swing their knives wantonly, splashing blood on the entire battlefield in the direction of their long knives.

In this way, relying on Xie An's unparalleled palm strength, more than a third of the thousands of cavalry sent by Zhu Yuanzhang fell in front of the city gate in just a moment.

And [-]% to [-]% of them were all killed by Xie An alone.

The remaining six or seven hundred cavalrymen on the battlefield, one by one, couldn't help being frightened by Xie An's horrific killing for a while, and completely lost all fighting spirit.

After the killing on the battlefield was over, even though they were right in front of the city gate, they still watched helplessly as Xie An stepped forward step by step towards the gate of Yingtianfu.

During the whole process, the remaining cavalrymen didn't have the courage to face Xie An face to face, apart from subconsciously running away to the surroundings.

Looking at such and such a scene on the city wall.

For a moment, Zhu Yuanzhang, who had an extremely ugly face, couldn't help but suddenly became bleak again.

He fixed his eyes on Xie An, looking at his calm and calm appearance that had just experienced a tragic killing but was still bloodless.

Unconsciously, although Zhu Yuanzhang still forcibly kept calm on his face, the five fingers of his right hand had already tightly grasped the sharp long sword at his waist without knowing when.

At the same time, he couldn't help muttering to himself:
"Is it really wrong for me, Zhu Yuanzhang, to be against such a peerless person?"

However, while talking, suddenly, Zhu Yuanzhang's face suddenly became extremely ferocious. He looked at Xie An under the towering city wall and suddenly shouted angrily:
"Master Bu Jingyun of Feiyun Hall, up to this moment, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, do admit that you are extraordinary!"

"But even so, if I don't fight until the last moment, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, will never admit that I will definitely lose!"

"After all, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty was like me back then. He was weak and embarrassed in front of a hero with peerless force like Xiang Yu, but it was Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of the Han Dynasty, who finally won the throne of the world!"

"Next, I, Zhu Yuanzhang, have to try. You, Bu Jingyun, are all powerful, but what means are you going to use to resist my magical machine Thunderbolt Cannon!"

After finishing speaking, on the city wall, Zhu Yuanzhang, who looked furious and ferocious, directly shot a messenger rocket into the air with all his strength.

In an instant, on the city wall of Yingtianfu, eight bronze cannons that had been covered with heavy tarpaulins suddenly fired at the position of his messenger rocket.


The sound is like thunder, shocking the whole world!
In the last Jedi, Zhu Yuanzhang blatantly launched his last desperate blow to Xie An.

Under the city wall, Xie An raised his head and looked at Zhu Yuanzhang in such a state. Not only did his expression remain unchanged, but even the corners of his mouth curled up slightly in silence.


"Since you believe so much in the power of your firearms, then I will completely destroy your last confidence this time."

I was thinking like this in my heart.

Xie An, who was about to break through the gate of Yingtian Mansion with his palms from the air, not only completely gave up on breaking the gate before, but also silently stuck the Fire Lin Sword behind him into the ground next to him. Let yourself use it.

Soon, within just a breath, the eight bronze cannonballs that were nearly the size of bowls roared towards Xie An's position.

But even so, the expression on Xie An's face was still extremely calm.

He just opened his hands like this, and without fear, he casually greeted the eight bowl-sized bronze artillery shells that rumbled through the sky.

"Tear the sky and remove the clouds!"

In an instant, Xie An was the first to swing a palm in the air.

In an instant, countless clouds of air suddenly emerged from Xie An's palms, and then rushed upstream frantically.


A loud bang.

Eight bronze cannonballs crashed down from the sky, before they hit the ground, the three closest to Xie An's position were immediately sent flying far away by Xie An's terrifying palm.

As for the next five bronze shells, their luck was even worse.

Before they could really unleash the terrifying power of their own, Xie An immediately followed the seventh form of the cloud-dispelling palm "Tearing the sky and dispelling the clouds", and directly used the "sea of ​​clouds and waves" again .

Under the strength of this move, which is soft in the soft, hard in the soft, like the waves in the sea, the five bronze cannonballs, which were originally powerful enough to smash a thousand-jin boulder, were not even strong enough. Without even making a muffled sound, Xie An's mysterious palm completely wiped out all the force in it in an instant.

Xie An operated like this, not only completely stupefied the elite fighters of Feiyun Hall around him in an instant.

Even Zhu Yuanzhang and the others on the city wall couldn't help being stunned on the spot at the moment, and couldn't believe their eyes at all.

At this moment, under the city gate, eight bronze shells crashed to the ground.

Amidst a large cloud of dust and smoke, Xie Ana was wearing a black robe with the red robe stretched out behind his back, like a statue of a dementor, his whole body seemed to be filled with endless brilliance and deterrence.

Those officers and soldiers on the city wall of Yingtianfu, they were just glanced at by Xie An casually, and some of them with poor mental quality couldn't help but knelt down on the ground on the spot, without any intention of daring to fight in their hearts.

And not only them, even Zhu Yuanzhang, who has always been extremely determined.

At this moment, facing Bu Jingyun, the master of the Feiyun Hall with such superb martial arts under the gate of the city, his heart was completely pounded by countless waves like a sea swept by a storm.

"What kind of magic is this?"

"With martial arts cultivation to such an extent, can this still be regarded as a person?"

"Like a devil descending from the sky, like a Tai Sui god in the world!"

"With such exaggerated words, it is the first time in my life that I feel that there is really someone in the world who is worthy of such a description."

Having completely lost all energy, Zhu Yuanzhang looked at Xie An at the head of Yingtianfu City, and suddenly couldn't help feeling a little sour in his heart.

(End of this chapter)

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