Chapter 41 It Was Your Boy

"Who is there?"

Seeing the two of them rustling while dressing and poking their heads, Xu Damao felt very speechless.

But he didn't intend to be as self-confident as the two of them, so he continued to hide in the dark calmly.

Although Qin Cuihua called out his name just now, as long as he doesn't show up, there will be no embarrassment.

But obviously, Xu Damao had oversimplified the matter.

Seeing that Xu Damao didn't respond, Qin Cuihua simply called out to him.

Seeing that if she kept shouting like this, she would definitely become the headline in the village tomorrow, Xu Damao could only bite the bullet and respond.

The moment Xu Damao made his voice, he clearly felt that someone was walking in his direction.

But Xu Damao ignored him and walked towards Qin Cuihua quickly instead. He finally understood that if he didn't fool her away, things would definitely become more and more troublesome.

As soon as she found Xu Damao, Qin Cuihua excitedly said: "Brother Damao, look!"

Immediately, he took out three eggs and held them in front of him without any explanation.

Under the faint moonlight, Xu Damao found that the eggs were still covered with dirt.

"Did you bury this thing in the ground?"

"Aren't I worried about being discovered by others! Brother Da Mao, I have already given you my only treasure, so you can take me to the city!"

Hearing this, Xu Damao couldn't help complaining in his heart: How long has this egg been buried, and can it still be eaten?
But when I thought about Qin Cuihua's difficulty in hiding three eggs, she might not even be able to find the eggshells in the end.

Xu Damao couldn't bear it and said: "It's not impossible for me to take you to the city, but I have to give your family an explanation."

"The reason is that you think I'm good-looking! Here, good-looking women can do whatever they want!"

Seeing what Qin Cuihua said was so righteous, Xu Damao was choked and speechless for a moment.

He originally thought that if he had a suitable reason to take Qin Cuihua to the city, he could consider letting her meet Sha Zhu.

But now it seems that he is naive.

If he really brought Qin Cuihua back, the whole village would probably know that he was attracted to Qin Cuihua's beauty.

Thinking of this, Xu Damao shook his hand directly.

Three eggs fell directly to the ground.

Qin Cuihua couldn't be scared by this sudden scene.

But fortunately, before she remembered to scream loudly, Xu Damao successfully gagged her mouth with fifty cents.

"I'm sorry, I broke your eggs. I should pay you the money, shouldn't it be enough?"

Seeing that Qin Cuihua only nodded at woodpeckers, Xu Damao couldn't help reminding: "Don't you need to find a place to put the money?"

Hearing this, Qin Cuihua was shocked at first, and immediately ran home in a panic.

Seeing this, the tired Xu Damao couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief.

In fact, he didn't want to use such a roundabout method, but if he bought the three eggs directly with money, it would be a private transaction.

If found out, they will be criticized.

As for Qin Cuihua's ability to keep secrets, Xu Damao expressed considerable doubts.


He had heard of burying eggs as fertilizer. Although the three eggs were broken, he could take the soil away.

And because it just rained today, the soil is relatively moist, so Xu Damao will soon fill up 2 blind boxes.

But just when Xu Damao got up and wanted to wander around, there was a conversation between a man and a woman from behind.

Considering that the other party should already know his identity, Xu Damao thought that maybe he should also know the other party's identity.

So, when the two came out, they saw Xu Damao looking at the moonlight.

Seeing that there was an acquaintance among the visitors, Xu Damao couldn't help raising his eyebrows.

Seeing Xu Damao, the woman immediately let go of Qin Hailong's hand.

"Da Mao, why are you here?"

Seeing that Qin Hailong's voice was shy, but his eyes were fixed on him, Xu Damao calmly explained: "I came out to blow some air, but I got lost."

"Really? Then I'll take you back."

After finishing speaking, Qin Hailong patted the woman beside him, motioned her not to worry, and strode towards Xu Damao.


What Qin Hailong never expected was that Xu Damao didn't mention anything about what happened just now, as if he didn't see anything.

But Qin Hailong doesn't really think so, otherwise why didn't he mention Xiaofang from the beginning to the end?

Although Qin Hailong was thoughtful, he was still young after all, so he couldn't hold back in the end, and told the story of him and Xiaofang to the moonlight leisurely.

"Xiaofang is an educated youth who went to the countryside. She came to our village three years ago. She especially likes reading...

That day, I happened to see her being bullied by the gangsters in the village. Although I drove them away in the end, I was seriously injured because of it.

At that time, although she was not able to see a doctor, she would come to see me every day, talk with me, and teach me how to read.


Later, we finally got together.

But because of my low self-esteem, I felt that I was not good enough for her, so I wanted to tell her parents about it after I became promising.

She understands me very well, so we have not told others about our affairs.


But just a few days ago, the higher-ups wanted to transfer her to the city..."

However, even after Qin Hailong finished telling his story of innocence, Xu Damao still didn't respond.

Seeing this, Qin Hailong was also very difficult to deal with.

The reason why he said this was that he hoped that Xu Damao would understand that he and Xiaofang were in good standing, so don't gossip around.

But Xu Damao didn't say anything about it, which made him completely confused.

But just when Qin Hailong wanted to continue to confirm Xu Damao's attitude, he heard him ask quietly: "So, this is the reason why you want to look down on her outside?"

"She didn't want me to worry, she said no matter how long it took, she would wait for me!"

"Wait until you transfer to the city?"

"I... I will try my best!"

"Oh, come on. As for your affairs, I won't say much."

After finishing speaking, Xu Damao stopped talking, he was afraid that if he talked too much, he would irritate others.

But he didn't want to say that the young couples who were in love really wanted to be recognized.

"Da Mao, tell the truth, do you think I can't be recommended by the brigade?"

"You have to understand that whether this thing can be done is not up to you, but to others."

"But Captain Qin obviously thinks highly of me! He has already said that as long as I continue to work hard, he will recommend me to be the production team leader!"


Seeing that Qin Hailong was agitated, Xu Damao didn't say anything more.

So what if he became the production captain?

How many production teams are under one production brigade?
How can you guarantee that it will be his turn?


But if Qin Hailong really didn't know these things, he wouldn't be so excited now.

(End of this chapter)

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