Chapter 11
At noon, as soon as Xu Damao found a seat to sit down, Jia Dongxu walked over with a smile on his face.

"Xu Damao, I really didn't expect that you are actually quite loyal!"

Inexplicably, he was praised all the time, and the target was Jia Dongxu, who still disliked him yesterday. Xu Damao couldn't help asking: "What's wrong?"

"Xu Damao, I found that you are quite capable of pretending!

This morning, when I went to your house to get stick noodles, I happened to meet your daughter-in-law, so I told her about it.

And guess what? "

Hearing this, Xu Damao, who had completely forgotten the promise of "a stick of noodles" long ago, suddenly had an ominous premonition.

as predicted,

The next moment, Jia Dongxu said excitedly: "As a result, your wife gave me two big handfuls of stick noodles. I guess, at least it weighs 2 catties!"

After finishing speaking, Jia Dongxu didn't forget to take a look at Xu Damao's little expression.

Seeing that he didn't show any anger, Jia Dongxu was even more sure that Xu Damao must have gotten through with Lou Xiao'e in advance.

Anyway, Jia Dongxu felt that Xu Damao was much better than that silly Zhu at this time!
As for why, do I need to ask?
Silly Zhu only gave things to Qin Huairu, but Xu Damao gave them to him!

Isn't it clear at a glance which one will be a man and do things?

Seeing that Jia Dongxu no longer had the previous hostility towards him, Xu Damao couldn't help but think of his mission.

So, Xu Damao pretended to be casual and asked: "I said Dongxu. Actually, there is a question that I have never understood."

"If you want to ask, just ask, between us brothers, you don't want to lie to me!"

"Then let me ask. Logically speaking, with your income, you and Qin Huairu shouldn't live like this."

Xu Damao really didn't understand.

Now Jia Dongxu is a first-class fitter, and his monthly salary should be 27.

But now, Qin Huairu is pregnant, Sophora japonica is not yet born, and Jia Zhang's family is still living in their hometown, so it is reasonable to say that they will not be so short-lived.

Where did the money go?

Probably because Xu Damao asked this question too sensitively, Jia Dongxu, who had vowed to know everything just a moment ago, immediately fell silent.

Seeing Jia Dongxu's stinky face, Xu Damao simply changed the subject and asked, "I think Qin Huairu's complexion is not very good recently."

"Hmph, she still doesn't look good? I found out that she was secretly hiding meat last night!"

Seeing that Jia Dongxu's face became even more stinky, Xu Damao immediately understood that it should be Shazhu who gave Qin Huairu the things he brought from the cafeteria, and then was discovered.

Of course, even if he understood, Xu Damao could only pretend not to understand, and continued to ask: "She has a big belly now, and she really needs to eat something good."

"What's good to eat? My mother said that when she gave birth to me, she couldn't eat a single meal a day!"

"But she is your daughter-in-law, are you really willing to let her not have a meal for a few days?"

"My mother said that you must not be too nice to your wife, or she will give you a roof tile!"

Of course, there is another sentence that Jia Dongxu didn't say.

That is, Qin Huairu is too beautiful, so if you don't take care of her, what's the matter?

And this is one of the important reasons why Jia Dongxu agreed to let Jia Zhang manage the money.

However, even if Jia Dongxu didn't say anything, Xu Damao could still make a good guess.

Moreover, through Jia Dongxu's words, Xu Damao roughly understood the relationship between the three of them.

It was nothing more than Qin Huairu being wronged by Jia Dongxu, and then looking for comfort at Shazhu, and then discovered by Jia Dongxu who wanted to save face.

The result is a vicious cycle.

Thinking of this, Xu Damao couldn't help calling the system in a low voice.

"System, I've figured out the relationship between the three of them. I think the relationship is pretty good and doesn't need to be optimized, so this task can be completed."

Xu Damao said, don't look at him as if he didn't do anything, but the problem is that he really doesn't need to do anything.

【Ding!Have you counterattacked? 】

Hearing this, Xu Damao was taken aback for a moment, and then suddenly realized.

So, the hard target for optimizing the plot is to allow Xu Damao to counterattack in some form?

So here comes the question, he is not among him, her, and him, so what does his counterattack have to do with these three people?
But soon, Xu Damao figured it out again, he could make contact without contact.

Judging from the current situation, Shazhu is the protagonist and Xu Damao's deadly enemy, so let's pass directly.

As for Qin Huairu, Xu Mao, who had seen the latter part of the plot, really had no interest in her.

Then the only thing left to choose is Jia Dongxu, who looks like a stubborn and tough guy on the surface, but is actually an older child who is happy with a candy.

After thinking for a while, Xu Damao decided on the direction of the counterattack——

He wants to repair the relationship between Jia Dongxu and Qin Huairu, and exclude Sha Zhu.

In this way, as Jia Dongxu's brother, he at least completed a counterattack in terms of brotherhood, and even crushed Sha Zhu!

The more Xu Damao thought about it, he couldn't help but said: "Dongxu, I actually envy you brother.

As for your daughter-in-law, she has a big belly, but she can still take care of one, and she can take care of all the family affairs when it's over, how capable! "

"But my mother said that when she was young..."

"Don't always tell your mother, everyone is rushing forward, why do you keep thinking about the past? You are definitely thinking about it."

"But my mother..."

"Return to your mother, do you live with your mother, or with Qin Huairu?"

"It's Qin Huairu who lives with me. My mother said that she is my daughter-in-law, and it's only natural for her to take care of me!"


Seeing that whenever he talked about his ideas, Jia Dongxu just said "my mother said", Xu Damao really couldn't fix it.

But to be honest, he can still understand Jia Dongxu's psychology to some extent.

This "my mother said" said things that suit him, and he naturally liked to listen to them, and he was more willing to believe them.

But fortunately, Xu Damao quickly thought of a breakthrough.

Since Jia Dongxu thinks his mother is so good, he will bind Qin Huairu and Jia Zhang together.

After all, which mother didn't come from a daughter-in-law?

"Listen to Dongxu, your mother was really capable back then."

"No, if it wasn't for my mother, I wouldn't be where I am today!"

Seeing that praising Jia Zhang's family made Jia Dongxu happier than praising Qin Huairu, Xu Damao was slightly taken aback,
Then he continued to ask: "Then do you want Qin Huairu to be as capable as your mother?"


"It's actually very simple. You can treat her as you want to treat your mother."

"How does this work?"

"Why can't it work? Is she your wife? If you don't take good care of her, who do you want to take care of her?"

"But I'm obviously taking care of her!"

"The way you manage is wrong. It is said that if you grow melons, you will reap beans. If you want your daughter-in-law to become like your mother, you must treat her like your mother."


In this way, during the whole meal, Xu Damao and Jia Dongxu kept circling around the topic of "mother and daughter-in-law".

As a result, Jia Dongxu was dizzy and Xu Damao rolled his tongue.

(End of this chapter)

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