Chapter 9 Kill!

Liu Ba is at war between heaven and man at this moment!
Although his posture was extremely low just now, he didn't just want to let go of his prey.

He felt that even if the old Taoist in front of him belonged to Wudang, if he killed him today, no one would know that they did it.As for these two children, if they are drugged to make them dumb, it will be fine if they sell it to someone else.

Finally, Liu Ba couldn't bear to wave his hand.

Seeing Liu Ba's gesture, everyone rushed up.

"Kill the old man, don't hurt those two children. Especially the boy!" Liu Bada shouted.

Zhang Yange felt that this kind of preferential treatment was unnecessary.

The man who explored the road before was the fastest. He was a tenant and the landlord married the eighth concubine.

He took advantage of the night to kill the whole family of the landlord and take the concubine by force.

Later, the Tartars robbed the women and property he had robbed, and he became a bandit.

His name is Song He!

When he was a tenant, his name was Song Liu.

After hearing the story of Song Jiang in Liangshan, he named himself Song He, thinking that one day they would also occupy one side and make a name for themselves.

Song He went straight to Zhang Sanfeng.

I have seen someone courting death, but I have never seen someone courting death like this.

Xiao Zhang is very fast, and the short knife is his minion at this moment.When he got to the side of Song He, Song He still planned to keep him and sell him for money, so he ignored him.

The dagger in Zhang Yan's singer lightly wiped his neck.

Blood spurted out directly.

Song He covered his neck with his hands, but the blood was like a flood that burst a bank and couldn't be stopped at all.

He looked at Zhang Yange unwillingly, but Zhang Yange never looked at him again.After all a dead man doesn't deserve attention.

Old Zhang looked at Zhang Yange, he was worried that the young man would not adapt to the murder.But his worries were a little superfluous.

At this moment, Zhang Yange's Five Tigers' Door Severing Knife really looks like the Five Tigers!
What are the five tigers? One tiger is at the foot of the southern mountain, two tigers subdue the dragon, three tigers flock sheep, four tigers fight against the golden wind, and five tigers stab at the door. These are called five tigers.

"Brother! This kid is too strong!" A one-eyed man shouted.

He is the best person except Liu Ba.

Zhang Yange had already killed three of them.

He finally met a strong enemy!
The one-eyed man used a plain knife.

He had great self-sufficiency, but after three moves with Zhang Yange, he unexpectedly found that the boy's strength was no worse than his own.

It even feels a little better!
Zhang Yange glanced at the dagger in his hand, there were more and more gaps in it.

Liu Ba only has regrets in his heart!

"Don't panic, let's take them down together! We have already become enemies with Wudang, so don't let them get away!" Liu Bada shouted.

After Liu Ba finished speaking, he got on his horse, hit the horse and fled.

How could Lao Zhang let him go.

The Wudang ladder is vertical!
Lao Zhang was in front of Liu Ba in an instant, and flicked the sleeves of his Taoist robe.

Liu Ba and Ma Er fell directly.

This time Lao Zhang didn't kill the horse, and Liu Ba's leg was broken by the horse.

But he ignored the pain, and said incredulously, "You, are you Zhang Zhenren?"

"It's an old way!" After Zhang Sanfeng finished speaking, he ignored him.

He was worried about Zhang Yange's safety, so he focused on it.

The dagger is broken!

Zhang Yange leaped back, dodging the one-eyed Pu Dao.

"Boy, you are dead!"

"My knife was broken by you, you have to pay for it!"

"I hacked you to death, so I don't have to pay!" One-eyed said angrily.

Zhang Sanfeng was ready to make a move.

Tonight's battle, Zhang Yange can be called excellent.

But Zhang Yange was still not satisfied.

His knife was broken, so he naturally wanted to find Cyclops to settle the score.

Zhang Yange got close and had one eye, and Pu Dao couldn't use it immediately.But Cyclops felt that he could still be defeated by a teenager.

The next moment he realized that it was really possible!
If the tiger cub loses its claws, it may run away.

But Zhang Yange didn't have the dagger, he still had fists.

Why can't knife skills be regarded as boxing skills!
Besides, Zhang Sanfeng used punches as swords at that time!
The boy raised his elbow and hit the handle of Pu Dao, and the one-eyed Pu Dao almost fell to the ground.

The next moment the boy used his elbow as a knife!

This trick was originally called Tiger Vs Flood Dragon!
It is the most lethal move among the five tigers' door-breaking knives. After being adjusted by Zhang Sanfeng, there is a touch of softness in the toughness.

Zhang Yange wanted to use this move to decide the winner, the strength of the dragon and the elephant were all on his elbows, and the most valuable thing was that he still had soft strength.

"Wonderful!" Lao Zhang said with satisfaction.

My apprentice is really good!
The tip of the elbow rests on the heart of One-Eyed.

With a click, One Eye vomited blood and flew out.

After landing, he spit out a big mouthful of blood and died.

Zhang Yange sat on the ground helplessly, "I'll leave the rest to you."

Lao Zhang easily dealt with the remaining thieves.

Without Lao Zhang's reminder, Zhang Yange adjusted his breathing.

Immediately, his whole body became hot, and his limbs felt comfortable.

He raised the simple knife and walked towards the people who were still alive.

"Young hero, have mercy!" Everyone kneeled and kowtowed.

Lao Zhang didn't kill them just now. To be honest, if these guys were Tartars, they would all be dead at this time.

"This knife is not easy at all." Zhang Yange said and killed all the people who were still alive.

Finally, he walked up to Liu Ba.

When Xiao Zhang killed someone, Lao Zhang did not stop him.

"Master Zhang, please spare the villain's life. Aren't I forced by this world!" Liu Ba cried bitterly.

His horse was up and standing beside him now.But Liu Ba's left leg was broken, and he couldn't move at all.

"I think that when you killed others, they begged you the same way." Zhang Yange's beautiful eyes were filled with a sneer.

"We didn't want to kill you, we wanted to sell you to someone else, just to be a child prostitute!" Liu Ba felt that this explanation should save his life.

"I&%$%#!" Zhang Yange's defense was broken for the first time in front of Lao Zhang.

In the end he still killed Liu Ba!
"Oh, I forgot to let them dig the hole themselves." Zhang Yange said while digging the hole.

Zhang Sanfeng sat on the side drinking hot tea, "Why don't you leave a way out for those people, of course Liu Ba really deserves to die! But wouldn't it be better to just punish the culprit?"

Zhang Yange just took a breath, Zhou Zhiruo immediately handed back the towel.

Zhang Yange wiped off his sweat and said, "If those guys are released by us, do you think they will reform themselves?

We can't always think that just for our own compassion, we should harm others.These guys have seen blood, they haven't eaten enough for a day, and maybe they will remember the lesson of tonight.

But if they can't eat enough for ten days, they will pick up the knife again.

Who do you think is responsible for the murder they committed at that time! "

After Zhang Yange finished speaking, he went to dig a hole. Zhang Sanfeng said with a smile, "That's a very kind word!"

At this time, Lao Hu and Pang Yue had already evacuated Xiangyang City.

"Old Hu, you are a real guy! Why didn't you absorb my little ancestor into our Ming Cult." Pang Yue always said this along the way.

"Stop covering your face naked, you deserve such an ancestor?" Old Hu scolded contemptuously.

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(End of this chapter)

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