Journey to the Heavens from Wudang

Chapter 70 Master and Disciple Encounter

Chapter 70 Master and Disciple Encounter
"I said grandma would live a long life." Xiaoman smiled and took grandma's hand.

Everyone laughed falsely.

The old lady was also smiling happily...

When the old lady fell asleep, Zhang Wuji called out in a low voice, "Little Martial Uncle..."

There are three rooms in Xiaoman's house, one for the old woman, Xiaoman and Yang Buhui to sleep together, Zhang Yange and Zhang Wuji huddled in the one where the debris is piled up.

Zhang Yange was going to sleep on the roof later.

"What are you doing!"

"That old lady..."

"We all know." Zhang Yange said angrily.

"Ah?" Zhang Wuji asked puzzled. "How do you know?"

"Wuji, next time you lie to someone, don't put on a sour face." Zhang Yange felt that this child really didn't look like his mother at all. "The old lady should have noticed it. He just didn't have the nerve to expose you."

"Ah!" Zhang Wuji sat up straight away.

Zhang Yange said suddenly, "Lie down!"

After he finished speaking, he rushed out like a swimming dragon.

I saw a tall figure standing outside the house, holding a large plaque in his hand.

"Master!" Zhang Yange saw Lao Zhang standing not far away.

He, who was about to run over, stopped.

"You boy, eat well and drink well! Do you know how much you worry about being a teacher!" Lao Zhang was sure that this kid was still alive, and the joy of finding it again was indescribable.

Seeing old Zhang Ping An standing in front of him, Zhang Yange was relieved.Although his master is number one in the world, he is somewhat worried in his heart due to his busy journey.

Zhang Wuji, who was in the house, thought it was someone seeking revenge.Seeing that it was Zhang Sanfeng, he hurried out to salute.


"Get up, Wuji, it's getting cold, you have to pay attention to the cold poison in your body." Old Zhang said with a smile.

"Master, you don't know how much this disciple worried about you along the way." Zhang Yange hurriedly expressed his opinion. "I can't eat well, I can't sleep well!"

Zhang Wuji cast a sideways glance at his junior uncle.

Along the way, the little uncle took them to eat a lot of delicacies. A few days ago, when he ate the mutton grilled by the barbarians, the little uncle was delighted by the aroma.

I don't know if I need to tell Grand Master about this kind of thing...

"Really?" Old Zhang asked with a half-smile.

"Of course." Xiao Zhang saw that he should be safe, so he planned to go forward.

When Lao Zhang saw him coming, he raised his hand and gave him a shudder!
Zhang Yange didn't feel the pain, but he pretended to show his teeth.

"No. [-] in the world, it really lives up to its reputation."

"Stop acting for me, you hozen." Lao Zhang sat down on a big rock and laughed.

Zhang Yange could see Lao Zhang's exhaustion. This journey first went to Shaolin, and then to Kunlun.In fact, these are nothing to Lao Zhang.

What really pained him was the news of Zhang Yange's death.

Seeing Zhang Yange alive and kicking right now, he was completely relieved.

Xiao Zhang stepped forward to rub Lao Zhang's shoulders and thumped his back.

Lao Zhang enjoyed it with a smile.

"Master, I'm sorry. I made everyone worry." Zhang Yange said apologetically.

At this moment, he really wants to go to Shaolin and slap that bastard Cheng Kun on the head!

While massaging, Zhang Yange told the truth about his situation in Banshan Town.

After listening to it, Lao Zhang said bitterly, "I was actually deceived by that Yuanzhen!"

Zhang Yange said with a smile, "Master, that round real dog's head, I'll get it when the time comes."

"No more..." Lao Zhang still had some lingering fears in his heart. He wanted to tell Zhang Yange that he could no longer be so disregarding his own safety, but then he thought about it, who in this world would dare to say that he would be safe.

Besides, Zhang Yange's performance was irreproachable this time in the robbery of Banshan Town.It can only be said that Cheng Kun, this bastard, has calculated too well.

"Master, please tell us about going to Shaolin." Zhang Yange said with a smile.

"There is nothing to talk about." Lao Zhang seemed to think that this was a normal thing.

Zhang Wuji's body was too weak, so Lao Zhang told him to go to sleep.

But the child couldn't sleep tonight. He first heard about Zhang Yange's affairs in Banshan Town. Zhang Yange didn't tell them in detail before.

In the end, Lao Zhang still talked about Shaolin Arhat Formation and Sandu's Vajra Subduing Demon Circle.The child's eyes lit up when he listened, but he immediately dimmed.

After Lao Zhang practiced a little, he was full of energy.

In fact, it was mainly because of his heartfelt joy to see that Zhang Yange was fine.

"You are all so energetic, let's go treasure hunting." Zhang Yange suggested with a smile.

Lao Zhang doted on this apprentice to the bone, and he didn't object to such a boring proposal.

As soon as Zhang Yange mentioned Zhang Wuji, he flew directly to Hongmei Villa.

Old Zhang was firmly behind, he was surprised to find out.

This kid's lightness kung fu has broken away from Wudang Ti Yunzong, and has become a lightness kung fu of Zhang Yange's own style.

Lao Zhang, who followed behind, nodded in satisfaction.

At Hongmei Villa, Zhang Yange put Zhang Wuji down, and said to him, "For example, there are two big villains who want to arrest you now..."


"One! Only me!" Zhang Yange quickly changed his words. "If I ask you about Xie Xun's whereabouts, where will you go?"

"Little uncle, didn't you come to explore the treasure?" Zhang Wuji asked in a low voice.

"Yes." Zhang Yange said. "Stop talking nonsense and run according to your own heart!"

Zhang Wuji trusted Xiao Zhang from the bottom of his heart. He closed his eyes and fantasized for a while, then turned and ran in one direction.

This kid also had fun tonight and ran extremely fast.

Old Zhang naturally knew that Zhang Yange wouldn't play tricks on Zhang Wuji at night.

The two of them followed behind Zhang Wuji, and Zhang Yange explained, "Last time I heard Zhu Changling mention that when his family's ancestors came to settle here, I heard that there was a master surnamed Yin who lived here.

But when his ancestor came, that person was already dead.

So I suspect that the Nine Suns Scripture is nearby. Last time I searched around but had no clue.Wuji suffers from cold and poison, I always feel that the Nine Suns Scripture is his chance, and I have a feeling that the Nine Suns seem to be waiting for him.So let him try it out for himself! "

Zhang Yange said half-truthfully, "Master, have you ever felt this way?"

Lao Zhang froze for a moment, nodded but did not answer.

He did once, the first time he saw Zhang Yange.At that time, he felt in his heart that he had a fate with this child, a very deep fate.

"Ouch!" Zhang Wuji slipped and fell on a slope.

There has been a heavy snowfall a few days ago, and the mountain road is really slippery.Old Zhang and Xiao Zhang went directly to Zhang Wuji, and Xiao Zhang helped him up.

Ahead is a cliff!
Zhang Yange shook his head with a smile, some things really couldn't be explained.

I have been here before, and it was already late when I checked.He felt that Zhang Wuji couldn't run here according to his physical strength, so he left without careful inspection.

"Master, I want to go down and take a look." Zhang Yange said.

Lao Zhang looked at it and said, "Be careful."

After Zhang Yange nodded, he jumped down directly.

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  I live in Shandong, it's already very cold today... I feel like I'm in winter

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(End of this chapter)

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